897 resultados para transparent electrode
The determination of the total calcium in juice, syrups, and other products of the sugar industry is investigated. Total calcium and free calcium is determinated by AAS and employing Ca-selective electrode respectively. A coefficient is obtained for the relation of total calcium with respect to free calcium. The coefficient is employed to determine the content of total calcium in accordance with the following equation.
The electrochemical oxidation on platinum and platinum rhodium bimetallic electrodes was studied by Differential Electrochemical Mass Spectrometry for several ethanol concentrations in solution. It is found that increasing the ethanol concentration the production of the partially oxidized products (acetaldehyde) increases as the concentration increases. On the other hand, addition of 25% at. of rhodium increases the full oxidation to CO2. Another interesting result observed is a correlation between the intensity of the dehydrogenations peak at 0.3 V vs. RHE and the CO2 yield for the different ethanol concentration studied.
An amperometric sensor was constructed, by using humic acids to immobilize Fe3+ ions on a carbon paste electrode (CPE-HA-Fe), and used for ascorbic acid (H2A) determination. The cyclic voltammogram of the electrode showed electrochemical response due to the Fe3+/Fe2+ couple at E1/2=+0.78 V vs SCE, using 0.5 mol L-1 KCl and 0.2 mol L-1 acetate/0.020 mol L-1 phosphate buffer, at pH = 5.4, as supporting electrolyte. When H2A is added to the electrolyte solution it is observed an oxidation process. The oxidation current, obtained by chronoamperommetry at +0.87 V vs SCE, is proportional to the concentration, represented by the equation I(µA) = 7.6286 [H2A] (mmol L-1) + 1.9583, r = 0.9996, for concentrations between 0.0 and 1.4 mmol L-1. The electrode showed high stability and was used for H2A determination in a natural orange juice.
In order to a better characterization of a graphite-polyurethane composite intended to be used as a voltammetric sensor, the performance in a square wave voltammetric procedure was investigated. Using hydroquinone (HQ) as a probe, the electrode showed to be useful in square wave voltammetry with limit of detection of 0.28 µmol L-1, with recoveries between 99.1 and 101.5%. The results of the proposed method agreed with HPLC ones within 95% confidence level.
The performance of a carbon paste electrode (CPE) modified with SBA-15 nanostructured silica organofunctionalised with 2-benzothiazolethiol for determination of Cu(II) ions in sugar cane spirit (cachaça) is described, based on differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry (DPASV) procedure. The Cu(II) oxidation peak was observed at 0.03 V (vs. SCE) in phosphate solution (pH 3.0). The results were obtained using optimised conditions such as 100 mV pulse amplitude, 3 min accumulation time, 25 mV s-1 scan rate in phosphate solution pH 3.0, resulting in a linear dynamic range from 8.0 x 10-7 to 1.0 x 10-5 mol L-1 Cu(II) and a limit of detection 2.0 x10-7 mol L-1. Cu(II) spiked in a cachaça sample was determined with 102.5 % mean recovery at mmol L-1 level. Interference from other metallic cations present in the sample was avoided by the standard addition procedure.
Electrode kinetics and complex formation of Zn(II) using doxycycline, chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline, tetracycline, minocycline, amoxicillin, chloramphenicol and cephaloglycin were reported at pH = 7.30 ± 0.01 in = 1.0 molL-1 NaClO4 used as supporting electrolyte at 25.0°C. Kinetic parameters viz. transfer coefficient (α), degree of irreversibility (λ) and rate constant (k) were determined. The study showed that 'Transition state' behaves between reactant (O) and product (R) response to applied potential. The stability constants varied from 2.14 to 10.31 showing that these drugs or their complexes could be used against Zn toxicity.
