878 resultados para 32F25 (Primary), 53C42 (Secondary)
In this paper the influence of a secondary variable as a function of the correlation with the primary variable for collocated cokriging is examined. For this study five exhaustive data sets were generated in computer, from which samples with 60 and 104 data points were drawn using the stratified random sampling method. These exhaustive data sets were generated departing from a pair of primary and secondary variables showing a good correlation. Then successive sets were generated by adding an amount of white noise in such a way that the correlation gets poorer. Using these samples, it was possible to find out how primary and secondary information is used to estimate an unsampled location according to the correlation level.
BACKGROUND: The inhibition of angiogenesis is a promising strategy for the treatment of malignant primary and secondary tumors in addition to established therapies such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. There is strong experimental evidence in primary tumors that Cyclooxygenase-2 (Cox-2) inhibition is a potent mechanism to reduce angiogenesis. For bone metastases which occur in up to 85% of the most frequent malignant primary tumors, the effects of Cox-2 inhibition on angiogenesis and tumor growth remain still unclear. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of Celecoxib, a selective Cox-2 inhibitor, on angiogenesis, microcirculation and growth of secondary bone tumors. METHODS: In 10 male severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice, pieces of A549 lung carcinomas were implanted into a newly developed cranial window preparation where the calvaria serves as the site for orthotopic implantation of the tumors. From day 8 after tumor implantation, five animals (Celecoxib) were treated daily with Celecoxib (30 mg/kg body weight, s.c.), and five animals (Control) with the equivalent amount of the CMC-based vehicle. Angiogenesis, microcirculation, and growth of A549 tumors were analyzed by means of intravital microscopy. Apoptosis was quantified using the TUNEL assay. RESULTS: Treatment with Celecoxib reduced both microvessel density and tumor growth. TUNEL reaction showed an increase in apoptotic cell death of tumor cells after treatment with Celecoxib as compared to Controls. CONCLUSION: Celecoxib is a potent inhibitor of tumor growth of secondary bone tumors in vivo which can be explained by its anti-angiogenic and pro-apoptotic effects. The results indicate that a combination of established therapy regimes with Cox-2 inhibition represents a possible application for the treatment of bone metastases.
PURPOSE To assess the need for clinically-driven secondary revascularization in critical limb ischemia (CLI) patients subsequent to tibial angioplasty during a 2-year follow-up. METHODS Between 2008 and 2010, a total of 128 consecutive CLI patients (80 men; mean age 76.5±9.8 years) underwent tibial angioplasty in 139 limbs. Rutherford categories, ankle-brachial index measurements, and lower limb oscillometries were prospectively assessed. All patients were followed at 3, 6, 12 months, and annually thereafter. Rates of death, primary and secondary sustained clinical improvement, target lesion (TLR) and target extremity revascularization (TER), as well as major amputation, were analyzed retrospectively. Primary clinical improvement was defined as improvement in Rutherford category to a level of intermittent claudication without unplanned amputation or TLR. RESULTS All-cause mortality was 8.6%, 14.8%, 22.9%, and 29.1% at 3, 6, 12, and 24 months. At the same intervals, rates of primary sustained clinical improvement were 74.5%, 53.0%, 42.7%, and 37.1%; for secondary improvement, the rates were 89.1%, 76.0%, 68.4%, and 65.0%. Clinically-driven TLR rates were 14.6%, 29.1%, 41.6%, 46.2%; the rates for TER were 3.0%, 13.6%, 17.2%, and 27.6% in corresponding intervals, while the rates of major amputation were 1.5%, 5.5%, 10.1%, and 10.1%. CONCLUSION Clinically-driven TLR is frequently required to maintain favorable functional clinical outcomes in CLI patients following tibial angioplasty. Dedicated technologies addressing tibial arterial restenosis warrant further academic scrutiny.
