985 resultados para wideband small-aperture evanescent-mode waveguide antenna designs


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The design, development, and testing of an X-band 137-element passive reflect away capable of incorporating active devices such as transistor amplifiers is presented. In order to avoid grating lobes in the radiation pattern, the interelement spacing is minimized using dual-feed aperture-coupled patch antenna elements. Far-field radiation pattern results are presented and compared with the predicted radiation patterns. (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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A novel trileaflet polymer valve is a composite design of a biostable polymer poly(styrene-isobutylene-styrene) (SIBS) with a reinforcement polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fabric. Surface roughness and hydrophilicity vary with fabrication methods and influence leaflet biocompatibility. The purpose of this study was to investigate the biocompatibility of this composite material using both small animal (nonfunctional mode) and large animal (functional mode) models. Composite samples were manufactured using dip coating and solvent casting with different coating thickness (251μm and 50μm). Sample's surface was characterized through qualitative SEM observation and quantitative surface roughness analysis. A novel rat abdominal aorta model was developed to test the composite samples in a similar pulsatile flow condition as its intended use. The sample's tissue response was characterized by histological examination. Among the samples tested, the 25μm solvent-cast sample exhibited the smoothest surface and best biocompatibility in terms of tissue capsulation thickness, and was chosen as the method for fabrication of the SIBS valve. Phosphocholine was used to create a hydrophilic surface on selected composite samples, which resulted in improved blood compatibility. Four SIBS valves (two with phosphocholine modification) were implanted into sheep. Echocardiography, blood chemistry, and system pathology were conducted to evaluate the valve's performance and biocompatibility. No adverse response was identified following implantation. The average survival time was 76 days, and one sheep with the phosphocholine modified valve passed the FDA minimum requirement of 140 days with approximately 20 million cycles of valve activity. The explanted valves were observed under the aid of a dissection microscope, and evaluated via histology, SEM and X-ray. Surface cracks and calcified tissue deposition were found on the leaflets. In conclusion, we demonstrated the applicability of using a new rat abdominal aorta model for biocompatibility assessment of polymeric materials. A smooth and complete coating surface is essential for the biocompatibility of PET/SIBS composite, and surface modification using phosphocholine improves blood compatibility. Extrinsic calcification was identified on the leaflets and was associated with regions of surface cracks.


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Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are currently having a revolutionary impact in rapidly emerging wearable applications such as health and fitness monitoring amongst many others. These types of Body Sensor Network (BSN) applications require highly integrated wireless sensor devices for use in a wearable configuration, to monitor various physiological parameters of the user. These new requirements are currently posing significant design challenges from an antenna perspective. This work addresses several design challenges relating to antenna design for these types of applications. In this thesis, a review of current antenna solutions for WSN applications is first presented, investigating both commercial and academic solutions. Key design challenges are then identified relating to antenna size and performance. A detailed investigation of the effects of the human body on antenna impedance characteristics is then presented. A first-generation antenna tuning system is then developed. This system enables the antenna impedance to be tuned adaptively in the presence of the human body. Three new antenna designs are also presented. A compact, low-cost 433 MHz antenna design is first reported and the effects of the human body on the impedance of the antenna are investigated. A tunable version of this antenna is then developed, using a higher performance, second-generation tuner that is integrated within the antenna element itself, enabling autonomous tuning in the presence of the human body. Finally, a compact sized, dual-band antenna is reported that covers both the 433 MHz and 2.45 GHz bands to provide improved quality of service (QoS) in WSN applications. To date, state-of-the-art WSN devices are relatively simple in design with limited antenna options available, especially for the lower UHF bands. In addition, current devices have no capability to deal with changing antenna environments such as in wearable BSN applications. This thesis presents several contributions that advance the state-of-the-art in this area, relating to the design of miniaturized WSN antennas and the development of antenna tuning solutions for BSN applications.


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This paper reports the results of the on-body experimental tests of a set of four planar differential antennas, originated by design variations of radiating elements with the same shape and characterized by the potential for covering wide and narrow bands. All the antenna designs have been implemented on low-cost FR4 substrate and characterized experimentally through on-body measurements. The results show the impact of the proximity to the human body on antenna performance and the opportunities in terms of potential coverage of wide and narrow bands for future ad hoc designs and implementations through wearable substrates targeting on-body and off-body communication and sensing applications.