Polarization curves experimentally obtained in the electro-dissolution of iron in a 1 M H2SO4 solution using a rotating disc as the working electrode present a current instability region within the range of applied voltage in which the current is controlled by mass transport in the electrolyte. According to the literature (Barcia et. al., 1992) the electro-dissolution process leads to the existence of a viscosity gradient in the interface metal-solution, which leads to a velocity field quantitatively different form the one developed in uniform viscosity conditions and may affect the stability of the hydrodynamic field. The purpose of this work is to investigate whether a steady viscosity profile, depending on the distance to the electrode surface, affects the stability properties of the classic velocity field near a rotating disc. Two classes of perturbations are considered: perturbations monotonically varying along the radial direction, and perturbations periodically modulated along the radial direction. The results show that the hydrodynamic field is always stable with respect to the first class of perturbations and that the neutral stability curves are modified by the presence of a viscosity gradient in the second case, in the sense of reducing the critical Reynolds number beyond which perturbations are amplified. This result supports the hypothesis that the current oscillations observed in the polarization curve may originate from a hydrodynamic instability.
We compared two electroretinography (ERG) electrodes in dogs using ERG standards of the International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision (ISCEV). Ten healthy Yorkshire terrier dogs (mean age, 2.80 ± 1.42 years; 6 females) weighing 5.20 ± 1.56 kg were evaluated using an ERG system for veterinary use. Dark- and light-adapted ERG responses were recorded using an ERG-Jet electrode and a fiber electrode prototype. The examinations were performed during 2 visits, 3 weeks apart. Both electrodes (ERG-Jet or fiber prototype) were used on each animal and the first eye to be recorded (OD × OS) was selected randomly. Three weeks later the examination was repeated on the same animal switching the type of electrode to be used that day and the first eye to be examined. The magnitude and waveform quality obtained with the two electrode types were similar for all ERG responses. ERG amplitudes and implicit times obtained from dogs using the fiber electrode prototype were comparable to those obtained with the ERG-Jet electrode for rod, maximal rod-cone summed, cone, and 30-Hz flicker responses. The fiber electrode prototype is a low-cost device, available as an alternative instrument for clinical veterinary ERG recording for retinal function assessment.
Microscopic visualization, especially in transparent micromodels, can provide valuable information to understand the transport phenomena at pore scale in different process occurring in porous materials (food, timber, soils, etc.). Micromodels studies focus mainly on the observation of multi-phase flow, which presents a greater proximity to reality. The aim of this study was to study the process of flexography and its application in the manufacture of polyester resin transparent micromodels and its application to carrots. Materials used to implement a flexo station for micromodels construction were thermoregulated water bath, exposure chamber to UV light, photosensitive substance (photopolymer), RTV silicone polyester resin, and glass plates. In this paper, data on size distribution of a particular kind of carrot we used, and a transparent micromodel with square cross-section as well as a Log-normal pore size distribution with pore radii ranging from 10 to 110 µm (average of 22 µm and micromodel size of 10 × 10 cm) were built. Finally, it stresses that it has successfully implemented the protocol processing 2D polyester resin transparent micromodels.
Ce mémoire vise à évaluer les réformes consistant à encadrer le pouvoir de nomination que confère la prérogative royale au premier ministre. Notre étude s’inspire largement de l’institutionnalisme historique en science politique et des analyses en termes de « path dependency ». Selon cette approche, lorsque les décideurs amorcent une trajectoire de politique publique, leurs décisions subséquentes auront tendance à suivre la même direction. À partir des documents gouvernementaux et des transcriptions de comités parlementaires, ainsi que de l’exemple de la Grande-Bretagne, ce travail cherche à évaluer si les réformes visant à contraindre le pouvoir de nomination du premier ministre canadien ont suivi une trajectoire « path dependent ». Nos conclusions nous amènent plutôt à constater qu’en ce qui concerne les nominations, le Canada est plus monarchique que la Grande-Bretagne. Pour le Canada, l’impression générale qui se dégage à la fin de ce mémoire n’en est pas une de « path dependence » mais plutôt d’incrémentalisme disjoint.
Pour décrire les vibrations à l'intérieur des molécules diatomiques, le potentiel de Morse est une meilleure approximation que le système de l'oscillateur harmonique. Ainsi, en se basant sur la définition des états cohérents et comprimés donnée dans le cadre du problème de l'oscillateur harmonique, la première partie de ce travail suggère une construction des états cohérents et comprimés pour le potentiel de Morse. Deux types d’états seront construits et leurs différentes propriétés seront étudiées en portant une attention particulière aux trajectoires et aux dispersions afin de confirmer la quasi-classicité de ces états. La deuxième partie de ce travail propose d'insérer ces deux types d’états cohérents et comprimés de Morse dans un miroir semi-transparent afin d'introduire un nouveau moyen de créer de l'intrication. Cette intrication sera mesurée à l’aide de l’entropie linéaire et nous étudierons la dépendance par rapport aux paramètres de cohérence et de compression.
