1000 resultados para white


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Seismic structural design is essentially the estimation of structural response to a forced motion, which may be deterministic or stochastic, imposed on the ground. The assumption that the same ground motion acts at every point of the base of the structure (or at every support) is not always justifiable; particularly in case of very large structures when considerable spatial variability in ground motion can exist over significant distances example long span bridges. This variability is partly due to the delay in arrival of the excitation at different supports (which is called the wave passage effect) and due to heterogeneity in the ground medium which results in incoherency and local effects. The current study examines the influence of the wave passage effect (in terms of delay in arrival of horizontal ground excitation at different supports and neglecting transmission through the structure) on the response of a few open-plane frame building structures with soil-structure interaction. The ground acceleration has been modeled by a suitably filtered white noise. As a special case, the ground excitation at different supports has also been treated as statistically independent to model the extreme case of incoherence due to local effects and due to modifications to the ground motion resulting from wave reflections and refractions in heterogeneous soil media. The results indicate that, even for relatively short spanned building frames, wave passage effect can be significant. In the absence of soil-structure interaction, it can significantly increase the root mean square (rms) value of the shear in extreme end columns for the stiffer frames but has negligible effect on the flexible frames when total displacements are considered. It is seen that pseudo-static displacements increasingly contribute to the rms value of column shear as the time delay increases both for the stiffer and for the more flexible frames. When soil-structure interaction is considered, wave passage effect (in terms of total displacements) is significant only for low soil shear modulus, G. values (where soil-structure interaction significantly lowers the fundamental frequency) and for stiff frames. The contribution of pseudo-static displacement to these rms values is found to decrease with increase in G. In general, wave passage effect for most interactive frames is insignificant compared to the attenuating effect a decrease in G, has on the response of the interactive structure to uniform support excitation. When the excitations at different supports are statistically independent, it is seen that for both the stiff and flexible frames, the rms value of the column shear in extreme end columns is several times larger (more for the stiffer frames) than the value corresponding to uniform base excitation with the pseudo-static displacements contributing over 99% of the rms value of column shear. Soil-structure interaction has an attenuating effect on the rms value of the column shear, the effect decreasing with increase in G,. Here too, the pseudo-static displacements contribute very largely to the column shear. The influence of the wave passage effect on the response of three 2-bay frames with and without soil-structure interaction to a recorded horizontal accelerogram is also examined. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Tutkimus käsittelee kääpien sukulaisuussuhteita. Käävät ovat kantasienten (Basidiomycota) muotoryhmä, joiden itiöemien alapinta muodostuu yhteensulautuneista pilleistä. Muotoryhmänä kääpiä voi verrata vaikka puihin siinä mielessä, että käävät kuten puutkaan eivät ole samankaltaisuudestaan huolimatta kaikki sukua toisilleen. DNA:n käyttö sukulaisuussuhteiden selvittämisessä on aloittanut mullistuksen kääpien luokittelussa. Aiemmin käytetty, itiöemien ominaisuuksiin perustunut luokittelu on osoittautunut keinotekoiseksi sukulaisuussuhteiden kannalta. Tutkimuksessani syvennyttiin useamman kääpäsuvun polveutumishistoriaan hyödyntäen DNA:ta ja perinteisiä menetelmiä. Tutkimuksen keskeisimmät tulokset liittyvät sitkokääpien sukuun (Antrodiella). Tämä noin 70 lajia sisältävä suku osoittautui rikkonaiseksi - sitkokääpiin luetut lajit kuuluvat kahteen sienilahkoon ja oikesti vähintään 13 sukuun. Tutkimuksessa löytyi kaksi Suomelle uutta sitkokääpää, leppikääpä (A. ichnusana) ja nipukkakääpä (A. leucoxantha). Uudet suvut kuvattiin Suomessa esiintyville sirppikääville (Sidera) ja talikääville (Obba). Uusi kääpäsuku ja -laji kuvattiin myös Indonesiasta (Sebipora aquosa). Valtaosa sitkokääpiin luetuista lajeista kuuluu orakarakoiden heimoon (Steccherinaceae), joka rajattiin tässä tutkimuksessa uudelleen. Heimoon kuuluvat mm. karakäävät (Junghuhnia) ja orakasmaiset orakarakat (Steccherinum). Sen sisällä selvitettiin kääpien ja orakkaiden sukulaisuussuhteita. Perinteisesti käävät ja orakkaat on viety eri sukuihin riippumatta niiden mikroskooppisesta samankaltaisuudesta. Tulosten valossa orakarakoiden heimossa käävät ja orakkaat pysyvät pääosin erillisissä suvuissa, mutta tästä on myös poikkeuksia (Antrodiella, Metuloidea ja Steccherinum). Lähes kaikki DNA:n perusteella määriteltävissä olevat suvut ovat tunnistettavissa itiöemien ominaisuuksiensa perusteella. Tulokset antavat eväitä kääpien luokitteluun laajemminkin osoittamalla, mitkä ominaisuudet ovat luokittelun kannalta merkityksellisiä. Tarkentunut tieto lajimäärästä ja lajien sukulaisuussuhteista hyödyttää ekologista tutkimusta sekä arvioita lajien uhanalaisuudesta. Tutkimuksen aikana luotua DNA-kirjastoa käytetään lajien tunnistamiseen. Tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää myös etsittäessä bioteknologisia sovelluksia käävistä, sillä sovellusten kannalta kiinnostavat ominaisuudet seuraavat usein sienten sukupuuta.


