307 resultados para vomiting


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Introducción: La obstrucción intestinal es una patología de alta prevalencia e impacto en los servicios de cirugía general a nivel mundial. El manejo de esta entidad puede ser médico o quirúrgico. Cuando se requiere intervención quirúrgica, se busca evitar el desarrollo de isquemia intestinal y resecciones intestinales; durante el postoperatorio, pueden existir complicaciones. El objetivo de este estudio es identificar los factores asociados al desarrollo de complicaciones post operatorias en un grupo de pacientes con obstrucción intestinal mecánica llevados a manejo quirúrgico. Metodología: Estudio analítico tipo casos y controles en un grupo de pacientes con diagnóstico de obstrucción intestinal mecánica llevados a manejo quirúrgico de su patología. Los casos corresponden a los pacientes con complicaciones postoperatorias y los controles aquellos que no presentaron complicaciones. Se identificaron factores asociados a complicación post operatoria mediante modelos estadísticos bivariados y multivariados de regresión logística para factores como edad, sexo, antecedente quirúrgico, presentación clínica, paraclínica y diagnóstico postoperatorio de malignidad, entre otras. Resultados: Se identificaron un total de 138 pacientes (54 casos y 129 controles). Los rangos de edad entre 55-66 años y mayor de 66 años fueron asociados con complicaciones postoperatorias (OR 3,87 IC95% 1,58-9,50 y OR 3,62 IC95% 1,45-9,08 respectivamente). El déficit de base inferior a 5 mEq/litro se relaciona con complicaciones postoperatorias (OR 2,64 IC95% 1.33-5,25) Otras pruebas de laboratorio, características radiológicas, hallazgos de malignidad en el postoperatorio y la evolución de los pacientes no fueron asociados con complicaciones. Conclusiones: Las disminución de las complicaciones durante el manejo quirúrgico de obstrucción intestinal mecánica continúa siendo un reto para la cirugía general. Factores no modificables como edad avanzada y modificables como el equilibrio ácido base deben ser tenidos en cuenta dada su correlación en el desarrollo de complicaciones postoperatorias.


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A insuficiência renal crónica (IRC) é uma das doenças renais que afecta com mais incidência os animais de companhia, sendo a doença renal frequentemente mais diagnosticada no gato. O objetivo deste estudo consistiu determinar a distribuição de ocorrência dos diferentes níveis de estadiamento em pacientes diagnosticados com doença renal crónica, identificar os sinais mais comuns na apresentação clínica, avaliar os parâmetros bioquímicos e clínicos abrangidos no estadiamento e substadiamento, caracterizar os diversos estadios de doença de acordo com as características individuais (sexo, raça e idade), e determinar a existência de relação entre os parâmetros anteriores com o desenvolvimento e duração temporal de doença. O estudo contemplou uma amostra aleatória de 100 gatos com Insuficiência Renal Crónica (IRC) apresentados à consulta ou internados no Hospital Veterinário do Restelo, no período compreendido de Abril de 2011 a Maio de 2012 inclusive. Os animais foram estadiados e subestadiados segundo os valores propostos pela International Renal Interest Society (IRIS). O estudo serviu ainda, para compreender algumas limitações associadas aos exames complementares necessários ao estadiamento e subestadiamento da doença, que podem limitar um diagnóstico precoce. No estudo foi possível verificar que da distribuição de faixas etárias, os geriátricos são mais afectados, assim como o sinal clínico mais apresentado pelos pacientes foi PU/PD, seguido de anorexia e vómito. A maioria dos felinos encontra-se no estádio II (azotémia renal ligeira), vindo o número de indivíduos a diminuir com o aumento do grau dos estadios de doença.


