995 resultados para virus mutant


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The p53 protein is an attractive target for immunotherapy, because mutations in the p53 gene are the most common genetic alterations found in human tumors. These mutations result in high levels of p53 protein in the tumor cell, whereas the expression level of wild-type p53 in nonmalignant tissue is usually much lower. Several canarypox virus recombinants expressing human or murine p53 in wild-type or mutant form were constructed. Immunization with these viruses protected BALB/c mice from a challenge with an isogenic and highly tumorigenic mouse fibroblast tumor cell line expressing high levels of mutant p53. The tumor protection was equally effective regardless of whether wild-type or mutant p53 was used for the immunization, indicating that the immunologic response was not dependent on any particular p53 mutation and that immunization with this live virus vaccine works effectively against mutant p53 protein expressed in a tumor cell. In tumors escaping immunologic rejection, the expression of the p53 protein was commonly down-regulated.


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The genetic study of RNA viruses is greatly facilitated by the availability of infectious cDNA clones. However, their construction has often been difficult. While exploring ways to simplify the construction of infectious clones, we have successfully modified and applied the newly described technique of "long PCR" to the synthesis of a full-length DNA amplicon from the RNA of a cytopathogenic mutant (HM 175/24a) of the hepatitis A virus (HAV). Primers were synthesized to match the two extremities of the HAV genome. The antisense primer, homologous to the 3' end, was used in both the reverse transcription (RT) and the PCR steps. With these primers we reproducibly obtained a full-length amplicon of approximately 7.5 kb. Further, since we engineered a T7 promoter in the sense primer, RNA could be transcribed directly from the amplicon with T7 RNA polymerase. Following transfection of cultured fetal rhesus kidney cells with the transcription mixture containing both the HAV cDNA and the transcribed RNA, replicating HAV was detected by immunofluorescence microscopy and, following passage to other cell cultures, by focus formation. The recovered virus displayed the cytopathic effect and large plaque phenotype typical of the original virus; this result highlights the fidelity of the modified long reverse transcription-PCR procedure and demonstrates the potential of this method for providing cDNAs of viral genomes and simplifying the construction of infectious clones.


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Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) thymidine kinase is currently used as a suicide agent in the gene therapy of cancer. This therapy is based on the preferential phosphorylation of nucleoside analogs by tumor cells expressing HSV-1 thymidine kinase. However, the use of HSV-1 thymidine kinase is limited in part by the toxicity of the nucleoside analogs. We have used random sequence mutagenesis to create new HSV-1 thymidine kinases that, compared with wild-type thymidine kinase, render cells much more sensitive to specific nucleoside analogs. A segment of the HSV-1 thymidine kinase gene at the putative nucleoside binding site was substituted with random nucleotide sequences. Mutant enzymes that demonstrate preferential phosphorylation of the nucleoside analogs, ganciclovir or acyclovir, were selected from more than one million Escherichia coli transformants. Among the 426 active mutants we have isolated, 26 demonstrated enhanced sensitivity to ganciclovir, and 54 were more sensitive to acyclovir. Only 6 mutant enzymes displayed sensitivity to both ganciclovir and acyclovir when expressed in E. coli. Analysis of 3 drug-sensitive enzymes demonstrated that 1 produced stable mammalian cell transfectants that are 43-fold more sensitive to ganciclovir and 20-fold more sensitive to acyclovir.


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The resistance of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) to traditional drug therapy has prompted a search for alternative treatments for this disease. One potential approach is to provide genetic resistance to viral replication to prolong latency. This strategy requires the definition of effective antiviral genes that extend the survival of T cells in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals. We report the results of a human study designed to determine whether a genetic intervention can prolong the survival of T cells in HIV-infected individuals. Gene transfer was performed in enriched CD4+ cells with plasmid expression vectors encoding an inhibitory Rev protein, Rev M10, or a deletion mutant control, deltaRev M10, delivered by gold microparticles. Autologous cells separately transfected with each of the vectors were returned to each patient, and toxicity, gene expression, and survival of genetically modified cells were assessed. Cells that expressed Rev M10 were more resistant to HIV infection than those with deltaRev M10 in vitro. In HIV-infected subjects, Rev M10-transduced cells showed preferential survival compared to deltaRev M10 controls. Rev M10 can therefore act as a specific intracellular inhibitor that can prolong T-cell survival in HIV-1-infected individuals and potentially serve as a molecular genetic intervention which can contribute to the treatment of AIDS.


