961 resultados para wind farms


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Edificações


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Edificações


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Renewable energy sources (RES) have unique characteristics that grant them preference in energy and environmental policies. However, considering that the renewable resources are barely controllable and sometimes unpredictable, some challenges are faced when integrating high shares of renewable sources in power systems. In order to mitigate this problem, this paper presents a decision-making methodology regarding renewable investments. The model computes the optimal renewable generation mix from different available technologies (hydro, wind and photovoltaic) that integrates a given share of renewable sources, minimizing residual demand variability, therefore stabilizing the thermal power generation. The model also includes a spatial optimization of wind farms in order to identify the best distribution of wind capacity. This methodology is applied to the Portuguese power system.


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A Iberwind recebeu o aluno estagiário para a realização de um projeto de consultoria técnica focada nos acessos dos seus 31 parques eólicos presentes no território nacional. É apresentada a empresa, bem como todo o processo de construção e desenvolvimento de parques eólicos. O presente relatório de estágio foca-se, maioritariamente, na reabilitação de acessos a parques eólicos, debruçando-se sobre as especialidades de terraplenagens, drenagem e pavimentação, bem como as condicionantes geométricas. Verifica-se que com o passar dos anos, após a construção dos primeiros empreendimentos, começa a denotar-se a deterioração dos acessos aos mesmos. É, por isso, relevante e significativo o trabalho realizado no âmbito do estágio, por forma a avaliar as diversas necessidades de reabilitação e manutenção dos acessos a apresentar soluções globais. O levantamento de campo realizado cobriu todo o portefólio da empresa e documentou a totalidade das patologias relacionadas com as especialidades de pavimentação e drenagem. Executaram-se visitas a todos os parques, acompanhadas pelos operadores dos mesmos, e aliaram-se às mesmas entrevistas aos supervisores de zona com o intuito de aglomerar informação e contextualizar a problemática. Realizou-se uma proposta de reabilitação dos acessos em piores condições, o que levou à adjudicação da obra e acompanhamento de alguns trabalhos por parte do autor no presente ano. O trabalho realizado e detalhadamente documentado permitiu a criação de uma metodologia de inspeção e manutenção a ser implementada nos parques eólicos do grupo, de forma a reduzir custos e otimizar recursos a longo prazo. A metodologia consiste, de forma sintetizada, na inspecção periódica dos acessos de cada parque pelas equipas de campo e a definição das necessidades prioritárias de manutenção e reabilitação dos mesmos de maneira independente.


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Die Maßnahmen zur Förderung der Windenergie in Deutschland haben wichtige Anstöße zur technologischen Weiterentwicklung geliefert und die Grundlagen für den enormen Anlagenzubau geschaffen. Die installierte Windleistung hat heute eine beachtliche Größenordnung erreicht und ein weiteres Wachstum in ähnlichen Dimensionen ist auch für die nächsten Jahre zu erwarten. Die aus Wind erzeugte elektrische Leistung deckt bereits heute in einigen Netzbereichen die Netzlast zu Schwachlastzeiten. Dies zeigt, dass die Windenergie ein nicht mehr zu vernachlässigender Faktor in der elektrischen Energieversorgung geworden ist. Im Rahmen der Kraftwerkseinsatzplanung sind Betrag und Verlauf der Windleistung des folgenden Tages mittlerweile zu wichtigen und zugleich schwierig zu bestimmenden Variablen geworden. Starke Schwankungen und falsche Prognosen der Windstromeinspeisung verursachen zusätzlichen Bedarf an Regel- und Ausgleichsleistung durch die Systemführung. Das im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelte Prognosemodell liefert die zu erwartenden Windleistungen an 16 repräsentativen Windparks bzw. Gruppen von Windparks für bis zu 48 Stunden im Voraus. Aufgrund von prognostizierten Wetterdaten des deutschen Wetterdienstes (DWD) werden die Leistungen der einzelnen Windparks mit Hilfe von künstlichen neuronalen Netzen (KNN) berechnet. Diese Methode hat gegenüber physikalischen Verfahren den Vorteil, dass der komplexe Zusammenhang zwischen Wettergeschehen und Windparkleistung nicht aufwendig analysiert und detailliert mathematisch beschrieben werden muss, sondern anhand von Daten aus der Vergangenheit von den KNN gelernt wird. Das Prognosemodell besteht aus zwei Modulen. Mit dem ersten wird, basierend auf den meteorologischen Vorhersagen des DWD, eine Prognose für den Folgetag erstellt. Das zweite Modul bezieht die online gemessenen Leistungsdaten der repräsentativen Windparks mit ein, um die ursprüngliche Folgetagsprognose zu verbessern und eine sehr genaue Kurzzeitprognose für die nächsten drei bis sechs Stunden zu berechnen. Mit den Ergebnissen der Prognosemodule für die repräsentativen Standorte wird dann über ein Transformationsmodell, dem so genannten Online-Modell, die Gesamteinspeisung in einem größeren Gebiet berechnet. Das Prognoseverfahren hat seine besonderen Vorzüge in der Genauigkeit, den geringen Rechenzeiten und den niedrigen Betriebskosten, da durch die Verwendung des bereits implementierten Online-Modells nur eine geringe Anzahl von Vorhersage- und Messstandorten benötigt wird. Das hier vorgestellte Prognosemodell wurde ursprünglich für die E.ON-Netz GmbH entwickelt und optimiert und ist dort seit Juli 2001 im Einsatz. Es lässt sich jedoch auch leicht an andere Gebiete anpassen. Benötigt werden dazu nur die Messdaten der Leistung ausgewählter repräsentativer Windparks sowie die dazu gehörenden Wettervorhersagen, um die KNN entsprechend zu trainieren.


