999 resultados para 1995_04050755 TM-81 4502704


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Des Moines River Plat Maps.


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Des Moines River Plat Maps.


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Des Moines River Plat Maps.


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Des Moines River Plat Maps.


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The Electro-Reflective Measuring Apparatus (ERMA) was developed by the Minnesota Department of Highways in 1974 to measure the retro-reflective characteristics of pavement marking materials. Minnesota researchers recommended that due to the increased cost of pavement marking materials and reduced availability of these materials, ERMA can and should be used as a maintenance management tool to determine when painting is necessary rather than according to a fixed time schedule. The Iowa DOT Office of Materials built an ERMA device patterned after Minnesota's design in 1976. Subsequent efforts to calibrate and correlate this ERMA device to District Paint Foremen ratings proved unsuccessful, and ERMA modification or abandonment was recommended in 1979. Lyman Moothart, Materials Lab. Tech. 4, modified the ERMA device in 1980 and correlation attempts to District Paint Foremen ratings conducted in November 1980 have been moderately successful. A Paint/No Paint ERMA value has been established which will identify about 90% of the painting needs but will also include about 40% of the marking lines not needing repainting. The Office of Maintenance should establish a trial ERMA program to study the accuracy and potential cost savings of using ERMA to identify pavement marking needs.


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The addition of a selected self-cementing, Class C fly ash to blow sand soils improves their compacted strength greatly as opposed to the minimal strength improvement when fly ash is mixed with loess soil. By varying the percentage of fly ash added, the resulting blow sand-fly ash mixture can function as a low strength stabilized material or as a higher strength sub-base. Low strength stabilized material can also be obtained by mixing loess soils with a selected Class C fly ash. The development of the higher strength values required for subbase materials is very dependent upon compaction delay time and moisture condition of the material. Results at this time indicate that, when compaction delays are involved, excess moisture in the material has the greatest positive effect in achieving minimum strengths. Other added retarding agents, such as borax and gypsum, have less effect.


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The Iowa D.O.T. has a classification system designed to rate coarse aggregates as to their skid resistant characteristics. Aggregates have been classified into five functional types, with a Type 1 being the most skid resistant. A complete description of the classification system can be found in the Office of Materials Instructional Memorandum T-203. Due to the variability of ledges within any given quarry the classification of individual ledges becomes necessary. The type of aggregate is then specified for each asphaltic concrete surface course. As various aggregates become used in a.c. paving, there is a continuing process of evaluating the frictional properties of the pavement surface. It is primarily through an effort of this sort that information on aggregate sources and individual ledges becomes more refined. This study is being conducted to provide that needed up-to-date information that can be used to monitor the aggregate classification system.


