973 resultados para unregulated pollutants


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Ectomycorrhizal fungi and saprotrophic microorganisms coexist and interact in the mycorrhizosphere. We review what is known regarding these interactions and how they may influence processes such as ectomycorrhiza formation, mycelial growth, and the dynamics of carbon movement to and within the rhizosphere. Particular emphasis is placed on the potential importance of interactions in decomposition of soil organic matter and degradation of persistant organic pollutants in soil. While our knowledge is currently fairly limited, it seems likely that interactions have profound effects on mycorrhizosphere processes. More extensive research is warranted to provide novel insights into mycorrhizosphere ecology and to explore the potential for manipulating the ectomycorrhizosphere environment for biotechnological purposes.


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The southern industrial rivers (Aire, Calder, Don and Trent) feeding the Humber estuary were routinely monitored for a range of chlorinated micro- organic contaminants at least once a week over a 1.5-year period. Environmental Quality Standards (EQSs) for inland waters were set under the European Economic Community for a limited number of problematic contaminants (18). The results of the monitoring program for seven classes of chlorinated pollutants on the EQS list are presented in this study. All compounds were detected frequently with the exception of hexachlorobutadiene (where only one detectable measurement out of 280 individual samples occurred). In general, the rivers fell into two classes with respect to their contamination patterns. The Aire and Calder carried higher concentrations of micro- pollutants than the Don and Trent, with the exception of hexachlorobenzene (HCB). For Σ hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) isomers (α + γ) and for dieldrin, a number of samples (~ 5%) exceeded their EQS for both the Aire and Calder. Often, ΣHCH concentrations were just below the EQS level. Levels of p,p'- DDT on occasions approached the EQS for these two rivers, but only one sample (out of 140) exceeded the EQS. No compounds exceeded their EQS levels on the Don and Trent. Analysis of the ratio of γ HCH/αHCH indicated that the source of HCH for the Don and Trent catchments was primarily lindane (γHCH) and, to a lesser extent, technical HCH (mixture of HCH isomers, dominated by α HCH), while the source(s) for the Aire and Calder had a much higher contribution from technical HCH.


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Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are toxic substances, highly resistant to environmental degradation, which can bio-accumulate and have long-range atmospheric transport potential (UNEP 2001). The majority of studies on endocrine disruption have focused on interferences on the sexual steroid hormones and so have overlooked disruption to glucocorticoid hormones. Here the endocrine disrupting potential of individual POPs and their mixtures has been investigated in vitro to identify any disruption to glucocorticoid nuclear receptor transcriptional activity. POP mixtures were screened for glucocorticoid receptor (GR) translocation using a GR redistribution assay (RA) on a CellInsight(TM) NXT High Content Screening (HCS) platform. A mammalian reporter gene assay (RGA) was then used to assess the individual POPs, and their mixtures, for effects on glucocorticoid nuclear receptor transactivation. POP mixtures did not induce GR translocation in the GR RA or produce an agonist response in the GR RGA. However, in the antagonist test, in the presence of cortisol, an individual POP, p,p'-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE), was found to decrease glucocorticoid nuclear receptor transcriptional activity to 72.5% (in comparison to the positive cortisol control). Enhanced nuclear transcriptional activity, in the presence of cortisol, was evident for the two lowest concentrations of perfluorodecanoic acid (PFOS) potassium salt (0.0147mg/ml and 0.0294mg/ml), the two highest concentrations of perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA) (0.0025mg/ml and 0.005mg/ml) and the highest concentration of 2,2',4,4'-tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE 47) (0.0000858mg/ml). It is important to gain a better understanding of how POPs can interact with GRs as the disruption of glucocorticoid action is thought to contribute to complex diseases.


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Increasing consumer demand for seafood, combined with concern over the health of our oceans, has led to many initiatives aimed at tackling destructive fishing practices and promoting the sustainability of fisheries. An important global threat to sustainable fisheries is Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing, and there is now an increased emphasis on the use of trade measures to prevent IUU-sourced fish and fish products from entering the international market. Initiatives encompass new legislation in the European Union requiring the inclusion of species names on catch labels throughout the distribution chain. Such certification measures do not, however, guarantee accuracy of species designation. Using two DNA-based methods to compare species descriptions with molecular ID, we examined 386 samples of white fish, or products labelled as primarily containing white fish, from major UK supermarket chains. Species specific real-time PCR probes were used for cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) to provide a highly sensitive and species-specific test for the major species of white fish sold in the UK. Additionally, fish-specific primers were used to sequence the forensically validated barcoding gene, mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI). Overall levels of congruence between product label and genetic species identification were high, with 94.34% of samples correctly labelled, though a significant proportion in terms of potential volume, were mislabelled. Substitution was usually for a cheaper alternative and, in one case, extended to a tropical species. To our knowledge, this is the first published study encompassing a large-scale assessment of UK retailers, and if representative, indicates a potentially significant incidence of incorrect product designation.