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In dieser Arbeit werden verschiedene Computermodelle, Rechenverfahren und Methoden zur Unterstützung bei der Integration großer Windleistungen in die elektrische Energieversorgung entwickelt. Das Rechenmodell zur Simulation der zeitgleich eingespeisten Windenergie erzeugt Summenganglinien von beliebig zusammengestellten Gruppen von Windenergieanlagen, basierend auf gemessenen Wind- und Leistungsdaten der nahen Vergangenheit. Dieses Modell liefert wichtige Basisdaten für die Analyse der Windenergieeinspeisung auch für zukünftige Szenarien. Für die Untersuchung der Auswirkungen von Windenergieeinspeisungen großräumiger Anlagenverbünde im Gigawattbereich werden verschiedene statistische Analysen und anschauliche Darstellungen erarbeitet. Das im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelte Modell zur Berechnung der aktuell eingespeisten Windenergie aus online gemessenen Leistungsdaten repräsentativer Windparks liefert wertvolle Informationen für die Leistungs- und Frequenzregelung der Netzbetreiber. Die zugehörigen Verfahren zur Ermittlung der repräsentativen Standorte und zur Überprüfung der Repräsentativität bilden die Grundlage für eine genaue Abbildung der Windenergieeinspeisung für größere Versorgungsgebiete, basierend auf nur wenigen Leistungsmessungen an Windparks. Ein weiteres wertvolles Werkzeug für die optimale Einbindung der Windenergie in die elektrische Energieversorgung bilden die Prognosemodelle, die die kurz- bis mittelfristig zu erwartende Windenergieeinspeisung ermitteln. In dieser Arbeit werden, aufbauend auf vorangegangenen Forschungsarbeiten, zwei, auf Künstlich Neuronalen Netzen basierende Modelle vorgestellt, die den zeitlichen Verlauf der zu erwarten Windenergie für Netzregionen und Regelzonen mit Hilfe von gemessenen Leistungsdaten oder prognostizierten meteorologischen Parametern zur Verfügung stellen. Die softwaretechnische Zusammenfassung des Modells zur Berechnung der aktuell eingespeisten Windenergie und der Modelle für die Kurzzeit- und Folgetagsprognose bietet eine attraktive Komplettlösung für die Einbindung der Windenergie in die Leitwarten der Netzbetreiber. Die dabei entwickelten Schnittstellen und die modulare Struktur des Programms ermöglichen eine einfache und schnelle Implementierung in beliebige Systemumgebungen. Basierend auf der Leistungsfähigkeit der Online- und Prognosemodelle werden Betriebsführungsstrategien für zu Clustern im Gigawattbereich zusammengefasste Windparks behandelt, die eine nach ökologischen und betriebswirtschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten sowie nach Aspekten der Versorgungssicherheit optimale Einbindung der geplanten Offshore-Windparks ermöglichen sollen.


