969 resultados para 270401 Plant Systematics, Taxonomy and Phylogeny


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Following the initial description of a species of Sebastes from the Atlantic in the late 1700’s, in the late 1800’s the incredible taxonomic diversity of the genus began to be recognized as more species were discovered in northeast Pacific waters. With over 100 species, most of them from the North Pacific, the genus Sebastes (rockfishes) now presents taxonomic problems at every level. For example, although early efforts to understand relationships among the species resulted in the erection of several subgenera, those and more recent efforts remain largely unsuccessful. Also, the position of the genus within the order Scorpaeniformes, as well as the limits of the genus and the validity of some species are all unresolved. This paper examines the worldwide history and status of taxonomic studies on Sebastes, and reviews the 23 subgenera that have been erected over the years. This review of research, which includes morphological and genetic studies, provides a framework against which to evaluate studies using new genetic techniques.


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Le but du présent travail est d’apporter la preuve paléontologique mettant en évidence que le clade Raninoida était bien établi dans le Néotropique durant la période Crétacée, où il était représenté par les plus anciennes familles ou par quelques–uns des plus anciens membres des plus anciennes familles. Je décris des taxa raninoïdiens ou similaires, incluant Archaeochimaeridae n. fam. et Archaeochimaera macrophthalma n. gen. n. sp., du Cénomanien supérieur (~95 Ma.) de Colombie (Chapitre 3), Planocarcinus n. gen., Planocarcinus olssoni (Rathbun, 1937) n. comb. et Notopocorystes kerri n. sp., de l’Aptien supérieur (~115 Ma.) de Colombie (Luque et al., accepté) (Chapitre 2). Ces taxa nouveaux, plus la présence de Cenomanocarcinus vanstraeleni Stenzel, 1945, dans l’Albien supérieur de Colombie (Vega et al., 2010), et d’Araripecarcinus ferreirai Martins–Neto, 1987, dans l’Albien du Brésil (Luque et al., en cours) (Chapitre 4), représentent certains des plus anciens signalements de quatre des sept familles raninoïdiennes, au moins, connues à ce jour. La nouvelle famile Archaeochimaeridae se présente comme le groupe frère du clade Raninidae + clade Symethidae. Cependant, la combinaison unique de caractères primitifs, dérivés et homoplasiques est inégalable chez les Raninoida, et, en fait, chez les autres sections de crabes podotrèmes. Alors que les taxa raninoïdiens du Crétacé sont bien connus aux latitudes élevées, les signalements en Amérique du Sud tropicale sont rares et épars, avec pour résultat de considérables distorsions pour traiter des importantes questions biogéographiques et phylogénétiques. Sur la base de données taxonomiques, paléobiogéographiques et cladistiques, une ré–appréciation des toute premières distributions spatio–temporelle des “crabes grenouilles” est proposée, avec pour objet de contribuer à une plus large compréhension de la diversité, phylogénie et évolution des premiers brachyoures au cours des âges.


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Both sexes of a new species of Noodtorthopsyllus Lang, 1965 (Harpacticoida, Cristacoxidae) from a sandy beach in Sao Paulo State (Brazil) are described using light and scanning electron microscopy. Noodtorthopsyllus tageae sp. nov. displays a mosaic of characters drawn from both Noodtorthopsyllus and Cristacoxa Huys, 1990, blurring the boundaries between both genera. Consequently, Cristacoxa, the type genus of the nominal family-group taxon Cristacoxidae Huys, 1990, is relegated to a junior subjective synonym of Noodtorthopsyllus, and its type species is transferred to the latter as N. petkovskii (Huys, 1990) comb. nov. A new genus Acuticoxa is proposed to accommodate A. ubatubaensis sp. nov. (type species), collected on the northern continental shelf of Sao Paulo State, and A. biarticulata sp. nov., previously identified as Laophontisochra sp., from the Northern Magellan Straits. Amended diagnoses are provided for Noodtorthopsyllus and Laophontisochra. Autapomorphies supporting the monophyly of the Cristacoxidae are re-evaluated, including new data on P3 endopod sexual dimorphism and caudal ramus development. It is concluded that a recently published hypothesis of a deeply rooted split of the family into two highly divergent lineages cannot be supported. Consequently, both Laophontisochra and Acuticoxa gen. nov. are removed from the Cristacoxidae and tentatively assigned to the Nannopodidae (ex Huntemanniidae), forming a clade with three other genera displaying coxal modifications on leg 1 (Rosacletodes Wells, 1985; Huntemannia Poppe, 1884; and an as yet undescribed genus from Brazil). Based on the sexual dimorphism of the P4 endopod, we propose to transfer Metahuntemannia Smirnov, 1946 and Pottekia Huys, 2009 from the Nannopodidae to the Canthocamptidae (subfamily Hemimesochrinae) where they are probably most closely related to Psammocamptus Mielke, 1975; Bathycamptus Huys & Thistle, 1989; Perucamptus Huys & Thistle, 1989; and Isthmiocaris George & Schminke, 2003. An identification key to the genera of the Nannopodidae is presented.