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"MotionMaker (TM)" is a stationary programmable test and training system for the lower limbs developed at the 'Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne' with the 'Fondation Suisse pour les Cybertheses'.. The system is composed of two robotic orthoses comprising motors and sensors, and a control unit managing the trans-cutaneous electrical muscle stimulation with real-time regulation. The control of the Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) induced muscle force necessary to mimic natural exercise is ensured by the control unit which receives a continuous input from the position and force sensors mounted on the robot. First results with control subjects showed the feasibility of creating movements by such closed-loop controlled FES induced muscle contractions. To make exercising with the MotionMaker (TM) safe for clinical trials with Spinal Cord Injured (SCI) volunteers, several original safety features have been introduced. The MotionMaker (TM) is able to identify and manage the occurrence of spasms. Fatigue can also be detected and overfatigue during exercise prevented.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the seasonal variation of soil cover and rainfall erosivity, and their influences on the revised universal soil loss equation (Rusle), in order to estimate watershed soil losses in a temporal scale. Twenty-two TM Landsat 5 images from 1986 to 2009 were used to estimate soil use and management factor (C factor). A corresponding rainfall erosivity factor (R factor) was considered for each image, and the other factors were obtained using the standard Rusle method. Estimated soil losses were grouped into classes and ranged from 0.13 Mg ha-1 on May 24, 2009 (dry season) to 62.0 Mg ha-1 on March 11, 2007 (rainy season). In these dates, maximum losses in the watershed were 2.2 and 781.5 Mg ha-1 , respectively. Mean annual soil loss in the watershed was 109.5 Mg ha-1 , but the central area, with a loss of nearly 300.0 Mg ha-1 , was characterized as a site of high water-erosion risk. The use of C factor obtained from remote sensing data, associated to corresponding R factor, was fundamental to evaluate the soil erosion estimated by the Rusle in different seasons, unlike of other studies which keep these factors constant throughout time.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi ajustar modelos para estimar características dendrométricas da Caatinga brasileira a partir de dados do sensor TM do Landsat 5. Medidas de diâmetro e altura das árvores foram obtidas de 60 parcelas de inventário (400 m2), em dois municípios do Estado de Sergipe. A área basal e o volume de madeira foram estimados com uso de equação alométrica e de fator de forma (f = 0,9). As variáveis explicativas foram obtidas do sensor TM, após correção radiométrica e geométrica, tendo-se considerado, na análise, seis bandas espectrais, com resolução espacial de 30 m, além dos índices de razão simples (SR), de vegetação por diferença normalizada (NDVI) e de vegetação ajustado ao solo (Savi). Na escolha das melhores variáveis explicativas, foram considerados coeficiente de determinação (R2), raiz do erro quadrático médio (RMSE) e critério bayesiano de informação (CBI). A área basal por hectare não apresentou correlação significativa com nenhuma das variáveis explicativas utilizadas. Os melhores modelos foram ajustados à altura média das árvores por parcela (R2 = 0,4; RMSE = 13%) e ao volume de madeira por hectare (R2 = 0,6; RMSE = 42%). As métricas derivadas do sensor TM do Landsat 5 têm grande potencial para explicar variações de altura média das árvores e do volume de madeira por hectare, em remanescentes de Caatinga situados no Nordeste brasileiro.


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Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a utilização de imagens do sensor TM/Landsat 5 na diferenciação de plantios comerciais de Eucalyptus dunnii e Eucalyptus urograndis com diferentes idades. Demarcaram-se parcelas para identificar as duas espécies, em dois períodos distintos (2009 e 2011), a idades de 3 e 5 anos, para E. dunnii, e 2,2 e 4,2 anos para E. urograndis. Avaliaram-se seis bandas do sensor TM/Landsat 5 (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5 e B7) e seis índices de vegetação: razão simples (SR); índice de vegetação por diferença normalizada (NDVI); índice de vegetação ajustado ao solo (Savi)-0,25; Savi-0,5; índice de vegetação por diferença normalizada com uso da banda verde (GNDVI); e índice de umidade na vegetação (MVI). O processamento digital das imagens consistiu de correção geométrica, radiométrica e atmosférica. Os plantios de E. dunnii e E. urograndis foram diferenciados por meio de cinco bandas do Landsat (B2, B3, B4, B5 e B7) e três índices de vegetação (Savi-0,5, Savi-0,25 e GNDVI), no ano de 2009, e por quatro bandas do Landsat (B2, B4, B5 e B7) e seis índices de vegetação (NDVI, SR, Savi-0,5, Savi-0,25, MVI e GNDVI) no ano de 2011. Os dados espectrais extraídos das imagens TM/Landsat 5 são eficazes, tanto para distinguir as espécies de eucalipto como também a mesma espécie em plantios equiâneos.


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Es realitza el present projecte a petició de Buñol & Feixa S.L, l’objecte d’aquest projecte és la descripció de les obres previstes per la construcció de la nau per emmagatzemar gra, farina, palla i maquinària, sent aquesta un complement per una granja d’oví.


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Aquest projecte tracta sobre la millora d’arranjament del camí de la Tossa – camí de Rosselló, ubicat als termes municipals de Vilanova i Benavent de Segrià (Segrià). Els aspectes que s’han volgut millorar són la poca amplada del camí, eliminar i/o modificar revolts perillosos i asfaltar el camí amb un acabat del ferm amb mescla bituminosa. A la Memòria com a punts més rellevants s’hi pot trobar l’objectiu i condicionants del projecte, estudi d’alternatives i enginyeria dels projecte entre d’altres. En aquest últim, s’hi descriuen les opcions adoptades en quant a trànsit, traçat, esplanació, ferm, drenatge i senyalització. Alguns d’aquests punts es troben a més, desglossats detalladament en l’annex a memòria, en aquest annex també hi figuren altres documents rellevants com l’Estudi de Seguretat i Salut i la Justificació de preus.