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The observed in vitro and in vivo benefit of combination treatment with anti-human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) agents prompted us to examine the potential of resistance development when two protease inhibitors are used concurrently. Recombinant HIV-1 (NL4-3) proteases containing combined resistance mutations associated with BMS-186318 and A-77003 (or saquinavir) were either inactive or had impaired enzyme activity. Subsequent construction of HIV-1 (NL4-3) proviral clones containing the same mutations yielded viruses that were severely impaired in growth or nonviable, confirming that combination therapy may be advantageous. However, passage of BMS-186318-resistant HIV-1 (RF) in the presence of either saquinavir or SC52151, which represented sequential drug treatment, produced viable viruses resistant to both BMS-186318 and the second compound. The predominant breakthrough virus contained the G48V/A71T/V82A protease mutations. The clone-purified RF (G48V/A71T/V82A) virus, unlike the corresponding defective NL4-3 triple mutant, grew well and displayed cross-resistance to four distinct protease inhibitors. Chimeric virus and in vitro mutagenesis studies indicated that the RF-specific protease sequence, specifically the Ile at residue 10, enabled the NL4-3 strain with the triple mutant to grow. Our results clearly indicate that viral genetic background will play a key role in determining whether cross-resistance variants will arise.


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The quinoxaline nonnucleoside RT inhibitor (NNRTI) (S)-4-isopropoxycarbonyl-6-methoxy-3-(methylthiomethyl)-3,4- dihydroquinoxaline-2(1H)-thione (HBY 097) was used to select for drug-resistant HIV-1 variants in vitro. The viruses first developed mutations affecting the NNRTI-binding pocket, and five of six strains displayed the RT G190-->E substitution, which is characteristic for HIV-1 resistance against quinoxalines. In one variant, a new mutant (G190-->Q) most likely evolved from preexisting G190-->E mutants. The negative charge introduced by the G190-->E substitution was maintained at that site of the pocket by simultaneous selection for V179-->D together with G190-->Q. After continued exposure to the drug, mutations at positions so far known to be specific for resistance against nucleoside RT inhibitors (NRTIs) (L74-->V/I and V75-->L/I) were consistently detected in all cultures. The inhibitory activities of the cellular conversion product of 2',3'-dideoxyinosine (ddI, didanosine), 2',3'-dideoxyadenosine (ddA) and of 2',3'-didehydro-3'-deoxythymidine (d4T, stavudine) against these late-passage viruses were shown to be enhanced with the L74-->V/I RT mutant virus as compared with the wild-type (wt) HIV-1MN isolate. Clonal analysis proved linkage of the codon 74 and codon 75 mutations to the NNRTI-specific mutations in all RT gene fragments. The nonnucleoside- and nucleoside-resistance mutation sites are separated by approximately 35 A. We propose that the two sites "communicate" through the template-primer which is situated in the DNA-binding cleft between these two sites. Quinoxalines cause high selective pressure on HIV-1 replication in vitro; however, the implication of these findings for the treatment of HIV-1 infection has yet to be determined.


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A plant lignan, 3'-O-methyl nordihydroguaiaretic acid (3'-O-methyl NDGA, denoted Malachi 4:5-6 or Mal.4; molecular weigth 316), was isolated from Larrea tridentata and found to be able to inhibit human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Tat-regulated transactivation in vivo, induce protection of lymphoblastoid CEM-SS cells from HIV (strain IIIB) killing, and suppress the replication of five HIV-1 strains (WM, MN, VS, JR-CSF, and IIIB) in mitogen-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells, all in a dose-dependent manner. Mal.4 inhibits both basal transcription and Tat-regulated transactivation in vitro. The target of Mal.4 has been localized to nucleotides -87 to -40 of the HIV long terminal repeat. Mal.4 directly and specifically interferes with the binding of Sp1 to Sp1 sites in the HIV long terminal repeat. By inhibiting proviral expression, Mal.4 may be able to interrupt the life cycles of both wild-type and reverse transcriptase or protease mutant viruses in HIV-infected patients.


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Production of infectious human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) requires proper polyprotein processing by the dimeric viral protease. The trans-dominant inhibitory activity of a defective protease monomer with the active site Asp-25 changed to Asn was measured by transient transfection. A proviral plasmid that included the drug-selectable Escherichia coli gpt gene was used to deliver the wild-type (wt) or mutant proteases to cultured cells. Coexpression of the wt proviral DNA (HIV-gpt) with increasing amounts of the mutant proviral DNA (HIV-gpt D25N) results in a concomitant decrease in proteolytic activity monitored by in vivo viral polyprotein processing. The viral particles resulting from inactivation of the protease were mostly immature, consisting predominantly of unprocessed p55gag and p160gag-pol polyproteins. In the presence of HIV-1 gp160 env, the number of secreted noninfectious particles correlated with the presence of increasing amounts of the defective protease. Greater than 97% reduction in infectivity was observed at a 1:6 ratio of wt to defective protease DNA. This provides an estimate of the level of inhibition required for effectively preventing virion processing. Stable expression of the defective protease in monkey cells reduced the yield of infectious particles from these cells by 90% upon transfection with the wt proviral DNA. These results show that defective subunits of the viral protease exert a trans-dominant inhibitory effect resulting from the formation of catalytically compromised heterodimers in vivo, ultimately yielding noninfectious viral particles.


