941 resultados para user-defined function (UDF)


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In an increasing number of applications (e.g., in embedded, real-time, or mobile systems) it is important or even essential to ensure conformance with respect to a specification expressing resource usages, such as execution time, memory, energy, or user-defined resources. In previous work we have presented a novel framework for data size-aware, static resource usage verification. Specifications can include both lower and upper bound resource usage functions. In order to statically check such specifications, both upper- and lower-bound resource usage functions (on input data sizes) approximating the actual resource usage of the program which are automatically inferred and compared against the specification. The outcome of the static checking of assertions can express intervals for the input data sizes such that a given specification can be proved for some intervals but disproved for others. After an overview of the approach in this paper we provide a number of novel contributions: we present a full formalization, and we report on and provide results from an implementation within the Ciao/CiaoPP framework (which provides a general, unified platform for static and run-time verification, as well as unit testing). We also generalize the checking of assertions to allow preconditions expressing intervals within which the input data size of a program is supposed to lie (i.e., intervals for which each assertion is applicable), and we extend the class of resource usage functions that can be checked.


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Incorporating the possibility of attaching attributes to variables in a logic programming system has been shown to allow the addition of general constraint solving capabilities to it. This approach is very attractive in that by adding a few primitives any logic programming system can be turned into a generic constraint logic programming system in which constraint solving can be user defined, and at source level - an extreme example of the "glass box" approach. In this paper we propose a different and novel use for the concept of attributed variables: developing a generic parallel/concurrent (constraint) logic programming system, using the same "glass box" flavor. We argüe that a system which implements attributed variables and a few additional primitives can be easily customized at source level to implement many of the languages and execution models of parallelism and concurrency currently proposed, in both shared memory and distributed systems. We illustrate this through examples.


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Linked data offers a promising setting to encode, publish and share metadata of resources. As the matter of fact, it is already adopted by data producers such as European Environment Agency, US and some EU Governs, whose first ambition is to share (meta)data making their processes more effective and transparent. Such as an increasing interest and involvement of data providers surely represents a genuine witness of the web of data success, but in a longer perspective, frameworks supporting linked data consumers in their decision making processes will be a compelling need. In this respect, the talk is introducing SSONDE, a framework enabling in detailed comparison, ranking and selection of linked data resources through the analysis of their RDF ontology driven metadata. SSONDE implements an instance similarity especially designed to support in resource selection, namely the process stakeholders engage to choose a set of resources suitable for a given analysis purpose: (i) it deploys an asymmetric similarity assessment to emphasize information about gains and losses the stakeholders get adopting a resource in place of another; (ii) it relies on an explicit formalization of contexts to tailor the similarity assessment with respect to specific user-defined selection goals. The talk aims at providing an insight on SSONDE instance similarity and it will briefly describe some examples of SSONDE deployment in the context of linked data consumption.


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Modeling and prediction of the overall elastic–plastic response and local damage mechanisms in heterogeneous materials, in particular particle reinforced composites, is a very complex problem. Microstructural complexities such as the inhomogeneous spatial distribution of particles, irregular morphology of the particles, and anisotropy in particle orientation after secondary processing, such as extrusion, significantly affect deformation behavior. We have studied the effect of particle/matrix interface debonding in SiC particle reinforced Al alloy matrix composites with (a) actual microstructure consisting of angular SiC particles and (b) idealized ellipsoidal SiC particles. Tensile deformation in SiC particle reinforced Al matrix composites was modeled using actual microstructures reconstructed from serial sectioning approach. Interfacial debonding was modeled using user-defined cohesive zone elements. Modeling with the actual microstructure (versus idealized ellipsoids) has a significant influence on: (a) localized stresses and strains in particle and matrix, and (b) far-field strain at which localized debonding takes place. The angular particles exhibited higher degree of load transfer and are more sensitive to interfacial debonding. Larger decreases in stress are observed in the angular particles, because of the flat surfaces, normal to the loading axis, which bear load. Furthermore, simplification of particle morphology may lead to erroneous results.


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Modern object oriented languages like C# and JAVA enable developers to build complex application in less time. These languages are based on selecting heap allocated pass-by-reference objects for user defined data structures. This simplifies programming by automatically managing memory allocation and deallocation in conjunction with automated garbage collection. This simplification of programming comes at the cost of performance. Using pass-by-reference objects instead of lighter weight pass-by value structs can have memory impact in some cases. These costs can be critical when these application runs on limited resource environments such as mobile devices and cloud computing systems. We explore the problem by using the simple and uniform memory model to improve the performance. In this work we address this problem by providing an automated and sounds static conversion analysis which identifies if a by reference type can be safely converted to a by value type where the conversion may result in performance improvements. This works focus on C# programs. Our approach is based on a combination of syntactic and semantic checks to identify classes that are safe to convert. We evaluate the effectiveness of our work in identifying convertible types and impact of this transformation. The result shows that the transformation of reference type to value type can have substantial performance impact in practice. In our case studies we optimize the performance in Barnes-Hut program which shows total memory allocation decreased by 93% and execution time also reduced by 15%.