Materials exhibiting transparency and electrical conductivity simultaneously, transparent conductors, Transparent conducting oxides (TCOs), which have high transparency through the visible spectrum and high electrical conductivity are already being used in numerous applications. Low-emission windows that allow visible light through while reflecting the infrared, this keeps the heat out in summer, or the heat in, in winter. A thin conducting layer on or in between the glass panes achieves this. Low-emission windows use mostly F-doped SnO2. Most of these TCO’s are n type semiconductors and are utilized in a variety of commercial applications, such as flat-panel displays, photovoltaic devices, and electrochromic windows, in which they serve as transparent electrodes. Novel functions may be integrated into the materials since oxides have a variety of elements and crystal structures, providing great potential for realizing a diverse range of active functions. However, the application of TCOs has been restricted to transparent electrodes, notwithstanding the fact that TCOs are n-type semiconductors. The primary reason is the lack of p-type TCOs, because many of the active functions in semiconductors originate from the nature of the pn-junction. In 1997, H. Kawazoe et al.[2] reported CuAlO2 thin films as a first p-type TCO along with a chemical design concept for the exploration of other p-type TCOs.
There is an increasing demand for renewable energies due to the limited availability of fossil and nuclear fuels and due to growing environmental problems. Photovoltaic (PV) energy conversion has the potential to contribute significantly to the electrical energy generation in the future. Currently, the cost for photovoltaic systems is one of the main obstacles preventing production and application on a large scale. The photovoltaic research is now focused on the development of materials that will allow mass production without compromising on the conversion efficiencies. Among important selection criteria of PV material and in particular for thin films, are a suitable band gap, high absorption coefficient and reproducible deposition processes capable of large-volume and low cost production. The chalcopyrite semiconductor thin films such as Copper indium selenide and Copper indium sulphide are the materials that are being intensively investigated for lowering the cost of solar cells. Conversion efficiencies of 19 % have been reported for laboratory scale solar cell based on CuInSe2 and its alloys. The main objective of this thesis work is to optimise the growth conditions of materials suitable for the fabrication of solar cell, employing cost effective techniques. A typical heterojunction thin film solar cell consists of an absorber layer, buffer layer and transparent conducting contacts. The most appropriate techniques have been used for depositing these different layers, viz; chemical bath deposition for the window layer, flash evaporation and two-stage process for the absorber layer, and RF magnetron sputtering for the transparent conducting layer. Low cost experimental setups were fabricated for selenisation and sulphurisation experiments, and the magnetron gun for the RF sputtering was indigenously fabricated. The films thus grown were characterised using different tools. A powder X-ray diffractometer was used to analyse the crystalline nature of the films. The energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) and scanning electron microscopy i (SEM) were used for evaluating the composition and morphology of the films. Optical properties were investigated using the UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer by recording the transmission/absorption spectra. The electrical properties were studied using the two probe and four probe electrical measurements. Nature of conductivity of the films was determined by thermoprobe and thermopower measurements. The deposition conditions and the process parameters were optimised based on these characterisations.
Transparent diode heterojunction on ITO coated glass substrates was fabricated using p-type AgCoO2 and n-type ZnO films by pulsed laser deposition (PLD). The PLD of AgCoO2 thin films was carried out using the pelletized sintered target of AgCoO2 powder, which was synthesized in-house by the hydrothermal process. The band gap of these thin films was found to be ~3.89 eV and they had transmission of~55% in the visible spectral region. Although Hall measurements could only indicate mixed carrier type conduction but thermoelectric power measurements of Seebeck coefficient confirmed the p-type conductivity of the grown AgCoO2 films. The PLD grown ZnO films showed a band gap of ~3.28 eV, an average optical transmission of ~85% and n-type carrier density of~4.6×1019 cm− 3. The junction between p-AgCoO2 and n-ZnO was found to be rectifying. The ratio of forward current to the reverse current was about 7 at 1.5 V. The diode ideality factor was much greater than 2.