Plant invertases are sucrolytic enzymes that are essential for the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism and source–sink relationships. While their activity has been well documented during abiotic and biotic stresses, the role of proteinaceous invertase inhibitors in regulating these changes is unknown. Here, we identify a putative Nicotiana attenuata cell wall invertase inhibitor (NaCWII) which is strongly up-regulated in a jasmonate (JA)-dependent manner following simulated attack by the specialist herbivore Manduca sexta. To understand the role of NaCWII in planta, we silenced its expression by RNA interference and measured changes in primary and secondary metabolism and plant growth following simulated herbivory. NaCWII-silenced plants displayed a stronger depletion of carbohydrates and a reduced capacity to increase secondary metabolite pools relative to their empty vector control counterparts. This coincided with the attenuation of herbivore-induced CWI inhibition and growth suppression characteristic of wild-type plants. Together our findings suggest that NaCWII may act as a regulatory switch located downstream of JA accumulation which fine-tunes the plant's balance between growth and defense metabolism under herbivore attack. Although carbohydrates are not typically viewed as key factors in plant growth and defense, our study shows that interfering with their catabolism strongly influences plant responses to herbivory.
Primary ciliary dyskinesia is a rare heterogeneous recessive genetic disorder of motile cilia, leading to chronic upper and lower respiratory symptoms. Prevalence is estimated at around 1:10,000, but many patients remain undiagnosed, while others receive the label incorrectly. Proper diagnosis is complicated by the fact that the key symptoms such as wet cough, chronic rhinitis and recurrent upper and lower respiratory infection, are common and nonspecific. There is no single gold standard test to diagnose PCD. Presently, the diagnosis is made by augmenting the medical history and physical examination with in patients with a compatible medical history following a demanding combination of tests including nasal nitric oxide, high- speed video microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, genetics, and ciliary culture. These tests are costly and need sophisticated equipment and experienced staff, restricting use to highly specialised centers. Therefore, it would be desirable to have a screening test for identifying those patients who should undergo detailed diagnostic testing. Three recent studies focused on potential screening tools: one paper assessed the validity of nasal nitric oxide for screening, and two studies developed new symptom-based screening tools. These simple tools are welcome, and hopefully remind physicians whom to refer for definitive testing. However, they have been developed in tertiary care settings, where 10 to 50% of tested patients have PCD. Sensitivity and specificity of the tools are reasonable, but positive and negative predictive values may be poor in primary or secondary care settings. While these studies take an important step forward towards an earlier diagnosis of PCD, more remains to be done before we have tools tailored to different health care settings.
An upper Aptian to middle Albian series of volcaniclastic rocks more than 300 m thick was drilled at Site 585 in the East Mariana Basin. On the basis of textural and compositional (bulk-rock chemistry, primary and secondary mineral phases) evidence, the volcaniclastic unit is subdivided into a lower (below 830 m sub-bottom) and an upper (about 670-760 m) sequence; the boundary in the interval between is uncertain owing to lack of samples. The rocks are dominantly former vitric basaltic tuffs and minor lapillistones with lesser amounts of crystals and basaltic lithic clasts. They are mixed with shallow-water carbonate debris (ooids, skeletal debris), and were transported by mass flows to their site of deposition. The lower sequence is mostly plagioclase- and olivine-phyric with lesser amounts of Ti-poor clinopyroxene. Mineralogical and bulk-rock chemical data indicate a tholeiitic composition slightly more enriched than N-MORB (normal mid-ocean ridge basalt). Transport was by debris flows from shallow-water sites, as indicated by admixed ooids. Volcanogenic particles are chiefly moderately vesicular to nonvesicular blocky shards (former sideromelane) and less angular tachylite with quench plagioclase and pyroxene, indicating generation of volcanic clasts predominantly by spalling and breakage of submarine pillow and/or sheet-flow lavas. The upper sequence is mainly clinopyroxene- and olivine-phyric with minor plagioclase. The more Ti-rich clinopyroxene and the bulk-rock analyses show that the moderately alkali basaltic composition throughout is more mafic than the basal tholeiitic sequence. Transport was by turbidity currents. Rounded epiclasts of crystalline basalts are more common than in the lower sequence, and, together with the occurrence of oxidized olivine pseudomorphs and vesicular tachylite, are taken as evidence of derivation from eroded subaerially exposed volcanics. Former sideromelane shards are more vesicular than in the lower sequence; vesicularity exceeds 60 vol.% in some clasts. The dominant clastic process is interpreted to be by shallow-water explosive eruptions. All rocks have undergone low-temperature alteration; the dominant secondary phases are "palagonite," chlorite/smectite mixed minerals, analcite, and chabazite. Smectite, chlorite, and natrolite occur in minor amounts. Phillipsite is recognized as an early alteration product, now replaced by other zeolites. During alteration, the rocks have lost up to 50% of their Ca, compared with a fresh shard and fresh glass inclusions in primary minerals, but have gained much less K, Rb, and Ba than expected, indicating rapid deposition prior to significant seafloor weathering.