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A synbiotic is a formulation containing both probiotics and prebiotics. This study aims to evaluate the effect of supplementation with a synbiotic containing Enterococcus faecium strain E1707 (NCIMB 10415) in preventing or controlling diarrhoea and other gastrointestinal signs in boarded canine radiotherapy patients. A double-blind, randomized, placebocontrolled clinical trial was carried out in 21 adult dogs undergoing radiotherapy and boarded for a duration period of 2 to 3 weeks to treat their cancers. Dogs were randomly divided between two groups: A and B, the synbiotic and placebo group, respectively. The content of the sachets was added to the food once daily. Faecal score was assessed daily, and dogs were also monitored for the development of diarrhoea and other gastrointestinal signs such as weight loss, reduced appetite and vomiting. The results from descriptive statistics seem to favour group B, however these findings were not validated with inferential statistics due to insufficient statistical sample power. Because of this, it is not possible to make conclusions about the benefits of synbiotic as supportive treatment for dogs undergoing radiotherapy. All results should be considered to be preliminary, until they are elucidated by further animal inclusion.


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Oral supplements of arginine and citrulline increase local nitric oxide (NO production in the small intestine and this may be harmful under certain circumstances. Gastrointestinal toxicity was therefore reviewed with respect to the intestinal physiology of arginine, citrulline, ornithine, and cystine (which shares the same transporter) and the many clinical trials of supplements of the dibasic amino acids or N-acetylcysteine (NAC. The human intestinal dibasic amino acid transport system has high affinity and low capacity. L-Arginine (but not lysine, ornithine, or D-arginine) induces water and electrolyte secretion that is mediated by NO, which acts as an absorbagogue at low levels and as a secretagogue at high levels. The action of many laxatives is NO mediated and there are reports of diarrhea following oral administration of arginine or ornithine ihine. The clinical data cover a wide span of arginine intakes f rom 3 g/d to > 100 g/d, but the standard of reporting adverse effects (e.g. nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea) was variable. Single doses of 3-6 g rarely provoked side effects and healthy athletes appeared to be more susceptible than diabetic patients to gastrointestinal symptoms at individual doses >9 g. This may relate to an effect of disease on gastrointestinal motility and pharmacokinetics. Most side effects of arginine and NAC occurred at single doses of >9 g in adults >140 mg/kg) often when part of a daily regime of similar to>30 g/d (>174 mmol/d). In the case of arginine, this compares with the laxative threshold of the nonabsorbed disaccharide alcohol, lactitol (74 g or 194 mmol). Adverse effects seemed dependent on the dosage regime and disappeared if divided doses were ingested (unlike lactitol). Large single doses of poorly absorbed amino acids seem to provoke diarrhea. More research is needed to refine dosage strategies that reduce this phenomenon. It is suggested that dipeptide forms of arginine may meet this criterion.


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This randomized controlled trial involving 110 healthy neonates studied physiological and bifidogenic effects of galactooligosaccharides (GOS), oligofructose and long-chain inulin (FOS) in formula. Subjects were randomized to Orafti Synergy1 (50 oligofructose: 50 FOS) 0.4g/dl or 0.8g/dl, GOS:FOS (90:10) 0.8g/dl or a standard formula according to Good Clinical Practise (GCP) guidelines. A breast-fed group was included for comparison. Outcome parameters were weight, length, intake, stool characteristics, crying, regurgitation, vomiting, adverse events and fecal bacterial population counts. Statistical analyses used non-parametric tests. During the first month of life weight, length, intake and crying increased significantly in all groups. Regurgitation and vomiting scores were low and similar. Stool frequency decreased significantly and similarly in all formula groups but was lower than in the breast-fed. All prebiotic groups maintained soft stools, only slightly harder than those of breast-fed infants. The standard group had significantly harder stools at wks 2 and 4 compared to 1 (P<0.001 & P=0.0279). The total number of fecal bacteria increased in all prebiotic groups (9.82, 9.73 and 9.91 to 10.34, 10.38 and 10.37, respectively, log10 cells/g feces, P=0.2298) and resembled more the breast-fed pattern. Numbers of lactic acid bacteria, bacteroides and clostridia were comparable. In the SYN1 0.8 g/dl and GOS:FOS groups Bifidobacterium counts were significantly higher at D14 & 28 compared to D3 and comparable to the breast-fed group. Tolerance and growth were normal. In conclusion, stool consistency and bacterial composition of infants taking SYN1 0.8 g/dl or GOS:FOS supplemented formula was closer to the breast-fed pattern. There was no risk for dehydration.