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Xenomorellia Malloch, a subgenus of Morellia Robineau-Desvoidy, is revised to include two new species, Morellia (Xenomorellia) inca Nihei and Carvalho sp. nov. from South America, and M. (X.) maia Carvalho and Nihei sp. nov. from Costa Rica and Mexico. Diagnoses for M. (X.) holti (Malloch) and M. (X.) montanhesa (Albuquerque) are provided, as well as an identification key to the four species of the subgenus. A cladistic analysis was performed to test the monophyly of Xenomorellia and to recover the phylogenetic relationships among its species. Tree searches resulted in one single most-parsimonious cladogram, wherein the monophyly of Xenomorellia is supported, as well as a sister-group relationship with the Neotropical subgenus Trichomorellia Stein. Xenomorellia was divided into two clades: one with Caribbean-Andean species (maia + inca), and another with species from southeastern South America (holti + montanhesa).


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Phylogenetic relationships among cheilodactylid and latrid fishes were estimated from cytochrome oxidase I and cytochrome b mitochondrial DNA sequences. Two South African cheilodactylids, Cheilodactylus fasciatus and Cheilodactylus pixi, were divergent from the remaining members of their genus and family, and the monophyly of these groups was rejected based on parametric bootstrap analysis. As C. fasciatus is the nominal species for the genus and family, widespread taxonomic reassignment is implicated for the remaining 12 and 17 members of these groups, respectively. As these 17 cheilodactylids are not genetically or morphologically distinct from the latrids, it is proposed that the Latridae should be expanded to encompass them. The inferred relationships among those Cheilodactylus requiring generic reassignment were largely unresolved, and hence few recommendations can be made regarding their placement. Divergence time estimates indicate that chance oceanic dispersal subsequent to Gondwanan fragmentation best explains the Southern Hemisphere radiation of cheilodactylids.


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The morphological and anatomical leaf and scape differentiation of Leiothrix crassifolia is analysed and classified into seven types (I, II, III, IV, V, VI, Vn). The species has a relatively wide distribution in the campo rupestre of Minas Gerais in Brazil. Variation in the isolated populations on different mountain ranges is complex, does not follow a clear geographical pattern, and defies taxonomic classification. L. nubigena and L. obtusifolia are included in L. crassifolia.


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In this study we present a survey on vegetative anatomy in species of Actinocephalus, Blastocaulon, Eriocaulon, Leiothrix, Paepalanthus, Philodice, Syngonanthus, and Tonina (Eriocaulaceae). Multivariate analyses were used to correlate anatomical characters to taxa and the habitats where the species occur. Root and stem anatomical characters seem to be more affected by environmental factors where these species occur, and seem of little value for delimiting major taxonomic groups within the family. Other characters in the leaves, such as epidermis with thickened wall cells, compartmented substomatal chambers, mesophyll with hypodermis, compact chlorenchyma, collenchymatous bundle sheath extensions, and numerous vascular bundles, were shown to be important for defining species clusters in Leiothrix, Syngonanthus, and Paepalanthus subg. Platycaulon. Similarly, loosely aggregated chlorenchyma caused Blastocaulon, Eriocaulon, Philodice, Syngonanthus sect. Carpocephalus, S. sect. Syngonanthus, and Tonina, genera from humid environments, to cluster. Scape characters appear to be more informative in discriminating groups. This situation probably reflects lower selection pressures determining anatomical characters of this organ.


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The genera Pachymenes de Saussure and Santamenes Giordani Soika arerevised and the phylogenetic relationships among their species, based on external mor-phology and male genitalia, are presented. The cladistics analysis, using 22 terminalspecies (19 ingroup and 3 outgroup species) and 44 characters, produced a single clado-gram under implied weighting. Both genera were recovered as paraphyletic, althoughttwo major clades were formed and were well supported by the re-sampling analysis.We propose the synonymy of Pachymenes with Santamenes, and the description of twonew species: P. saussurei Grandinete n.sp. and P. riograndensis Grandinete n.sp..Newcombinations are: Pachymenes novarae (de Saussure) n.comb., P. olympicus (Zavattari)n.comb., P. peregrinus (Zavattari) n.comb. and P. santanna (de Saussure) revised combi-nation. We state the synonymy of P. obscurus orellanoides under P. obscurus consuetus,reviewing the status of the latter and raising P. consuetus to species level. Pachymenesorellanae vardyi is synonymized under P. orellanae; P. ghilianii olivaceus, P. ghilianiiavissimus and P. peruanus are proposed as synonyms of P. ghilianii; P. picturatusobscuratus is synonymized under P. laeviventris; P. picturatus nigromaculatus andP. picturatus var . intermedia are synonymized under P. picturatus and P. a t ra var . ornatis-sima get its lectotype designated and proposed as synonym of P. ater.