Most analyses of Brownian flocculation apply to conditions where London–van der Waals attractive forces cause particles to be strongly bound in a deep interparticle potential well. In this paper, results are reported that show the interaction between primary- and secondary-minimum flocculation when the interparticle potential curve reflects both attractive and electrostatic repulsive forces. The process is highly time-dependent because of transfer of particles from secondary- to primary-minimum flocculation. Essential features of the analysis are corroborated by experiments with 0.80-μm polystyrene spheres suspended in aqueous solutions of NaCl over a range of ionic strengths. In all cases, experiments were restricted to the initial stage of coagulation, where singlets and doublets predominate.
Anatomical, physiological, and lesion data implicate multiple cortical regions in the complex experience of pain. These regions include primary and secondary somatosensory cortices, anterior cingulate cortex, insular cortex, and regions of the frontal cortex. Nevertheless, the role of different cortical areas in pain processing is controversial, particularly that of primary somatosensory cortex (S1). Human brain-imaging studies do not consistently reveal pain-related activation of S1, and older studies of cortical lesions and cortical stimulation in humans did not uncover a clear role of S1 in the pain experience. Whereas studies from a number of laboratories show that S1 is activated during the presentation of noxious stimuli as well as in association with some pathological pain states, others do not report such activation. Several factors may contribute to the different results among studies. First, we have evidence demonstrating that S1 activation is highly modulated by cognitive factors that alter pain perception, including attention and previous experience. Second, the precise somatotopic organization of S1 may lead to small focal activations, which are degraded by sulcal anatomical variability when averaging data across subjects. Third, the probable mixed excitatory and inhibitory effects of nociceptive input to S1 could be disparately represented in different experimental paradigms. Finally, statistical considerations are important in interpreting negative findings in S1. We conclude that, when these factors are taken into account, the bulk of the evidence now strongly supports a prominent and highly modulated role for S1 cortex in the sensory aspects of pain, including localization and discrimination of pain intensity.
Il tatto assume un'importanza fondamentale nella vita quotidiana, in quanto ci permette di discriminare le caratteristiche fisiche di un oggetto specifico, di identificarlo e di eventualmente integrare le suddette informazioni tattili con informazioni provenienti da altri canali sensoriali. Questa è la componente sensoriale-discriminativa del tatto. Tuttavia quotidianamente il tatto assume un ruolo fondamentale durante le diverse interazioni sociali, positive, come quando abbracciamo o accarezziamo una persona con cui abbiamo un rapporto affettivo e negative, per esempio quando allontaniamo una persona estranea dal nostro spazio peri-personale. Questa componente è la cosiddetta dimensione affettiva-motivazionale, la quale determina la codifica della valenza emotiva che l'interazione assume. Questa componente ci permette di creare, mantenere o distruggere i legami sociali in relazione al significato che il tocco assume durante l'interazione. Se per esempio riceviamo una carezza da un familiare, questa verrà percepita come piacevole e assumerà un significato affiliativo. Questo tipo di tocco è comunente definito come Tocco Sociale (Social Touch). Gli aspetti discriminativi del tatto sono stati ben caratterizzati, in quanto storicamente, il ruolo del tatto è stato considerato quello di discriminare le caratteristiche di ciò che viene toccato, mentre gli aspetti affettivi sono stati solo recentemente