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Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are toxic substances, highly resistant to environmental degradation, which can bio-accumulate and have long-range atmospheric transport potential. Most studies focus on single compound effects, however as humans are exposed to several POPs simultaneously, investigating exposure effects of real life POP mixtures on human health is necessary. A defined mixture of POPs was used, where the compound concentration reflected its contribution to the levels seen in Scandinavian human serum (total mix). Several sub mixtures representing different classes of POP were also constructed. The perfluorinated (PFC) mixture contained six perfluorinated compounds, brominated (Br) mixture contained seven brominated compounds, chlorinated (Cl) mixture contained polychlorinated biphenyls and also p,p'-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene, hexachlorobenzene, three chlordanes, three hexachlorocyclohexanes and dieldrin. Human hepatocarcinoma (HepG2) cells were used for 2h and 48h exposures to the seven mixtures and analysis on a CellInsight™ NXT High Content Screening platform. Multiple cytotoxic endpoints were investigated: cell number, nuclear intensity and area, mitochondrial mass and membrane potential (MMP) and reactive oxygen species (ROS). Both the Br and Cl mixtures induced ROS production but did not lead to apoptosis. The PFC mixture induced the ROS production and likely induced cell apoptosis accompanied by the dissipation of MMP. Synergistic effects were evident for ROS induction when cells were exposed to the PFC+Br mixture. No significant effects were detected in the Br+Cl, PFC+Cl or total mixtures, which contain the same concentrations of chlorinated compounds as the Cl mixture plus additional compounds; highlighting the need for further exploration of POP mixtures in risk assessment.


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Um assunto que requer atenção é a avaliação ecológica da qualidade da água de ecossistemas de água doce. Uma abordagem que surge como promissora é a biomonitorização baseada em biomarcadores, porque pode avaliar a saúde dos organismos e obter sinais de alerta precoce acerca dos riscos ambientais. Até agora, porém, o uso de biomarcadores em espécies de invertebrados, para diagnosticar danos ecológicos nos rios, é escasso. Por essa razão, existe uma necessidade urgente de desenvolver biomarcadores nas principais espécies de macroinvertebrados dos ecossistemas fluviais que são alvo de estudo. Esta tese tem como objectivo averiguar se as respostas in situ, aliadas aos biomarcadores, podem ser um método viável para avaliar os danos ecológicos de contaminantes em ecossistemas de água doce. Numa primeira fase, os biomarcadores foram usados para averiguar os mecanismos fisiológicos de adaptação genética de clones de Daphnia magna ao pesticida organofosforado fenitrothion. Numa segunda fase, os biomarcadores foram usados como ferramentas de diagnóstico de poluição em zonas ribeirinhas. Estes estudos foram realizados com três espécies-chave de macroinvertebrados: Daphnia magna, Corbicula fluminea e Hydropsyche exocellata, nos rios Besós e Llobregat e no Delta do rio Ebro (NE Espanha). Além disso, foram realizados com animais capturados nos rios, ou com ensaios de transplantes, e foram complementados com índices biológicos de macroinvertebrados e análises químicas da água e dos animais. Como os contaminantes químicos têm vários modos toxicológicos de acção e, portanto, afectam várias respostas bioquímicas dos organismos, foram analisados nas três espécies um conjunto de biomarcadores pertencentes a diferentes vias metabólicas. A abordagem experimental indica que o uso combinado de biomarcadores e outras medidas, tais como índices biológicos e testes in situ, contribui para diagnosticar os efeitos prejudiciais de contaminantes nas comunidades ribeirinhas.


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Environmental transport of pollutants comprises distinct processes such as volatilization, leaching and surface runoff. Sorption is one of the most important phenomena that affects leaching, and thus the fate of hydrophobic organic pollutants in soils and also control their distribution in the soil/water environment. The work developed focuses the optimization of analytical techniques for monitoring the sorption behaviour of organic pollutants, 17α- ethinylestradiol (EE2) and atrazine, and their fate in aqueous environment. Initially, the development of several analytical techniques, such as micellar electrokinetic chromatography, spectral deconvolution, using UV-Vis and fluorescence spectroscopy, and also enzyme linked immunosorbent assay was performed. Optimization, method performance and recovery tests are described and results discussed. Moreover, in order to evaluate the applicability of the previously optimized method, atrazine and EE2 sorption to soil samples was performed. The work developed provide several options, in terms of methodology to follow sorption of atrazine onto soils, however the choice depends on the laboratory conditions and on the analyst preferences. The advantages and disadvantages of each methodology should be evaluated first. The second part of this work consisted in the sorption behaviour study of those two different hydrophobic organic pollutants onto different soil samples. Soil organic matter chemical characterization, being essential to understand the binding mechanism responsible for the interactions, was made. The results of atrazine binding to organic matter pointed out that carboxyl units and aromaticrich organic matter are the most efficient binding agents for atrazine. EE2 adsorbs strongly to soil organic matter and is mainly stabilized by hydrophobic interactions, through aromatic nuclei face to face with surface and/or another EE2 molecule association. Farmyard manure soil contains higher aromatic and carboxyl units, indicating that this type of manure can be effectively used to minimize the residual toxicity of EE2 and atrazine present in soils, increasing the sorption and reducing leaching onto water resources. Since the final destination of organic pollutants can be ground, surface and/or waste water, atrazine and 17α-ethinylestradiol were quantified in several water samples.


