909 resultados para variational ensemble Kalman filter


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The authors address the problems in using a fiber-optic proximity sensor to detect robot end-effector positioning errors in performing a contact task when uncertainties about target position exist. An extended Kalman filter approach is employed to solve the nonlinear filtering problem. Some experimental results are given.


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Satellite-based Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) has proved useful for obtaining information on flood extent, which, when intersected with a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the floodplain, provides water level observations that can be assimilated into a hydrodynamic model to decrease forecast uncertainty. With an increasing number of operational satellites with SAR capability, information on the relationship between satellite first visit and revisit times and forecast performance is required to optimise the operational scheduling of satellite imagery. By using an Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (ETKF) and a synthetic analysis with the 2D hydrodynamic model LISFLOOD-FP based on a real flooding case affecting an urban area (summer 2007,Tewkesbury, Southwest UK), we evaluate the sensitivity of the forecast performance to visit parameters. We emulate a generic hydrologic-hydrodynamic modelling cascade by imposing a bias and spatiotemporal correlations to the inflow error ensemble into the hydrodynamic domain. First, in agreement with previous research, estimation and correction for this bias leads to a clear improvement in keeping the forecast on track. Second, imagery obtained early in the flood is shown to have a large influence on forecast statistics. Revisit interval is most influential for early observations. The results are promising for the future of remote sensing-based water level observations for real-time flood forecasting in complex scenarios.


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Satellite-based (e.g., Synthetic Aperture Radar [SAR]) water level observations (WLOs) of the floodplain can be sequentially assimilated into a hydrodynamic model to decrease forecast uncertainty. This has the potential to keep the forecast on track, so providing an Earth Observation (EO) based flood forecast system. However, the operational applicability of such a system for floods developed over river networks requires further testing. One of the promising techniques for assimilation in this field is the family of ensemble Kalman (EnKF) filters. These filters use a limited-size ensemble representation of the forecast error covariance matrix. This representation tends to develop spurious correlations as the forecast-assimilation cycle proceeds, which is a further complication for dealing with floods in either urban areas or river junctions in rural environments. Here we evaluate the assimilation of WLOs obtained from a sequence of real SAR overpasses (the X-band COSMO-Skymed constellation) in a case study. We show that a direct application of a global Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (ETKF) suffers from filter divergence caused by spurious correlations. However, a spatially-based filter localization provides a substantial moderation in the development of the forecast error covariance matrix, directly improving the forecast and also making it possible to further benefit from a simultaneous online inflow error estimation and correction. Additionally, we propose and evaluate a novel along-network metric for filter localization, which is physically-meaningful for the flood over a network problem. Using this metric, we further evaluate the simultaneous estimation of channel friction and spatially-variable channel bathymetry, for which the filter seems able to converge simultaneously to sensible values. Results also indicate that friction is a second order effect in flood inundation models applied to gradually varied flow in large rivers. The study is not conclusive regarding whether in an operational situation the simultaneous estimation of friction and bathymetry helps the current forecast. Overall, the results indicate the feasibility of stand-alone EO-based operational flood forecasting.


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We present a novel algorithm for concurrent model state and parameter estimation in nonlinear dynamical systems. The new scheme uses ideas from three dimensional variational data assimilation (3D-Var) and the extended Kalman filter (EKF) together with the technique of state augmentation to estimate uncertain model parameters alongside the model state variables in a sequential filtering system. The method is relatively simple to implement and computationally inexpensive to run for large systems with relatively few parameters. We demonstrate the efficacy of the method via a series of identical twin experiments with three simple dynamical system models. The scheme is able to recover the parameter values to a good level of accuracy, even when observational data are noisy. We expect this new technique to be easily transferable to much larger models.


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Este trabalho tem o objetivo de testar a qualidade preditiva do Modelo Vasicek de dois fatores acoplado ao Filtro de Kalman. Aplicado a uma estratégia de investimento, incluímos um critério de Stop Loss nos períodos que o modelo não responde de forma satisfatória ao movimento das taxas de juros. Utilizando contratos futuros de DI disponíveis na BMFBovespa entre 01 de março de 2007 a 30 de maio de 2014, as simulações foram realizadas em diferentes momentos de mercado, verificando qual a melhor janela para obtenção dos parâmetros dos modelos, e por quanto tempo esses parâmetros estimam de maneira ótima o comportamento das taxas de juros. Os resultados foram comparados com os obtidos pelo Modelo Vetor-auto regressivo de ordem 1, e constatou-se que o Filtro de Kalman aplicado ao Modelo Vasicek de dois fatores não é o mais indicado para estudos relacionados a previsão das taxas de juros. As limitações desse modelo o restringe em conseguir estimar toda a curva de juros de uma só vez denegrindo seus resultados.


