973 resultados para theoretical investigation
This thesis presents a theoretical investigation on applications of Raman effect in optical fibre communication as well as the design and optimisation of various Raman based devices and transmission schemes. The techniques used are mainly based on numerical modelling. The results presented in this thesis are divided into three main parts. First, novel designs of Raman fibre lasers (RFLs) based on Phosphosilicate core fibre are analysed and optimised for efficiency by using a discrete power balance model. The designs include a two stage RFL based on Phosphosilicate core fibre for telecommunication applications, a composite RFL for the 1.6 μm spectral window, and a multiple output wavelength RFL aimed to be used as a compact pump source for fiat gain Raman amplifiers. The use of Phosphosilicate core fibre is proven to effectively reduce the design complexity and hence leads to a better efficiency, stability and potentially lower cost. Second, the generalised Raman amplified gain model approach based on the power balance analysis and direct numerical simulation is developed. The approach can be used to effectively simulate optical transmission systems with distributed Raman amplification. Last, the potential employment of a hybrid amplification scheme, which is a combination between a distributed Raman amplifier and Erbium doped amplifier, is investigated by using the generalised Raman amplified gain model. The analysis focuses on the use of the scheme to upgrade a standard fibre network to 40 Gb/s system.
This thesis presents improvements to optical transmission systems through the use of optical solitons as a digital transmission format, both theoretically and experimentally. An introduction to the main concepts and impairments of optical fibre on pulse transmission is included before introducing the concept of solitons in optically amplified communications and the problems of soliton system design. The theoretical work studies two fibre dispersion profiling schemes and a soliton launch improvement. The first provides superior pulse transmission by optimally tailoring the fibre dispersion to better follow the power, and hence nonlinearity, decay and thus allow soliton transmission for longer amplifier spacings and shorter pulse widths than normally possible. The second profiling scheme examines the use of dispersion compensating fibre in the context of soliton transmission over existing, standard fibre systems. The limits for solitons in uncompensated standard fibre are assessed, before the potential benefits of dispersion compensating fibre included as part of each amplifier are shown. The third theoretical investigation provides a simple improvement to the propagation of solitons in a highly perturbed system. By introducing a section of fibre of the correct length prior to the first system amplifier span, the soliton shape can be better coupled into the system thus providing an improved "average soliton" propagation model. The experimental work covers two areas. An important issue for soliton systems is pulse sources. Three potential lasers are studied, two ring laser configurations and one semiconductor device with external pulse shaping. The second area studies soliton transmission using a recalculating loop, reviewing the advantages and draw-backs of such an experiment in system testing and design. One particular example of employing the recirculating loop is also examined, using a novel method of pulse shape stabilisation over long distances with low jitter. The future for nonlinear optical communications is considered with the thesis conclusions.
This thesis presents a theoretical investigation of the application of advanced modelling formats in high-speed fibre lightwave systems. The first part of this work focuses on numerical optimisation of dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) system design. We employ advanced spectral domain filtering techniques and carrier pulse reshaping. We then apply these optimisation methods to investigate spectral and temporal domain characteristics of advanced modulation formats in fibre optic telecommunication systems. Next we investigate numerical methods used in detecting and measuring the system performance of advanced modulation formats. We then numerically study the combination of return-to-zero differential phase-shift keying (RZ-DPSK) with advanced photonic devices. Finally we analyse the dispersion management of Nx40 Gbit/s RZ-DPSK transmission applied to a commercial terrestrial lightwave system.
Orbit determination from artificial satellite observations is a key process in obtaining information about the Earth and its environment. A study of the perturbations experienced by these satellites enables knowledge to be gained of the upper atmosphere, the gravity field, ocean tides, solid-Earth tides and solar radiation. The gravity field is expressed as a double infinite series of associated Legendre functions (tesseral harmonics). In contemporary global gravity field models the overall geoid is well determined. An independent check on these gravity field harmonics of a particular order may be made by analysis of satellites that pass through resonance of that order. For such satellites the perturbations of the orbital elements close to resonance are analysed to derive lumped harmonic coefficients. The orbital parameters of 1984-106A have been determined at 43 epochs, during which time the satellite was close to 14th order resonance. Analysis of the inclination and eccentricity yielded 6 lumped harmonic coefficients of order 14 whilst analysis of the mean motion yielded additional pairs of lumped harmonics of orders 14, 28 and 42, with the 14th order harmonics superseding those obtained from analysis of the inclination. This thesis concentrates in detail on the theoretical changes of a near-circular satellite orbit perturbed by the Earth's gravity field under the influence of minimal air-drag whilst in resonance with the Earth. The satellite 1984-106A experienced the interesting property of being temporarily trapped with respect to a secondary resonance parameter due to the low air-drag in 1987. This prompted the theoretical investigation of such a phenomenon. Expressions obtained for the resonance parameter led to the determination of 8 lumped harmonic coefficients, coincidental to those already obtained. All the derived lumped harmonic values arc used to test the accuracy of contemporary gravity field models and the underlying theory in this thesis.