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La computación basada en servicios (Service-Oriented Computing, SOC) se estableció como un paradigma ampliamente aceptado para el desarollo de sistemas de software flexibles, distribuidos y adaptables, donde las composiciones de los servicios realizan las tareas más complejas o de nivel más alto, frecuentemente tareas inter-organizativas usando los servicios atómicos u otras composiciones de servicios. En tales sistemas, las propriedades de la calidad de servicio (Quality of Service, QoS), como la rapídez de procesamiento, coste, disponibilidad o seguridad, son críticas para la usabilidad de los servicios o sus composiciones en cualquier aplicación concreta. El análisis de estas propriedades se puede realizarse de una forma más precisa y rica en información si se utilizan las técnicas de análisis de programas, como el análisis de complejidad o de compartición de datos, que son capables de analizar simultáneamente tanto las estructuras de control como las de datos, dependencias y operaciones en una composición. El análisis de coste computacional para la composicion de servicios puede ayudar a una monitorización predictiva así como a una adaptación proactiva a través de una inferencia automática de coste computacional, usando los limites altos y bajos como funciones del valor o del tamaño de los mensajes de entrada. Tales funciones de coste se pueden usar para adaptación en la forma de selección de los candidatos entre los servicios que minimizan el coste total de la composición, basado en los datos reales que se pasan al servicio. Las funciones de coste también pueden ser combinadas con los parámetros extraídos empíricamente desde la infraestructura, para producir las funciones de los límites de QoS sobre los datos de entrada, cuales se pueden usar para previsar, en el momento de invocación, las violaciones de los compromisos al nivel de servicios (Service Level Agreements, SLA) potenciales or inminentes. En las composiciones críticas, una previsión continua de QoS bastante eficaz y precisa se puede basar en el modelado con restricciones de QoS desde la estructura de la composition, datos empiricos en tiempo de ejecución y (cuando estén disponibles) los resultados del análisis de complejidad. Este enfoque se puede aplicar a las orquestaciones de servicios con un control centralizado del flujo, así como a las coreografías con participantes multiples, siguiendo unas interacciones complejas que modifican su estado. El análisis del compartición de datos puede servir de apoyo para acciones de adaptación, como la paralelización, fragmentación y selección de los componentes, las cuales son basadas en dependencias funcionales y en el contenido de información en los mensajes, datos internos y las actividades de la composición, cuando se usan construcciones de control complejas, como bucles, bifurcaciones y flujos anidados. Tanto las dependencias funcionales como el contenido de información (descrito a través de algunos atributos definidos por el usuario) se pueden expresar usando una representación basada en la lógica de primer orden (claúsulas de Horn), y los resultados del análisis se pueden interpretar como modelos conceptuales basados en retículos. ABSTRACT Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) is a widely accepted paradigm for development of flexible, distributed and adaptable software systems, in which service compositions perform more complex, higher-level, often cross-organizational tasks using atomic services or other service compositions. In such systems, Quality of Service (QoS) properties, such as the performance, cost, availability or security, are critical for the usability of services and their compositions in concrete applications. Analysis of these properties can become more precise and richer in information, if it employs program analysis techniques, such as the complexity and sharing analyses, which are able to simultaneously take into account both the control and the data structures, dependencies, and operations in a composition. Computation cost analysis for service composition can support predictive monitoring and proactive adaptation by automatically inferring computation cost using the upper and lower bound functions of value or size of input messages. These cost functions can be used for adaptation by selecting service candidates that minimize total cost of the composition, based on the actual data that is passed to them. The cost functions can also be combined with the empirically collected infrastructural parameters to produce QoS bounds functions of input data that can be used to predict potential or imminent Service Level Agreement (SLA) violations at the moment of invocation. In mission-critical applications, an effective and accurate continuous QoS prediction, based on continuations, can be achieved by constraint modeling of composition QoS based on its structure, known data at runtime, and (when available) the results of complexity analysis. This approach can be applied to service orchestrations with centralized flow control, and choreographies with multiple participants with complex stateful interactions. Sharing analysis can support adaptation actions, such as parallelization, fragmentation, and component selection, which are based on functional dependencies and information content of the composition messages, internal data, and activities, in presence of complex control constructs, such as loops, branches, and sub-workflows. Both the functional dependencies and the information content (described using user-defined attributes) can be expressed using a first-order logic (Horn clause) representation, and the analysis results can be interpreted as a lattice-based conceptual models.


