117 resultados para triploide AAB
There is a lively debate on whether biodiversity conservation and agricultural production could be better reconciled by land sparing (strictly separating production fields and conservation areas) or by land sharing (combining both, agricultural production and biodiversity conservation on the same land). The debate originates from tropical countries, where agricultural land use continues to increase at the expense of natural ecosystems. But is it also relevant for Europe, where agriculture is withdrawing from marginal regions whilst farming of fertile lands continues to be intensified? Based on recent research on farmland biodiversity we conclude that the land sharing – land sparing dichotomy is too simplistic for Europe. Instead we differentiate between productive and marginal farmland. On productive farmland, semi-natural habitats are required to yield ecosystem services relevant for agriculture, to promote endangered farmland species which society wants to conserve even in intensively farmed regions, and to allow migration of non-farmland species through the agricultural matrix. On marginal farmland, high-nature value farming is a traditional way of land sharing, yielding high quality agricultural products and conserving specialized species. To conserve highly disturbance-sensitive species, there is a need for nature reserves. In conclusion, land sparing is not a viable olution for Europe in both productive and marginal farmland but because of different reasons in each type of farmland.
Thirty-seven varieties of a Mediterranean durum wheat collection grown in Tunisia and Spain were analysed for their allelic composition in prolamins, as well as their protein concentration, sodium dodecyl sulphate sedimentation (SDSS) test and mixograph parameters. Genotype was a greater source of variation in all measurements than locality. Uncommon high and low molecular glutenin subunits (HMW-GS and LMW-GS) were found (V and 2? subunits at Glu-A1, 13 þ 16 at Glu-B1, 5* subunit and ax allele at Glu-A3). The rare combinations 2 þ 4þ14 þ 18 and 8 þ 9þ13 þ 16þ18 subunits at the Glu-B3 locus were found. Glu-A3ax had a positive influence on SDSS and mixograph parameters. Of all the prolamins, those that have the B-LMW-GS composition aaa (for Glu-A3, Glu-B3 and Glu-B2 loci, respectively), when associated with the Glu-A1c and Glu-B1d gave the best semolina quality. By contrast, semolina quality is poor when this same composition is associated with the Glu-A1c and Glu-B1e and even poorer when associated with the Glu-A1c and Glu-B1f. In addition, the cultivars with B-LMW-GS allelic composition aab (for Glu-A3, Glu-B3 and Glu-B2 loci, respectively), when associated with the Glu- A1c and Glu-B1d, gave high quality, whereas when associated with the Glu-A1c and Glu-B1e or with Glu- A1o and Glu-B1f, the quality was very poor.
The fungal parasite of nematode eggs Pochonia chlamydosporia is also a root endophyte known to promote growth of some plants. In this study, we analysed the effect of nine P. chlamydosporia isolates from worldwide origin on tomato growth. Experiments were performed at different scales (Petri dish, growth chamber and greenhouse conditions) and developmental stages (seedlings, plantlets and plants). Seven P. chlamydosporia isolates significantly (P < 0.05) increased the number of secondary roots and six of those increased total weight of tomato seedlings. Six P. chlamydosporia isolates also increased root weight of tomato plantlets. Root colonisation varied between different isolates of this fungus. Again P. chlamydosporia significantly increased root growth of tomato plants under greenhouse conditions and reduced flowering and fruiting times (up to 5 and 12 days, respectively) versus uninoculated tomato plants. P. chlamydosporia increased mature fruit weight in tomato plants. The basis of the mechanisms for growth, flowering and yield promotion in tomato by the fungus are unknown. However, we found that P. chlamydosporia can produce Indole-3-acetic acid and solubilise mineral phosphate. These results suggest that plant hormones or nutrient ability could play an important role. Our results put forward the agronomic importance of P. chlamydosporia as biocontrol agent of plant parasitic nematodes with tomato growth promoting capabilities.
Schistosomiasis is the major neglected tropical helminthic disease worldwide. Current knowledge on the epidemiology of schistosomiasis in Guinea-Bissau is scarce and regarding to the absence of Schistosoma haematobium (S.h.). Therefore, a pilot study was undertaken to assess the prevalence and morbidity due to S.h. infection in randomly selected 90 children and adolescents aged 6 to 15 years. Prevalence of S.h. infection was 20.00 % (18/90). Microhematuria was observed in 61.11 % (11/18) of S.h.-egg-excreting vs. 37.50 % (27/72) of non-S.h.-egg-excreting children p ≤ 0.01. Body mass index (BMI) was less than 15 kg/m(2) in 52/90 (57.78 %) of all children and adolescents, but this proportion increased to 66.67 % (12/18) in S.h.-infected children who were more frequently stunted and wasted than in non-infected children. The mean weight-for-age Z score (WAZ) was reduced in S.h. infected as compared to non-infected children (-1.48 ± 1.08 SD vs. -0.80 ± 1.11 SD; p ≤ 0.01). To our knowledge, this is the first epidemiologic report on S. haematobium infection in Guinea-Bissau since 22 years. Even in this relatively small study sample, it appears that S. haematobium, besides the well-known symptoms such as hematuria, leads to significant, albeit commonly unacknowledged morbidity such as stunting and wasting. These observations underscore the notion that this vulnerable but neglected population urgently needs to be targeted for implementation of measures for treatment and control.
