1000 resultados para 24-Ethylcholest-5-en-3beta-ol per unit mass total organic carbon


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The Arctic Ocean System is a key player regarding the climatic changes of Earth. Its highly sensitive ice Cover, the exchange of surface and deep water masses with the global ocean and the coupling with the atmosphere interact directly with global climatic changes. The output of cold, polar water and sea ice influences the production of deep water in the North Atlantic and controls the global ocean circulation ("the conveyor belt"). The Arctic Ocean is surrounded by the large Northern Hemisphere ice sheets which not only affect the sedimentation in the Arctic Ocean but also are supposed to induce the Course of glacials and interglacials. Terrigenous sediment delivered from the ice sheets by icebergs and meltwater as well as through sea ice are major components of Arctic Ocean sediments. Hence, the terrigenous content of Arctic Ocean sediments is an outstanding archive to investigate changes in the paleoenvironment. Glazigenic sediments of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and surface samples of the Arctic Ocean and the Siberian shelf regions were investigated by means of x-ray diffraction of the bulk fraction. The source regions of distinct mineral compositions were to be deciphered. Regarding the complex circumpolar geology stable christalline shield rocks, active and ancient fold belts including magmatic and metamorphic rocks, sedimentary rocks and wide periglacial lowlands with permafrost provide a complete range of possible mineral combinations. Non- glaciated shelf regions mix the local input from a possible point source of a particular mineral combination with the whole shelf material and function as a sampler of the entire region draining to the shelf. To take this into account, a literature research was performed. Descriptions of outcropping lithologies and Arctic Ocean sediments were scanned for their mineral association. The analyses of glazigenic and shelf sediments yielded a close relationship between their mineral composition and the adjacent source region. The most striking difference between the circumpolar source regions is the extensive outcrop of carbonate rocks in the vicinity of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and in N Greenland while siliciclastic sediments dominate the Siberian shelves. In the Siberian shelf region the eastern Kara Sea and the western Laptev Sea form a destinct region defined by high smectite, (clino-) pyroxene and plagioclase input. The source of this signal are the extensive outcrops of the Siberian trap basalt in the Putorana Plateau which is drained by the tributaries of the Yenissei and Khatanga. The eastern Laptev Sea and the East Siberian Sea can also be treated as one source region containing a feldspar, quartz, illite, mica, and chlorite asscciation combined with the trace minerals hornblende and epidote. Franz Josef Land provides a mineral composition rich in quartz and kaolinite. The diverse rock suite of the Svalbard archipelago distributes specific mineral compositions of highly metamorphic christalline rocks, dolomite-rich carbonate rocks and sedimentary rocks with a higher diagenetic potential manifested in stable newly built diagenetic minerals and high organic maturity. To reconstruct the last 30,000 years as an example of the transition between glacial and interglacial conditions a profile of sediment cores, recovered during the RV Polarstern" expedition ARK-VIIIl3 (ARCTIC '91), and additional sediment cores around Svalbard were investigated. Besides the mineralogy of different grain size fractions several additional sedimentological and organo-geochemical Parameterswere used. A detailed stratigraphic framework was achieved. By exploiting this data set changes in the mineral composition of the Eurasian Basin sediments can be related to climatic changes. Certain mineral compositions can even be associated with particular transport processes, e.g. the smectitel pyroxene association with sea ice transport from the eastern Kara Sea and the western Laptev Sea. Hence, it is possible to decipher the complex interplay between the influx of warm Atlantic waters into the Southwest of the Eurasian Basin, the waxing and waning of the Svalbard1Barents- Sea- and Kara-Sea-Ice-Sheets, the flooding of the Siberian shelf regions and the surface and deep water circulation. Until now the Arctic Ocean was assumed to be a rather stable System during the last 30,000 years which only switched from a completely ice covered situation during the glacial to seasonally Open waters during the interglacial. But this work using mineral assemblages of sediment cores in the vicinity of Svalbard revealed fast changes in the inflow of warm Atlantic water with the Westspitsbergen Current (< 1000 years), short periods of advances and retreats of the marine based Eurasian ice sheets (1000-3000 years), and short melting phases (400 years?). Deglaciation of the marine-based Eurasian and the land-based north American and Greenland ice sheets are not simultaneous. This thesis postulates that the Kara Sea Ice Sheet released an early meltwater signal prior to 15,000 14C years leading the Barents Sea Ice Sheet while the western land-based ice sheets are following later than 13,500 14C years. The northern Eurasian Basin records the shift between iceberg and sea-ice material derived from the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and N-Greenland and material transported by sea-ice and surface currents from the Siberian shelf region. The phasing of the deglaciation becomes very obvious using the dolomite and quartd phyllosilicate record. It is also supposed that the flooding of the Laptev Sea during the Holocene is manifested in a stepwise increase of sediment input at the Lomonosov Ridge between the Eurasian and Amerasian Basin. Depending on the strength of meltwater pulses from the adjacent ice sheets the Transpolar Drift can probably be relocated. These movements are traceable by the distribution of indicator minerals. Based on the outcome of this work the feasibility of bulk mineral determination can be qualified as excellent tool for paleoenvironmental reconstructions in the Arctic Ocean. The easy preparation and objective determination of bulk mineralogy provided by the QUAX software bears the potential to use this analyses as basic measuring method preceding more time consuming and highly specialised mineralogical investigations (e.g. clay mineralogy, heavy mineral determination).