indagati considerando la loro importanza nelle interazioni sociali. Il tocco statico responsabile dell'aspetto discriminante attiva a livello della pelle le grandi fibre mieliniche (Aβ), modulando a livello del sistema nervoso centrale le cortecce sensoriali, sia primarie che secondarie. Questo permette la codifica a livello del sistema nervoso centrale delle caratteristiche fisiche oggettive degli oggetti toccati. Studi riguardanti le caratteristiche del tocco affiliativo sociale hanno messo in evidenza che suddetta stimolazione tattile 1) è un particolare tocco dinamico che avviene sul lato peloso delle pelle con una velocità di 1-10 cm/sec; 2) attiva le fibre amieliniche (fibre CT o C-LTMRs); 3) induce positivi effetti autonomici, ad esempio la diminuzione della frequenza cardiaca e l'aumento della variabilità della frequenza cardiaca; e 4) determina la modulazione di regioni cerebrali coinvolte nella codifica del significato affiliativo dello stimolo sensoriale periferico, in particolare la corteccia insulare. Il senso del tatto, con le sue due dimensioni discriminativa e affiliativa, è quotidianamente usato non solo negli esseri umani, ma anche tra i primati non umani. Infatti, tutti i primati non umani utilizzano la componente discriminativa del tatto per identificare gli oggetti e il cibo e l'aspetto emotivo durante le interazioni sociali, sia negative come durante un combattimento, che positive, come durante i comportamenti affiliativi tra cui il grooming. I meccanismi di codifica della componente discriminativa dei primati non umani sono simili a quelli umani. Tuttavia, si conosce ben poco dei meccanismi alla base della codifica del tocco piacevole affiliativo. Pur essendo ben noto che i meccanorecettori amilienici C-LTMRs sono presenti anche sul lato peloso della pelle dei primati non umani, attualmente non ci sono studi riguardanti la correlazione tra il tocco piacevole e la loro modulazione, come invece è stato ampiamente dimostrato nell'uomo. Recentemente è stato ipotizzato (Dunbar, 2010) il ruolo delle fibre C-LTMRs durante il grooming, in particolare durante il cosiddetto swepping. Il grooming è costituito da due azioni motorie, lo sweeping e il picking che vengono eseguite in modo ritmico. Durante lo sweeping la scimmia agente muove il pelo della scimmia ricevente con un movimento a mano aperta, per poter vedere il preciso punto della pelle dove eseguire il picking, ovvero dove prendere la pelle a livello della radice del pelo con le unghie dell'indice e del pollice e tirare per rimuovere parassiti o uova di parassiti e ciò che è rimasto incastrato nel pelo. Oltre il noto ruolo igenico, il grooming sembra avere anche una importante funzione sociale affiliativa. Come la carezza nella società umana, cosi il grooming tra i primati non umani è considerato un comportamento. Secondo l'ipotesi di Dunbar l'attivazione delle C-LTMRs avverrebbe durante lo sweeping e questo porta a supporre che lo sweeping, come la carezza umana, costituisca una componente affiliativa del grooming, determinando quindi a contribuire alla sua codifica come comportamento sociale. Fino ad ora non vi è però alcuna prova diretta a sostegno di questa ipotesi. In particolare, 1) la velocità cui viene eseguito lo sweeping è compatibile con la velocità di attivazione delle fibre CT nell'uomo e quindi con la velocità tipica della carezza piacevole di carattere sociale affiliativo (1-10 cm/sec)?; 2) lo sweeping induce la stessa modulazione del sistema nervoso autonomo in direzione della modulazione del sistema vagale, come il tocco piacevole nell'uomo, attraverso l'attivazione delle fibre CT?; 3) lo sweeping modula la corteccia insulare, cosi come il tocco piacevole viene codificato come affiliativo nell'uomo mediante le proiezioni delle fibre CT a livello dell'insula posteriore? Lo scopo del presente lavoro è quella di testare l'ipotesi di Dunbar sopra citata, cercando quindi di rispondere alle suddette domande. Le risposte