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Optical waveguides have shown promising results for use within printed circuit boards. These optical waveguides have higher bandwidth than traditional copper transmission systems and are immune to electromagnetic interference. Design parameters for these optical waveguides are needed to ensure an optimal link budget. Modeling and simulation methods are used to determine the optimal design parameters needed in designing the waveguides. As a result, optical structures necessary for incorporating optical waveguides into printed circuit boards are designed and optimized. Embedded siloxane polymer waveguides are investigated for their use in optical printed circuit boards. This material was chosen because it has low absorption, high temperature stability, and can be deposited using common processing techniques. Two sizes of waveguides are investigated, 50 $unit{mu m}$ multimode and 4 - 9 $unit{mu m}$ single mode waveguides. A beam propagation method is developed for simulating the multimode and single mode waveguide parameters. The attenuation of simulated multimode waveguides are able to match the attenuation of fabricated waveguides with a root mean square error of 0.192 dB. Using the same process as the multimode waveguides, parameters needed to ensure a low link loss are found for single mode waveguides including maximum size, minimum cladding thickness, minimum waveguide separation, and minimum bend radius. To couple light out-of-plane to a transmitter or receiver, a structure such as a vertical interconnect assembly (VIA) is required. For multimode waveguides the optimal placement of a total internal reflection mirror can be found without prior knowledge of the waveguide length. The optimal placement is found to be either 60 µm or 150 µm away from the end of the waveguide depending on which metric a designer wants to optimize the average output power, the output power variance, or the maximum possible power loss. For single mode waveguides a volume grating coupler is designed to couple light from a silicon waveguide to a polymer single mode waveguide. A focusing grating coupler is compared to a perpendicular grating coupler that is focused by a micro-molded lens. The focusing grating coupler had an optical loss of over -14 dB, while the grating coupler with a lens had an optical loss of -6.26 dB.