Plantain (Banana-Musa AAB) is a widely growing but commercially underexploited tropical fruit. This study demonstrates the processing of plantain to flour and extends its use and convenience as a constituent of bread, cake and biscuit. Plantain was peeled, dried and milled to produce flour. Proximate analysis was carried out on the flour to determine the food composition. Drying at temperatures below 70ºC produced light coloured plantain flour. Experiments were carried out to determine the mechanism of drying, the heat and mass transfer coefficients, effect of air velocity, temperature and cube size on the rate of drying of plantain cubes. The drying was diffusion controlled. Pilot scale drying of plantain cubes in a cabinet dryer showed no significant increase of drying rate above 70ºC. In the temperature range found most suitable for plantain drying (ie 60 to 70ºC) the total drying time was adequately predicted using a modified equation based on Fick's Law provided the cube temperature was taken to be about 5ºC below the actual drying air temperature. Studies of baking properties of plantain flour revealed that plantain flour can be substituted for strong wheat flour up to 15% for bread making and up to 50% for madeira cake. A shortcake biscuit was produced using 100% plantain flour and test-marketed. Detailed economic studies showed that the production of plantain fruit and its processing into flour would be economically viable in Nigeria when the flour is sold at the wholesale price of NO.65 per kilogram provided a minimum sale of 25% plantain suckers. There is need for government subsidy if plantain flour is to compete with imported wheat flour. The broader economic benefits accruing from the processing of plantain fruit into flour and its use in bakery products include employment opportunity, savings in foreign exchange and stimulus to home agriculture.
We tested 44 participants with respect to their working memory (WM) performance on alcohol-related versus neutral visual stimuli. Previously an alcohol attentional bias (AAB) had been reported using these stimuli, where the attention of frequent drinkers was automatically drawn toward alcohol-related items (e.g., beer bottle). The present study set out to provide evidence for an alcohol memory bias (AMB) that would persist over longer time-scales than the AAB. The WM task we used required memorizing 4 stimuli in their correct locations and a visual interference task was administered during a 4-sec delay interval. A subsequent probe required participants to indicate whether a stimulus was shown in the correct or incorrect location. For each participant we calculated a drinking score based on 3 items derived from the Alcohol Use Questionnaire, and we observed that higher scorers better remembered alcohol-related images compared with lower scorers, particularly when these were presented in their correct locations upon recall. This provides first evidence for an AMB. It is important to highlight that this effect persisted over a 4-sec delay period including a visual interference task that erased iconic memories and diverted attention away from the encoded items, thus the AMB cannot be reduced to the previously reported AAB. Our finding calls for further investigation of alcohol-related cognitive biases in WM, and we propose a preliminary model that may guide future research. © 2012 American Psychological Association.
