996 resultados para 1995_12140558 Optics-15


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Prequantization has been forwarded as a means to improve the performance of double phase holograms (DPHs). We show here that any improvement (even under the best of conditions) is not large enough to help the DPH to compete favourably with other holograms.


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We report on the bacterial protein-based all-optical switches which operate at low laser power, high speed and fulfil most of the requirements to be an ideal all-optical switch without any moving parts involved. This consists of conventional optical waveguides coated with bacteriorhodopsin films at switching locations. The principle of operation of the switch is based on the light-induced refractive index change of bacteriorhodopsin. This approach opens the possibility of realizing proteinbased all-optical switches for communication network, integrated optics and optical computers.


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A study of the effect of N2 reservoir temperature on the small-signal gain in a downstream-mixing 16 μm CO2-N2 GDL is presented. It is shown that the small-signal gain decreases with the increase of N2 reservoir temperature. The conditions for reversing this trend are discussed and the results are presented in the form of graphs.


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The aim of the present study was to assess dental health and its determinants among 15-year-olds in Tehran, Iran and to evaluate the impact of a school-based educational intervention on their oral cleanliness and gingival health. The total sample comprised 506 students. Data collection was performed through a clinical dental examination and a self-administered structured questionnaire. This questionnaire covered the student s background information, socio-economic status, self-perceived dental health, tooth-brushing, and smoking. The clinical dental examination covered caries experience, gingival status, dental plaque status, and orthodontic treatment needs. Participation was voluntary, and all students responded to the questionnaire. Only three students refused the clinical dental examination. The intervention was based on exposing students to dental health education through a leaflet and a videotape designed for the present study. The outcome examinations took place 12 weeks after the baseline among the three groups of the intervention trial (leaflet, videotape, and control). High participation rates at the baseline and scanty drop-outs (7%) in the intervention speak for reliability of the results. Mean value of the DMFT (D=decayed, M=missing, and F=filled teeth) index of the 15-year-olds was 2.1, which comprised DT=0.9, MT=0.2, and FT=1.0 with no gender differences. Dental plaque existed on at least one index tooth of all students, and healthy periodontium (Community Periodontal Index=0) was found in less than 10% of students. Need for caries treatment existed in 40% of students, for scaling in 24%, for oral hygiene instructions in all, and for orthodontic treatment in 26%. Students with the highest level of parents education had fewer dental caries (36% vs. 48%) and less dental plaque (77% vs. 88%). Of all students, 78% assessed their dental health as good or better. Even more of those with their DMFT=0 (73% vs. 27%) and DT=0 (68% vs. 32%) assessed their dental health as good or better. Smokers comprised 5% of the boys and 2% of the girls. Smoking was common among students of less-educated parents (6% vs. 3%). Of all students, 26% reported twice-daily tooth-brushing; girls (38% vs. 15%) and those of higher socio-economic background (33% vs. 17%) did so more frequently. The best predictors for a good level of oral cleanliness were female gender or twice-daily tooth-brushing. The present study demonstrated that a school-based educational intervention can be effective in the short term in improving the oral cleanliness and gingival health of adolescents. At least 50% reduction in numbers of teeth with dental plaque compared to baseline was achieved by 58% of the students in the leaflet group, by 37% in the videotape group, and by 10% of the controls. Corresponding figures for gingival bleeding were 72%, 64%, and 30%. For improving the oral cleanliness and gingival health of adolescents in countries such as Iran with a developing oral health system, school-based educational intervention should be established with focus on oral self-care and oral health education messages. Emphasizing the immediate gains from good oral hygiene, such as fresh breath, clean teeth, and attractive appearance should be key aspects for motivating these adolescents to learn and maintain good dental health, whilst in planning school-based dental health intervention, special attention should be given to boys and those with lower socio-economic status. Author s address: Reza Yazdani, Department of Oral Public Health, Institute of Dentistry, University of Helsinki, P.O. Box 41, FI-00014 Helsinki, Finland. E-mail: reza.yazdani@helsinki.fi


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Born 1879?; Married September 2, 1903 in Leipzig to Paula Harmelin; Father of Henry H. Goldschmidt Gould and Ruth Augusta Beatrice Goldschmidt