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In order to identify the functionally relevant epitopes on chicken riboflavin carrier protein, we have raised monoclonal antibodies to the vitamin carrier. One of these, 6B2C12, was found to interact specifically with a synthetic oligopeptide corresponding to the C-terminal 17 amino acid residues of the chicken egg white riboflavin carrier protein, which is missing in part in the egg yolk riboflavin carrier protein. This epitope is conserved through evolution in mammals including humans. Administration of the ascites fluid of 6B2C12 to pregnant mice intraperitoneally, resulted in the termination of pregnancy indicating that this epitope is involved in or closely associated with the transplacental transport of the vitamin from the maternal circulation to the growing fetus.


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A thiamin-binding protein was isolated and characterized from chicken egg white by affinity chromatography on thiamin pyrophosphate coupled to aminoethyl-Sepharose. The high specificity of interaction between the thiamin-binding protein and the riboflavin-binding protein of the egg white, with a protein/protein molar ratio of 1.0, led to the development of an alternative procedure that used the riboflavin-binding protein immobilized on CNBr-activated Sepharose as the affinity matrix. The thiamin-binding protein thus isolated was homogeneous by the criteria of polyacrylamide-gel disc electrophoresis, double immunodiffusion and sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis, had a mol.wt. of 38,000 +/- 2000 and was not a glycoprotein. The protein bound [14C]thiamin was a molar ratio of 1.0, with dissociation constant (Kd) 0.3 micrometer.


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Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan Bolivialaisten naisvankien (alkuperäisväestön) ja globaalin huumesodan ("War on Drugs") välistä yhteyttä. Keskustelu sijoitetaan laajemmin kokan viljelyn politiikkaan ja alkuperäisväestön kulttuuriin. Kokaa viljeleviä köyhiä maalaisia, joista huomattava osa on naisia, on vangittu Boliviassa kiihtyvää tahtia viime vuosikymmeninä. Moni naisista on kokan tuotannossa ja kaupassa mukana, sillä se on monesti ainoa keino taloudelliseen selviämiseen. Yleisesti ottaen naisvangit ja naisrikolliset ovat marginaalinen ilmiö. Kansainvälisesti tarkasteltuna naisvankien suhteellinen osuus koko vankilaväestöstä on noin 5,2 % (keskiarvo). Boliviassa osuus on vaihdellut 6,1 %:n ja 17,1 %:n välillä vuosina 2000-2008. Naisvankien määrä yleisesti ottaen on ollut rajussa kasvussa, suurin syy naisten vangitsemiseen on huumausaineisiin liittyvät rikokset. Näyttää myös siltä että vähemmistöt ja etnisen taustan omaavat henkilöt ovat yliedustettuina vankilaväestössä. Bolivia seuraa tätä kansainvälistä trendiä. Tämä tutkielma on rajattu kysymyksiin Bolivian intiaaniperäisten naisten osuudesta maan huumerikollisuudessa, sekä heidän suhteellisen korkeaa vangitsemisastetta selittäviin yhteiskunnallisiin tekijöihin. Kysymykset sukupuolesta, etnisyydestä ja kokan viljelyn politiikasta ovat keskiössä. Yleisiä kriminologisia teorioita peilataan kriittisesti suhteessa aineistoon ja Bolivian kontekstiin. Huumesodan ja Bolivian ankaran huumelainsäädännön seurauksista keskustellaan kriittisesti, sekä pohditaan köyhän alkuperäisväestön massavangitsemisen tarpeellisuutta. Tutkimuskysymykseni ovat: mitkä tekijät selittävät kohtuullisen korkean intiaaniperäisten naisvankien määrän Boliviassa, ja mikä on heidän asemansa globaalissa huumesodassa? Tutkielmassa on analysoitu kvantitatiivista ja kvalitatiivista aineistoa. Päälähteenä on ollut Bolivian tilastokeskuksen tuottamat rikostilastot. Tutkielman tärkeimpänä löydöksenä voidaan pitää havaintoa, että vastoin tiettyjä olettamuksia, intiaaniperäiset naiset ovat hyvinkin aktiivisia perinteisesti miehisiksi käsitetyillä aloilla kuten rikollisuudessa ja politiikassa. Tutkielmassa osoitetaan myös, että pidätysten määrät ovat moninkertaistuneet muutamassa vuosikymmenessä. Koska kokan viljelyssä on kyse pääasiallisesti taloudellisesta toimeentulosta, tämä tutkielma kysyy, onko hengissä pysyminen rikos?