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A virus-based vector was used for the transient expression of the alfalfa mosaic virus coat protein (CP) gene in protoplasts and plants. The accumulation of wild-type CP conferred strong protection against subsequent alfalfa mosaic virus infection, enabling the efficacy of CP mutants to be determined without developing transgenic plants. Expression of the CP mRNA alone without CP accumulation conferred weaker protection against infection. The activity of the N-terminal mutant CPs in protection did not correlate with their activities in genome activation. The activity of a C-terminal mutant suggested that encapsidation did not have a role in protection. Our results indicate that interaction of the CP with alfalfa mosaic virus RNA is not important in protection, thereby leaving open the possibility that interactions with host factors lead to protection.


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Programmed cell death (apoptosis) is a normal physiological process, which could in principle be manipulated to play an important role in cancer therapy. The key importance of p53 expression in the apoptotic response to DNA-damaging agents has been stressed because mutant or deleted p53 is so common in most kinds of cancer. An important strategy, therefore, is to find ways to induce apoptosis in the absence of wild-type p53. In this paper, we compare apoptosis in normal human mammary epithelial cells, in cells immortalized with human papilloma virus (HPV), and in mammary carcinoma cell lines expressing wild-type p53, mutant p53, or no p53 protein. Apoptosis was induced with mitomycin C (MMC), a DNA cross-linking and damaging agent, or with staurosporine (SSP), a protein kinase inhibitor. The normal and HPV-transfected cells responded more strongly to SSP than did the tumor cells. After exposure to MMC, cells expressing wild-type p53 underwent extensive apoptosis, whereas cells carrying mutated p53 responded weakly. Primary breast cancer cell lines null for p53 protein were resistant to MMC. In contrast, two HPV immortalized cell lines in which p53 protein was destroyed by E6-modulated ubiquitinylation were highly sensitive to apoptosis induced by MMC. Neither p53 mRNA nor protein was induced in the HPV immortalized cells after MMC treatment, although p53 protein was elevated by MMC in cells with wild-type p53. Importantly, MMC induced p21 mRNA but not p21 protein expression in the HPV immortalized cells. Thus, HPV 16E6 can sensitize mammary epithelial cells to MMC-induced apoptosis via a p53- and p21-independent pathway. We propose that the HPV 16E6 protein modulates ubiquitin-mediated degradation not only of p53 but also of p21 and perhaps other proteins involved in apoptosis.


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The regulation of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) gene expression in response to Tat is dependent on an element downstream of the HIV-1 transcriptional initiation site designated the trans-activating region (TAR). TAR forms a stable stem-loop RNA structure in which a 3-nt bulge structure and a 6-nt loop structure are important for Tat activation. In the absence of Tat, the HIV-1 promoter generates so-called short or nonprocessive transcripts terminating at +60, while in the presence of Tat the synthesis of these short transcripts is markedly decreased and transcripts that extend through the 9.0-kb HIV-1 genome are synthesized. Tat effects on transcriptional elongation are likely due to alterations in the elongation properties of RNA polymerase II. In this study we demonstrated that a set of cellular cofactors that modulate the binding of the cellular protein TRP-185 to the TAR RNA loop sequences also functioned to markedly stimulate the specific binding of hypophosphorylated (IIa) and hyperphosphorylated (IIo) RNA polymerase II to TAR RNA. The concentrations of RNA polymerase II required for this interaction with TAR RNA were similar to those required to initiate in vitro transcription from the HIV-1 long terminal repeat. RNA gel retardation analysis with wild-type and mutant TAR RNAs indicated that the TAR RNA loop and bulge sequences were critical for the binding of RNA polymerase II. The addition of wild-type but not mutant Tat protein to gel retardation analysis with TAR RNA and RNA polymerase II resulted in the loss of binding of RNA polymerase II binding to TAR RNA. These results suggest that Tat may function to alter RNA polymerase II, which is paused due to its binding to HIV-1 TAR RNA with resultant stimulation of its transcriptional elongation properties.