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Background/Objectives: Prebiotics have attracted interest for their ability to positively affect the colonic microbiota composition, thus increasing resistance to infection and diarrhoeal disease. This study assessed the effectiveness of a prebiotic galacto-oligosaccharide mixture (B-GOS) on the severity and/or incidence of travellers' diarrhoea (TD) in healthy subjects. Subjects/Methods: The study was a placebo-controlled, randomized, double blind of parallel design in 159 healthy volunteers, who travelled for minimum of 2 weeks to a country of low or high risk for TD. The investigational product was the B-GOS and the placebo was maltodextrin. Volunteers were randomized into groups with an equal probability of receiving either the prebiotic or placebo. The protocol comprised of a 1 week pre-holiday period recording bowel habit, while receiving intervention and the holiday period. Bowel habit included the number of bowel movements and average consistency of the stools as well as occurrence of abdominal discomfort, flatulence, bloating or vomiting. A clinical report was completed in the case of diarrhoeal incidence. A post-study questionnaire was also completed by all subjects on their return. Results: Results showed significant differences between the B-GOS and the placebo group in the incidence (P<0.05) and duration (P<0.05) of TD. Similar findings occurred on abdominal pain (P<0.05) and the overall quality of life assessment (P<0.05). Conclusions: Consumption of the tested galacto-oligosaccharide mixture showed significant potential in preventing the incidence and symptoms of TD.


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The University of Reading has conducted some preliminary work on the prevalence of Campylobacter spp., Salmonella spp. and Arenavirus in Norway rats trapped from farms and semi-urban areas in central southern England. Campylobacter is the cause of a notificable disease in the UK, with 57,772 cases reported for England and Wales in 2009. Transmission to humans is believed to be primarily through undercooked meat, from contaminated water, and through contact with pets; and symptoms include a high temperature, severe diarrhoea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Ninety-seven per-cent of sporadic cases have been attributed to farm animals, and in particular the meat and poultry industry. There are eighteen species of Campylobacter, eleven of which can be pathogenic to humans; although the principal species that cause gastrointestinal disease in humans are C. jejuni and C. coli; although C. lari, C. helveticus and C. upsaliensis are also involved. Salmonella species also causes a gastrointestinal disease, and in the UK, is common in chicken and has been linked to egg production. Species are typed using antigen specific agglutination tests, or by their susceptibility to specific bacteriophage. Some strains are known to be linked with human disease (eg. S. enteritidis PT4).


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The objective of this study is to investigate whether parentally-reported gastro-intestinal (GI) symptoms are increased in a population-derived sample of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) compared to controls. Participants included 132 children with ASD and 81 with special educational needs (SEN) but no ASD, aged 10-14 years plus 82 typically developing (TD) children. Data were collected on GI symptoms, diet, cognitive abilities, and developmental histories. Nearly half (weighted rate 46.5 %) of children with ASD had at least one individual lifetime GI symptom compared with 21.8 % of TD children and 29.2 % of those with SEN. Children with ASD had more past and current GI symptoms than TD or SEN groups although fewer current symptoms were reported in all groups compared with the past. The ASD group had significantly increased past vomiting and diarrhoea compared with the TD group and more abdominal pain than the SEN group. The ASD group had more current constipation (when defined as bowel movement less than three times per week) and soiling than either the TD or SEN groups. No association was found between GI symptoms and intellectual ability, ASD severity, ASD regression or limited or faddy diet. Parents report more GI symptoms in children with ASD than children with either SEN or TD children but the frequency of reported symptoms is greater in the past than currently in all groups.