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The epitopic core sequences recognized by three monoclonal antibodies raised to chicken riboflavin carrier protein (RCP) were mapped to the C-terminal tail-end of the protein using the pepscan method A 21-residue synthetic peptide corresponding to residues 200-219 of the protein and comprising the regions corresponding to the antibodies was synthesized. Administration of polyclonal antibodies specific to this peptide led to termination of early pregnancy in mice. Also, active immunization of rats with the peptide-purified protein derivative conjugate inhibited establishment of pregnancy. These results demonstrate the functional importance of the C-terminal 200-219 region of chicken RCP. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Ga and In co-doped ZnO (GIZO) thin films together with ZnO, In-doped ZnO (IZO), Ga-doped ZnO (GZO), and IZO/GZO multilayer for comparison, were grown on corning glass and boron doped Si substrates by PLD. The photoluminescence spectra of GIZO showed a strong white light emission and the current-voltage characteristics showed relatively lower turn-on voltage and larger forward current. The CIE coordinates for GIZO were observed to be (0.31, 0.33) with a correlated colour temperature of 6650 K, indicating a cool white light, and establishing a possibility of white light emitting diodes. (C) 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim


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In recent years a number of white dwarfs have been observed with very high surface magnetic fields. We can expect that the magnetic field in the core of these stars would be much higher (similar to 10(14) G). In this paper, we analytically study the effect of high magnetic field on relativistic cold electron, and hence its effect on the stability and the mass-radius relation of a magnetic white dwarf. In strong magnetic fields, the equation of state of the Fermi gas is modified and Landau quantization comes into play. For relatively very high magnetic fields (with respect to the average energy density of matter) the number of Landau levels is restricted to one or two. We analyze the equation of states for magnetized electron degenerate gas analytically and attempt to understand the conditions in which transitions from the zeroth Landau level to first Landau level occurs. We also find the effect of the strong magnetic field on the star collapsing to a white dwarf, and the mass-radius relation of the resulting star. We obtain an interesting theoretical result that it is possible to have white dwarfs with mass more than the mass set by Chandrasekhar limit.


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We consider a relativistic, degenerate electron gas at zero temperature under the influence of a strong, uniform, static magnetic field, neglecting any form of interactions. Since the density of states for the electrons changes due to the presence of the magnetic field (which gives rise to Landau quantization), the corresponding equation of state also gets modified. In order to investigate the effect of very strong magnetic field, we focus only on systems in which a maximum of either one, two, or three Landau level(s) is/are occupied. This is important since, if a very large number of Landau levels are filled, it implies a very low magnetic field strength which yields back Chandrasekhar's celebrated nonmagnetic results. The maximum number of occupied Landau levels is fixed by the correct choice of two parameters, namely, the magnetic field strength and the maximum Fermi energy of the system. We study the equations of state of these one-level, two-level, and three-level systems and compare them by taking three different maximum Fermi energies. We also find the effect of the strong magnetic field on the mass-radius relation of the underlying star composed of the gas stated above. We obtain an exciting result that it is possible to have an electron-degenerate static star, namely, magnetized white dwarfs, with a mass significantly greater than the Chandrasekhar limit in the range 2.3-2.6M(circle dot), provided it has an appropriate magnetic field strength and central density. In fact, recent observations of peculiar type Ia supernovae-SN 2006gz, SN 2007if, SN 2009dc, SN 2003fg-seem to suggest super-Chandrasekhar-mass white dwarfs with masses up to 2.4-2.8M(circle dot) as their most likely progenitors. Interestingly, our results seem to lie within these observational limits.