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Esta tesis se centra en el estudio y desarrollo de algoritmos de guerra electrónica {electronic warfare, EW) y radar para su implementación en sistemas de tiempo real. La llegada de los sistemas de radio, radar y navegación al terreno militar llevó al desarrollo de tecnologías para combatirlos. Así, el objetivo de los sistemas de guerra electrónica es el control del espectro electomagnético. Una de la funciones de la guerra electrónica es la inteligencia de señales {signals intelligence, SIGINT), cuya labor es detectar, almacenar, analizar, clasificar y localizar la procedencia de todo tipo de señales presentes en el espectro. El subsistema de inteligencia de señales dedicado a las señales radar es la inteligencia electrónica {electronic intelligence, ELINT). Un sistema de tiempo real es aquel cuyo factor de mérito depende tanto del resultado proporcionado como del tiempo en que se da dicho resultado. Los sistemas radar y de guerra electrónica tienen que proporcionar información lo más rápido posible y de forma continua, por lo que pueden encuadrarse dentro de los sistemas de tiempo real. La introducción de restricciones de tiempo real implica un proceso de realimentación entre el diseño del algoritmo y su implementación en plataformas “hardware”. Las restricciones de tiempo real son dos: latencia y área de la implementación. En esta tesis, todos los algoritmos presentados se han implementado en plataformas del tipo field programmable gate array (FPGA), ya que presentan un buen compromiso entre velocidad, coste total, consumo y reconfigurabilidad. La primera parte de la tesis está centrada en el estudio de diferentes subsistemas de un equipo ELINT: detección de señales mediante un detector canalizado, extracción de los parámetros de pulsos radar, clasificación de modulaciones y localization pasiva. La transformada discreta de Fourier {discrete Fourier transform, DFT) es un detector y estimador de frecuencia quasi-óptimo para señales de banda estrecha en presencia de ruido blanco. El desarrollo de algoritmos eficientes para el cálculo de la DFT, conocidos como fast Fourier transform (FFT), han situado a la FFT como el algoritmo más utilizado para la detección de señales de banda estrecha con requisitos de tiempo real. Así, se ha diseñado e implementado un algoritmo de detección y análisis espectral para su implementación en tiempo real. Los parámetros más característicos de un pulso radar son su tiempo de llegada y anchura de pulso. Se ha diseñado e implementado un algoritmo capaz de extraer dichos parámetros. Este algoritmo se puede utilizar con varios propósitos: realizar un reconocimiento genérico del radar que transmite dicha señal, localizar la posición de dicho radar o bien puede utilizarse como la parte de preprocesado de un clasificador automático de modulaciones. La clasificación automática de modulaciones es extremadamente complicada en entornos no cooperativos. Un clasificador automático de modulaciones se divide en dos partes: preprocesado y el algoritmo de clasificación. Los algoritmos de clasificación basados en parámetros representativos calculan diferentes estadísticos de la señal de entrada y la clasifican procesando dichos estadísticos. Los algoritmos de localization pueden dividirse en dos tipos: triangulación y sistemas cuadráticos. En los algoritmos basados en triangulación, la posición se estima mediante la intersección de las rectas proporcionadas por la dirección de llegada de la señal. En cambio, en los sistemas cuadráticos, la posición se estima mediante la intersección de superficies con igual diferencia en el tiempo de llegada (time difference of arrival, TDOA) o diferencia en la frecuencia de llegada (frequency difference of arrival, FDOA). Aunque sólo se ha implementado la estimación del TDOA y FDOA mediante la diferencia de tiempos de llegada y diferencia de frecuencias, se presentan estudios exhaustivos sobre los diferentes algoritmos para la estimación del TDOA, FDOA y localización pasiva mediante TDOA-FDOA. La segunda parte de la tesis está dedicada al diseño e implementación filtros discretos de respuesta finita (finite impulse response, FIR) para dos aplicaciones radar: phased array de banda ancha mediante filtros retardadores (true-time delay, TTD) y la mejora del alcance de un radar sin modificar el “hardware” existente para que la solución sea de bajo coste. La operación de un phased array de banda ancha mediante desfasadores no es factible ya que el retardo temporal no puede aproximarse mediante un desfase. La solución adoptada e implementada consiste en sustituir los desfasadores por filtros digitales con retardo programable. El máximo alcance de un radar depende de la relación señal a ruido promedio en el receptor. La relación señal a ruido depende a su vez de la energía de señal transmitida, potencia multiplicado por la anchura de pulso. Cualquier cambio hardware que se realice conlleva un alto coste. La solución que se propone es utilizar una técnica de compresión de pulsos, consistente en introducir una modulación interna a la señal, desacoplando alcance y resolución. ABSTRACT This thesis is focused on the study and development of electronic warfare (EW) and radar algorithms for real-time implementation. The arrival of radar, radio and navigation systems to the military sphere led to the development of technologies to fight them. Therefore, the objective of EW systems is the control of the electromagnetic spectrum. Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) is one of the EW functions, whose mission is to detect, collect, analyze, classify and locate all kind of electromagnetic emissions. Electronic intelligence (ELINT) is the SIGINT subsystem that is devoted to radar signals. A real-time system is the one whose correctness depends not only on the provided result but also on the time in which this result is obtained. Radar and EW systems must provide information as fast as possible on a continuous basis and they can be defined as real-time systems. The introduction of real-time constraints implies a feedback process between the design of the algorithms and their hardware implementation. Moreover, a real-time constraint consists of two parameters: Latency and area of the implementation. All the algorithms in this thesis have been implemented on field programmable gate array (FPGAs) platforms, presenting a trade-off among performance, cost, power consumption and reconfigurability. The first part of the thesis is related to the study of different key subsystems of an ELINT equipment: Signal detection with channelized receivers, pulse parameter extraction, modulation classification for radar signals and passive location algorithms. The discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is a nearly optimal detector and frequency estimator for narrow-band signals buried in white noise. The introduction of fast algorithms to calculate the DFT, known as FFT, reduces the complexity and the processing time of the DFT computation. These properties have placed the FFT as one the most conventional methods for narrow-band signal detection for real-time applications. An algorithm for real-time spectral analysis for user-defined bandwidth, instantaneous dynamic range and resolution is presented. The most characteristic parameters of a pulsed signal are its time of arrival (TOA) and the pulse width (PW). The estimation of these basic parameters is a fundamental task in an ELINT equipment. A basic pulse parameter extractor (PPE) that is able to estimate all these parameters is designed and implemented. The PPE may be useful to perform a generic radar recognition process, perform an emitter location technique and can be used as the preprocessing part of an automatic modulation classifier (AMC). Modulation classification is a difficult task in a non-cooperative environment. An AMC consists of two parts: Signal preprocessing and the classification algorithm itself. Featurebased algorithms obtain different characteristics or features of the input signals. Once these features are extracted, the classification is carried out by processing these features. A feature based-AMC for pulsed radar signals with real-time requirements is studied, designed and implemented. Emitter passive location techniques can be divided into two classes: Triangulation systems, in which the emitter location is estimated with the intersection of the different lines of bearing created from the estimated directions of arrival, and quadratic position-fixing systems, in which the position is estimated through the intersection of iso-time difference of arrival (TDOA) or iso-frequency difference of arrival (FDOA) quadratic surfaces. Although TDOA and FDOA are only implemented with time of arrival and frequency differences, different algorithms for TDOA, FDOA and position estimation are studied and analyzed. The second part is dedicated to FIR filter design and implementation for two different radar applications: Wideband phased arrays with true-time delay (TTD) filters and the range improvement of an operative radar with no hardware changes to minimize costs. Wideband operation of phased arrays is unfeasible because time delays cannot be approximated by phase shifts. The presented solution is based on the substitution of the phase shifters by FIR discrete delay filters. The maximum range of a radar depends on the averaged signal to noise ratio (SNR) at the receiver. Among other factors, the SNR depends on the transmitted signal energy that is power times pulse width. Any possible hardware change implies high costs. The proposed solution lies in the use of a signal processing technique known as pulse compression, which consists of introducing an internal modulation within the pulse width, decoupling range and resolution.