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We present an evanescent-field device based on a right-angled waveguide. This consists of orthogonal waveguides, with their points of intersection lying along an angled facet of the chip. Light guided along one waveguide is incident at the angled dielectric-air facet at an angle exceeding the critical angle, so that the totally internally reflected light is coupled into the second waveguide. By depositing a nanotube film on the angled surface, the chip is then used to mode-lock an Erbium doped fiber ring laser with a repetition rate of 26 MHz, and pulse duration of 800 fs. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Con esta disertación se pretenden resolver algunos de los problemas encontrados actualmente en la recepción de señales de satélites bajo dos escenarios particularmente exigentes: comunicaciones de Espacio Profundo y en banda Ka. Las comunicaciones con sondas de Espacio Profundo necesitan grandes aperturas en tierra para poder incrementar la velocidad de datos. La opción de usar antennas con diámetro mayor de 35 metros tiene serios problemas, pues antenas tan grandes son caras de mantener, difíciles de apuntar, pueden tener largos tiempo de reparación y además tienen una efeciencia decreciente a medida que se utilizan bandas más altas. Soluciones basadas en agrupaciones de antenas de menor tamaño (12 ó 35 metros) son mas ecónomicas y factibles técnicamente. Las comunicaciones en banda Ka tambien pueden beneficiarse de la combinación de múltiples antennas. Las antenas de menor tamaño son más fáciles de apuntar y además tienen un campo de visión mayor. Además, las técnicas de diversidad espacial pueden ser reemplazadas por una combinación de antenas para así incrementar el margen del enlace. La combinación de antenas muy alejadas sobre grandes anchos de banda, bien por recibir una señal de banda ancha o múltiples de banda estrecha, es complicada técnicamente. En esta disertación se demostrará que el uso de conformador de haz en el dominio de la frecuencia puede ayudar a relajar los requisitos de calibración y, al mismo tiempo, proporcionar un mayor campo de visión y mayores capacidades de ecualización. Para llevar esto a cabo, el trabajo ha girado en torno a tres aspectos fundamentales. El primero es la investigación bibliográfica del trabajo existente en este campo. El segundo es el modelado matemático del proceso de combinación y el desarrollo de nuevos algoritmos de estimación de fase y retardo. Y el tercero es la propuesta de nuevas aplicaciones en las que usar estas técnicas. La investigación bibliográfica se centra principalmente en los capítulos 1, 2, 4 y 5. El capítulo 1 da una breve introducción a la teoría de combinación de antenas de gran apertura. En este capítulo, los principales campos de aplicación son descritos y además se establece la necesidad de compensar retardos en subbandas. La teoría de bancos de filtros se expone en el capítulo 2; se selecciona y simula un banco de filtros modulado uniformemente con fase lineal. Las propiedades de convergencia de varios filtros adaptativos se muestran en el capítulo 4. Y finalmente, las técnicas de estimación de retardo son estudiadas y resumidas en el capítulo 5. Desde el punto de vista matemático, las principales contribución de esta disertación han sido: • Sección 3.1.4. Cálculo de la desviación de haz de un conformador de haz con compensación de retardo en pasos discretos en frecuencia intermedia. • Sección 3.2. Modelo matemático de un conformador de haz en subbandas. • Sección 3.2.2. Cálculo de la desviación de haz de un conformador de haz en subbandas con un buffer de retardo grueso. • Sección 3.2.4. Análisis de la influencia de los alias internos en la compensación en subbandas de retardo y fase. • Sección Cálculo de la desviación de haz de un conformador de haz con compensación de retardo en subbandas. • Sección 3.2.6. Cálculo de la ganancia de relación señal a ruido de la agrupación de antenas en cada una de las subbandas. • Sección 3.3.2. Modelado de la función de transferencia de la agrupación de antenas bajo errores de estimación de retardo. • Sección 3.3.3. Modelado de los efectos de derivas de fase y retardo entre actualizaciones de las estimaciones. • Sección 3.4. Cálculo de la directividad de la agrupación de antenas con y sin compensación de retardos en subbandas. • Sección 5.2.6. Desarrollo de un algorimo para estimar la fase y el retardo entre dos señales a partir de su descomposición de subbandas bajo entornos estacionarios. • Sección 5.5.1. Desarrollo de un algorimo para estimar la fase, el retardo y la deriva de retardo entre dos señales a partir de su descomposición de subbandas bajo entornos no estacionarios. Las aplicaciones que se pueden beneficiar de estas técnicas son descritas en el capítulo 7: • Sección 6.2. Agrupaciones de antenas para comunicaciones de Espacio Profundo con capacidad multihaz y sin requisitos de calibración geométrica o de retardo de grupo. • Sección 6.2.6. Combinación en banda ancha de antenas con separaciones de miles de kilómetros, para recepción de sondas de espacio profundo. • Secciones 6.4 and 6.3. Combinación de estaciones remotas en banda Ka en escenarios de diversidad espacial, para recepción de satélites LEO o GEO. • Sección 6.3. Recepción de satélites GEO colocados con arrays de antenas multihaz. Las publicaciones a las que ha dado lugar esta tesis son las siguientes • A. Torre. Wideband antenna arraying over long distances. Interplanetary Progress Report, 42-194:1–18, 2013. En esta pulicación se resumen los resultados de las secciones 3.2, 3.2.2, 3.3.2, los algoritmos en las secciones 5.2.6, 5.5.1 y la aplicación destacada en 6.2.6. • A. Torre. Reception of wideband signals from geostationary collocated satellites with antenna arrays. IET Communications, Vol. 8, Issue 13:2229–2237, September, 2014. En esta segunda se muestran los resultados de la sección 3.2.4, el algoritmo en la sección , y la aplicación mostrada en 6.3. ABSTRACT This dissertation is an attempt to solve some of the problems found nowadays in the reception of satellite signals under two particular challenging scenarios: Deep Space and Ka-band communications. Deep Space communications require from larger apertures on ground in order to increase the data rate. The option of using single dishes with diameters larger than 35 meters has severe drawbacks. Such antennas are expensive to maintain, prone to long downtimes, difficult to point and have a degraded performance in high frequency bands. The array solution, either with 12 meter or 35 meter antennas is deemed to be the most economically and technically feasible solution. Ka-band communications can also benefit from antenna arraying technology. The smaller aperture antennas that make up the array are easier to point and have a wider field of view allowing multiple simultaneous beams. Besides, site diversity techniques can be replaced by pure combination in order to increase link margin. Combination of far away antennas over a large bandwidth, either because a wideband signal or multiple narrowband signals are received, is a demanding task. This dissertation will show that the use of frequency domain beamformers with subband delay compensation can help to ease calibration requirements and, at the same time, provide with a wider field of view and enhanced equalization capabilities. In order to do so, the work has been focused on three main aspects. The first one is the bibliographic research of previous work on this subject. The second one is the mathematical modeling of the array combination process and the development of new phase/delay estimation algorithms. And the third one is the proposal of new applications in which these techniques can be used. Bibliographic research is mainly done in chapters 1, 2, 4 and 5. Chapter 1 gives a brief introduction to previous work in the field of large aperture antenna arraying. In this chapter, the main fields of application are described and the need for subband delay compensation is established. Filter bank theory is shown in chapter 2; a linear phase uniform modulated filter bank is selected and simulated under diverse conditions. The convergence properties of several adaptive filters are shown in chapter 4. Finally, delay estimation techniques are studied and summarized in chapter 5. From a mathematical point of view, the main contributions of this dissertation have been: • Section 3.1.4. Calculation of beam squint of an IF beamformer with delay compensation at discrete time steps. • Section 3.2. Establishment of a mathematical model of a subband beamformer. • Section 3.2.2. Calculation of beam squint in a subband beamformer with a coarse delay buffer. • Section 3.2.4. Analysis of the influence of internal aliasing on phase and delay subband compensation. • Section Calculation of beam squint of a beamformer with subband delay compensation. • Section 3.2.6. Calculation of the array SNR gain at each of the subbands. • Section 3.3.2. Modeling of the transfer function of an array subject to delay estimation errors. • Section 3.3.3. Modeling of the effects of phase and delay drifts between estimation updates. • Section 3.4. Calculation of array directivity with and without subband delay compensation. • Section 5.2.6. Development of an algorithm to estimate relative delay and phase between two signals from their subband decomposition in stationary environments. • Section 5.5.1. Development of an algorithm to estimate relative delay rate, delay and phase between two signals from their subband decomposition in non stationary environments. The applications that can benefit from these techniques are described in chapter 7: • Section 6.2. Arrays of antennas for Deep Space communications with multibeam capacity and without geometric or group delay calibration requirement. • Section 6.2.6. Wideband antenna arraying over long distances, in the range of thousands of kilometers, for reception of Deep Space probes. • Sections 6.4 y 6.3. Combination of remote stations in Ka-band site diversity scenarios for reception of LEO or GEO satellites. • Section 6.3. Reception of GEO collocated satellites with multibeam antenna arrays. The publications that have been made from the work in this dissertation are • A. Torre. Wideband antenna arraying over long distances. Interplanetary Progress Report, 42-194:1–18, 2013. This article shows the results in sections 3.2, 3.2.2, 3.3.2, the algorithms in sections 5.2.6, 5.5.1 and the application in section 6.2.6. • A. Torre. Reception of wideband signals from geostationary collocated satellites with antenna arrays. IET Communications, Vol. 8, Issue 13:2229–2237, September, 2014. This second article shows among others the results in section 3.2.4, the algorithm in section , and the application in section 6.3.