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The age of organic material discharged by rivers provides information about its sources and carbon cycling processes within watersheds. While elevated ages in fluvially-transported organic matter are usually explained by erosion of soils and sediments, it is commonly assumed that mainly young organic material is discharged from flat tropical watersheds due to their extensive plant cover and high carbon turnover. Here we present compound-specific radiocarbon data of terrigenous organic fractions from a sedimentary archive offshore the Congo River in conjunction with molecular markers for methane-producing land cover reflecting wetland extent in the watershed. We find that the Congo River has been discharging aged organic matter for several thousand years with increasing ages from the mid- to the Late Holocene. This suggests that aged organic matter in modern samples is concealed by radiocarbon from nuclear weapons testing. By comparison to indicators for past rainfall changes we detect a systematic control of organic matter sequestration and release by continental hydrology mediating temporary carbon storage in wetlands. As aridification also leads to exposure and rapid remineralization of large amounts of previously stored labile organic matter we infer that this process may cause a profound direct climate feedback currently underestimated in carbon cycle assessments.


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In this study we reconstruct sea surface temperatures (SSTs) using two lipid-based biomarker proxies (alkenone unsaturation index UK'37 and TEX86 index based on glycerol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraethers) in 36 surface sediment samples from the Indonesian continental margin off west Sumatra and south of Java and the Lesser Sunda Islands. Comparison of measured temperatures (World Ocean Atlas 09) to reconstructed temperatures suggests that SST-UK'37 reflects the SE monsoon SST in the upwelling area south of Java and the Lesser Sunda Islands, whereas Temp-TEXH86 estimates are up to 2°C lower than SST-UK'37. This offset is possibly related to either one or a combination of two factors: i) the depth habitats of the source organisms; ii) different seasonal production and/ or seasonality of export associated with phytoplankton blooming triggered by primary productivity. In the non-upwelling area off west Sumatra, the alkenone-based SSTs are cooler than measured temperatures during the entire year, likely due to the reduced sensitivity of the UK'37 proxy beyond 28°C. However, reconstructed temperatures based on TEXH86 are consistent with mean annual SST, implying that the Temp-TEXH86 reflects the mean annual SST in the non-upwelling area of the tropical Eastern Indian Ocean.


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C2-C8 hydrocarbons (36 compounds identified) from 56 shipboard sealed, deep-frozen core samples of DSDP Leg 71, Site 511, Falkland Plateau, South Atlantic, were analyzed by a combined hydrogen stripping-thermovaporization method. Concentrations, which represent hydrocarbons dissolved in the pore water and adsorbed to the mineral surfaces of the sediment, vary from 24 ng/g of dry weight sediment in Lithologic Unit 4 to 17,400 ng/g in Lithologic Unit 6 ("black shale" unit). Likewise, the organic carbon normalized C2-C8 hydrocarbon concentrations range from 104 to 3.5 x 105 ng/g Corg. The latter value is more than one order of magnitude lower than expected for petroleum source beds in the main phase of oil generation. The low maturity at 600 meters depth is further supported by light hydrocarbon concentration ratios. The change of the kerogen type from Lithologic Unit 5 (Type III) to 6 (Type II) is evidenced by changes in the C6 and C7 hydrocarbon composition. Redistribution phenomena are observed close to the Tertiary-Cretaceous unconformity and at the contact between the "black shale" unit and the overlying Cretaceous chalks and claystones. Otherwise, the low molecular weight hydrocarbons in Hole 511 are formed in situ and remain at their place of formation. The core samples turned out to be contaminated by large quantities of acetone, which is routinely used as a solvent during sampling procedures onboard Glomar Challenger.


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During IODP Expedition 302 (Arctic Coring Expedition-ACEX), the first scientific drilling campaign in the permantly ice-covered central Arctic Ocean, a 430 m thick sequence of upper Cretaceaous to Quaternary sediments has been drilled. The lower half of this sequence is composed of organic-carbon-rich (black shale-type) sediments with total organic carbon contents of about 1-14%. Significant amounts of the organic matter preserved in these sediments is of algae-type origin and accumulated under anoxic/euxinic conditions. Here, for the first time detailed data on the source-rock potential of these black shales are presented, indicating that most of the Eocene sediments have a (fair to) good source-rock potential, prone to generate a gas/oil mixture. The source-rock potential of the Campanian and upper Paleocene sediments, on the other hand, is rather low. The presence of oil or gas already generated in situ, however, can be ruled out due to the immaturity of the ACEX sediments.


