994 resultados para 105-647B


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Significant changes in terrestrial and marine environments of Baffin Bay occurred throughout the late Pliocene to Holocene. Upper Pliocene and lowermost Pleistocene sediments contain abundant pollen and spores, which indicates the existence of open, coniferous, boreal forest to forest tundra in areas surrounding Baffin Bay. The late Pliocene-earliest Pleistocene also is characterized by relatively rich, dinoflagellate cyst and acritarch assemblages of boreal character, in which the dominance of Cymatiosphaera and Peridiniaceae may indicate neritic influx of sediments. In contrast, the late-early Pleistocene to Holocene interval is marked by a sparse terrestrial and marine palynoflora, with rare productive intervals. The general paucity of the Pleistocene palynoflora suggests low primary productivity, both on land and offshore, probably caused by cold, dry, high arctic conditions.


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Dinoflagellate cysts were recovered throughout the Paleogene succession of Hole 647A, which contains an almost complete deep-water record of early Eocene through early late Oligocene sedimentation in the Labrador Sea. Dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy is in general accord with that provided by other microfossil groups and is consistent with a lower Eocene age, as determined by nannofossils, for basal sediments in Hole 647A. These sediments overlie oceanic crust of Chron 24 age. Dinocyst assemblages indicate outer neritic to oceanic conditions throughout, although the persistent occurrence of Wetzeliellaceae specimens in the lower Eocene suggests a greater influence from shelf environments during this time. Lower Eocene dinocyst assemblages are similar to coeval assemblages from the Rockall Plateau, but those from the middle to upper Eocene have mixed affinities and may be related to the intensification of the proto-Gulf Stream from middle Eocene time. Oligocene dinocyst assemblages suggest the influence of both arctic and North Atlantic wate rmasses at this site. The presence of protoperidineacean species in the upper Eocene and Oligocene may indicate increased availability of nutrients, perhaps related to increased upwelling or the effects of water-mass mixing. Productive samples are dominated by dinocysts and acritarchs, while sporomorphs are represented mainly by bisaccate pollen. Preservational differences within samples may reflect mixing of penecontemporaneous dinocyst populations during the Eocene, and all samples examined may have a considerable allochthonous component. Variability in relative abundance of many species during the Eocene may be related to fluctuating water-mass properties. A total 175 dinocyst and acritarch taxa were recorded from 53 productive samples from the Paleogene. Only one Paleogene sample was barren of palynomorphs. Of three Miocene samples processed, all were barren.


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Claystones immediately overlying the early Eocene age ocean-floor basalt, cored at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 647, underwent hydrothermal and thermal alterations originating from the basalt, which resulted in changes in both the mineralogical and chemical composition of the sediments. Chlorites and higher magnesium and iron concentrations were found in the lowermost sediment sequence. Upcore, changes in the bulk chemical composition of the sediments become smaller, when compensated for variations in the carbonate content originating from biogenic and authigenic components. Chlorite disappears upcore, but still only part of the swelling clay minerals have survived the thermal influence. Thirty meters above the basalt, the clay mineralogy and chemical composition become uniform throughout the Paleogene section. Iron-rich smectites (i.e., nontronitic types), totally dominate the clay mineral assemblage. Biogenic components, responsible for the dominant part of the calcite and cristobalite contents, vary in amount in the upper part, and so do the authigenic carbonate and sulfide contents. Detrital components, such as kaolinite, illite, quartz, and feldspars, make up a very small proportion of the sediment record. The nontronitic smectites are believed to be authigenic, formed by a supply of iron from the continuous formation of ocean-floor basalt in the ridge area that reacted with the detrital and biogenic silicates and alumina silicates.