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Previous studies have failed to detect an interaction between monomeric soluble CD4 (sCD4) and class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) proteins, suggesting that oligomerization of CD4 on the cell surface may be required to form a stable class II MHC binding site. To test this possibility, we transfected the F43I CD4 mutant, which is incapable of binding to class II MHC or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) gp120, into COS-7 cells together with wild-type CD4 (wtCD4). Expression of F43I results in a dominant negative effect: no class II MHC binding is observed even though wtCD4 expression is preserved. Apparently, F43I associates with wtCD4 oligomers and interferes with the formation of functional class II MHC binding structures. In contrast, F43I does not affect the binding of gp120 to wtCD4, implying that gp120 binds to a CD4 monomer. By production and characterization of chimeric CD4 molecules, we show that domains 3 and/or 4 appear to be involved in oligomerization. Several models of the CD4-class II MHC interaction are offered, including the possibility that one or two CD4 molecules initially interact with class II MHC dimers and further associate to create larger complexes important for facilitating T-cell receptor crosslinking.


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Five structurally related thiophene and furane analogues of the oxathiin carboxanilide derivative NSC 615985 (UC84) (designated UC10, UC68, UC81, UC42, and UC16) were identified as potent inhibitors of HIV-1 replication in cell culture and HIV-1 reverse transcriptase activity. These compounds were markedly active against a series of mutant HIV-1 strains, containing the Leu-100-->Ile, Val-106-->Ala, Glu-138-->Lys, or Tyr-181-->Cys mutations in their reverse transcriptase. However, the thiocarboxanilide derivatives selected for mutations at amino acid positions 100 (Leu-->Ile), 101 (Lys-->Ile/Glu), 103 (Lys-->Thr/Asp) and 141 (Gly-->Glu) in the HIV-1 reverse transcriptase. The compounds completely suppressed HIV-1 replication and prevented the emergence of resistant virus strains when used at 1.3-6.6 microM--that is, 10- to 25-fold lower than the concentration required for nevirapine and bis(heteroaryl)piperazine (BHAP) U90152 to do so. If UC42 was combined with the [2',5'-bis-O-(tert-butyldimethylsilyl)-3'-spiro-5"-(4"-amino-1",2"- oxathiole-2",2"-dioxide)]-beta-D-pentofuranosyl (TSAO) derivative of N3-methylthymine (TSAO-m3T), virus breakthrough could be prevented for a much longer time, and at much lower concentrations, than if the compounds were used individually. Virus breakthrough could be suppressed for even longer, and at lower drug concentrations, if BHAP was added to the combination of UC42 with TSAO-m3T, which points to the feasibility of two- or three-drug combinations in preventing virus breakthrough and resistance development.


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Virus host evasion genes are ready-made tools for gene manipulation and therapy. In this work we have assessed the impact in vivo of the evasion gene A238L of the African Swine Fever Virus, a gene which inhibits transcription mediated by both NF-κB and NFAT. The A238L gene has been selectively expressed in mouse T lymphocytes using tissue specific promoter, enhancer and locus control region sequences for CD2. The resulting two independently derived transgenic mice expressed the transgene and developed a metastasic, angiogenic and transplantable CD4(+)CD8(+)CD69(-) lymphoma. The CD4(+)CD8(+)CD69(-) cells also grew vigorously in vitro. The absence of CD69 from the tumour cells suggests that they were derived from T cells at a stage prior to positive selection. In contrast, transgenic mice similarly expressing a mutant A238L, solely inhibiting transcription mediated by NF-κB, were indistinguishable from wild type mice. Expression of Rag1, Rag2, TCRβ-V8.2, CD25, FoxP3, Bcl3, Bcl2 l14, Myc, IL-2, NFAT1 and Itk, by purified CD4(+)CD8(+)CD69(-) thymocytes from A238L transgenic mice was consistent with the phenotype. Similarly evaluated expression profiles of CD4(+)CD8(+) CD69(-) thymocytes from the mutant A238L transgenic mice were comparable to those of wild type mice. These features, together with the demonstration of (mono-)oligoclonality, suggest a transgene-NFAT-dependent transformation yielding a lymphoma with a phenotype reminiscent of some acute lymphoblastic lymphomas.


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The promoter regions of plant pararetroviruses direct transcription of the full-length viral genome into a pregenomic RNA that is an intermediate in the replication of the virus. It serves as template for reverse transcription and as polycistronic mRNA for translation to viral proteins. We have identified functional promoter elements in the intergenic region of the Cavendish isolate of Banana streak virus (BSV-Cav), a member of the genus Badnavirus. Potential binding sites for plant transcription factors were found both upstream and downstream of the transcription start site by homology search in the PLACE database of plant cis-acting elements. The functionality of these putative cis-acting elements was tested by constructing loss-of-function and regain-of-function mutant promoters whose activity was quantified in embryogenic sugarcane suspension cells. Four regions that are important for activity of the BSV-Cav promoter were identified: the region containing an as-l-like element, the region around-141 and down to -77, containing several putative transcription factor binding sites, the region including the CAAT-box, and the leader region. The results could help explain the high BSV-Cav promoter activity that was observed previously in transgenic sugarcane plants and give more insight into the plant cell-mediated replication of the viral genome in banana streak disease. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.