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Scientific workflows provide the means to define, execute and reproduce computational experiments. However, reusing existing workflows still poses challenges for workflow designers. Workflows are often too large and too specific to reuse in their entirety, so reuse is more likely to happen for fragments of workflows. These fragments may be identified manually by users as sub-workflows, or detected automatically. In this paper we present the FragFlow approach, which detects workflow fragments automatically by analyzing existing workflow corpora with graph mining algorithms. FragFlow detects the most common workflow fragments, links them to the original workflows and visualizes them. We evaluate our approach by comparing FragFlow results against user-defined sub-workflows from three different corpora of the LONI Pipeline system. Based on this evaluation, we discuss how automated workflow fragment detection could facilitate workflow reuse.


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Resource analysis aims at inferring the cost of executing programs for any possible input, in terms of a given resource, such as the traditional execution steps, time ormemory, and, more recently energy consumption or user defined resources (e.g., number of bits sent over a socket, number of database accesses, number of calls to particular procedures, etc.). This is performed statically, i.e., without actually running the programs. Resource usage information is useful for a variety of optimization and verification applications, as well as for guiding software design. For example, programmers can use such information to choose different algorithmic solutions to a problem; program transformation systems can use cost information to choose between alternative transformations; parallelizing compilers can use cost estimates for granularity control, which tries to balance the overheads of task creation and manipulation against the benefits of parallelization. In this thesis we have significatively improved an existing prototype implementation for resource usage analysis based on abstract interpretation, addressing a number of relevant challenges and overcoming many limitations it presented. The goal of that prototype was to show the viability of casting the resource analysis as an abstract domain, and howit could overcome important limitations of the state-of-the-art resource usage analysis tools. For this purpose, it was implemented as an abstract domain in the abstract interpretation framework of the CiaoPP system, PLAI.We have improved both the design and implementation of the prototype, for eventually allowing an evolution of the tool to the industrial application level. The abstract operations of such tool heavily depend on the setting up and finding closed-form solutions of recurrence relations representing the resource usage behavior of program components and the whole program as well. While there exist many tools, such as Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) and libraries able to find closed-form solutions for some types of recurrences, none of them alone is able to handle all the types of recurrences arising during program analysis. In addition, there are some types of recurrences that cannot be solved by any existing tool. This clearly constitutes a bottleneck for this kind of resource usage analysis. Thus, one of the major challenges we have addressed in this thesis is the design and development of a novel modular framework for solving recurrence relations, able to combine and take advantage of the results of existing solvers. Additionally, we have developed and integrated into our novel solver a technique for finding upper-bound closed-form solutions of a special class of recurrence relations that arise during the analysis of programs with accumulating parameters. Finally, we have integrated the improved resource analysis into the CiaoPP general framework for resource usage verification, and specialized the framework for verifying energy consumption specifications of embedded imperative programs in a real application, showing the usefulness and practicality of the resulting tool.---ABSTRACT---El Análisis de recursos tiene como objetivo inferir el coste de la ejecución de programas para cualquier entrada posible, en términos de algún recurso determinado, como pasos de ejecución, tiempo o memoria, y, más recientemente, el consumo de energía o recursos definidos por el usuario (por ejemplo, número de bits enviados a través de un socket, el número de accesos a una base de datos, cantidad de llamadas a determinados procedimientos, etc.). Ello se realiza estáticamente, es decir, sin necesidad de ejecutar los programas. La información sobre el uso de recursos resulta muy útil para una gran variedad de aplicaciones de optimización y verificación de programas, así como para asistir en el diseño de los mismos. Por ejemplo, los programadores pueden utilizar dicha información para elegir diferentes soluciones algorítmicas a un problema; los sistemas de transformación de programas pueden utilizar la información de coste para elegir entre transformaciones alternativas; los compiladores paralelizantes pueden utilizar las estimaciones de coste para realizar control de granularidad, el cual trata de equilibrar el coste debido a la creación y gestión de tareas, con los beneficios de la paralelización. En esta tesis hemos mejorado de manera significativa la implementación de un prototipo existente para el análisis del uso de recursos basado en interpretación abstracta, abordando diversos desafíos relevantes y superando numerosas limitaciones que éste presentaba. El objetivo de dicho prototipo era mostrar la viabilidad de definir el análisis de recursos como un dominio abstracto, y cómo se podían superar las limitaciones de otras herramientas similares que constituyen el estado del arte. Para ello, se implementó como un dominio abstracto en el marco de interpretación abstracta presente en el sistema CiaoPP, PLAI. Hemos mejorado tanto el diseño como la implementación del mencionado prototipo para posibilitar su evolución hacia una herramienta utilizable en el ámbito industrial. Las operaciones abstractas de dicha herramienta dependen en gran medida de la generación, y posterior búsqueda de soluciones en forma cerrada, de relaciones recurrentes, las cuales modelizan el comportamiento, respecto al consumo de recursos, de los componentes del programa y del programa completo. Si bien existen actualmente muchas herramientas capaces de encontrar soluciones en forma cerrada para ciertos tipos de recurrencias, tales como Sistemas de Computación Algebraicos (CAS) y librerías de programación, ninguna de dichas herramientas es capaz de tratar, por sí sola, todos los tipos de recurrencias que surgen durante el análisis de recursos. Existen incluso recurrencias que no las puede resolver ninguna herramienta actual. Esto constituye claramente un cuello de botella para este tipo de análisis del uso de recursos. Por lo tanto, uno de los principales desafíos que hemos abordado en esta tesis es el diseño y desarrollo de un novedoso marco modular para la resolución de relaciones recurrentes, combinando y aprovechando los resultados de resolutores existentes. Además de ello, hemos desarrollado e integrado en nuestro nuevo resolutor una técnica para la obtención de cotas superiores en forma cerrada de una clase característica de relaciones recurrentes que surgen durante el análisis de programas lógicos con parámetros de acumulación. Finalmente, hemos integrado el nuevo análisis de recursos con el marco general para verificación de recursos de CiaoPP, y hemos instanciado dicho marco para la verificación de especificaciones sobre el consumo de energía de programas imperativas embarcados, mostrando la viabilidad y utilidad de la herramienta resultante en una aplicación real.