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Atualmente, a poluição atmosférica constitui uma das principais causas ambientais de mortalidade. Cerca de 30% da população europeia residente em áreas urbanas encontra-se exposta a níveis de poluição atmosférica superiores aos valores- limite de qualidade do ar legislados para proteção da saúde humana, representando o tráfego rodoviário uma das principais fontes de poluição urbana. Além dos poluentes tradicionais avaliados em áreas urbanas, os poluentes classificados como perigosos para a saúde (Hazard Air Pollutants - HAPs) têm particular relevância devido aos seus conhecidos efeitos tóxicos e cancerígenos. Neste sentido, a avaliação da exposição tornase primordial para a determinação da relação entre a poluição atmosférica urbana e efeitos na saúde. O presente estudo tem como principal objetivo o desenvolvimento e implementação de uma metodologia para avaliação da exposição individual à poluição atmosférica urbana relacionada com o tráfego rodoviário. De modo a atingir este objetivo, foram identificados os parâmetros relevantes para a quantificação de exposição e analisados os atuais e futuros potenciais impactos na saúde associados com a exposição à poluição urbana. Neste âmbito, o modelo ExPOSITION (EXPOSure model to traffIc-relaTed aIr pOllutioN) foi desenvolvido baseado numa abordagem inovadora que envolve a análise da trajetória dos indivíduos recolhidas por telemóveis com tecnologia GPS e processadas através da abordagem de data mining e análise geoespacial. O modelo ExPOSITION considera também uma abordagem probabilística para caracterizar a variabilidade dos parâmetros microambientais e a sua contribuição para exposição individual. Adicionalmente, de forma a atingir os objetivos do estudo foi desenvolvido um novo módulo de cálculo de emissões de HAPs provenientes do transporte rodoviário. Neste estudo, um sistema de modelação, incluindo os modelos de transporteemissões- dispersão-exposição, foi aplicado na área urbana de Leiria para quantificação de exposição individual a PM2.5 e benzeno. Os resultados de modelação foram validados com base em medições obtidas por monitorização pessoal e monitorização biológica verificando-se uma boa concordância entre os resultados do modelo e dados de medições. A metodologia desenvolvida e implementada no âmbito deste trabalho permite analisar e estimar a magnitude, frequência e inter e intra-variabilidade dos níveis de exposição individual, bem como a contribuição de diferentes microambientes, considerando claramente a sequência de eventos de exposição e relação fonte-recetor, que é fundamental para avaliação dos efeitos na saúde e estudos epidemiológicos. O presente trabalho contribui para uma melhor compreensão da exposição individual em áreas urbanas, proporcionando novas perspetivas sobre a exposição individual, essenciais na seleção de estratégias de redução da exposição à poluição atmosférica urbana, e consequentes efeitos na saúde.


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In ecotoxicology a major focus is in the aquatic environment, not only because it presents a great economic value to man but it is an ecosystem widely affected by the growing anthropogenic pollution. Most of the studies performed relate to adverse effects in development, reproductive or endocrine disruption but little is known about the possible effects in bone formation and skeletal development. In this study, we set out to evaluate the effects of 8 aquatic pollutants on the skeletal development using an in vivo system, the zebrafish larvae aged 20 days post-fertilization, through chronic exposure. Several endpoints were considered such as the cumulative mortality, total length, occurrence of skeletal deformities and marker gene expression. We were able to establish LD50 values for some pollutants, like 3-methylcholanthrene, lindane, diclofenac, cobalt and vanadate and found that the total length was not affected by any of the pollutants tested. Cobalt was the most harmful chemical to affect hatching time, severely affecting the ability of the zebrafish embryos to hatch and overall the number of deformities increased upon exposure to tested chemicals but no patterns of deformities were identified. We also propose that 3-methylcholanthrene has an osteogenic effect, affecting osteoblast and osteoclast function and that op levels can act as a mediator of 3-methylcholanthrene toxic stress to the osteoblast. In turn we found naphthalene to probably have a chondrogenic effect. Our results provided new insights into the potential osteotoxicity of environmental pollutants. Future studies should aim at confirming these preliminary data and at determining mechanisms of osteotoxicity.


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Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445