982 resultados para unknown-input functional observability


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This note deals with the design of reduced-order disturbance decoupled scalar functional observers for linear systems with unknown inputs. Based on a parametric approach, existence conditions are derived and a design procedure for finding reduced-order scalar functional observers is given. The derived existence conditions are relaxed and the procedure can find first-order disturbance decoupled scalar functional observers for some cases where the number of unknown inputs is more than the number of outputs. Also, the observer matching condition, which is the necessary requirement for the design of state observers for linear systems with unknown inputs, is not required. Numerical examples are given to illustrate the attractiveness of the proposed design method.


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Scheduling check-in station operations are a challenging problem within airport systems. Prior to determining check-in resource schedules, an important step is to estimate the Baggage Handling System (BHS) operating capacity under non-stationary conditions. This ensures that check-in stations are not overloaded with bags, which would adversely affect the system and cause cascade stops and blockages. Cascading blockages can potentially lead to a poor level of service and in worst scenario a customer may depart without their bags. This paper presents an empirical study of a multiobjective problem within a BHS system. The goal is to estimate near optimal input operating conditions, such that no blockages occurs at check-in stations, while minimising the baggage travel time and maximising the throughput performance measures. We provide a practical hybrid simulation and binary search technique to determine a near optimal input throughput operating condition. The algorithm generates capacity constraint information that may be used by a scheduler to plan check-in operations based on flight arrival schedules.


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We introduce a new topological concept called k-partite protein cliques to study protein interaction (PPI) networks. In particular, we examine functional coherence of proteins in k-partite protein cliques. A k-partite protein clique is a k-partite maximal clique comprising two or more nonoverlapping protein subsets between any two of which full interactions are exhibited. In the detection of PPI’s k-partite maximal cliques, we propose to transform PPI networks into induced K-partite graphs with proteins as vertices where edges only exist among the graph’s partites. Then, we present a k-partite maximal clique mining (MaCMik) algorithm to enumerate k-partite maximal cliques from K-partite graphs. Our MaCMik algorithm is applied to a yeast PPI network. We observe that there does exist interesting and unusually high functional coherence in k-partite protein cliques—most proteins in k-partite protein cliques, especially those in the same partites, share the same functions. Therefore, the idea of k-partite protein cliques suggests a novel approach to characterizing PPI networks, and may help function prediction for unknown proteins.


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Thermal and visual comfort play a very important role regarding the satisfaction of occupants with their working environments. The most effective method to achieve thermal comfort in offices is to reduce cooling loads in order to avoid additional energy-consuming devices for cooling. Building simulation software can be a helpful tool for optimisation, and typically standard values for the influencing parameters are used in order to ensure compliance to norms and regulations.

In practice many of those parameters turn out to be different compared to the simulation assumptions and the reasons may be the chosen room or building related properties as well as the user behaviour influenced by the task and the corporate culture of the company.

This paper investigates exemplary for the climate of Hamburg, Germany and a naturally ventilated typical office room, the optimisation potential of the building- and user-related parameters for thermal comfort, daylighting and view when using realistic input data for building simulation. The study has been conducted with the EnergyPlus based simulation software “Primero-Komfort” [1].


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This project uses methods of terrain representation, creation and realism described in literature. We find that using a combination of Fractional Brownian Motion and procedural formation of rivers via squig curves to form initial terrain, with hydraulic erosion for post processing, we have full control over the style of terrain: from jagged mountains to flat regions; and the phase of river from tightly rock controlled to flood plain regions.


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Functional observers estimate a linear function of the state vector directly without having to estimate all the individual states. In the past various observer structures have been employed to design such functional estimates. In this paper we discuss the generality of those various observer structures and prove the conditions under which those observer structures are unified. The paper also highlights and clarifies the need to remove the self-convergent states from the system and also from the functions to be estimated before proceeding with the design of a functional observer or else incorrect conclusions regarding the existence of functional observers can be arrived at.