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Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsåtgärder gentemot patienter med cancer vid cytostatikarelaterat håravfall, fatigue, illamående och kräkning. De vetenskapliga artiklar som användes för denna litteraturstudie hämtades ur Högskolan Dalarnas databaser Elin@Dalarna och PubMed. Efter kvalitetsgranskning och betygsättning av artiklarna kvarstod 18 artiklar som ansågs relevanta och låg till grund för resultatet av denna studie. Samtliga artiklar bedömdes ha en god vetenskaplig kvalitet. Resultatet av denna litteraturstudie visade att behandling mot håravfall med kylmössa hade god effekt men att biverkningarna kunde vara svåra att uthärda. Information från sjuksköterskan om sminkningsteknik och användning av peruk, upplevdes av patenten vara viktig vid håravfall. Regelbunden träning och avslappningsövningar hade en positiv effekt på fatigue. Sjuksköterskans information till patienter om fatigue och egenvårdsåtgärder, visade sig också vara till hjälp för patienterna. Vidare lindrade akupressur besvären vid illamående och kräkning. Sjuksköterskornas regelbundna kontroller av cytostatikarelaterade biverkningar förbättrade omvårdnadens kvalitet


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Aim. This paper is a report of a study to identify predictors of critical care admission in emergency department patients triaged as low to moderate urgency that may be apparent early in the emergency department episode of care.

Background. Observations of clinical practice show that a number of emergency department patients triaged as low to moderate urgency require critical care admission, raising questions about the relationship between illness severity and physiological status early in the emergency department episode of care.

Methods. A retrospective case control design was used. All participants were aged over 18 years, triaged to Australasian Triage Scale categories 3, 4 or 5, and attended emergency department between 1 July 2004 and 30 June 2005. Cases were admitted to intensive care unit or coronary care unit and controls were admitted to general medical or surgical units. Cases (n = 193) and controls (n = 193) were matched by age, gender, emergency department discharge diagnosis and triage category.

Results. Critical care admission associated with: (i) a presenting complaint of nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea (OR = 3·40, 95%CI:1·22–9·47, P = 0·019), (ii) heart rate abnormalities at triage (OR = 2·10, 95%CI:1·19–3·71, P = 0·011), (iii) temperature abnormalities at triage (OR = 2·87 95%CI:1·05–7·89, P = 0·041), (iv) respiratory rate at first nursing assessment (OR = 1·66, 95%CI:1·05–2·06, P = 0·31) or (v) heart rate abnormalities at first nursing assessment (OR = 1·57, 95%CI = 1·04−2·39, P = 0·033).

Conclusion. Derangements in temperature, respiratory rate and heart appear to increase risk of critical care admission. Further work using a prospective approach is needed to establish which physiological parameters have the highest predictive validity, the level(s) of physiological abnormality with highest clinical utility, and the optimal timing for collection of physiological data.


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The objectives of this research were to compare the emergency department (ED) presentations for cancer patients from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds (CALDB) treated with chemotherapy through day oncology units with other cancer patients.

A retrospective audit was conducted. Data collected included demographic factors and ED presentation characteristics. Descriptive statistics and direct logistic regression was used to summarise and compare the ED presentation rates and ED presentation characteristics of patients from CALDB and other patients.

Primary and secondary care.

All adult day oncology patients who were treated with chemotherapy and presented to an ED between 1 January and 31 December, 2007. Across the two health sites, 770 day oncology patients attended an ED on at least one occasion. Of these 37.7% were born in a non-English speaking country.

Patients from CALDB were more likely to present (p < 0.001, OR = 1.55, C.I. = 1.29–1.88) and re-present to an ED (p < 0.001, OR = 2.08, C.I. = 1.37–3.16), however there was no association between CALDB and admission to hospital following the ED presentation, triage category or being seen within the clinically recommended time. Patients from CALDB tended to present for potentially preventable conditions such as nausea/vomiting/dehydration and fever.

Our findings suggest that targeted interventions that incorporate education and information to assist with self-care for patients from CALDB may reduce potentially preventable presentations and representations to an ED and the subsequent economic, social and personal costs associated with these ED presentations.