Oomycete diseases cause significant losses across a broad range of crop and aquaculture commodities worldwide. These losses can be greatly reduced by disease management practices steered by accurate and early diagnoses of pathogen presence. Determinations of disease potential can help guide optimal crop rotation regimes, varietal selections, targeted control measures, harvest timings and crop post-harvest handling. Pathogen detection prior to infection can also reduce the incidence of disease epidemics. Classical methods for the isolation of oomycete pathogens are normally deployed only after disease symptom appearance. These processes are often-time consuming, relying on culturing the putative pathogen(s) and the availability of expert taxonomic skills for accurate identification; a situation that frequently results in either delayed application, or routine ‘blanket’ over-application of control measures. Increasing concerns about pesticides in the environment and the food chain, removal or restriction of their usage combined with rising costs have focussed interest in the development and improvement of disease management systems. To be effective, these require timely, accurate and preferably quantitatve diagnoses. A wide range of rapid diagnostic tools, from point of care immunodiagnostic kits to next generation nucleotide sequencing have potential application in oomycete disease management. Here we review currently-available as well as promising new technologies in the context of commercial agricultural production systems, considering the impacts of specific biotic and abiotic and other important factors such as speed and ease of access to information and cost effectiveness
Diseases, pests and environmental constraints pose a major threat to the sustainability of banana production globally. To address these challenges, the discovery and study of new sources of genetic resistance and adaptability are required, along with the general conservation of diversity. The Solomon Islands, located in the south-western Pacific region near Papua New Guinea, are a major center of banana diversity. Some collections had been made by nationals of some of the diversity present but little was known internationally of the rich genetic resource present. Two separate visits to the Solomon Islands characterized banana collections, documented and collected germplasm, recommended conservation strategies and provided training in cultivar characterization. A remarkable range of genetic diversity was found, including: many AA and AAA cooking types somewhat like those present in Papua New Guinea; nine Fei cultivars in relatively common usage, and two undescribed wild species as well as five AAB Pacific Plantains and four ABB cooking bananas belonging to the Kalapua subgroup. About six of the unique cultivars were successfully collected and established in the regional in vitro germplasm collection of SPC in Suva, Fiji. Nine Solomon Islanders were trained in the finer points of characterizing banana cultivars. Further collecting and study/evaluation of this rich diversity will promote its appreciation and potential utilization for meeting the challenges and opportunities ahead. Future studies could also determine the spread of the Awawe species and variability of morphological traits in the population. Community-based conservation could promote awareness of dietary diversity for better nutrition, via using the Fei bananas described in this paper. Establishing a virus-free regional field collection could help in comprehensively characterizing and evaluating regional Musa genetic resources. Existing sites could embrace the broader unique diversity of the Solomon Islands, and facilitate sharing this diversity in conjunction with a regional virus-tested in vitro collection.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da termoterapia (56 ºC por 6 min) e quimioterapia (propiconazole 250 ml.l-1) associado com temperatura de armazenamento (temperatura ambiente, 18 ºC e 13 ºC) no controle de podridões de bananas (Musa spp.) 'Prata-Anã' (AAB) em pós-colheita. Os tratamentos apresentaram diferenças significativas na percentagem de área lesionada por fruto, perda de peso e coloração externa da casca em todas as temperaturas de armazenamento. A quimioterapia e a combinação termoterapia e quimioterapia evitaram a manifestação de podridões nas três condições de armazenamento, enquanto a termoterapia reduziu a percentagem de área lesionada por fruto de 98% para 11% em temperatura ambiente, de 8% para 7% em 18 ºC e de 10% para 0% em 13 ºC, sendo mais eficiente sob a temperatura de 13 ºC. Frutos não tratados perderam 25%, 10% e 3% de peso e atingiram a cor 7, 5 e 1 em temperatura ambiente, 18 ºC e 13 ºC, respectivamente. Frutos tratados com termoterapia e quimioterapia perderam 24, 11 e 5% e 20, 10 e 3%, e atingiram índice médio de cor 4 e 3,5, respectivamente. O período de conservação foi estendido para 18, 24 e 45 dias em temperatura ambiente, 18 ºC e 13 ºC, respectivamente. A combinação dos métodos evitou a manifestação de podridões, reduziu a perda de peso e manteve a cor da casca e a qualidade dos frutos.
O objetivo desse estudo foi determinar a tolerância de banana (Musa spp.) 'Prata-Anã' (AAB) e do fungo Colletotrichum musae à termoterapia no controle de podridões em pós-colheita. Experimentos in vivo e in vitro foram instalados em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, seguindo um esquema fatorial 4x5 (temperatura x tempo). Os tratamentos consistiram na imersão dos frutos (buquês) e do fungo (esporos e micélio) em água aquecida a 47, 50, 53 e 56 ºC, durante 0, 3, 6, 9 e 12 min. A exposição dos frutos a 56 ºC durante 9 min causou escurecimento da casca nas extremidades dos frutos, porém, as características físicas e químicas dos frutos não foram alteradas pelos tratamentos. Frutos inoculados e tratados a 56 ºC durante 6 min não apresentaram podridões nem escurecimento da casca, enquanto aqueles não tratados apresentaram 64% da área lesionada / fruto. A partir das combinações 53 ºC / 9 mi. e 56 ºC / 3 min a germinação de esporos foi reduzida para 4% e 0%, respectivamente. A combinação 56 ºC / 12 min reduziu, mas não paralisou o crescimento micelial. O tratamento 56 ºC / 6 min retardou mas não paralisou o crescimento micelial in vitro, porém foi efetivo no controle completo das podridões in vivo. Esse tratamento evitou a manifestação de podridões no inverno (maio), mas não no verão (novembro), mostrando-se influenciado pelas condições climáticas próximas à colheita dos cachos. A termoterapia pode ser recomendada para controle de podridão em pós-colheita de banana devendo ser ajustada para diferentes estações do ano.