922 resultados para 170103 Educational Psychology


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A análise em tela investiga a construção do projeto político pedagógico do Departamento de Psicologia da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (2011), tendo como parâmetros o projeto político pedagógico inicial do curso (1999) e a produção de textos, discursos e documentos no cenário nacional que versam sobre a reforma curricular da graduação em Psicologia no Brasil. A abordagem do ciclo contínuo de políticas, proposta por Stephen Ball e a vertente analítica das comunidades epistêmicas são a base teórico-metodológica escolhida. Também há uma interlocução com o campo da Psicologia da Educação, em uma perspectiva multidisciplinar, apoiada nas contribuições de Michel Foucault sobre discurso e poder. Compreendemos, a partir desta perspectiva, que as políticas curriculares são pensadas e produzidas num processo complexo que envolve diversas ações nos contextos da influência, produção e da prática (BALL e BOWE, 1992). Ainda que o foco de nossa pesquisa seja no contexto da prática (reforma curricular do curso de Psicologia), a análise considera os outros contextos pelas relações de interdependência que há entre eles. O intervalo cronológico definido para compreensão das políticas curriculares para a formação em Psicologia (1999-2011) foi atento às definições ocorridas, neste período, as quais permitem a análise mais precisa do nosso objeto: as recontextualizações institucionais na reforma curricular da Psicologia da UEPB. Elas são analisadas a partir da identificação de dois projetos de formação em disputa no cenário nacional: um projeto generalista e outro especialista. O primeiro tem como características principais a defesa de um curso com denominação única (Curso de Psicologia), formação focada na profissionalização, substituição das antigas áreas de habilitação para ênfases curriculares, dissociação entre formação profissional e formação do professor e, por fim, extinção da terminologia de bacharel. Já o segundo defende dois aspectos que dizem respeito a reivindicação da formação do bacharel e a formação do professor. Identificamos que o projeto de formação generalista que tem como maior representante o CFP, tornou-se vencedor, no cenário nacional, tendo repercussões no contexto da prática na UEPB. Há algumas sintonias entre as diretrizes curriculares construídas para a Psicologia na universidade e as diretrizes do CFP que defendem a inclusão das práticas emergentes ao currículo da graduação em Psicologia no país. Esta constatação atesta a ação de uma comunidade epistêmica que defendeu um projeto de formação focado na profissionalização na área clínica. Assim, concluímos que, ainda que haja a definição da profissionalização como meta do curso de Psicologia da UEPB, é a área/ênfase de Psicologia Organizacional e do Trabalho que aparece como dominante; a área/ênfase de Psicologia Clínica tem suas horas diminuídas; as ênfases curriculares são correlatas das áreas de formação do PPPI (1999) e a formação do professor de Psicologia é excluída do NPPP (2011), ficando para o futuro a construção de um projeto específico para esta formação. Portanto, a reforma curricular de Psicologia da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba, apesar de pretender uma formação generalista, reproduz uma lógica especialista e o perfil do curso foca na profissionalização, mas com uma ascensão da área/ênfase Psicologia Organizacional e do Trabalho.


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Esta dissertação baseia-se em uma pesquisa-intervenção realizada em cinco escolas de nível fundamental e infantil, e em uma escola de ensino especial/ atendimento educacional especializado (AEE) de uma cidade de pequeno porte do interior do Rio de Janeiro, na região sul do estado. O presente trabalho situa-se no contexto das discussões sobre as práticas de medicalização na escola-empresa e nas sociedades de controle, e tem como objetivo a investigação da medicalização e a judicialização como exigências que têm moldado um viés predominante médico-assistencialista ao trabalho do psicólogo, concentrando-se em atendimentos individualizados a alunos e famílias nas escolas públicas. O método adotado é o da cartografia (Deleuze & Guattari). Os conceitos de Medicalização (Conrad, Illitch, Szasz). Controle (Deleuze), e o conceito científico-ficcional de Pré-Crime (Dick) são a coluna vertebral do trabalho. A pesquisa de cunho qualitativo utiliza os referenciais teórico-práticos da análise institucional (AI) e dos estudos da filosofia de diferença, de autores como Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guatarri, assim como a contribuição valiosa de estudiosos mais contemporâneos, como Veiga-Neto, Gallo e Marcondes. Os analisadores dos relatórios pré-crime de medicalização do fracasso escolar, da (in)disciplina e da loucura através funcionam como pistas para as passagens dos diagnósticos para as práticas e modos coletivos de subjetivação, contexto mais amplo que nos conduz à visibilidade das questões do trabalho, da saúde no trabalho no magistério, e às plataformas de alianças coletivas entre técnicos(psicólogos) e não-técnicos (professores) para a construção dos processos de desmedicalização e desmedicalização na Educação.