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This paper presents the design and implementation of a microstrip to parallel strip balun which are frequently used as balanced antennas feed. This wideband balun transition is composed of a parallel strip which is connected to the spiral antenna and a microstrip line where the width of the ground plane is gradually reduced to eventually resemble the parallel strip. The taper accomplishes the mode and impedance transformation. This balun has significantly improved bandwidth characteristics. The entire circuit was fabricated on RT Duriod 5880 substrate. The circuit designs were simulated and optimised using CST Microwave Studio and the simulated results are compared with the measured results. The back-to-back microstrip to parallel strip has a return loss of better than 10 dB over a wide bandwidth from 1.75 to 15 GHz. The performance of the proposed balun was validated with the spiral antenna. The measured results were compared with the simulated results and it shows that the antenna operates well in wideband frequency range from 2.5 to 15 GHz.


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The demand for high-speed data services for portable device has become a driving force for development of advanced broadband access technologies. Despite recent advances in broadband wireless technologies, there remain a number of critical issues to be resolved. One of the major concerns is the implementation of compact antennas that can operate in a wide frequency band. Spiral antenna has been used extensively for broadband applications due to its planar structure, wide bandwidth characteristics and circular polarisation. However, the practical implementation of spiral antennas is challenged by its high input characteristic impedance, relatively low gain and the need for balanced feeding structures. Further development of wideband balanced feeding structures for spiral antennas with matching impedance capabilities remain a need. This thesis proposes three wideband feeding systems for spiral antennas which are compatible with wideband array antenna geometries. First, a novel tapered geometry is proposed for a symmetric coplanar waveguide (CPW) to coplanar strip line (CPS) wideband balun. This balun can achieve the unbalanced to balanced transformation while matching the high input impedance of the antenna to a reference impedance of 50 . The discontinuity between CPW and CPS is accommodated by using a radial stub and bond wires. The bandwidth of the balun is improved by appropriately tapering the CPW line instead of using a stepped impedance transformer. Next, the tapered design is applied to an asymmetric CPW to propose a novel asymmetric CPW to CPS wideband balun. The use of asymmetric CPW does away with the discontinuities between CPW and CPS without having to use a radial stub or bond wires. Finally, a tapered microstrip line to parallel striplines balun is proposed. The balun consists of two sections. One section is the parallel striplines which are connected to the antenna, with the impedance of balanced line equal to the antenna input impedance. The other section consists of a microstrip line where the width of the ground plane is gradually reduced to eventually resemble a parallel stripline. The taper accomplishes the mode and impedance transformation. This balun has significantly improved bandwidth characteristics. Characteristics of proposed feeding structures are measured in a back-to-back configuration and compared to simulated results. The simulated and measured results show the tapered microstrip to parallel striplines balun to have more than three octaves of bandwidth. The tapered microstrip line to parallel striplines balun is integrated with a single Archimedean spiral antenna and with an array of spiral antennas. The performance of the integrated structures is simulated with the aid of electromagnetic simulation software, and results are compared to measurements. The back-to-back microstrip to parallel strip balun has a return loss of better than 10 dB over a wide bandwidth from 1.75 to 15 GHz. The performance of the microstrip to parallel strip balun was validated with the spiral antennas. The results show the balun to be an effective mean of feeding network with a low profile and wide bandwidth (2.5 to 15 GHz) for balanced spiral antennas.