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Simmonds introduced Colletotrichum acutatum in 1965, validated in 1968, with a broad concept, as demonstrated by the selection of several type specimens from a range of hosts. This has created some confusion in the species concept and identification of C. acutatum. There are no viable ex-type cultures of C. acutatum and furthermore there are no existing cultures of C. acutatum on Carica papaya from the type locality in south-east Queensland. The application of molecular phylogenetic studies to isolates of C. acutatum is only meaningful if the taxonomy is stable and species are properly named. In order to clarify the species concept of C. acutatum, an isolate of Colletotrichum acutatum from Carica papaya from Yandina in Southeast Queensland (Australia) is designated as an epitype. A detailed morphological description is provided. Phylogenies based on a combined ITS and beta-tubulin gene analysis indicate that C. acutatum bears close phylogenetic affinities to C. gloeosporioides and C. capsici. Results also indicate that C. acutatum is monophyletic and there is a close relationship between the epitype and other Australian C. acutatum isolates from Carica papaya. Molecular data, however did not provide further evidence to properly elucidate the taxonomie affinities of C. acutatum especially the holotype and epitype. Our studies indicate that given the complexity of the genus Colletotrichum, there is a need to check previously described type specimens and redesign neotypes where necessary in order to clarify taxonomie uncertainties.


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Fruit flies that belong to the genus Bactrocera (Diptera: Tephritidae) are major invasive pests of agricultural crops in Asia and Australia. Increased transboundary movement of agricultural produce has resulted in the chance introduction of many invasive species that include Bactrocera mainly as immature stages. Therefore quick and accurate species diagnosis is important at the port of entry, where morphological identification has a limited role, as it requires the presence of adult specimens and the availability of a specialist. Unfortunately when only immature stages are present, a lacunae in their taxonomy impedes accurate species diagnosis. At this juncture, molecular species diagnostics based on COX-I have become handy, because diagnosis is not limited by developmental stages. Yet another method of quick and accurate species diagnosis for Bactrocera spp. is based on the development of species-specific markers. This study evaluated the utility of COX-I for the quick and accurate species diagnosis of eggs, larvae, pupae and adults of B. zonata Saunders, B. tau Walker, and B. dorsalis Hendel. Furthermore the utility of species-specific markers in differentiating B. zonata (500bp) and B. tau (220bp) was shown. Phylogenetic relationships among five subgenera, viz., Austrodacus, Bactrocera, Daculus, Notodacus and Zeugodacus have been resolved employing the 5' region of COX-I (1490-2198); where COX-I sequences for B. dorsalis Hendel, B. tau Walker, B. correcta Bezzi and B. zonata Saunders from India were compared with other NCBI-GenBank accessions. Phylogenetic analysis employing Maximum Parsimony (MP) and Bayesian phylogenetic approach (BP) showed that the subgenus Bactrocera is monophyletic.


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The mitochondrial DNA control region is amplified and sequenced from 8 genera and 10 species of gobiobotine fishes. The phylogenetic tree of Gobiobotinae and some representative species of other Cyprinid subfamilies obtained by the method of neighborhood joining, maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony with Danio rerio as an outgroup indicates that Gobiobotinae fishes are a monophyletic group which is close to Gobioninae subfamily. Gobiobotinae should be included into subfamily Gobioninae in terms of phylogenetic analysis. The research result supports that Gobiobotinae can be divided into genus Xenophysogobio and Gobiobotia. Xenophysogabio is the most primitive genera in the subfamily.


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The genus Asparagopsis was studied using 25 Falkenbergia tetrasporophyte strains collected worldwide. Plastid (cp) DNA RFLP revealed three groups of isolates, which differed in their small subunit rRNA gene sequences, temperature responses, and tetrasporophytic morphology (cell sizes). Strains from Australia, Chile, San Diego, and Atlantic and Mediterranean Europe were identifiable as A. armata Harvey, the gametophyte of which has distinctive barbed spines. This species is believed to be endemic to cold-temperate waters of Australia and New Zealand and was introduced into Europe in the 1920s. All isolates showed identical cpDNA RFLPs, consistent with a recent introduction from Australia. Asparagopsis taxiformis (Delile) Trevisan, the type and only other recognized species, which lacks spines, is cosmopolitan in warm-temperate to tropical waters. Two clades differed morphologically and ecophysiologically and in the future could be recognized as sibling species or subspecies. A Pacific/Italian clade had 4-8degrees C lower survival minima and included a genetically distinct apomictic isolate from Western Australia that corresponded to the form of A. taxiformis originally described as A. sanfordiana Harvey. The second clade, from the Caribbean and the Canaries, is stenothermal (subtropical to tropical) with some ecotypic variation. The genus Asparagopsis consists of two or possibly three species, but a definitive taxonomic treatment of the two A. taxiformis clades requires study of field-collected gametophytes.