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Background: Hereditary angioedema (HAE) is a rare, debilitating, potentially life-threatening condition characterized by recurrent acute attacks of edema of the skin, face/upper airway, and gastrointestinal and urogenital tracts. During a laryngeal attack, people with HAE may be at risk of suffocation, while other attacks are often associated with intense pain, disfigurement, disability, and/or vomiting. The intensity of some symptoms is known only to the person experiencing them. Thus, interview studies are needed to explore such experience and patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) are required for systematic assessment of symptoms in the clinical setting and in clinical trials of treatments for acute HAE attacks.

Objective: The aim of this interview study was to assess the content validity and suitability of four visual analog scale (VAS) instruments for use in clinical studies. The VAS instruments were designed to assess symptoms at abdominal, oro-facial-pharyngeal-laryngeal, peripheral, and urogenital attack locations. This is the first known study to report qualitative data about the patient's experience of the rare disorder, HAE.

Methods: Semi-structured exploratory and cognitive debriefing interviews were conducted with 27 adults with a confirmed clinical/laboratory diagnosis of HAE (baseline plasma level of functional plasma protein C1 esterase inhibitor [C1INH] <50% of normal without evidence for acquired angioedema). There were 17 participants from the US and 10 from Italy, with mean age 42.5 (SD 14.5) years, range 18–72 years, mean HAE duration 21.3 (SD 14.1) years, range 1–45 years, 67% female, and 44% VAS-naïve. Experience of acute angioedema attacks was first explored, noting spontaneous mentions by participants of HAE symptomatology. Cognitive debriefing of the VAS instruments was undertaken to assess the suitability, comprehensibility, and relevance of the VAS items. Asymptomatic participants completed the VAS instruments relevant to their angioedema experience, reporting as if they were experiencing an acute angioedema attack at the time. Interviews were conducted in the clinic setting in the US and Italy over an 8-month period.

Results: Participants mentioned spontaneously almost all aspects of acute angioedema attacks covered by the four VAS instruments, thus providing strong support for inclusion of nearly all VAS items, with no important symptoms missing. Predominant symptoms found to be associated with acute angioedema attacks were edema and pain, and there was evidence of varying degrees of disruption to everyday activities supporting the inclusion of an overall severity item reflecting the disabling effects of HAE symptoms. VAS item wording was understood by participants.

Conclusion: This interview study explored and reported the patient experience of HAE attacks. It demonstrated the content validity of the four anatomical location HAE VAS instruments and their suitability for use in clinical trials of recombinant human C1INH (rhC1INH) treatment for ascertaining trial participants' assessments of the severity of acute angioedema symptoms.


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Patient safety depends on nurses' clinical judgment. In post-anaesthetic care, objective scoring systems are commonly used to help nurses assess when a patient is ready to go back to the ward or be discharged home after day surgery. Although there are several criteria used to assess patient readiness for discharge from the post-anaesthetic care unit, evaluation of the validity and reliability of these criteria is scarce.

This article presents key findings from a systematic review conducted to identify the essential components of an effective and feasible scoring system to assess patients following surgical anaesthesia for discharge from the post-anaesthetic care unit.

The protocol for the systematic review of quantitative studies investigating assessment criteria for discharge of adult patients from the post-anaesthetic care unit was approved by the Joanna Briggs Institute and conducted consistent with the methodology of the Institute. Twelve databases and grey literature, such as conference proceedings, were searched for published studies between 1970 and 2010. Two reviewers independently assessed study eligibility for inclusion. Reference lists of included studies were appraised.

Eight studies met the inclusion criteria; only one was a randomised controlled trial. Variables identified as essential when assessing a patient's readiness for discharge from the post-anaesthetic care unit were conscious state, blood pressure, nausea and vomiting, and pain. Assessment of psychomotor and cognitive recovery and other vital signs were also identified as relevant variables to consider.