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The importance of vision-based systems for Sense-and-Avoid is increasing nowadays as remotely piloted and autonomous UAVs become part of the non-segregated airspace. The development and evaluation of these systems demand flight scenario images which are expensive and risky to obtain. Currently Augmented Reality techniques allow the compositing of real flight scenario images with 3D aircraft models to produce useful realistic images for system development and benchmarking purposes at a much lower cost and risk. With the techniques presented in this paper, 3D aircraft models are positioned firstly in a simulated 3D scene with controlled illumination and rendering parameters. Realistic simulated images are then obtained using an image processing algorithm which fuses the images obtained from the 3D scene with images from real UAV flights taking into account on board camera vibrations. Since the intruder and camera poses are user-defined, ground truth data is available. These ground truth annotations allow to develop and quantitatively evaluate aircraft detection and tracking algorithms. This paper presents the software developed to create a public dataset of 24 videos together with their annotations and some tracking application results.


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Las Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) SRAM se construyen sobre una memoria de configuración de tecnología RAM Estática (SRAM). Presentan múltiples características que las hacen muy interesantes para diseñar sistemas empotrados complejos. En primer lugar presentan un coste no-recurrente de ingeniería (NRE) bajo, ya que los elementos lógicos y de enrutado están pre-implementados (el diseño de usuario define su conexionado). También, a diferencia de otras tecnologías de FPGA, pueden ser reconfiguradas (incluso en campo) un número ilimitado de veces. Es más, las FPGAs SRAM de Xilinx soportan Reconfiguración Parcial Dinámica (DPR), la cual permite reconfigurar la FPGA sin interrumpir la aplicación. Finalmente, presentan una alta densidad de lógica, una alta capacidad de procesamiento y un rico juego de macro-bloques. Sin embargo, un inconveniente de esta tecnología es su susceptibilidad a la radiación ionizante, la cual aumenta con el grado de integración (geometrías más pequeñas, menores tensiones y mayores frecuencias). Esta es una precupación de primer nivel para aplicaciones en entornos altamente radiativos y con requisitos de alta confiabilidad. Este fenómeno conlleva una degradación a largo plazo y también puede inducir fallos instantáneos, los cuales pueden ser reversibles o producir daños irreversibles. En las FPGAs SRAM, los fallos inducidos por radiación pueden aparecer en en dos capas de arquitectura diferentes, que están físicamente superpuestas en el dado de silicio. La Capa de Aplicación (o A-Layer) contiene el hardware definido por el usuario, y la Capa de Configuración contiene la memoria de configuración y la circuitería de soporte. Los fallos en cualquiera de estas capas pueden hacer fracasar el sistema, lo cual puede ser ás o menos tolerable dependiendo de los requisitos de confiabilidad del sistema. En el caso general, estos fallos deben gestionados de alguna manera. Esta tesis trata sobre la gestión de fallos en FPGAs SRAM a nivel de sistema, en el contexto de sistemas empotrados autónomos y confiables operando en un entorno radiativo. La tesis se centra principalmente en aplicaciones espaciales, pero los mismos principios pueden aplicarse a aplicaciones terrenas. Las principales diferencias entre ambas son el nivel de radiación y la posibilidad de mantenimiento. Las diferentes técnicas para la gestión de fallos en A-Layer y C-Layer son clasificados, y sus implicaciones en la confiabilidad del sistema son analizados. Se proponen varias arquitecturas tanto para Gestores de Fallos de una capa como de doble-capa. Para estos últimos se propone una arquitectura novedosa, flexible y versátil. Gestiona las dos capas concurrentemente de manera coordinada, y permite equilibrar el nivel de redundancia y la confiabilidad. Con el objeto de validar técnicas de gestión de fallos dinámicas, se desarrollan dos diferentes soluciones. La primera es un entorno de simulación para Gestores de Fallos de C-Layer, basado en SystemC como lenguaje de modelado y como simulador basado en eventos. Este entorno y su metodología asociada permite explorar el espacio de diseño del Gestor de Fallos, desacoplando su diseño del desarrollo de la FPGA objetivo. El entorno incluye modelos tanto para la C-Layer de la FPGA como para el Gestor de Fallos, los cuales pueden interactuar a diferentes niveles de abstracción (a nivel de configuration frames y a nivel físico JTAG o SelectMAP). El entorno es configurable, escalable y versátil, e incluye capacidades de inyección de fallos. Los resultados de simulación para algunos escenarios son presentados y comentados. La segunda es una plataforma de validación para Gestores de Fallos de FPGAs Xilinx Virtex. La plataforma hardware aloja tres Módulos de FPGA Xilinx Virtex-4 FX12 y dos Módulos de Unidad de Microcontrolador (MCUs) de 32-bits de propósito general. Los Módulos MCU permiten prototipar Gestores de Fallos de C-Layer y A-Layer