988 resultados para 152-915


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During Ocean Drilling Program Legs 152 and 163, we recovered core from the offshore East Greenland volcanic province. The basaltic core recovered included a set of structural elements reflecting the history of extrusion, cooling, postdeposition alteration, and minor tectonism. Brittle features in the basaltic core include faults and several generations of veins. Several minicore samples from the lower sections of core from Hole 917A were taken for paleomagnetic analysis, primarily to test whether there were any significant postdepositional tectonic rotations or whether the core could be reoriented using paleomagnetic techniques. The characteristic magnetization direction was used to estimate the in situ orientation of measured structural features within the core. Although significant uncertainty is associated with the analysis, the corrected attitudes of veins in basalt at Site 917 dip moderately west, with a smaller, conjugate group of veins dipping moderately east-southeast, parallel to other seaward-dipping faults in the area, which were interpreted from seismic lines.


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Component natural remanent magnetizations derived from u-channel and 1-qcm discrete samples from ODP Site 919 (Irminger Basin) indicate the existence of four intervals of negative inclinations in the upper Brunhes Chronozone. According to the age model based on planktic oxygen isotope data, these "excursional" intervals occur in sediments deposited during the following time intervals: 32-34 ka, 39-41 ka, 180-188 ka and 205-225 ka. These time intervals correspond to polarity excursions detected elsewhere, known as Mono Lake, Laschamp, Iceland Basin and Pringle Falls. The isotope-based age model is supported by the normalized remanence (paleointensity) record that can be correlated to other calibrated paleointensity records for the 0-500 ka interval, such as that from ODP Site 983. For the intervals associated with the Mono Lake and Laschamp excursions, virtual geomagnetic poles (VGPs) reach equatorial latitudes and mid-southerly latitudes, respectively. For intervals associated with the Iceland Basin and Pringle Falls excursions, repeated excursions of VGPs to high southerly latitudes indicate rapid directional swings rather than a single short-lived polarity reversal. The directional instability associated with polarity excursions is not often recorded, probably due to smoothing of the sedimentary record by the process of detrital remanence (DRM) acquisition.


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