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This paper describes the study, computer simulation and feasibility of implementation of vector control speed of an induction motor using for this purpose the Extended Kalman Filter as an estimator of rotor flux. The motivation for such work is the use of a control system that requires no sensors on the machine shaft, thus providing a considerable cost reduction of drives and their maintenance, increased reliability, robustness and noise immunity as compared to control systems with conventional sensors


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Two Kalman-filter formulations are presented for the estimation of spacecraft sensor misalignments from inflight data. In the first the sensor misalignments are part of the filter state variable; in the second the state vector contains only dynamical variables, but the sensitivities of the filter innovations to the misalignments are calculated within the Kalman filter. This procedure permits the misalignments to be estimated in batch mode as well as a much smaller dimension for the Kalman filter state vector. This results not only in a significantly smaller computational burden but also in a smaller sensitivity of the misalignment estimates to outliers in the data. Numerical simulations of the filter performance are presented.


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An algorithm for real-time and onboard orbit determination applying the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) method is developed. Aiming at a very simple and still fairly accurate orbit determination, an analysis is performed to ascertain an adequacy of modeling complexity versus accuracy. The minimum set of to-be-estimated states to reach the level of accuracy of tens of meters is found to have at least the position, velocity, and user clock offset components. The dynamical model is assessed through several tests, covering force model, numerical integration scheme and step size, and simplified variational equations. The measurement model includes only relevant effects to the order of meters. The EKF method is chosen to be the simplest real-time estimation algorithm with adequate tuning of its parameters. In the developed procedure, the obtained position and velocity errors along a day vary from 15 to 20 m and from 0.014 to 0.018 m/s, respectively, with standard deviation from 6 to 10 m and from 0.006 to 0.008 m/s, respectively, with the SA either on or off. The results, as well as analysis of the final adopted models used, are presented in this work. © 2013 Ana Paula Marins Chiaradia et al.


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O filtro de Kalman é aplicado para filtragem inversa ou problema de deconvolução. Nesta dissertação aplicamos o método de Kalman, considerado como uma outra visão de processamento no domínio do tempo, para separar sinal-ruído em perfil sônico admitido como uma realização de um processo estocástico não estacionário. Em um trabalho futuro estudaremos o problema da deconvolução. A dedução do filtro de Kalman destaca a relação entre o filtro de Kalman e o de Wiener. Estas deduções são baseadas na representação do sistema por variáveis de estado e modelos de processos aleatórios, com a entrada do sistema linear acrescentado com ruído branco. Os resultados ilustrados indicam a aplicabilidade dessa técnica para uma variedade de problemas de processamento de dados geofísicos, por exemplo, ideal para well log. O filtro de Kalman oferece aos geofísicos de exploração informações adicionais para o processamento, problemas de modelamento e a sua solução.


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Passive positioning systems produce user location information for third-party providers of positioning services. Since the tracked wireless devices do not participate in the positioning process, passive positioning can only rely on simple, measurable radio signal parameters, such as timing or power information. In this work, we provide a passive tracking system for WiFi signals with an enhanced particle filter using fine-grained power-based ranging. Our proposed particle filter provides an improved likelihood function on observation parameters and is equipped with a modified coordinated turn model to address the challenges in a passive positioning system. The anchor nodes for WiFi signal sniffing and target positioning use software defined radio techniques to extract channel state information to mitigate multipath effects. By combining the enhanced particle filter and a set of enhanced ranging methods, our system can track mobile targets with an accuracy of 1.5m for 50% and 2.3m for 90% in a complex indoor environment. Our proposed particle filter significantly outperforms the typical bootstrap particle filter, extended Kalman filter and trilateration algorithms.