basados en software. Cada Módulo FPGA implementa un enlace de A-Layer Ethernet (a través de un switch Ethernet) con uno de los Módulos MCU, y un enlace de C-Layer JTAG con el otro. Además, ambos Módulos MCU intercambian comandos y datos a través de un enlace interno tipo UART. Al igual que para el entorno de simulación, se incluyen capacidades de inyección de fallos. Los resultados de pruebas para algunos escenarios son también presentados y comentados. En resumen, esta tesis cubre el proceso completo desde la descripción de los fallos FPGAs SRAM inducidos por radiación, pasando por la identificación y clasificación de técnicas de gestión de fallos, y por la propuesta de arquitecturas de Gestores de Fallos, para finalmente validarlas por simulación y pruebas. El trabajo futuro está relacionado sobre todo con la implementación de Gestores de Fallos de Sistema endurecidos para radiación. ABSTRACT SRAM-based Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are built on Static RAM (SRAM) technology configuration memory. They present a number of features that make them very convenient for building complex embedded systems. First of all, they benefit from low Non-Recurrent Engineering (NRE) costs, as the logic and routing elements are pre-implemented (user design defines their connection). Also, as opposed to other FPGA technologies, they can be reconfigured (even in the field) an unlimited number of times. Moreover, Xilinx SRAM-based FPGAs feature Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration (DPR), which allows to partially reconfigure the FPGA without disrupting de application. Finally, they feature a high logic density, high processing capability and a rich set of hard macros. However, one limitation of this technology is its susceptibility to ionizing radiation, which increases with technology scaling (smaller geometries, lower voltages and higher frequencies). This is a first order concern for applications in harsh radiation environments and requiring high dependability. Ionizing radiation leads to long term degradation as well as instantaneous faults, which can in turn be reversible or produce irreversible damage. In SRAM-based FPGAs, radiation-induced faults can appear at two architectural layers, which are physically overlaid on the silicon die. The Application Layer (or A-Layer) contains the user-defined hardware, and the Configuration Layer (or C-Layer) contains the (volatile) configuration memory and its support circuitry. Faults at either layers can imply a system failure, which may be more ore less tolerated depending on the dependability requirements. In the general case, such faults must be managed in some way. This thesis is about managing SRAM-based FPGA faults at system level, in the context of autonomous and dependable embedded systems operating in a radiative environment. The focus is mainly on space applications, but the same principles can be applied to ground applications. The main differences between them are the radiation level and the possibility for maintenance. The different techniques for A-Layer and C-Layer fault management are classified and their implications in system dependability are assessed. Several architectures are proposed, both for single-layer and dual-layer Fault Managers. For the latter, a novel, flexible and versatile architecture is proposed. It manages both layers concurrently in a coordinated way, and allows balancing redundancy level and dependability. For the purpose of validating dynamic fault management techniques, two different solutions are developed. The first one is a simulation framework for C-Layer Fault Managers, based on SystemC as modeling language and event-driven simulator. This framework and its associated methodology allows exploring the Fault Manager design space, decoupling its design from the target FPGA development. The framework includes models for both the FPGA C-Layer and for the Fault Manager, which can interact at different abstraction levels (at configuration frame level and at JTAG or SelectMAP physical level). The framework is configurable, scalable and versatile, and includes fault injection capabilities. Simulation results for some scenarios are presented and discussed. The second one is a validation platform for Xilinx Virtex FPGA Fault Managers. The platform hosts three Xilinx Virtex-4 FX12 FPGA Modules and two general-purpose 32-bit Microcontroller Unit (MCU) Modules. The MCU Modules allow prototyping software-based CLayer and A-Layer Fault Managers. Each FPGA Module implements one A-Layer Ethernet link (through an Ethernet switch) with one of the MCU Modules, and one C-Layer JTAG link with the other. In addition, both MCU Modules exchange commands and data over an internal UART link. Similarly to the simulation framework, fault injection capabilities are implemented. Test results for some scenarios are also presented and discussed. In summary, this thesis covers the whole process from describing the problem of radiationinduced faults in SRAM-based FPGAs, then identifying and classifying fault management techniques, then proposing Fault Manager architectures and finally validating them by simulation and test. The proposed future work is mainly related to the implementation of radiation-hardened System Fault Managers.


