949 resultados para trauma torácico fechado
INTRODUCTION: Accidents caused by fish are common in inland fishing communities in Brazil, being work-related injuries in the majority of cases. These populations have no information on the mechanisms of trauma or envenoming. METHODS: Through a questionnaire administered to fishermen, we obtained clinical and epidemiological data on accidents in Rosana, Pontal do Paranapanema, State of São Paulo, Brazil. These data were analyzed and converted into an easily understood prevention and treatment program for the colony. RESULTS: Thirty-nine fishermen replied to the survey. All of the patients had been hurt by fish. Of those mentioned, the yellow catfish (Pimelodus maculatus) was the main fish species associated with injuries, but others also caused trauma to the fishermen. Six fishermen had been envenomed by stingrays. Pain and ulcers were the main symptoms and were described as intolerable. Approximately half of those injured were treated using traditional folk remedies. CONCLUSIONS: The fishermen suffered multiple accidents with catfish, which are venomous and cause intense pain, as well as trauma due to other fish, such as surubins, traíras, freshwater croakers, and piranhas. Approximately 16% of those interviewed presented with envenomation from stingrays. Our data and previous experience in the area led to the creation of a pamphlet with clear language that can effectively help fishermen in the region, an area in need of health services and disease prevention. This initiative also applies to the whole La Plata River basin, which has similar fauna.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção do grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.
Tese de Doutoramento (Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Biomédica)
OBJETIVO: Verificar a ocorrência de trauma e transtorno de estresse pós-traumático (TEPT) em uma amostra de mulheres dependentes de cocaína tipo crack. MÉTODO: A amostra foi composta por 99 mulheres, entre 18 e 52 anos, internadas em uma unidade de desintoxicação e extensamente avaliadas por meio da SCID-I e a ASI-6. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se uma taxa de exposição a trauma de 86,9% entre mulheres dependentes de cocaína tipo crack. A taxa de TEPT na amostra foi de 15,1%. Os clusters de revivescência e hiperexcitabilidade foram os mais frequentes - 24,4% e 20,9% respectivamente. Entre os tipos de eventos relatados, os mais frequentes foram sofrer agressão/abuso físico e ser testemunha de violência a outros. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados sugerem uma frequente exposição a eventos traumáticos. Com relação à idade da experiência traumática, sugere-se que as usuárias expostas a trauma durante a infância e adolescência apresentam um início do uso de drogas em idades mais precoces que aquelas cujo trauma ocorreu na vida adulta.
It has been the main concern of CEHUM, as a Research Centre within the Humanities which operates in an inter and transdisciplinary structure to listen attentively to the “noise of the world” and attempt a global interpretation of the signs of the times issuing from the world around us, as vibrant echoes of many social and cultural pressing issues. Every year each new Colóquio de Outono attempts to give evidence of that concern through the topic chosen for debate, ample enough and challenging enough to trigger a lively multidisciplinary dialogue amongst the diff erent research groups that compose this centre, the participants and our invited guest speakers. Throughout the three days of this 16th Colóquio de Outono we had the privilege to debate the propositions of a vast number of national and international specialists in the manifold fi elds of inquiry here represented, engaging keynote speakers, project advisors, members of research teams and external researchers attached to the various research projects currently running in CEHUM, in the fi elds of literature, linguistics, philosophy, ethics, visual arts, cultural studies, music and performance. Each specifi c fi eld of studies was however never seen isolated, but always embodied in a geo-cultural context and within the scope of a wide variety of critical debates and current theories of knowledge, as a signal of our understanding of the Humanities as a rich and plural territory which engages us all, scholars, researchers, students.
OBJETIVOS: Trabalho prospectivo, randomizado para comparar a eficácia e a segurança do cateter irrigado em relação ao cateter com eletrodo distal de 8 mm para ablação com radiofreqüência (RF) do flutter atrial. MÉTODOS: Em 52 pacientes consecutivos referidos para tratamento do flutter atrial típico, a ablação do istmo cavotricuspídeo (Ist-CT) foi realizada com cateter de irrigação fechada (n=26) ou com cateter de eletrodo distal de 8 mm (n=26). Os pulsos de RF foram aplicados ponto a ponto por 60 segundos com potência limitada a 50 w com o cateter irrigado e por controle de temperatura (60ºC, 70 w) com cateter de 8 mm. O critério de fim do procedimento foi a obtenção de bloqueio bidirecional do Ist-CT. RESULTADOS: O bloqueio Ist-CT foi obtido em 98,1% dos pacientes. O "crossover" ocorreu em quatro pacientes do grupo com cateter irrigado. Não se encontrou diferença estatística significante em relação aos parâmetros da ablação, tais como tempo total de aplicação de RF (591,1±309,0s vs 486,2±250,8s), duração do procedimento (86,4 ± 23,6 vs 78,1±22,5min) e tempo de fluoroscopia (17,0±6,7 vs 15,4±4,6min) entre os dois grupos. Durante seguimento médio de 10,6 meses, um paciente do grupo irrigado apresentou recorrência do flutter atrial típico. CONCLUSÃO: A ablação do Ist-CT resultou ser efetiva e segura para o controle do flutter atrial com ambas as técnicas empregadas (cateter com eletrodo distal de 8 mm e cateter irrigado). A complexidade técnica do cateter irrigado proporciona menor competitividade.