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The quantity and quality of organic carbon of Eocene to Holocene sediments from ODP Sites 645, 646, and 647 were investigated to reconstruct depositional environments. Results were based on organic-carbon and nitrogen determinations, Rock-Eval pyrolysis, and kerogen microscopy. The sediments at Site 645 in Baffin Bay are characterized by relatively high organic-carbon values, most of which range from 0.5% to almost 3%, with maximum values in the middle Miocene. Distinct maxima of organic-carbon accumulation rates occur between 18 and 12.5 Ma and between 3.4 and 0 Ma. At Sites 646 and 647 in the Labrador Sea, organic-carbon contents vary between 0.1% and 0.75%. Cyclic 'Milankovitch-type' changes in organic-carbon deposition imply climate-controlled mechanisms that cause these fluctuations. The composition of organic matter at Site 645 is dominated by terrigenous components throughout the entire sediment sequence. An increased content of marine organic carbon was recorded only in the late-middle Miocene. At Sites 646 and 647, the origin of the organic matter most probably is marine. Oceanic paleoproductivity values were estimated, based on the amount of marine organic carbon. During most of the Neogene time interval at Site 645, productivity was low, i.e., similar or less than that measured in Baffin Bay today. Higher values of up to 150 (200) gC/m**2/y may have occurred only in the Miocene. At Sites 646 and 647, mean paleoproductivity values vary between 90 and 170 gC/m**2/y; i.e., these are also similar to those measured in the Labrador Sea today. Lower values of 40 to 70 gC/m**2/y were estimated for the early Eocene and (middle) Miocene.


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Detailed petrographical and bulk geochemical investigations of organic matter (OM) have been performed on sediments deposited below or close to upwelling areas offshore Peru (ODP-Leg 112; Sites 679, 681, 688) and Oman (ODP-Leg 117; Sites 720, 723, 724) in order to obtain a quantitative understanding of its accumulation and degradation. Microscopical as well as nanoscopical investigations reveal that the OM in sediments affected by upwelling mechanisms mainly (up to 98%) consists of unstructured (amorphous) organic aggregates without any apparent biological structures. In sediments which are not or to a lesser extent affected by upwelling (Site 720) terrestrial OM predominates. Organic carbon (TOC) contents are highly variable and range between 9.8% in sediments deposited below upwelling cells and 0.2% in sediments outside the upwelling zone. The TOC/sulphur ratios of the sediments scatter widely. The samples from the deep-water locations (Sites 688 and 720), show C/S-ratios of "normal" marine sediments, whereas at the other locations no correlation or even a negative correlation between sulphur and TOC concentration exists. In most of the upwelling-influenced sediments OM contains a significant amount of sulphur. The incorporation of sulphur into the OM followed microbial sulphate reduction and occurred in the upper meters of the sedimentary column. Below, OM is still present in vast amounts and relatively hydrogen-rich, but is nevertheless non-metabolizable and becomes the limiting factor for bacterial sulphate reduction. According to mass balance calculations 90-99% of the OM produced in the photic zone was remineralized and 1-3% was consumed by microbial sulphate reduction. The aerobic and anaerobic processes have greatly affected degradation and conservation of OM.


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C2-C8 hydrocarbon concentrations (about 35 compounds identified, including saturated, aromatic, and olefinic compounds) from 38 shipboard sealed, deep-frozen core samples of Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 585 (East Mariana Basin) and 586 (Ontong-Java Plateau) were determined by a gas stripping-thermovaporization method. Total concentrations, which represent the hydrocarbons dissolved in the pore water and adsorbed on the mineral surfaces of the sediment, vary from 20 to 630 ng/g of rock at Site 585 (sub-bottom depth range 332-868 m). Likewise, organic-carbon normalized yields range from 3*10**4 to 9*10**5 ng/g Corg, indicating that the organic matter is still in the initial, diagenetic evolutionary stage. The highest value (based on both rock weight and organic carbon) is measured in an extremely organic-carbon-poor sample of Lithologic Subunit VB (Core 585-30). In this unit (504-550 m) several samples with elevated organic-carbon contents and favorable kerogen quality including two thin "black-shale" layers deposited at the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary (not sampled for this study) were encountered. We conclude from a detailed comparison of light hydrocarbon compositions that the Core 585-30 sample is enriched in hydrocarbons of the C2-C8 molecular range, particularly in gas compounds, which probably migrated from nearby black-shale source layers. C2-C8 hydrocarbon yields in Site 586 samples (sub-bottom depth range 27-298 m) did not exceed 118 ng/g of dry sediment weight (average 56 ng/g), indicating the immaturity of these samples.


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