991 resultados para 26-250A
The BOBLME Project supports member countries to produce fishery management plans for hilsa and Indian Mackerel using an ecosystem approach to fisheries management (EAFM). The EAFM has three tiers: technical studies to provide information; a Regional Fisheries Management Committee (RFMAC) to interpret the information and deliver ecosystem based fisheries management advice; and a Regional Fisheries Management Forum to deliberate on the advice as it relates to national actions.
A training course on seagrass conservation and monitoring was conducted at Mawlamyine University and Ngapali Beach government department and Non-Government Organizations (NGO) trainees.
Report of the hilsa fisheries assessment working group meeting, Kolkata, India, 26-28 November, 2014
The items discussed at the meeting included; capacity development assessment techniques, development of a hilsa fishery management plan; development of a standardised model framework for stock assessment; development of a Strategic Action Plan (SAP) for ecosystem health and resource evaluation; priority fishery management recommendations; and stock status advice for hilsa in BOBLME region .
The role of the Regional Fisheries Management Advisory Committee (RFMAC) is to interpret information and deliver ecosystem based fisheries management advice. The meeting was able to deliver Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) advisories for the hilsa and Indian Mackerel fisheries.
The Socio-economic Monitoring (SocMon) training workshop followed up from the capacity building workshop held in Mannar, 2015. It's aims were to validate information collected at the previous workshop, assist in filling in any gaps and develop a vision tree fro future actions. Planned outputs included: a detailed workplan; a workshop process report; and a final socioeconomic base line report for Vidathaltivu village.
Trainers from the region contributed theory and practical training to trainees from government departments, universities and NGOs relevant to conservation of seagrasses and monitoring methods.
尽管多金属氧酸盐 (POMs)的研究已有180多年的历史,但大量的POMs结构在最近几十年才被陆续解析出来[1~4].其中 ,同多钒酸盐由于钒配位几何形状的多样性,结构最为丰富 ,例如:[V4 O12 ]4-[5],[V5O14 ]3-[6],[V10 O2 8]6-[7] ,[V15O4 2 ]9-[8],[V13 O3 4 ]3-[9].值得注意的是,在这些化合物中,钒的化合价均处于最高氧化态+5价.由于+4价钒不易在溶液中(尤其是水中)稳定存在,因此在以往的常压溶液合成中具有混合价态的同多钒酸盐报道很少.与饱和价态的同多钒酸盐相比,混价多钒酸盐具有更为新奇的电荷分布和拓扑学几何构型,并且在 POMs的理论研究和抗病毒药物、电存储材料以及磁性材料等应用领域有特殊的研究和开发价值[1,10,11].因此,制备具有混价的新型同多钒酸盐一直倍受关注.近年来,水热合成技术的引入使同多钒酸盐合成化学迅速发展.水热体系提供了一个特殊的反应环境 [12 ],使制备各种具有混合价态的同多钒酸盐成为可能.Müller等[13]对这一领域开...
In this paper the preparation of isopoly- and heteropolyoxometallates (IPA and HPA) thin film modified carbon fiber (CF) microelectrodes and the factor that influences the modification of IPA and HPA films are described. IPA and HPA film modified CF microelectrodes can all be prepared by cyclic potential scan and simple dip coating. The modified electrodes prepared are very stable and reversible in acidic solution with monolayer characteristics. The electrochemical pretreatment of CF microelectrodes plays an important role in the modification of IPA and HPA film. The absorption of IPA and HPA film on electrode surfaces has been discussed on the basis of surface conditions of the CF microelectrode and the structure of IPA and HPA.