There was limited high-quality research regarding criteria to assess patient readiness for discharge from the post-anaesthetic unit. The key recommendations, with moderate to high risk of bias, include that assessment of specific variables (pain, conscious state, blood pressure, and nausea and vomiting) should be made before patient discharge. These key findings have informed a subsequent study to reach international consensus on effective assessment criteria and a project to test the clinical reliability of a tool for use by nurses in assessing patient readiness for discharge from post-anaesthetic care.


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Non-suicidal self-injury has been classed as having both impulsive and compulsive characteristics (Simeon & Favazza, 2001). These constructs have been related to disordered eating behaviors such as vomiting (Favaro & Santonastaso, 1998). Utilizing an international sample of adult females, this paper further explored this model, aiming to identify whether all types of disordered eating could be classified as impulsive or compulsive, and whether the impulsive and compulsive groupings reflect underlying trait impulsivity and compulsivity. The hypothesized impulsive and compulsive dimensions did not emerge from the data. Notably however, all self-injurious and disordered eating behaviors were linked to Urgency (an impulsivity facet) to varying degrees; no relationship with trait compulsivity was found. These findings are discussed, study limitations are noted, and relevance for clinical practice is outlined.


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Objetivos: Descrever o perfil e as complicações agudas mais importantes das crianças que receberam transplante de medula óssea (TMO) em nosso Serviço. Casuística e métodos: Análise retrospectiva de 41 pacientes menores de 21 anos transplantados entre Agosto de 1997 até Junho de 2002. Deste total 20 receberam transplante alogênico e 21 receberam transplante autogênico. Resultados: No TMO alogênico a média de idade foi de 8,9 + 5,4 anos, sendo 12 pacientes do sexo masculino. As fontes de células foram: medula óssea (MO) 12, sangue periférico (SP) 5, sangue de cordão umbilical não aparentado (SCU) 3. As doenças tratadas foram leucemia linfóide aguda (LLA) 7 pacientes, leucemia linfóide crônica (LMC) 2; leucemia mielóide aguda (LMA) 4; Síndrome mielodisplásica 2; Linfoma de Burkitt 1, Anemia aplástica grave 1; Anemia de Fanconi 1; Síndrome Chediak Higashi 1; Imunodeficiência congênita combinada grave 1. Um paciente desenvolveu doença do enxerto contra hospedeiro (DECH) aguda grau 2 e três DECH grau 4. Três pacientes desenvolveram DECH crônica. Todos haviam recebido SP como fonte de células. A sobrevida global foi de 70,0 + 10,3%. A principal causa do óbito foi DECH em 3 pacientes e sépse em outros 3. Todos os óbitos ocorreram antes do dia 100. Um dos pacientes que recebeu SCU está vivo em bom estado e sem uso de medicações 3 anos e 6 meses pós TMO. No TMO autogênico, a média de idade foi de 8,7 + 4,3 anos, sendo 11 pacientes do sexo masculino. As fontes de células foram SP 16, MO 3, SP + MO 2. As doenças tratadas foram: tumor de Wilms 5; tumores da família do sarcoma de Ewing 4; neuroblastomas 3; linfomas de Hodgkin 3; rabdomiossarcomas 2, tumor neuroectodérmico primitivo do SNC 2; Linfoma não Hodgkin 1; LMA 1. A sobrevida global está em 59,4 + 11,7 %. Cinco óbitos tiveram como causa a progressão da doença de base, um óbito ocorreu devido à infecção 20 meses pós TMO e dois óbitos foram precoces por sépse. As toxicidades mais comuns em ambos os grupos foram vômitos, mucosite, diarréia e dor abdominal. Infecções foram documentadas em 58,5% dos pacientes e 46,9% tiveram no mínimo um agente isolado na hemocultura. Os tempos de enxertia de neutrófilos e plaquetas correlacionaram-se com o número de células progenitoras infundidas. Conclusão: A sobrevida de nossos pacientes é semelhante à encontrada na literatura de outros serviços nacionais e internacionais. Não encontramos diferença entre os dois tipos de transplante com relação às toxicidades agudas e ás infecções.