potrebbero consentire di ipotizzare la somiglianza tra lo sweeping, caratteristico del comportamento affiliativo di grooming tra i primati non umani e la carezza. In particolare, abbiamo eseguito 4 studi pilota. Nello Studio 1 abbiamo valutato la velocità con cui viene eseguito lo sweeping tra scimmie Rhesus, mediante una analisi cinematica di video registrati tra un gruppo di scimmie Rhesus. Negli Studi 2 e 3 abbiamo valutato gli effetti sul sistema nervoso autonomo dello sweeping eseguito dallo sperimentatore su una scimmia Rhesus di sesso maschile in una tipica situazione sperimentale. La stimolazione tattile è stata eseguita a diverse velocità, in accordo con i risultati dello Studio 1 e degli studi umani che hanno dimostrato la velocità ottimale e non ottimale per l'attivazione delle C-LTMRs. In particolare, nello Studio 2 abbiamo misurato la frequenza cardiaca e la variabilità di questa, come indice della modulatione vagale, mentre nello Studio 3 abbiamo valutato gli effetti dello sweeping sul sistema nervoso autonomo in termini di variazioni di temperatura del corpo, nello specifico a livello del muso della scimmia. Infine, nello Studio 4 abbiamo studiato il ruolo della corteccia somatosensoriale secondaria e insulare nella codifica dello sweeping. A questo scopo abbiamo eseguito registrazioni di singoli neuroni mentre la medesima scimmia soggetto sperimentale dello Studio 2 e 3, riceveva lo sweeping a due velocità, una ottimale per l'attivazione delle C-LTMRs secondo gli studi umani e i risultati dei tre studi sopra citati, ed una non ottimale. I dati preliminari ottenuti, dimostrano che 1) (Studio 1) lo sweeping tra scimmie Rhesus viene eseguito con una velocità media di 9.31 cm/sec, all'interno dell'intervallo di attivazione delle fibre CT nell'uomo; 2) (Studio 2) lo sweeping eseguito dallo sperimentatore sulla schiena di una scimmia Rhesus di sesso maschile in una situazione sperimentale determina una diminuzione della frequenza cardiaca e l'aumento della variabilità della frequenza cardiaca se eseguito alla velocità di 5 e 10 cm/sec. Al contrario, lo sweeping eseguito ad una velocità minore di 1 cm/sec o maggiore di 10 cm/sec, determina l'aumento della frequenza cardiaca e la diminuzione della variabilità di questa, quindi il decremento dell'attivazione del sistema nervoso parasimpatico; 3) (Studio 3) lo sweeping eseguito dallo sperimentatore sulla schiena di una scimmia Rhesus di sesso maschile in una situazione sperimentale determina l'aumento della temperatura corporea a livello del muso della scimmia se eseguito alla velocità di 5-10 cm/sec. Al contrario, lo sweeping eseguito ad una velocità minore di 5 cm/sec o maggiore di 10 cm/sec, determina la diminuzione della temperatura del muso; 4) (Studio 4) la corteccia somatosensoriale secondaria e la corteccia insulare posteriore presentano neuroni selettivamente modulati durante lo sweeping eseguito ad una velocità di 5-13 cm/sec ma non neuroni selettivi per la codifica della velocità dello sweeping minore di 5 cm/sec. Questi risultati supportano l'ipotesi di Dunbar relativa al coinvolgimento delle fibre CT durante lo sweeping. Infatti i dati mettono in luce che lo sweeping viene eseguito con una velocità (9.31 cm/sec), simile a quella di attivazione delle fibre CT nell'uomo (1-10 cm/sec), determina gli stessi effetti fisiologici positivi in termini di frequenza cardiaca (diminuzione) e variabilità della frequenza cardiaca (incremento) e la modulazione delle medesime aree a livello del sistema nervoso centrale (in particolare la corteccia insulare). Inoltre, abbiamo dimostrato per la prima volta che suddetta stimolazione tattile determina l'aumento della temperatura del muso della scimmia. Il presente studio rappresenta la prima prova indiretta dell'ipotesi relativa alla modulazione del sistema delle fibre C-LTMRs durante lo sweeping e quindi della codifica della stimolazione tattile piacevole affiliativa a livello del sistema nervoso centrale ed