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Initial and continuous education for teachers has been studied at Group of Studies and Research on Language, Teaching and Teachers’ narrative (GEPLENP in Portuguese). In order to do so, we use teacher’s narratives from public schools in Assis/SP. Narrative researches have been very widely spread either in Brazil or in any other country. Meaningful papers have shown how important the topic is as well as the method used. This research tries to identify teachers’ social representations, which result from historic, cultural and time constitutions in order to get close to group of teachers’ representations about their initial and continuous education. The individual and singular narrative method gives us the opportunity to access the history told by the participants. The results point out that initial education promotes the opposition between theory and praxis and use of tool is highlighted in continuous education, which limits possibilities of teachers’ reflection on their own school role thus evidencing institutional interests.
Caseous lymphadenitis (CLA), caused by Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, is a chronic contagious disease that affects small ruminants and still remains an important problem for many lamb-producing countries. Animals are considered clinically infected when occurs abscesses in superficial lymph nodes. Visceral or internal form can coexist which no apparent clinical signs of infection are seen. The best procedure to avoid spread of the disease is elimination of infected animals. However, as the chronic and subclinical nature of the infection of CLA alternative methods are required for detection and screening. In this study, we described the performance of indirect Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) for diagnosis of CLA in asymptomatics sheep. Also, test culture and biochemical identification were achieved to confirm CLA infection. The serological diagnostic was performed in sheep symptomatics (n=50) and asymptomatics (n=374) from nine flocks. Analysis reported high positivity of 71% for ELISA in 85% of asymptomatic animal for CLA with a sensitivity of 88% and specificity of 31%. Results from ELISA test in asymptomatic animals against culture for caseous lymphadenitis were more specific (97%) and permitted to exclude healthy animals without symptoms. This study concluded that C. pseudotuberculosis infection could be widely disseminated in sheep flocks in Northwestern region of the state of São Paulo, Brazil and only one screening test is not enough. The association with indirect ELISA test and culture could better indicate the real problem of CLA in sheep flocks.
Chemical degradation of drugs may result in altered therapeutic efficacy and even toxic effects. Therefore, understanding the factors that change the stability of pharmaceuticals and identifying ways to guarantee their stability are important. In this work stability-indicating Liquid Chromatographic (LC) and bioassay methods were validated and employed in the fluconazole stability studies. The correlation of sample results from both methods was evaluated. Fluconazole raw material stability was investigated in aqueous, acid (0.1 M HCl), alkaline (0.1 M NaOH) and oxidative (3% v/v H2O2) reflux for 6 hours, by LC method. Fluconazole capsules were exposed to UVC (254 nm, 66 and 180 days), climatic chamber (40°C, 75% RH, 90 days) and oven (60°C, 60 days), these samples were analyzed by LC and bioassay methods It was found that the drug is degraded (10% decrease) with arising of a possible degradation product in an oxidative medium and UVC exposure, in all the others conditions fluconazole remained chemically stable (higher than 98%) when analyzed by LC. However when the capsules stressed samples were evaluated through bioassay very low antifungal activity was found (about 30%). Fluconazole showed to be an unstable drug and it indicates that special care must be taken during the handling, storage and quality control using appropriated methods to analyze this therapeutic agent. This work suggests monitoring the fluconazole stability by bioassay and the stability-indicating LC methods.
Sodium azumolene is a drug designed to fight Malignant Hyperthermia (MH), which is characterized by genetic predisposition and triggered by the use of inhalational anesthetics. This drug is shown as a water-soluble analogue of dantrolene sodium, 30-folds more water soluble, which gives advantages for its emergency use. To our knowledge there is no analytical method for sodium zaumolene raw material or dosage form published so far. The objective of the present investigation was to develop and validate analytical methods to achieve sodium azumolene chemical identification and quantification. The sodium azumolene was characterized regarding its thermal behavior, by differential thermal analysis and thermogravimetric analysis; Visible, UV and infrared absorption. To accurately assess the sodium Azumolene content three different analytical methods (visible and UV spectrophotometry and high performance liquid chromatography) were developed and validated. All methods showed to be linear, accurate, precise and reliable. Azumolene has shown to be equipotent to dantrolene in the treatment and prevention of an MH crisis and the great advantage compared to dantrolene is better water solubility. This study has characterized the sodium azumolene and presents new analytical methods which have not been reported so far.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Mastitis occurrence in mares is low if compared to other livestock species. The microorganisms often isolated and detected in milk and mammary gland secretions of mares are Streptococcus beta-haemolytica, Staphylococcus spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Actinobacillus spp., and enterobacter. The present experiment was designed to evaluate the main microorganisms present in the milk of healthy mares and having a mammary infection. One hundred and ten mammary glands from 55 lactating mares were analyzed, ranging from 15 to 150 d post-partum. The mastitis diagnostic was performed through analysis of the milk via the screened test of the mug with dark background (Tamis), mammary gland inflammation and/or systemic signs. The subclinical mammary gland infection was characterized via the California Mastitis Test (CMT). From the 55 lactating mares, 2 (3.64%) had clinical mastitis. Following the CMT, the mares presented: 13 (23.60%), 7 (12.72%), and 12 (21.88%) scores from 1+, 2+, and 3+, respectively. From the 110 mamary glands were analysed, in 47 (85.45%) of these samples strains of microorganisms were isolated. In summary, results from our experiment suggest a low occurrence of clinical mastitis in lactating mares.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The synthesis of nickel catalysts for industrial applications is relatively simple; however, nickel oxidation is usually difficult to avoid, which makes it challenging to optimize catalytic activities, metal loadings, and high-temperature activation steps. A robust, oxidation-resistant and very active nickel catalyst was prepared by controlled decomposition of the organometallic precursor [bis(1,5-cyclooctadiene)nickel(0)], Ni(COD)(2), over silica-coated magnetite (Fe3O4@SiO2). The sample is mostly Ni(0), and surface oxidized species formed after exposure to air are easily reduced in situ during hydrogenation of cyclohexene under mild conditions recovering the initial activity. This unique behavior may benefit several other reactions that are likely to proceed via Ni heterogeneous catalysis.
