983 resultados para 1948-1992


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Objetivo del artículo es estudiar los cambios más significativos producidos en la región de Guarayos (Noroeste del departamento de Santa Cruz, Bolivia) como consecuencia de la secularización de las misiones franciscanas en la zona, aprobada en 1938/39, y la implantación de la Delegación Nacional de Guarayos encargada de completar el proceso de incorporación de la población guaraya a la «nacionalidad». En particular, se analiza el papel desempeñado por los «administradores », nuevos «gestores» de los territorios y bienes que entre 1939 y 1948 detentaron todo el poder en cada uno de los poblados y fueron los responsables principales de la decadencia económica y despoblación de la región con la connivencia de sus superiores jerárquicos y la incapacidad del Estado para hacerse presente en la convulsa política boliviana del período marcada por continuados golpes militares.


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This study of Iowa’s Historic Automobile Roads has been prepared by the Highway Archaeology Program under the terms of an annual cultural resource surveys contract between the Iowa DOT and The University of Iowa. Under this agreement, state transportation funds are appropriated by the Iowa DOT for The University of Iowa Highway Archaeology Program to locate and determine the significance of cultural resources in the area of proposed highway and transportation improvement work. Cultural resources include archaeological, historical, and architectural sites. The study of Iowa’s Historic Automobile Roads reported herein, including archival research and survey, was conducted between June 2002 and June 2007, by Marlin R. Ingalls and Maria F. Schroeder. The University of Iowa Highway Archaeology Program is solely responsible for the content and accuracy of these reports with respect to site location description, interpretation, and recommendations. Duplicate project reports are filed at the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), Community Programs Bureau in Des Moines. Illustrations in this report may have been altered for clarity and sized to fit the page.


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L'article fa un balanç de les accions que s'han dut a terme en l'àmbit de les biblioteques escolars a Catalunya, des de l'any 1992 ¿data en què es tancava un panorama anterior publicat en aquesta revista¿ fins a l'actualitat. Se'n descriu la situació actual segons un estudi fet a tot l'Estat espanyol i es valoren les iniciatives dutes a terme per les administracions educatives catalanes, entre les quals la posada en marxa, des del curs 2004, del programa «PuntEdu». Així mateix, es revisen les activitats reivindicatives de la professió docent i bibliotecària en defensa de les biblioteques escolars. Finalment, es fa un repàs de la formació adreçada al personal i de les publicacions aparegudes. Es conclou que, malgrat les oportunitats que s'han presentat i els recursos que s'hi han destinat, les biblioteques escolars segueixen essent l'assignatura pendent del sistema bibliotecari del país.


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This manual was developed in cooperation with the Motorcycle Safety Foundation to help you prepare to safely ride a motorcycle. Contains information on motorcycle equipment, safety precautions, laws and earning your license.


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Investigative report produced by Iowa Citizens' Aide/Ombudsman


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Traffic volumes represented on this map are annual average daily traffic volumes between major traffic generators: highway junctions and cities.


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Interstate Route Flow represented on this map are annual average daily traffic volumes between major traffic.


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We present a theoretical study of the quantum depinning of domain walls. Our approach extends earlier work by Stamp and confirms his suggestion that quantum tunneling of domain walls in ferromagnets may reveal itself at a macroscopic level in a manner similar to the Josephson effect in superconductors. The rate of tunneling of a domain wall through a barrier formed by a planar defect is calculated in terms of macroscopic parameters of the ferromagnet. A universal behavior of the WKB exponent in the limit of small barriers is demonstrated. The effect of dissipation on the tunneling rate is studied. It is argued that quantum diffusion of domain walls apparently explains a nonthermal magnetic relaxation observed in some materials at low temperatures.


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In the past, many pier columns were deteriorating due to attack by chlorides. The chloride (from deicers) has attacked the substructures by drainage from the superstructure. Piers supporting grade separation bridges are also subject to chlorides contained in the direct splash from lower level traffic. Repairs of these piers are both difficult and costly. In this project, four different sealants were applied to piers to evaluate their use in the protection of the concrete against chloride-ions. One pier was left untreated to use as a control pier with which to compare the protected piers. This project began in 1980 and was to be completed in 1985, but at that time it was determined further testing was needed to make a more conclusive evaluation.