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IQ Structure, Psycholinguistic and Visual-motor Abilities Study on Children Learning Disability TONG Fang Directed by professor Zhu Liqi (Developmental and educational psychology) ABSTRACT Objective To comprehensive analyze the IQ structures, and relationships among IQ, psychometric characteristics and visual-motor integration on children disability. At same time, to probe into the family factors that influenced IQ, psycholinguistic abilities and behavior of LD children. Method (1) Downloading the papers on children learning disability from www.cqvip.com and www.wanfangdata.com, in which, the articles were collected by key words from 1985 to 2005. To conduct meta-analysis on IQ construction, compare the case group and the control group, including full IQ, verbal and practice IQ. (2) Designed with model compared and self-compared, 59 diagnosed learning disability children, tested themes with WISC, ITPA and Berry’s VMI. WISC included 10 items, 5 of which subtotal to verbal and practice IQ respectively. IPTA included 10 items, too, 5 process of which subtotal to auditory and visual perception. The first 3 items shared representation level, the other 2 of that shared automatic level.VMI had one score. Analyzed factors and levels with description and Pearson Correlation. To probe to linguistic internal alternately functions of LD children, and compare the scores of groups in different IQ. (3) Analyzed the perspective questionnaire filled by parents. Early development facts compared with model groups. Factors relationships analyzed with Kendall correlation, KOM and Bartlett’s test of sphericity, Promax Rotation. Results: (1) There have been 319 papers related with LD, in which 36 with IQ and 14 valid reports have been analyzed by Meta. FIQ’s 95%CI (confidence interval) is 2.418 ~ 0.172, VIQ between the difficulty and non- difficulty group. C-WISC-R reports were 10 papers, of which, 95%CI of FIQ is 2.424 ~ 0.676, of VIQ is 2.314 ~ 1.196, of PIQ is 2.176 ~ 0.176. The VIQ comparing the PIQ, 95%CI is 1.1 ~ -0.07 in difficulty group and 0.5 ~ -0.0046 in non-difficult group. Nevertheless, in the other 4 tests, FIQ’s 95%CI is 2.00 ~ -0.818 between LD and NLD. (2) Children psycholinguistic abilities had strong relation with Berry’s VMI test excluding auditory reception, and with perceptive factor of intelligence excluding verbal expression. Auditory reception and visual closure had strong relation with FIQ and PIQ. Grammatic closure, visual association and manual expression had strong relation with concept factor. The representational and automatic levels are depended on integration of auditory and visual procession. Lower verbal expression (VE) let to lower expression process and low scores on representational level. Lower visual sequential memory (VSM) let to lower memory process and influenced automatic level. Groups compared by IQ 90 show that LD children with under IQ 90 had lower scores on items of IPTA than with up IQ 90 excluded verbal expression. It was proved that IQ administrated the linguistic ability. Nevertheless, general abilities deficiency didn’t show influencing on the types of the perceptive delay. There was mutual function among linguistic ability on LD children. Auditory and visual level are overlapped each other. Not only show higher Decoding and lower Encoding on Auditory perception, lower Decoding and higher Encoding on Visual perception, in representation, but also higher Sequential remember, lower Closure on Audition, and lower Sequential member, higher Closure on Vision, in Automation. Nevertheless, there was no different between Representational and Automatic level, which may be the relationship of parallel or evolution. (3) Major family factors were father’s education, occupation. Lower auditory perception related to unconcerned, lower visual perception related to premature delivery and written slowly. Threatened–abortion, childbirth-suffocated were known as influencing children’s IQ and later linguistic abilities. It wasn’t shown that dosage relationship with the types of perceptive delay. Conclusion: (1) The FIQ, VIQ and PIQ of Children with LD is lower than that of NLD group. There is no significantly different between VIQ and PIQ in LD and NLD groups. (2) The objectives of ITPA and WISC tests are differently. The psycholinguistic abilities had strong relation with perceptive factor and VMI. Some facts of IPTA related with FIQ. IQ had strong administration on linguistic abilities. There was mutual function among linguistic internal abilities. (3) Family facts on IQ and psycholinguistic abilities were Father’s education, abnormal pregnant and abortion. It would be pre-show development delay in early period.