autonomo, nei primati non umani. I dati preliminari qui presentati evidenziano la somiglianza tra il sistema delle fibre CT dell'uomo e del sistema C-LTMRs nei primati non umano, riguardanti il Social Touch. Nonostante ciò abbiamo riscontrato alcune discrepanze tra i risultati da noi ottenuti e quelli invece ottenuti dagli studi umani. La velocità media dello sweeping è di 9.31 cm / sec, rasente il limite superiore dell’intervallo di velocità che attiva le fibre CT nell'uomo. Inoltre, gli effetti autonomici positivi, in termini di battito cardiaco, variabilità della frequenza cardiaca e temperatura a livello del muso, sono stati evidenziati durante lo sweeping eseguito con una velocità di 5 e 10 cm/sec, quindi al limite superiore dell’intervallo ottimale che attiva le fibre CT nell’uomo. Al contrario, lo sweeping eseguito con una velocità inferiore a 5 cm/sec e superiore a 10 cm/sec determina effetti fisiologici negativo. Infine, la corteccia insula sembra essere selettivamente modulata dallo stimolazione eseguita alla velocità di 5-13 cm/sec, ma non 1-5 cm/sec. Quindi, gli studi sul sistema delle fibre CT nell’uomo hanno dimostrato che la velocità ottimale è 1-10 cm/sec, mentre dai nostri risultati la velocità ottimale sembra essere 5-13 cm / sec. Quindi, nonostante l'omologia tra il sistema delle fibre CT nell'umano deputato alla codifica del tocco piacevole affiliativo ed il sistema delle fibre C-LTMRs nei primati non umani, ulteriori studi saranno necessari per definire con maggiore precisione la velocità ottimale di attivazione delle fibre C-LTMR e per dimostrare direttamente la loro attivazione durante lo sweeping, mediante la misurazione diretta della loro modulazione. Studi in questa direzione potranno confermare l'omologia tra lo sweeping in qualità di tocco affiliativo piacevole tra i primati non umani e la carezza tra gli uomini. Infine, il presente studio potrebbe essere un importante punto di partenza per esplorare il meccanismo evolutivo dietro la trasformazione dello sweeping tra primati non umani, azione utilitaria eseguita durante il grooming, a carezza, gesto puramente affiliativo tra gli uomini.
Histological sections of primary segmental arteries and associated interarterial anastomoses and secondary vessels from the long-finned eel Anguilla reinhardtii were examined by light and transmission electron microscopy. Interarterial anastomoses were found to originate from the primary vasculature as depressions through the tunica intima and media, from where they ran perpendicularly to the adventitial layer, before coiling extensively. From here the anastomoses travelled a relatively linear path in the outer margin of the adventitia to anastomose with a secondary vessel running in parallel with the primary counterpart. In contrast to findings from other species, secondary vessels had a structure quite similar to that of primary vessels; they were lined by endothelial cells on a continuous basement membrane, with a single layer of smooth muscle cells surrounding the vessel. Smooth muscle cells were also found in the vicinity of interarterial anastomoses in the adventitia, but these appeared more longitudinally orientated. The presence of smooth muscle cells on all aspects of the secondary circulation suggests that this vascular system is regulated in a similar manner as the primary vascular system. Because interarterial anastomoses are structurally integrated with the primary vessel from which they originate, it is anticipated that flow through secondary vessels to some extent is affected by the vascular tone of the primary vessel. Immunohistochemical studies showed that primary segmental arteries displayed moderate immunoreactivity to antibodies against 5-hydroxytryptamine and substance P, while interarterial anastomoses and secondary vessels showed dense immunoreactivity. No immunoreactivity was observed on primary or secondary arteries against neuropeptide Y or calcitonin gene-related peptide.