Objective: To compare the efficacy of balance training associated with muscle strengthening or stretching, relative to no intervention, in the postural control of elderly women with osteoporosis. Design: A randomized, controlled trial. Subjects and interventions: Sample consisted of 50 women aged 65 years or older, with osteoporosis, randomized into one of three groups: strengthening group (n = 17) performed balance training with muscle strengthening; stretching group (n = 17) performed balance training with stretching; and control group (n = 16), no activities. Interventions lasted eight weeks, twice a week, 60 minutes a day. Main measures: Postural control was evaluated by the modified Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction for Balance (CTSIBm) and Limits of Stability Test. Strength was assessed by dynamometry and the shortening of the hamstrings by goniometry. Results: Relative to controls, participants in the strengthening group displayed significantly increased dorsiflexion strength and knee flexion strength, as well as centre of pressure velocity, directional control, and oscillation velocity (CTSIBm test). The stretching group had significantly improvements in hamstring length, knee flexion strength, centre of pressure velocity, and amplitude of movements. Relative to the stretching group, the strengthening group yielded better knee extension strength and directional control. Conclusion: The results suggest that both interventions are effective in improving postural control when compared to the control group, and the strengthening group was superior to the stretching group in knee extension strength and in directional control.
Objectives: To estimate the effects of low level laser therapy in combination with a programme of exercises on pain, functionality, range of motion, muscular strength and quality of life in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. Design: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial with sequential allocation of patients to different treatment groups. Setting: Special Rehabilitation Services. Subjects: Forty participants with knee osteoarthritis, 2-4 osteoarthritis degree, aged between 50 and 75 years and both genders. Intervention: Participants were randomized into one of two groups: the laser group (low level laser therapy dose of 3 J and exercises) or placebo group (placebo laser and exercises). Main measures: Pain was assessed using a visual analogue scale (VAS), functionality using the Lequesne questionnaire, range of motion with a universal goniometer, muscular strength using a dynamometer, and activity using the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis (WOMAC) questionnaire at three time points: (T1) baseline, (T2) after the end of laser therapy (three weeks) and (T3) the end of the exercises (11 weeks). Results: When comparing groups, significant differences in the activity were also found (P = 0.03). No other significant differences (P > 0.05) were observed in other variables. In intragroup analysis, participants in the laser group had significant improvement, relative to baseline, on pain (P = 0.001), range of motion (P = 0.01), functionality (P = 0.001) and activity (P < 0.001). No significant improvement was seen in the placebo group. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that low level laser therapy when associated with exercises is effective in yielding pain relief, function and activity on patients with osteoarthritis of the knees.