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A discussion of nonlinear dynamics, demonstrated by the familiar automobile, is followed by the development of a systematic method of analysis of a possibly nonlinear time series using difference equations in the general state-space format. This format allows recursive state-dependent parameter estimation after each observation thereby revealing the dynamics inherent in the system in combination with random external perturbations.^ The one-step ahead prediction errors at each time period, transformed to have constant variance, and the estimated parametric sequences provide the information to (1) formally test whether time series observations y(,t) are some linear function of random errors (ELEM)(,s), for some t and s, or whether the series would more appropriately be described by a nonlinear model such as bilinear, exponential, threshold, etc., (2) formally test whether a statistically significant change has occurred in structure/level either historically or as it occurs, (3) forecast nonlinear system with a new and innovative (but very old numerical) technique utilizing rational functions to extrapolate individual parameters as smooth functions of time which are then combined to obtain the forecast of y and (4) suggest a measure of resilience, i.e. how much perturbation a structure/level can tolerate, whether internal or external to the system, and remain statistically unchanged. Although similar to one-step control, this provides a less rigid way to think about changes affecting social systems.^ Applications consisting of the analysis of some familiar and some simulated series demonstrate the procedure. Empirical results suggest that this state-space or modified augmented Kalman filter may provide interesting ways to identify particular kinds of nonlinearities as they occur in structural change via the state trajectory.^ A computational flow-chart detailing computations and software input and output is provided in the body of the text. IBM Advanced BASIC program listings to accomplish most of the analysis are provided in the appendix. ^


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O filtro de Kalman estendido tem sido a mais popular ferramenta de filtragem não linear das últimas quatro décadas. É de fácil implementação e apresenta baixo custo computacional. Nos casos nos quais as não linearidades do sistema dinâmico são significativas, porém, o filtro de Kalman estendido pode apresentar resultados insatisfatórios. Nessas situações, o filtro de Kalman unscented substitui com vantagens o filtro de Kalman estendido, pois pode apresentar melhores estimativas de estado, embora ambos os filtros exibam complexidade computacional de mesma ordem. A qualidade das estimativas de estado do filtro unscented está intimamente ligada à sintonia dos parâmetros que controlam a transformada unscented. A versão escalada dessa transformada exibe três parâmetros escalares que determinam o posicionamento dos pontos sigma e, consequentemente, afetam diretamente a qualidade das estimativas produzidas pelo filtro. Apesar da importância do filtro de Kalman unscented, a sintonia ótima desses parâmetros é um problema para o qual ainda não há solução definitiva. Não há nem mesmo recomendações heurísticas que garantam o bom funcionamento do filtro unscented na maior parte dos problemas tratáveis por meio de filtros Gaussianos. Essa carência e a importância desse filtro para a área de filtragem não linear fazem da busca por mecanismos de sintonia automática do filtro unscented área de pesquisa ativa. Assim, este trabalho propõe técnicas para sintonia automática dos parâmetros da transformada unscented escalada. Além da sintonia desses parâmetros, também é abordado o problema de sintonizar as matrizes de covariância dos ruídos de processo e de medida demandadas pelo modelo do sistema dinâmico usado pelo filtro unscented. As técnicas propostas cobrem então a sintonia automática de todos os parâmetros do filtro.


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In this letter, a new approach for crop phenology estimation with remote sensing is presented. The proposed methodology is aimed to exploit tools from a dynamical system context. From a temporal sequence of images, a geometrical model is derived, which allows us to translate this temporal domain into the estimation problem. The evolution model in state space is obtained through dimensional reduction by a principal component analysis, defining the state variables, of the observations. Then, estimation is achieved by combining the generated model with actual samples in an optimal way using a Kalman filter. As a proof of concept, an example with results obtained with this approach over rice fields by exploiting stacks of TerraSAR-X dual polarization images is shown.


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Kalman inverse filtering is used to develop a methodology for real-time estimation of forces acting at the interface between tyre and road on large off-highway mining trucks. The system model formulated is capable of estimating the three components of tyre-force at each wheel of the truck using a practical set of measurements and inputs. Good tracking is obtained by the estimated tyre-forces when compared with those simulated by an ADAMS virtual-truck model. A sensitivity analysis determines the susceptibility of the tyre-force estimates to uncertainties in the truck's parameters.


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This paper presents the implementation of a modified particle filter for vision-based simultaneous localization and mapping of an autonomous robot in a structured indoor environment. Through this method, artificial landmarks such as multi-coloured cylinders can be tracked with a camera mounted on the robot, and the position of the robot can be estimated at the same time. Experimental results in simulation and in real environments show that this approach has advantages over the extended Kalman filter with ambiguous data association and various levels of odometric noise.