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Transfer of learning is one of the major concepts in educational psychology. As cognitive psychology develops, many researchers have found that transfer plays an important part in problem solving, and the awareness of the similarity of related problems is important in transfer. So they become more interested in researching the problem of transfer. But in the literature of transfer research, it has been found that many researchers do not hold identical conclusions about the influence of awareness of related problems during problem solving transfer. This dissertation is written on the basic of much of sub-research work, such as looking up literature concerning transfer of problem solving research, comparing the results of research work done recently and experimental researches. The author of this dissertation takes middle school students as subjects, geometry as materials, and adopts factorial design in his experiments. The influence of awareness of related problems on problem solving transfer is examined from three dimensions which are the degree of difficulty of transfer problems, the level of awareness of related problems and the characteristics of subjects themselves. Five conclusions have been made after the experimental research: (1) During the process of geometry problem solving, the level of awareness of related problems is one of the major factors that influence the effect of problem solving transfer. (2) Either more difficult or more easy of the transfer problems will hinder the influence of awareness of related problems during problem solving transfer, and the degree of difficulty of the transfer problems have interactions with the level of awareness of related problems in affecting transfer. (3) During geometry problems solving transfer, the level of awareness of related problems has interactions with the degree of student achievement. Compared with the students who have lower achievement, the influence of the level of the awareness is bigger in the students who have higher achievement. (4) There is positive correlation between geometry achievement and reasoning ability of the middle school students. The student who has higher reasoning ability has higher geometry achievement, while the level of awareness is raised, the transfer achievement of both can be raised significantly. (5) There is positive correlation between geometry achievement and cognitive style of the middle school students. The student who has independent field tendency of cognitive style has higher geometry achievement, while the level of awareness is raised, the transfer achievement of both can be raised significantly. At the end of the dissertation, the researcher offers two proposals concerning Geometry teaching on the basis of the research findings.


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In this study, bibliometric method was usded in the investigation of 2274 papers concerning child developmental and educational psychology, which were published during the ten years of 1979-1988, in 14 psychological journals and 97 other scientific journals. According to the quantitative and qualitative analyses, the results are as follows: 1979-1988 saw the rapid development and prosperous period in China's child developmental and educational psychology, During which more papers were published and more fields couched than in the psvious thirty years. The number of literature publications increased and went to the peak in 1983 and 1984, and came down since 1985. The trend was found to result from the decrease in popular science introductions of psychology, which reflected that a heat of psychology had appeared in 1983 and started to cool in 1985. At the mean time, the number of research reports had been holding a steady increase by 1987 and decreased obviously in 1988, especially in the fields of cognitive and social development. There could be several possible explanations of this phenonemon: Piagetian studies are becoming fewer and the eakening of Piaget's influence might predict a period of standstill in the field of developmental psychology in China; As researches become more and more difficult, researchers have turned to be more cautious in lay out their reports; the cutdown of fees and staff could also be one of reasons for less publication in 1988. As the factors mentioned above still exist and their influences last, the number of papers are not expected to increase in the near future. The field of thinking and menory is closely connected with that of artificial intelligence. The downhill situations in these two fileds should be taken seriously. 2. The types of research work are divided on the bases of their problem raising. The trends show that the deepening studies, which represent a comaratively higher level of exploration, are waving fewer, while repeated studies and creative studies are becoming more as the years go along. This fact is worth being further analysed. Big progress could be seen from research methods. The methods currently used are mainly experiment, psychological measurement and assessment, and theoretical reasoning. There is a rapid increase of research by using scales. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Binet Scale and Baley Scale have been revised andstandardized. Chinese researchers have also developed several good scales of their own, some of which are valuable and need to be standardized. In the papers investigated, the amount of citation is significantly lower than the world average level as well as the average citation number of whole China's scientific literature. Among the papers cited, most are of Chinese and English languages, and only a small rate were published in resently five years. The renewal of literature cited seems to stay at a low level in the ten years. Tremendous work could be reflected by the number of subjects used the research work in those ten years: 362665. A lot of studies piled on the period of 4-16 year olds. Compared with the previous thirty years, the age range was much enlarged and there were quite a few studies about preschool, school and adolescent periods. The study of newborn of 0-3 has been a weak point so far and it is a field to which chinese developmental psychologists should pay more attention. The progress in using statistics is one of the most obvious part in the development in the research work of child developmental and educational psychology. The one tendency that should be awared and avoid is to put the cart before the horse: seeking for more sophisticated statistic method while neglecting the meanings of research problems. 3. Citation analysis was used in selecting scholars who had great influence in the field of child developmental and educational psychology. Among the often cited and famous scholars, 31 are Chinese researchers and 12 are Western psychologists. The authoritative journal for child developmental psychology and educational psychology is Acta Psychologica Sinica.


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The advent of modern wireless technologies has seen a shift in focus towards the design and development of educational systems for deployment through mobile devices. The use of mobile phones, tablets and Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) is steadily growing across the educational sector as a whole. Mobile learning (mLearning) systems developed for deployment on such devices hold great significance for the future of education. However, mLearning systems must be built around the particular learner’s needs based on both their motivation to learn and subsequent learning outcomes. This thesis investigates how biometric technologies, in particular accelerometer and eye-tracking technologies, could effectively be employed within the development of mobile learning systems to facilitate the needs of individual learners. The creation of personalised learning environments must enable the achievement of improved learning outcomes for users, particularly at an individual level. Therefore consideration is given to individual learning-style differences within the electronic learning (eLearning) space. The overall area of eLearning is considered and areas such as biometric technology and educational psychology are explored for the development of personalised educational systems. This thesis explains the basis of the author’s hypotheses and presents the results of several studies carried out throughout the PhD research period. These results show that both accelerometer and eye-tracking technologies can be employed as an Human Computer Interaction (HCI) method in the detection of student learning-styles to facilitate the provision of automatically adapted eLearning spaces. Finally the author provides recommendations for developers in the creation of adaptive mobile learning systems through the employment of biometric technology as a user interaction tool within mLearning applications. Further research paths are identified and a roadmap for future of research in this area is defined.