Doctorado en Informática
IMPARARE LA SOSTENIBILITA’ Oggetto di questa tesi di laurea è la progettazione di un asilo nido in prossimità della scuola dell’infanzia “Coccinella” di Bertinoro (FC) per rispondere alle esigenze espresse dalla’Amministrazione Comunale, orientate a realizzare un ampliamento della struttura esistente, completando così il polo scolastico comprendente anche la scuola elementare comunale adiacente. La strategia di intervento che il progetto ha adottato prevede due scenari: uno che assume integralmente gli obiettivi dell’Amministrazione e prevede la realizzazione di una struttura per la prima infanzia ad ampliamento di quella esistente, e un secondo che invece propone anche la realizzazione di una nuova scuola materna, in sostituzione di quella attualmente presente. Il progetto ha adottato un approccio integrato dal punto di vista formale e costruttivo, mostrando particolari attenzioni alle tematiche ambientali, assunte come determinanti per ottenere elevati livelli di benessere per i fruitori. La scuola diventa così promotrice di una progettazione orientata a principi di sostenibilità ambientale, efficienza e risparmio energetico, attraverso scelte in cui, sin dalle prime fasi, tecnologia, ambiente, comfort e salute cercano un reciproco equilibrio. A scala urbana si è scelto di recuperare e ampliare il sistema di percorsi pedonali che consente il collegamento tra le diverse parti della città, valorizzando il paesaggio quale risorsa primaria. A scala locale, per garantire l’integrazione del nuovo intervento con l’ambiente e il territorio, il progetto ha richiesto un’approfondita analisi preliminare del sito, comprendente lo studio di elementi del contesto sociale, culturale, ambientale e paesaggistico. A questi si sono affiancati gli aspetti climatologici, funzionali alla scelta dell’esposizione da attribuire all’edificio in modo da mitigare gli effetti delle variazioni climatiche e ottimizzare la qualità indoor. Dal punto di vista funzionale e distributivo il progetto ha risposto a criteri di massima flessibilità e fruibilità degli ambienti interni, assecondando le esigenze di educatori e bambini. Particolare attenzione è stata rivolta alla scelta della tipologia costruttiva, adottando elementi prefabbricati in legno assemblati a secco. Questo sistema consente la realizzazione di strutture affidabili, durevoli nel tempo e rispondenti a tre criteri fondamentali nell’ottica della sostenibilità: impiego di materiali rinnovabili, minimizzazione dei rifiuti e del consumo di acqua in cantiere e possibilità di recupero tramite smontaggio. Per garantire un corretto rapporto tra costruito e contesto urbano si è deciso di utilizzare materiali da rivestimento della tradizione locale, quali la pietra, e di attenuare l’impatto visivo dell’intervento attraverso l’impiego di coperture verdi. Queste, oltre a restituire in copertura il suolo occupato dai volumi edificati, contribuiscono alla mitigazione del microclima, sia all’interno dell’edificio che nel suo intorno. Rispetto agli obiettivi di benessere degli utenti, il progetto si è posto l’obiettivo di superare i confini determinati dalla normativa sui requisiti energetici, puntando al raggiungimento di condizioni ottimali in termini di salubrità del costruito e confort abitativo. Questo intervento si propone di sperimentare un approccio ecologico di sensibilizzazione ai criteri di sostenibilità, capace di coinvolgere tutti i protagonisti della vita scolastica: i bambini, gli insegnanti, i genitori e la città. “Imparare la sostenibilità” è l’obiettivo del progetto e la linea guida della tesi, i “percorsi di sostenibilità”, rappresenta il frutto degli studi, delle analisi, delle scelte che ci hanno spinto ad ottenere lo scopo prefissato e racchiude in un significato sia fisico che metaforico i risultati finali, sia a scala urbana, che a scala dell’edificio. Il termine “percorsi” ci permette di comprendere sia la nuova rete di collegamenti tra l’area di intervento e il resto della città quali strumento di rigenerazione e di contatto con il paesaggio, ma anche il processo di crescita e formativo che il bambino, destinatario e protagonista del progetto, intraprenderà in questi luoghi. La realizzazione di edifici tecnologicamente efficienti dal punto di vista delle prestazioni energetiche (raggiungimento classe B per la struttura esistente, classe A per le ipotesi di ampliamento) ma anche dal punto di vista del confort luminoso rappresenta la premessa per la formazione di una nuova generazione più responsabile e rispettosa nei confronti dell’ambiente che la circonda.
Oxidative DNA damages determine the activation of cell repair processes. These processes originate repair products, including the most studied one, 8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine (8-OH-dG). Several analytical techniques have been applied to measure urinary 8-OH-dG, but a discrepancy in basal urinary 8-OH-dG levels has been noted when comparing chromatographic techniques with immunoenzymatic assays (ELISA). Our laboratory has developed a fully validated, liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method presenting high sensitivity and specificity, which has participated in an inter-laboratory validation of assays for the measurement of urinary 8-OH-dG (ESCULA project). Mass Spectrometric techniques showed more accuracy and specificity than immunoenzymatic methods. Human spot urine samples were analyzed in order to investigate the possibility to correct urinary lesion measurements for creatinine and to evaluate the intra- and inter-day variability of 8-OH-dG excretion in urine. Our results confirm the opportunity to delve into these issues. Finally, we measured urinary 8-OH-dG in workers exposed to antineoplastic drugs and in a group of unexposed subjects to evaluate the relationship between occupational exposure and oxidative damage related to the internal dose. We found higher levels of 8-OH-dG in exposed nurses, but, as compared to the non-exposed subjects, the difference was not statistically significant, probably do to the very low level of exposure. The scientific literature is rapidly developing on the topic of DNA damage and related repair capacity. Nevertheless, further studies are needed to achieve a better understanding of the sources of DNA lesions in urine and their significance, both in clinical and occupational medicine.
In this thesis we present some combinatorial optimization problems, suggest models and algorithms for their effective solution. For each problem,we give its description, followed by a short literature review, provide methods to solve it and, finally, present computational results and comparisons with previous works to show the effectiveness of the proposed approaches. The considered problems are: the Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem (GTSP), the Bin Packing Problem with Conflicts(BPPC) and the Fair Layout Problem (FLOP).