OBJECTIVE: Past traumatic events have been associated with poorer clinical outcomes in people with bipolar disorder. However, the impact of these events in the early stages of the illness remains unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate whether prior traumatic events were related to poorer outcomes 12 months following a first episode of psychotic mania. METHODS: Traumatic events were retrospectively evaluated from patient files in a sample of 65 participants who had experienced first episode psychotic mania. Participants were aged between 15 and 28 years and were treated at a specialised early psychosis service. Clinical outcomes were measured by a variety of symptomatic and functioning scales at the 12-month time-point. RESULTS: Direct-personal traumatic experiences prior to the onset of psychotic mania were reported by 48% of the sample. Participants with past direct-personal trauma had significantly higher symptoms of mania (p=0.02), depression (p=0.03) and psychopathology (p=0.01) 12 months following their first episode compared to participants without past direct-personal trauma, with medium to large effects observed. After adjusting for baseline scores, differences in global functioning (as measured by the Global Assessment of Functioning scale) were non-significant (p=0.05); however, participants with past direct-personal trauma had significantly poorer social and occupational functioning (p=0.04) at the 12-month assessment with medium effect. CONCLUSIONS: Past direct-personal trauma may predict poorer symptomatic and functional outcomes after first episode psychotic mania. Limitations include that the findings represent individuals treated at a specialist early intervention centre for youth and the retrospective assessment of traumatic events may have been underestimated.
OBJECTIVES: To assess the prevalence and correlates of childhood and adolescent sexual and/or physical abuse (SPA) in bipolar I disorder (BDI) patients treated for a first episode of psychotic mania. METHODS: The Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre admitted 786 first-episode psychosis patients between 1998 and 2000. Data were collected from patients' files using a standardized questionnaire. A total of 704 files were available; 43 were excluded because of a nonpsychotic diagnosis at endpoint and 3 due to missing data regarding past stressful events. Among 658 patients with available data, 118 received a final diagnosis of BDI and were entered in this study. RESULTS: A total of 80% of patients had been exposed to stressful life events during childhood and adolescence and 24.9% to SPA; in particular, 29.8% of female patients had been exposed to sexual abuse. Patients who were exposed to SPA had poorer premorbid functioning, higher rates of forensic history, were less likely to live with family during treatment period, and were more likely to disengage from treatment. CONCLUSIONS: SPA is highly prevalent in BDI patients presenting with a first episode of psychotic mania; exposed patients have lower premorbid functional levels and poorer engagement with treatment. The context in which such traumas occur must be explored in order to determine whether early intervention strategies may contribute to diminish their prevalence. Specific psychological interventions must also be developed.
The American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma's Advanced Trauma Life Support Course is currently taught in 50 countries. The 8th edition has been revised following broad input by the International ATLS subcommittee. Graded levels of evidence were used to evaluate and approve changes to the course content. New materials related to principles of disaster management have been added. ATLS is a common language teaching one safe way of initial trauma assessment and management.
In order to evaluate the effect of head injury in severely traumatized patients on the response of ACTH, GH, PRL, and TSH plasma levels, 36 patients were prospectively studied over 5 consecutive days following injury. They were divided into three groups: Group I, severe isolated head injury (n = 14); Group II, multiple injury combined with severe head injury (n = 12); Group III, multiple injury without head injury (n = 10). No significant trend was observed during the 5 consecutive days. The following changes in plasma levels were observed, compared to normal reference value (median values): ACTH was normal in the three groups; PRL was elevated in Group II and normal in the other groups; GH was elevated in all groups; TSH was elevated in Group III and reduced in Groups I and II. Intergroup comparisons showed significantly lower plasma levels for PRL (p less than 0.05) and TSH (p less than 0.01) in Groups I and II, i.e., head-injured patients, compared to Group III, i.e., traumatized patients without head injury. A relationship was observed between the severity of head injury, as expressed by Glasgow Coma Score, intracranial pressure levels, outcome, and TSH and PRL levels.