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Summary 1. Agent-based models (ABMs) are widely used to predict how populations respond to changing environments. As the availability of food varies in space and time, individuals should have their own energy budgets, but there is no consensus as to how these should be modelled. Here, we use knowledge of physiological ecology to identify major issues confronting the modeller and to make recommendations about how energy budgets for use in ABMs should be constructed. 2. Our proposal is that modelled animals forage as necessary to supply their energy needs for maintenance, growth and reproduction. If there is sufficient energy intake, an animal allocates the energy obtained in the order: maintenance, growth, reproduction, energy storage, until its energy stores reach an optimal level. If there is a shortfall, the priorities for maintenance and growth/reproduction remain the same until reserves fall to a critical threshold below which all are allocated to maintenance. Rates of ingestion and allocation depend on body mass and temperature. We make suggestions for how each of these processes should be modelled mathematically. 3. Mortality rates vary with body mass and temperature according to known relationships, and these can be used to obtain estimates of background mortality rate. 4. If parameter values cannot be obtained directly, then values may provisionally be obtained by parameter borrowing, pattern-oriented modelling, artificial evolution or from allometric equations. 5. The development of ABMs incorporating individual energy budgets is essential for realistic modelling of populations affected by food availability. Such ABMs are already being used to guide conservation planning of nature reserves and shell fisheries, to assess environmental impacts of building proposals including wind farms and highways and to assess the effects on nontarget organisms of chemicals for the control of agricultural pests. Keywords: bioenergetics; energy budget; individual-based models; population dynamics.


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Ships and wind turbines generate noise, which can have a negative impact on marine mammal populations by scaring animals away. Effective modelling of how this affects the populations has to take account of the location and timing of disturbances. Here we construct an individual-based model of harbour porpoises in the Inner Danish Waters. Individuals have their own energy budgets constructed using established principles of physiological ecology. Data are lacking on the spatial distribution of food which is instead inferred from knowledge of time-varying porpoise distributions. The model produces plausible patterns of population dynamics and matches well the age distribution of porpoises caught in by-catch. It estimates the effect of existing wind farms as a 10% reduction in population size when food recovers fast (after two days). Proposed new wind farms and ships do not result in further population declines. The population is however sensitive to variations in mortality resulting from by-catch and to the speed at which food recovers after being depleted. If food recovers slowly the effect of wind turbines becomes negligible, whereas ships are estimated to have a significant negative impact on the population. Annual by-catch rates ≥10% lead to monotonously decreasing populations and to extinction, and even the estimated by-catch rate from the adjacent area (approximately 4.1%) has a strong impact on the population. This suggests that conservation efforts should be more focused on reducing by-catch in commercial gillnet fisheries than on limiting the amount of anthropogenic noise. Individual-based models are unique in their ability to take account of the location and timing of disturbances and to show their likely effects on populations. The models also identify deficiencies in the existing database and can be used to set priorities for future field research.


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The penetration of intermittent renewable energy sources (IRESs) into power grids has increased in the last decade. Integration of wind farms and solar systems as the major IRESs have significantly boosted the level of uncertainty in operation of power systems. This paper proposes a comprehensive computational framework for quantification and integration of uncertainties in distributed power systems (DPSs) with IRESs. Different sources of uncertainties in DPSs such as electrical load, wind and solar power forecasts and generator outages are covered by the proposed framework. Load forecast uncertainty is assumed to follow a normal distribution. Wind and solar forecast are implemented by a list of prediction intervals (PIs) ranging from 5% to 95%. Their uncertainties are further represented as scenarios using a scenario generation method. Generator outage uncertainty is modeled as discrete scenarios. The integrated uncertainties are further incorporated into a stochastic security-constrained unit commitment (SCUC) problem and a heuristic genetic algorithm is utilized to solve this stochastic SCUC problem. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, five deterministic and four stochastic case studies are implemented. Generation costs as well as different reserve strategies are discussed from the perspectives of system economics and reliability. Comparative results indicate that the planned generation costs and reserves are different from the realized ones. The stochastic models show better robustness than deterministic ones. Power systems run a higher level of risk during peak load hours.


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Offshore wind power emits low amounts of gases, is renewable and has better performance than onshore due to its greater stability and higher wind power density, less visual and noise impact, among others. Brazil has a high capacity of generation, but has not yet developed any offshore projects. High costs are a strong impediment. This study is an effort towards pricing offshore resources through Livelized Cost of Energy - LCOE, which represents the minimum return to cover the costs of development, production and maintenance of a wind project. Initially LCOE was calculated for all Brazilian onshore wind farms listed at Bloomberg New Energy Finance R○, accounting for 71 farms. Then hypothetical offshore wind farms were created from the onshore farms, tripling the cost of generation, which is consistent with the literature, and estimating the offshore energy for two locations off the Brazilian coast using satellite data extracted from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The results demonstrate that offshore resources have the potential to significantly reduce the energy price due to the better performance of the wind at sea