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© 2013 American Psychological Association.This meta-analysis synthesizes research on the effectiveness of intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) for college students. Thirty-five reports were found containing 39 studies assessing the effectiveness of 22 types of ITS in higher education settings. Most frequently studied were AutoTutor, Assessment and Learning in Knowledge Spaces, eXtended Tutor-Expert System, and Web Interface for Statistics Education. Major findings include (a) Overall, ITS had a moderate positive effect on college students' academic learning (g = .32 to g = .37); (b) ITS were less effective than human tutoring, but they outperformed all other instruction methods and learning activities, including traditional classroom instruction, reading printed text or computerized materials, computer-assisted instruction, laboratory or homework assignments, and no-treatment control; (c) ITS's effectiveness did not significantly differ by different ITS, subject domain, or the manner or degree of their involvement in instruction and learning; and (d) effectiveness in earlier studies appeared to be significantly greater than that in more recent studies. In addition, there is some evidence suggesting the importance of teachers and pedagogy in ITS-assisted learning.


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Background. Mothers' expectations for their children's educational attainment are related to children's educational and occupational attainment. Studies have yet to establish, however, the long-term links between maternal expectations and offspring earnings, which are not always related to occupational attainment especially in women, or between maternal expectations and offspring sense of control and self-efficacy, which are pivotal factors in career choice and development. Aims. To explore the role of mothers' expectations for their children's educational attainment in children's earnings attainment and sense of control later in life. Method. Data from sweeps of the 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70) were used. The study sample was those cohort members with complete information on all the variables of interest. The study sample (N = 3,285) was more educated and less disadvantaged than the whole sample. If cohort members of this type are more likely to have a mother who has high expectations, then our results are biased downwards, which suggests that we underestimate the effect of expectations on our two outcome variables. Results. Mothers' expectations at the age of 10 were positively related to daughters' sense of control at the age of 30 even after controlling for ethnicity, educational attainment, and concurrent partner, parent, and labour market participation status, as well as the following confounding variables (measured at the ages of 0–10): general ability and general ability squared, locus of control, emotional and behavioural problems and emotional and behavioural problems squared, socio-economic disadvantage, parental social class, parental family structure, and mothers' education, child-rearing attitudes, and mental health. Mothers' expectations had no effect on sons' adult outcomes. Conclusions. Given that women are particularly at risk for poor psychological and economic outcomes in adulthood, and that this study likely underestimated the effect of expectations on these two outcomes, this is an important conclusion.


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This paper presents a program centred on arts and education as tools in social work for the inclusion of people with earlyonset dementia and Alzheimer’s. The objective of the programme is to eradicate the stigma and myths associated with the disease.The program is part of the Junta de Castilla y León and the European Social Fund’s ARS Project (Arte y Salud Alzheimer; Alzheimer’s Art & Health). The programme presents a series of evaluated artistic and educational activities that can be undertaken by people in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease and that can also be used by caregivers and family when working with this group of people, with the aim of improving their wellbeing, self-esteem and quality of life.


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Este trabajo tiene como propósito esencial, realizar un acercamiento para detectar e identificar las necesidades de información y el comportamiento informativo de entrenadores en deportes de combate. Para ello se aplicó un cuestionario a instructores de aikido, boxeo, esgrima, judo, karate, kendo, lima lama, lucha y taekwondo seleccionados mediante un muestreo no probabilístico por causalidad. En general encontramos que los principales temas de interés entre los instructores son: los programas de entrenamiento, nutrición y dietas de entrenamiento. Por otra parte, los entrenadores son más propensos a utilizar su experiencia, internet y cursos para obtener información. En contraste se nota que la biblioteca y los libros son poco usados.


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Fifty-one young people aged 14�15 years considered to be at a high-risk of substance abuse and exhibiting antisocial behavior, primarily because they longer attended mainstream school, participated in this research by completing a questionnaire to measure drug use and delinquent behaviour. The findings suggest that many of them may have already developed a high propensity to drug abuse and antisocial behaviour compared with their peers in mainstream education. As they were all excluded from school, they were not accessing school based prevention programmes delivered to their contemporaries at school suggesting that additional and specialized resources are required to fully meet their needs.


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