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Summary form only given. Geometric simplicity, efficiency and polarization purity make slot antenna arrays ideal solutions for many radar, communications and navigation applications, especially when high power, light weight and limited scan volume are priorities. Resonant arrays of longitudinal slots have a slot spacing of one-half guide wavelength at the design frequency, so that the slots are located at the standing wave peaks. Planar arrays are implemented using a number of rectangular waveguides (branch line guides), arranged side-by-side, while waveguides main lines located behind and at right angles to the branch lines excite the radiating waveguides via centered-inclined coupling slots. Planar slotted waveguide arrays radiate broadside beams and all radiators are designed to be in phase.


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This paper experimentally demonstrates that, for two representative indoor distributed antenna system (DAS) scenarios, existing radio-over-fiber (RoF) DAS installations can enhance the capacity advantages of broadband 3 × 3 multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) radio services without requiring additional fibers or multiplexing schemes. This is true for both single-and multiple-user cases with a single base station and multiple base stations. First, a theoretical example is used to illustrate that there is a negligible improvement in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) when using a MIMO DAS with all N spatial streams replicated at N RAUs, compared with a MIMO DAS with only one of the N streams replicated at each RAU for N ≤ 4. It is then experimentally confirmed that a 3 × 3 MIMO DAS offers improved capacity and throughput compared with a 3 × 3 MIMO collocated antenna system (CAS) for the single-user case in two typical indoor DAS scenarios, i.e., one with significant line-of-sight (LOS) propagation and the other with entirely non-line-of-sight (NLOS) propagation. The improvement in capacity is 3.2% and 4.1%, respectively. Then, experimental channel measurements confirm that there is a negligible capacity increase in the 3 × 3 configuration with three spatial streams per antenna unit over the 3 × 3 configuration with a single spatial stream per antenna unit. The former layout is observed to provide an increase of ∼1% in the median channel capacity in both the single-and multiple-user scenarios. With 20 users and three base stations, a MIMO DAS using the latter layout offers median aggregate capacities of 259 and 233 bit/s/Hz for the LOS and NLOS scenarios, respectively. It is concluded that DAS installations can further enhance the capacity offered to multiple users by multiple 3 × 3 MIMO-enabled base stations. Further, designing future DAS systems to support broadband 3 × 3 MIMO systems may not require significant upgrades to existing installations for small numbers of spatial streams. © 2013 IEEE.


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A 1.55-mum laser diode integrated with a spot-size converter was fabricated in a single step epitaxial by using the conventional photolithography and chemical wet etching process. The device was constructed by a conventional ridge waveguide active layer and a larger passive ridge-waveguide layer. The threshold current was 40 mA together with high slope efficiency of 0.24 W/A. The beam divergence angles in the horizontal and vertical directions were as small as 12.0degrees x 15.0degrees, respectively, resulting in about 3.2-dB coupling losses with a cleaved optical fibre.


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A new type of one-dimensional leaky-wave antenna (LWA) with independent control of the beam-pointing angle and beamwidth is presented. The antenna is based on a simple structure composed of a bulk parallel-plate waveguide (PPW) loaded with two printed circuit boards (PCBs), each one consisting of an array of printed dipoles. One PCB acts as a partially reflective surface (PRS), and the other grounded PCB behaves as a high impedance surface (HIS). It is shown that an independent control of the leaky-mode phase and leakage rate can be achieved by changing the lengths of the PRS and HIS dipoles, thus resulting in a flexible adjustment of the LWA pointing direction and directivity. The leaky-mode dispersion curves are obtained with a simple Transverse Equivalent Network (TEN), and they are validated with three-dimensional full-wave simulations. Experimental results on fabricated prototypes operating at 15 GHz are reported, demonstrating the versatile and independent control of the LWA performance by changing the PRS and HIS parameters.