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In control theory, a state observer is an auxiliary dynamical system that mirrors the behaviour of a physical system, and it is driven by input and output measurements of the physical system in order to provide an estimate of internal states of the physical system. The primary consideration in the design of an observer is that the estimate of the states should be close to the actual value of the system states. On the other hand, the functional observation problem centers on the construction of an auxiliary dynamical system, known as the functional observer or functional reconstructor, driven by the available system inputs and outputs in order to estimate a linear function or functions of the system states. Obviously, a functional observer is a general form of the state observer because when the linear functions are chosen as the individual states of the system then the problem of functional observation reduces to the problem of state observation.


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Constructing a monotonicity relating function is important, as many engineering problems revolve around a monotonicity relationship between input(s) and output(s). In this paper, we investigate the use of fuzzy rule interpolation techniques for monotonicity relating fuzzy inference system (FIS). A mathematical derivation on the conditions of an FIS to be monotone is provided. From the derivation, two conditions are necessary. The derivation suggests that the mapped consequence fuzzy set of an FIS to be of a monotonicity order. We further evaluate the use of fuzzy rule interpolation techniques in predicting a consequent associated with an observation according to the monotonicity order. There are several findings in this article. We point out the importance of an ordering criterion in rule selection for a multi-input FIS before the interpolation process; and hence, the practice of choosing the nearest rules may not be true in this case. To fulfill the monotonicity order, we argue with an example that conventional fuzzy rule interpolation techniques that predict each consequence separately is not suitable in this case. We further suggest another class of interpolation techniques that predicts the consequence of a set of observations simultaneously, instead of separately. This can be accomplished with the use of a search algorithm, such as the brute force, genetic algorithm or etc.


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In this paper, an Evolutionary-based Similarity Reasoning (ESR) scheme for preserving the monotonicity property of the multi-input Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) is proposed. Similarity reasoning (SR) is a useful solution for undertaking the incomplete rule base problem in FIS modeling. However, SR may not be a direct solution to designing monotonic multi-input FIS models, owing to the difficulty in getting a set of monotonically-ordered conclusions. The proposed ESR scheme, which is a synthesis of evolutionary computing, sufficient conditions, and SR, provides a useful solution to modeling and preserving the monotonicity property of multi-input FIS models. A case study on Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed ESR scheme in undertaking real world problems that require the monotonicity property of FIS models.


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This paper considers the exponential stabilization problem via static and dynamic output feedback controllers of linear systems with a time delay in both the state and input. By using a change of the state variable and combining with the Lyapunov-Krasovskii method, new sufficient conditions for exponential stabilization via static and dynamic output feedback controllers are proposed. The conditions are expressed in terms of matrix inequalities but with only one parameter needs to be tuned and therefore can be efficiently solved by incorporating an one-dimensional search method into the Matlab’s LMI toolbox. Two numerical examples are provided to illustrate the obtained results.


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This paper presents design and simulation of a circular meander dipole antenna at the industrial, scientific, and medical band of 915 MHz for energy scavenging in a passive head-mountable deep brain stimulation device. The interaction of the proposed antenna with a rat body is modeled and discussed. In the antenna, the radiating layer is meandered, and a FR-4 substrate is used to limit the radius and height of the antenna to 14 mm and 1.60 mm, respectively. The resonance frequency of the designed antenna is 915 MHz and the bandwidth of 15 MHz at a return loss of -10 dB in free space. To model the interaction of the antenna with a rat body, two aspects including functional and biological are considered. The functional aspect includes input impedance, resonance frequency, gain pattern, radiation efficiency of the antenna, and the biological aspect involves electric field distribution, and SAR value. A complete rat model is used in the finite difference time domain based EM simulation software XFdtd. The simulated results demonstrate that the specific absorption rate distributions occur within the skull in the rat model, and their values are higher than the standard regulated values for the antenna receiving power of 1W.