The use of antibiotics was investigated in twelve acute hospitals in England. Data was collected electronically and by questionnaire for the financial years 2001/2, 2002/3 and 2003/4. Hospitals were selected on the basis of their Medicines Management Self-Assessment Scores (MMAS) and included a cohort of three hospitals with integrated electronic prescribing systems. The total sample size was 6.65% of English NHS activity for 2001/2 based on Finished Consultant Episode (FCE) numbers. Data collected included all antibiotics dispensed (ATC category J01), hospital activity FCE's and beddays, Medicines Management Self-assessment scores, Antibiotic Medicines Management scores (AMS), Primary Care Trust (PCT) of origin of referral populations, PCT antibiotic prescribing rates, Index of Multiple Deprivation for each PCT. The DDD/FCE (Defined Daily Dose/FCE) was found to correlate with the DDD 100beddays (r = 0.74 p
Medication errors are associated with significant morbidity and people with mental health problems may be particularly susceptible to medication errors due to various factors. Primary care has a key role in improving medication safety in this vulnerable population. The complexity of services, involving primary and secondary care and social services, and potential training issues may increase error rates, with physical medicines representing a particular risk. Service users may be cognitively impaired and fail to identify an error placing additional responsibilities on clinicians. The potential role of carers in error prevention and medication safety requires further elaboration. A potential lack of trust between service users and clinicians may impair honest communication about medication issues leading to errors. There is a need for detailed research within this field.
This review considers key areas in primary care regarding the diagnosis of dementia. Issues surrounding assessment, policy and incentives are considered. In addition, the relevance of non-medication approaches for dementia in primary care, which aim to enhance or maintain quality of life by maximising psychological and social function in the context of existing disabilities, is deliberated. Finally, key issues about primary care medication management are considered, and relevant therapeutic strategies with recommendation for a collaborative approach that improve outcomes by linking primary and secondary healthcare services - including general practice and pharmacy - with social care needs are weighed up. A key aspect of such a collaborative approach is to support informal carers in optimising medication.
Sibutramine is a satiety-inducing serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor that acts predominantly via its primary and secondary metabolites. This study investigates the possibility that sibutramine and/or its metabolites could act directly on white adipose tissue to increase lipolysis. Adipocytes were isolated by a collagenase digestion procedure from homozygous lean (+/+) and obese-diabetic ob/ob mice, and from lean nondiabetic human subjects. The lipolytic activity of adipocyte preparations was measured by the determination of glycerol release over a 2-hour incubation period. The primary amine metabolite of sibutramine M2, caused a concentration-dependent stimulation of glycerol release by murine lean and obese adipocytes (maximum increase by 157 ± 22 and 245 ± 1696, respectively, p < 0.05). Neither sibutramine nor its secondary amine metabolite M1 had any effect on lipolytic activity. Preliminary studies indicated that M2-induced lipolysis was mediated via a beta-adrenergic action. The non-selective beta-adrenoceptor antagonist propranolol (10-6M) strongly inhibited M2-stimulated lipolysis in lean and obese murine adipocytes. M2 similarly increased lipolysis by isolated human omental and subcutaneous adipocytes (maximum increase by 194 ± 33 and 136 ± 4%, respectively, p < 0.05) with EC50 values of 12 nM and 3 nM, respectively. These results indicate that the sibutramine metabolite M2 can act directly on murine and human adipose tissue to increase lipolysis via a pathway involving beta-adrenoceptors. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart.
There is a growing body of literature which marks out a feminist ethics of care and it is within this framework we understand transitions from primary to secondary school education can be challenging and care-less, especially for disabled children. By exploring the narratives of parents and professionals, we investigate transitions and self-identity, as a meaningful transition depends on the care-full spaces pupils inhabit. These education narratives are all in the context of privileging academic attainment and a culture of testing and examinations. Parents and professionals, as well as children are also surveyed. Until there are care-full education processes, marginalisation will remain, impacting on disabled children’s transition to secondary school and healthy identity construction. Moreover, if educational challenges are not addressed, their life chances are increasingly limited. Interdependent caring work enables engagement in a meaningful education and positive identity formation. In school and at home, care-full spaces are key in this process.