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The aim of the study was to examine the effects of a smoking prevention program and smoking from early adolescence to early adulthood by using longitudinal data. In addition, predictors of smoking, smoking cessation, and associations of smoking with socio-economic factors and other health behaviours were assessed. The data was gathered in connection with the North Karelia Youth Project follow-up study during 15 years. A two-year cardiovascular disease risk factor prevention program was carried out among students from grades seven to nine in four schools in North Karelia. Two schools were selected from Kuopio province for the control schools. The North Karelia Project, a community-based cardiovascular disease prevention program, was implemented in the same area. At the baseline in 1978 the subjects were 13-year-olds (n=903) and in the following surveys 15-, 16-, 17-, 21- and 28-year-olds. The parents of the subjects were studied twice, in 1978 and 1980. A two-year intervention based on social influence approach prevented the onset of smoking for several years. The continuity of smoking from adolescence to adulthood was strong: most adolescent smokers were still smoking in adulthood. Moreover, approximately half of the 28-year-old smokers had started smoking after the age of 15. Previous smoking status and smoking by friends were the most important predictors of smoking. One third of all adolescent smokers had stopped smoking before the age of 28, averaging at 2.3 % annual decline. The socioeconomic status of the subject and, especially, education were strongly related to smoking, the lower socioeconomic groups smoking the most. Parental socioeconomic status and intergenerational social mobility were not significantly related to the smoking of the subject in adolescence or adulthood. Smoking was associated positively with the use of alcohol and negatively with physical activity from adolescence to adulthood. The results support the feasibility of a school-based social influence program with a community-based program in smoking prevention among adolescents. Strong continuity of smoking from adolescence to adulthood supports the importance of preventing the onset of smoking in adolescence. It would be useful to continue prevention programs also after the comprehensive school, since so many young start smoking after that. It would likewise be important to develop cessation programs tailor-made for adolescents and young adults. Additionally, the results support the importance of using methods based on social influence in smoking prevention and cessation programs, targeting especially such risk groups as those with low socioeconomic status as well as those with other unhealthy behaviours.


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Objectives Impaired muscle function is common in knee osteoarthritis (OA). Numerous biochemical molecules have been implicated in the development of OA; however, these have only been identified in the joint and serum. This study compared the expression of interleukin (IL-15) and Forkhead box protein-O1 (FoxO1) in muscle of patients with knee OA asymptomatic individuals, and examined whether IL-15 was also present in the joint and serum. Method Muscle and blood samples were collected from 19 patients with diagnosed knee OA and 10 age-matched asymptomatic individuals. Synovial fluid and muscle biopsies were collected from the OA group during knee replacement surgery. IL-15 and FoxO1were measured in the skeletal muscle. IL-15 abundance was also analysed in the serum of both groups and synovial fluid from the OA group. Knee extensor strength was measured and correlated with IL-15 and FoxO1 in the muscle. Results FoxO1 protein expression was higher (p=0.04), whereas IL-15 expression was lower (p=0.02) in the muscle of the OA group. Strength was also lower in the OA group, and was inversely correlated with FoxO1 expression. No correlation was found between IL-15 in the joint, muscle or serum. Conclusion Skeletal muscle, particularly the quadriceps, is affected in people with knee OA where elevated FoxO1 protein expression was associated with reduced muscle strength. While IL-15 protein expression in the muscle was lower in the knee OA group, no correlation was found between the expression of IL-15 protein in the muscle, joint and serum, which suggests that inflammation is regulated differently within these tissues.


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BACKGROUND: Endometriosis is a common disease with a heritable component. The collaborative International Endogene Study consists of two data sets (Oxford and Australia) comprising 1176 families with multiple affected. The aim was to investigate whether the apparent concentration of cases in a proportion of families could be explained by one or more rare variants with (near-)Mendelian autosomal inheritance. METHODS AND RESULTS: Linkage analyses (aimed at finding chromosomal regions harbouring disease-predisposing genes) were conducted in families with three or more affected (Oxford: n = 52; Australia: n = 196). In the Oxford data set, a non-parametric linkage score (Kong & Cox (K&C) Log of ODds (LOD)) of 3.52 was observed on chromosome 7p (genome-wide significance P = 0.011). A parametric MOD score (equal to maximum LOD maximized over 357 possible inheritance models) of 3.89 was found at 65.72 cM (D7S510) for a dominant model with reduced penetrance. After including the Australian data set, the non-parametric K&C LOD of the combined data set was 1.46 at 57.3 cM; the parametric analysis found an MOD score of 3.30 at D7S484 (empirical significance: P = 0.035) for a recessive model with high penetrance. Critical recombinant analysis narrowed the probable region of linkage down to overlapping 6.4 Mb and 11 Mb intervals containing 48 and 96 genes, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report to suggest that there may be one or more high-penetrance susceptibility loci for endometriosis with (near-)Mendelian inheritance.


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The stability of the steady-state solutions of mode-locking of cw lasers by a fast saturable absorber is imvestigated. It is shown that the solutions are stable if the condition (Ps/Pa) = (2/3) (P0Pa) is satisfied, where (Ps/Pa) is the steady-state la ser power, (P0/Pa) is the power at mode-locking threshold, and Pa is the saturated power of the absorber.


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C 15H 1602 (a synthetic precursor to dodecahedrane), monoclinic, P21/n, a = 12.171 (5), b = 6.976(5), c = 13.868 (3) A, B = 102.56 (3) ° , Z = 4, D m = 1.30, D c = 1.318 g cm -3, F(000) = 488, g(Mo K¢t) = 0.92 cm- 1. Intensity data were collected on a Nonius CAD-4 diffractometer and the structure was solved by direct methods. Full-matrix least-squares refinement gave R = 0.077 (R w = 0.076) for 1337 observed reflections. All the five-membered rings are cis fused and have envelope (C s symmetry) conformations.