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Type Ia supernovae, sparked off by exploding white dwarfs of mass close to the Chandrasekhar limit, play the key role in understanding the expansion rate of the Universe. However, recent observations of several peculiar type Ia supernovae argue for its progenitor mass to be significantly super-Chandrasekhar. We show that strongly magnetized white dwarfs not only can violate the Chandrasekhar mass limit significantly, but exhibit a different mass limit. We establish from a foundational level that the generic mass limit of white dwarfs is 2.58 solar mass. This explains the origin of overluminous peculiar type Ia supernovae. Our finding further argues for a possible second standard candle, which has many far reaching implications, including a possible reconsideration of the expansion history of the Universe. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.071102


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Several recently discovered peculiar Type Ia supernovae seem to demand an altogether new formation theory that might help explain the puzzling dissimilarities between them and the standard Type Ia supernovae. The most striking aspect of the observational analysis is the necessity of invoking super-Chandrasekhar white dwarfs having masses similar to 2.1-2.8 M-circle dot, M-circle dot being the mass of Sun, as their most probable progenitors. Strongly magnetized white dwarfs having super-Chandrasekhar masses have already been established as potential candidates for the progenitors of peculiar Type Ia supernovae. Owing to the Landau quantization of the underlying electron degenerate gas, theoretical results yielded the observationally inferred mass range. Here, we sketch a possible evolutionary scenario by which super-Chandrasekhar white dwarfs could be formed by accretion on to a commonly observed magnetized white dwarf, invoking the phenomenon of flux freezing. This opens multiple possible evolution scenarios ending in supernova explosions of super-Chandrasekhar white dwarfs having masses within the range stated above. We point out that our proposal has observational support, such as the recent discovery of a large number of magnetized white dwarfs by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.


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Porous fungus-like ZnO nanostructures have been synthesized by simple thermal annealing of the hydrothermally synthesized sheet-like ZnS(en)(0.5) complex precursor in air at 600 degrees C. Structural and morphological changes occurring during ZnS(en)(0.5) -> ZnS -> ZnO transformations have been observed closely by annealing the as-synthesized precursor at 100-600 degrees C. Wurtzite ZnS nanosheets and ZnS-ZnO composites are obtained at temperatures of 400 degrees C and 500 degrees C, respectively. Thermal decomposition and oxidation of the ZnS(en) 0.5 nanosheets have been confirmed by differential scanning calorimetry and thermo-gravimetric analysis. The visible light driven photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue dye has been demonstrated in the synthesized samples. ZnS-ZnO composite shows the highest dye degradation efficiency of 74% due to the formation of surface complex as well as higher visible light absorption as a result of band-gap narrowing effect. The porous ZnO nanostructures show efficient visible photoluminescence (PL) emission with a colour coordinate of (0.29, 0.35), which is close to that of white light (0.33, 0.33). The efficient visible PL emission as well as visible light driven photocatalytic activity of the materials synthesized in the present work might be very attractive for their applications in future optoelectronic devices, including in white light emitting devices.


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ZnAl2O4:Dy3+ (1-9 mol%) nanophosphors were synthesized by a simple, cost effective and environmental friendly route using Euphorbia tirucalli plant latex. The structural properties and morphological features of the phosphors were well studied by PXRD, FTIR, SEM and TEM measurements. The luminescent properties of ZnAl2O4:Dy3+ (1-9 mol%) nanophosphors were investigated from the excitation and emission spectra. The phosphor performance was evaluated by color co-ordinates. The values were well located in the near white region as a result it was highly useful for the fabrication of green component in WLEDs. The average particle size was found to be similar to 9-18 nm and same was confirmed by TEM and Scherrer's method. The highest photoluminescence (PL) and thermoluminescence (TL) intensity was obtained to be similar to 7 mol% Dy3+ concentration. A single TL glow peak was recorded at 172 degrees C at a warming rate of 2.5 degrees Cs (1). The intensity at 172 degrees C peak increases linearly up to 1 kGy and after that it diminishes. PL intensity was studied with different plant latex concentration (2-8 ml) and highest PL intensity was recorded for similar to 8 ml. The optimized phosphor showed good reusability, low fading and wide range of linearity with gamma-dose hence the phosphor was quite useful in radiation dosimetry. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.