113 resultados para transdisciplinarity


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O presente relatório desenvolve-se no âmbito da unidade curricular de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada para obter o grau mestre em Educação Pré-escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico apresentando o trabalho de investigação-ação desenvolvido em contexto de Jardim de Infância e 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico focalizado na articulação integrada do saber. Elegeram-se como objetivos deste trabalho compreender a natureza das aprendizagens nas primeiras idades, promovendo a construção articulada do saber evitando a sua disciplinarização, utilizando diversas linguagens e implementar a metodologia de projeto no trabalho curricular. O enquadramento teórico procura aprofundar conceitos de interdisciplinaridade e construção articulada do saber nos processos de aprendizagem e o trabalho de projeto enquanto matriz de construção de conhecimento. Sustentado na metodologia de investigaçãoação utilizaram-se diversos instrumentos de recolha e análise de dados como a observação, registo de notas de campo e entrevistas às crianças permitindo responder aos objetivos delineados. Este trabalho permitiu compreender a necessidade da construção articulada das aprendizagens para promover aprendizagens significativas; Supervised teaching Practice in Pre-school and Primary Education: Integrated Knowledge Construction Abstract: This is the report of the action-research project developed in the context of a Pre-school and a Primary School focused on the integration of knowledge, part of the curricular unit Supervised Teaching Practice of the Master in Pre-school Education and Teaching in Basic Education (1st cycle). The objectives of this work are: to understand the nature of learning in the early ages through not only promoting the construction of an articulated knowledge while avoiding its disciplinarization, but also using several languages and implement the project methodology in curricular work. The theoretical framework seeks to explore the concepts of interdisciplinarity and the integration of knowledge’s construction in the processes of learning as the project’s work as a basic framework of knowledge construction. Adopting an action-research methodology, several instruments were used for data collection and analysis, such as observation, field notes and interviews to children, allowing to reach the stipulated objectives. This study provided the understanding of the need for the learning’s articulated creation to promote relevant learning.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Artes, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes, 2016.


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Early childhood education and care services in Australia are moving towards an integrated approach to service delivery requiring educators to work in partnership with professionals from sectors such as health, education and community services for the benefit of young children and their families. This means that educators need to work in perhaps new and different ways in their everyday work.Professional partnerships in children’s services: Working together for children looks at ways educators can work effectively with other professionals in building and leading these partnerships in children’s services. It examines some of the issues surrounding working in partnership with others and the implications this has for understanding and enacting leadership. It explores topics such as:•working collaboratively in early childhood education and care settings•thinking about the knowledge base of others•transdisciplinarity—a new strategy to consider•examples of collaborative practice with otherprofessionals in early childhood education and care services are provided.Examples are given that have been implemented in early childhood education and care services to work collaboratively with other professionals. Professional partnerships in children’s services: Working together for children points to a way forward by encouraging the rethinking and reworking of practice by educators with the inclusion of reflective questions, scenarios from services and top tips for educators to consider.


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The work of Massimo Canevacci is undoubtedly one of the most compelling examples of transdisciplinary thinking when applied to the interdisciplinary effort of expanding the boundaries of a discipline. His work engages with geography, art, technology, media, psychology, etc – a true kaleidoscope of perspectives. The synapses created by the transversal connections he makes across a multiplicity of epistemologies are catalytic. To follow the logical itinerary created by his scholarly inquiry is to be taken on a journey that leaves none of our pre-conceptions untouched.


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Transdisciplinarity gained importance in the 1970s, with the initial signs of weakness of both multi- and interdisciplinary approaches. This weakness was felt due to the increased complexity in the social and technological landscapes. Generally, discussion over the transdisciplinary topic is centred in social and health sciences. Therefore, the major challenge in this research is to adapt design research to the emerging transdisciplinary discussion. Based on a comparative and critical review of several engineering and design models for the design process, we advocate the importance of collaboration and conceptualisation for these disciplines. Therefore, a transdisciplinary and conceptual cooperation between engineering and industrial design disciplines is considered as decisive to create breakthroughs. Furthermore, a synthesis is proposed, in order to foster the cooperation between engineering and industrial design.


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Recibido 29 de noviembre de 2010 • Aceptado 09 de marzo de 2011 • Corregido 12 de abril de 2011 El artículo resume los procesos vividos y los resultados obtenidos a través de una investigación-acción con actores (profesores, estudiantes y directivos) de las distintas áreas del CEUArkos de Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, México. Su propósito es construir y llevar a la práctica estrategias metodológicas para operacionalizar la transdisciplinariedad y la complejidad en el aprendizaje, la enseñanza y la investigación –como parte de la docencia– en las licenciaturas de la institución, a fin de sentar las bases para el paso de una formación universitaria que transite de la disciplinariedad hacia la transdisciplinariedad en todas las carreras que la Universidad oferta. Aborda, asimismo, el tema del currículo universitario.


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Durante los últimos dos siglos se ha venido sosteniendo la neutralidad y apoliticidad de la ciencia, pero se ha pasado por alto que esta, como construcción humana, no puede ostentar un estatus especial. Es decir, está condicionada históricamente al igual que cualquier otra actividad. La ciencia moderna adquirió su actual división disciplinaria en el siglo XIX, en gran parte por el desarrollo del capitalismo industrial que cubrió el orbe y la conformación de estados-nación y su organización dentro del sistema interestatal, de modo que es una particular forma de entender y estudiar la realidad, pero no la única posible. Las elecciones teóricas y metodológicas hechas desde entonces se han impuesto como la forma natural de aprehender la realidad. La fase actual del proceso de la globalización ha puesto de manifiesto que el marco epistemológico decimonónico –y como parte de él, el nacionalismo metodológico– resulta insuficiente en el presente para explicar ciertos fenómenos sistémicos y ha revelado la necesidad de su superación. En el presente contexto histórico se hace más necesario que nunca superar la dependencia académica y la adopción de una actitud crítica para que la división internacional del trabajo académico y la estructuración de una agenda transnacional para la educación no operen en contra de las zonas y poblaciones pobres del mundo. Ello supone que la universidad defina su papel con respecto a la sociedad desde una dimensión política, antes de que decida y realice su propia reforma. La transdisciplinariedad juega un papel principal en la superación de los viejos modelos de la ciencia y la universidad.