964 resultados para 1880-1930
Este artigo faz parte de uma pesquisa mais ampla realizada em nível de Pós-Doutuorado na Escola de Enfermagem da USP (1999-2000), intitulada «Caminhos Cruzados: os cursos para formação de parteiras e enfermeiras em São Paulo (1880-1971)» que teve por objetivo refletir sobre as atribuições de parteiras e enfermeiras obstétricas e a exclusão dessas profissionais na assistência ao parto no decorrer do século XX. O artigo se detém nos primeiros cursos para formação de parteiras e na fiscalização da profissão, apontando que no início do século XX, já se pode perceber uma associação entre parteiras e enfermeiras, não apenas em alguns cursos para formação profissional, como também no cotidiano de trabalho. Passa a existir a expectativa de que a parteira fosse também enfermeira.
Cette contribution explore le rôle institutionnel, scientifique et clinique de l'électroencéphalogramme (EEG) dans l'étude et la prise en charge de l'épilepsie, entre neurologie et psychiatrie, des années 1930 aux années 1960. En Suisse, si une épileptologie se développe à partir de la fin des années 1940 par le biais de l'EEG, on doit l'introduction de ce dernier à la psychiatrie, à partir des années 1930. En tenant compte de l'apport de la psychiatrie suisse et de la lente reconnaissance de la neurologie en tant que discipline institutionnalisée, je propose quelques éléments historiques d'une clinique psychiatrique de l'épilepsie et de sa neurologisation. Au coeur des réflexions et des pratiques de certains psychiatres suisses spécialistes de l'EEG, s'inscrit un souci constant de prise en charge globale des patients et d'une intégration de l'EEG en tant qu'outil complémentaire de la clinique. C'est à partir du début des années 1960 que l'EEG et l'épilepsie deviennent respectivement une des méthodes d'investigation clinique et une des pathologies privilégiées de la neurologie. Si quelques cas d'épilepsie dite « essentielle » sont toujours diagnostiqués et pris en charge dans les hôpitaux psychiatriques, plusieurs facteurs tels que l'innovation technique, l'autonomisation de la neurologie comme spécialité médicale reconnue, les considérations de coûts d'hospitalisation, le raccourcissement des séjours des patients et la mise en avant d'une approche ambulatoire de l'EEG en épileptologie, vont peu à peu tarir l'expertise et l'intérêt des psychiatres hospitaliers au sujet de l'EEG et de l'épilepsie.
Before the Civil War (1936-1939), Spain had seen the emergence offirms of complex organizational forms. However, the conflict andthe postwar years changed this pattern. The argument put forwardin this paper is based on historical experience, the efforts willbe addressed to explain the development of Spanish entrepreneurshipduring the second half of the twentieth century. To illustrate thechange in entrepreneurship and organizational patterns among theSpanish firms during the Francoist regime we will turn to the caseof the motor vehicle industry.
Life table analyses have been developed to understanding the impact of various sources of intrinsic and extrinsic mortalities on the rate of population growth. The understanding of the population increase of the parasitoids related to their hosts is important in biological control programs. This work had as objective to evaluate the survival and fertility of the parasitoid Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson, 1880) on Schizaphis graminum (Rondani, 1852) as a host under fertility life table. The experiment were carried out in a climatic chamber at 25 ± 1ºC, RH 60 ± 10% and 10h photophase. To determine the immature mortality, the development time and the sex ratio of the parasitoid, 12 females of the parasitoid (less than one day old) and 240 nymphs of S. graminum (3 days old) were used. To evaluate the longevity and fertility of L. testaceipes, 15 females (less than one day old) were used. Nymphs of S. graminum (3 days old) were offered for each parasitoid female daily, until the female died, being in the 1st day - 300 nymphs; 2nd day - 250 nymphs; 3rd day - 200 nymphs; 4th day - 150 and in the other days a number of 50 nymphs. L. testaceipes had an immature mortality of 22,2%, and a development time of males and females of 9.0 and 9.1 days, respectively. The females of L. testaceipes laid, in it first life day, 257.8 eggs, and they survived up until seven days. The net reproduction rate (Ro) and the intrinsic rate of increase (r m) were respectively, 301.9 and 0.513. The finite rate of increase (l) was 1.67 females per day, the mean length of a generation (T) was 11.13 days and the time to duplicate the population (TD) was 1.35 weeks. The parasitoid L. testaceipes have a high potential of population growth on S. graminum as a host under the analyzed conditions.
Latin America participated in the electric revolution which profoundly transformed the most developed Western economies between 1880 and 1930. The electrification of Latin America began relatively soon after these economies, but it was incapable of keeping up with them. Public electric lighting was introduced early in the big Latin American cities, where electric trams started running at almost the same time as in Europe, and electricity spread rapidly in the mining sector. In the most advanced countries or areas in the region, the manufacturing industry substituted the steam engine with the electric motor, following the example of industry in the United States and Europe. Nevertheless, towards 1930 electricity consumption per inhabitant for Latin America was far below that of the more advanced economies, and only the Latin American countries which lead the process of electrification had reached levels of electric consumption that were similar to those of the late industrialised European countries. One of the most striking features of the electric revolution in Latin America is rooted precisely in the enormous national differences. These differences are indicative of the great economic inequalities existing in the heart of the region and these nations highly diverse capacity for economic modernisation.