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The consumption of energy on the planet is currently based on fossil fuels. They are responsible for adverse effects on the environment. Renewables propose solutions for this scenario, but must face issues related to the capacity of the power supply. Wind energy offshore emerging as a promising alternative. The speed and stability are greater winds over oceans, but the variability of these may cause inconvenience to the generation of electric power fluctuations. To reduce this, a combination of wind farms geographically distributed was proposed. The greater the distance between them, the lower the correlation between the wind velocity, increasing the likelihood that together achieve more stable power system with less fluctuations in power generation. The efficient use of production capacity of the wind park however, depends on their distribution in marine environments. The objective of this research was to analyze the optimal allocation of wind farms offshore on the east coast of the U.S. by Modern Portfolio Theory. The Modern Portfolio Theory was used so that the process of building portfolios of wind energy offshore contemplate the particularity of intermittency of wind, through calculations of return and risk of the production of wind farms. The research was conducted with 25.934 observations of energy produced by wind farms 11 hypothetical offshore, from the installation of 01 simulated ocean turbine with a capacity of 5 MW. The data show hourly time resolution and covers the period between January 1, 1998 until December 31, 2002. Through the Matlab R software, six were calculated minimum variance portfolios, each for a period of time distinct. Given the inequality of the variability of wind over time, set up four strategies rebalancing to evaluate the performance of the related portfolios, which enabled us to identify the most beneficial to the stability of the wind energy production offshore. The results showed that the production of wind energy for 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001 should be considered by the portfolio weights calculated for the same periods, respectively. Energy data for 2002 should use the weights derived from the portfolio calculated in the previous time period. Finally, the production of wind energy in the period 1998-2002 should also be weighted by 1/11. It follows therefore that the portfolios found failed to show reduced levels of variability when compared to the individual production of wind farms hypothetical offshore


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This study aims to use a computational model that considers the statistical characteristics of the wind and the reliability characteristics of a wind turbine, such as failure rates and repair, representing the wind farm by a Markov process to determine the estimated annual energy generated, and compare it with a real case. This model can also be used in reliability studies, and provides some performance indicators that will help in analyzing the feasibility of setting up a wind farm, once the power curve is known and the availability of wind speed measurements. To validate this model, simulations were done using the database of the wind farm of Macau PETROBRAS. The results were very close to the real, thereby confirming that the model successfully reproduced the behavior of all components involved. Finally, a comparison was made of the results presented by this model, with the result of estimated annual energy considering the modeling of the distribution wind by a statistical distribution of Weibull


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the social-environmental implications of the first large scale wind farm recently built in Brazil (2006), Parque Eólico de Rio do Fogo (PERF), to the nearby communities. The research was base on the adjustment of the DIS/BCN tool to analyze social impact and it was linked to the multi-method approach. Applying the autophotography strategy, cameras were given to five children from the district of Zumbi, the nearest location to PERF, and they were asked to individually photograph the six places they liked the most and the six places they liked the least in their community. Then, these children were interviewed individually and collectively about the photographs. Adult locals in Zumbi, residents of Zumbi/Rio do Fogo settlement, members of the State and Municipal government and representatives of the PERF were also interviewed with the aid of some of the pictures taken by the children and others that might trigger something to say, as a strategy called sample function. The five children presented positive image towards PERF; all of them chose to photograph it as one of places they liked. Adult population of Zumbi presented positive visual evaluation towards PERF. A small number of the interviewees were aware of the environmental and social benefits of wind energy production. Residents did not participate of the decision making process regarding PERF. They approved the project, especially because of the jobs provided during construction. Nowadays, PERF is something apart from their lives because it no longer provides jobs or any other interaction between the facility and the locals. Residents relate to the land, not with the facility. However, there is no evidence of rejection towards PERF, it is simply seen as something neutral to their lives. The low levels of education, traditional lack of social commitment and citizenship, and the experience accumulated by PERF´s planners and builders in other countries, may be contributing points to the fact that Zumbi residents did not oppose to PERF. It is clear that the country needs a legislation which seriously considers the psycho-social dimension involved in the implementation of wind farms


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The state of Rio Grande do Norte has been undergoing transformations in their territory, they are promoted by the installation of new infrastructure equipment, which in turn cause changes in the dynamic spatial and social hour set, causing new arrangements and new dynamics between cities. The overall goal of the research is to understand, at present, the urban network of the Rio Grande do Norte, from the centers of territory management. The picture presented in the paper reveals a network of cities that has gained a material basis urban, with the installation of new objects macro state structures (roads, ports, wind farms, banks, pipelines, internet access) that enable a relationship more intense between the urban centers of the state and other cities in the world, that the current structure characteristic of the urban network, its global nature, since the possibility of relations between the centers is greater. Such a relationship is indeed possible because the characteristics of the current historical period, with the high density of the tripod technique, science and information controlled by the market. In Rio Grande do Norte intentionality of the new arrangement that is configured is not other but meet market demands