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The Mouse Genome Database (MGD) is the community database resource for the laboratory mouse, a key model organism for interpreting the human genome and for understanding human biology and disease (http://www.informatics.jax.org). MGD provides standard nomenclature and consensus map positions for mouse genes and genetic markers; it provides a curated set of mammalian homology records, user-defined chromosomal maps, experimental data sets and the definitive mouse ‘gene to sequence’ reference set for the research community. The integration and standardization of these data sets facilitates the transition between mouse DNA sequence, gene and phenotype annotations. A recent focus on allele and phenotype representations enhances the ability of MGD to organize and present data for exploring the relationship between genotype and phenotype. This link between the genome and the biology of the mouse is especially important as phenotype information grows from large mutagenesis projects and genotype information grows from large-scale sequencing projects.


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In this paper, a new way to think about, and to construct, pairwise as well as multiple alignments of DNA and protein sequences is proposed. Rather than forcing alignments to either align single residues or to introduce gaps by defining an alignment as a path running right from the source up to the sink in the associated dot-matrix diagram, we propose to consider alignments as consistent equivalence relations defined on the set of all positions occurring in all sequences under consideration. We also propose constructing alignments from whole segments exhibiting highly significant overall similarity rather than by aligning individual residues. Consequently, we present an alignment algorithm that (i) is based on segment-to-segment comparison instead of the commonly used residue-to-residue comparison and which (ii) avoids the well-known difficulties concerning the choice of appropriate gap penalties: gaps are not treated explicity, but remain as those parts of the sequences that do not belong to any of the aligned segments. Finally, we discuss the application of our algorithm to two test examples and compare it with commonly used alignment methods. As a first example, we aligned a set of 11 DNA sequences coding for functional helix-loop-helix proteins. Though the sequences show only low overall similarity, our program correctly aligned all of the 11 functional sites, which was a unique result among the methods tested. As a by-product, the reading frames of the sequences were identified. Next, we aligned a set of ribonuclease H proteins and compared our results with alignments produced by other programs as reported by McClure et al. [McClure, M. A., Vasi, T. K. & Fitch, W. M. (1994) Mol. Biol. Evol. 11, 571-592]. Our program was one of the best scoring programs. However, in contrast to other methods, our protein alignments are independent of user-defined parameters.


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The commercial data acquisition systems used for seismic exploration are usually expensive equipment. In this work, a low cost data acquisition system (Geophonino) has been developed for recording seismic signals from a vertical geophone. The signal goes first through an instrumentation amplifier, INA155, which is suitable for low amplitude signals like the seismic noise, and an anti-aliasing filter based on the MAX7404 switched-capacitor filter. After that, the amplified and filtered signal is digitized and processed by Arduino Due and registered in an SD memory card. Geophonino is configured for continuous registering, where the sampling frequency, the amplitude gain and the registering time are user-defined. The complete prototype is an open source and open hardware system. It has been tested by comparing the registered signals with the ones obtained through different commercial data recording systems and different kind of geophones. The obtained results show good correlation between the tested measurements, presenting Geophonino as a low-cost alternative system for seismic data recording.


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Software Configuration Management is the discipline of managing large collections of software development artefacts from which software products are built. Software configuration management tools typically deal with artefacts at fine levels of granularity - such as individual source code files - and assist with coordination of changes to such artefacts. This paper describes a lightweight tool, designed to be used on top of a traditional file-based configuration management system. The add-on tool support enables users to flexibly define new hierarchical views of product structure, independent of the underlying artefact-repository structure. The tool extracts configuration and change data with respect to the user-defined hierarchy, leading to improved visibility of how individual subsystems have changed. The approach yields a range of new capabilities for build managers, and verification and validation teams. The paper includes a description of our experience using the tool in an organization that builds large embedded software systems.