This thesis is concerned with the experimental and theoretical investigation into the compression bond of column longitudinal reinforcement in the transference of axial load from a reinforced concrete column to a base. Experimental work includes twelve tests with square twisted bars and twenty four tests with ribbed bars. The effects of bar size, anchorage length in the base, plan area of the base, provision of bae tensile reinforcement, links around the column bars in the base, plan area of column and concrete compressive strength were investigated in the tests. The tests indicated that the strength of the compression anchorage of deformed reinforcing steel in the concrete was primarily dependent on the concrete strength and the resistance to bursting, which may be available within the anchorage . It was shown in the tests without concreted columns that due to a large containment over the bars in the foundation, failure occurred due to the breakdown of bond followed by the slip of the column bars along the anchorage length. The experimental work showed that the bar size , the stress in the bar, the anchorage length, provision of the transverse steel and the concrete compressive strength significantly affect the bond stress at failure. The ultimate bond stress decreases as the anchorage length is increased, while the ultimate bond stress increases with increasing each of the remainder parameters. Tests with concreted columns also indicated that a section of the column contributed to the bond length in the foundation by acting as an extra anchorage length. The theoretical work is based on the Mindlin equation( 3), an analytical method used in conjunction with finite difference calculus. The theory is used to plot the distribution of bond stress in the elastic and the elastic-plastic stage of behaviour. The theory is also used to plot the load-vertical displacement relationship of the column bars in the anchorage length, and also to determine the theoretical failure load of foundation. The theoretical solutions are in good agreement with the experimental results and the distribution of bond stress is shown to be significantly influenced by the bar stiffness factor K. A comparison of the experimental results with the current codes shows that the bond stresses currently used are low and in particular, CPIlO(56) specifies very conservative design bond stresses .
This thesis is concerned with Organisational Problem Solving. The work reflects the complexities of organisational problem situations and the eclectic approach that has been necessary to gain an understanding of the processes involved. The thesis is structured into three main parts. Part I describes the author's understanding of problems and suitable approaches. Chapter 2 identifies the Transcendental Realist (TR) view of science (Harre 1970, Bhaskar 1975) as the best general framework for identifying suitable approaches to complex organisational problems. Chapter 3 discusses the relationship between Checkland's methodology (1972) and TR. The need to generate iconic (explanatory) models of the problem situation is identified and the ability of viable system modelling to supplement the modelling stage of the methodology is explored in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 builds further on the methodology to produce an original iconic model of the methodological process. The model characterises the mechanisms of organisational problem situations as well as desirable procedural steps. The Weltanschauungen (W's) or "world views" of key actors is recognised as central to the mechanisms involved. Part II describes the experience which prompted the theoretical investigation. Chapter 6 describes the first year of the project. The success of this stage is attributed to the predominance of a single W. Chapter 7 describes the changes in the organisation which made the remaining phase of the project difficult. These difficulties are attributed to a failure to recognise the importance of differing W's. Part III revisits the theoretical and organisational issues. Chapter 8 identifies a range of techniques embodying W's which are compatible with .the framework of Part I and which might usefully supplement it. Chapter 9 characterises possible W's in the sponsoring organisation. Throughout the work, an attempt 1s made to reflect the process as well as the product of the author's leaving.
The present thesis, orientated by a letter sent by Ernst von Glasersfeld to John Fossa, is the product of a theoretical investigation of radical constructivism. In this letter, von Glasersfeld made three observations about Fossa’s understanding of radical constructivism. However, we limited our study to the second of these considerations since it de als with some of the core issues of constructivism. Consequently, we investigated what issues are raised by von Glasersfeld’s observation and whether these issues are relevant to a better understanding of constructivism and its implications for the mathema tics classroom . In order to realize the investigation, it was necessary to characterize von Glasersfeld’s epistemological approach to constructivism, to identify which questions about radical constructivism are raised by von Glasersfeld’s observation, to i nvestigate whether these issues are relevant to a better understanding of constructivism and to analyze the implications of these issues for the mathematics classroom. Upon making a hermeneutic study of radical constructivism, we found that what is central to it is its radicalism, in the sense that it breaks with tradition by its absence of an ontology. Thus, we defend the thesis that the absence of an ontology, although it has advantages for radical constructivism, incurs serious problems not only for the theory itself, but also for its implications for the mathematics classroom. The advantages that we were able to identify include a change from the usual philosophical paths to a very different rational view of the world, an overcoming of a naive way of thi nking, an understanding of the subject as active in the construction of his/her experiential reality, an interpretation of cognition as an instrument of adaptation, a new concept of knowledge and a vision of knowledge as fallible (or provisional). The prob lems are associated with the impossibility of radical constructivism to explain adequately why the reality that we build up is regular, stable, non - arbitrary and publicly shared. With regard to the educational implications of radical constructivism, the ab sence of an ontology brings to the mathematics classroom not only certain relevant aspects (or favorable points) that make teaching a process of researching student learning, empowering the student to learn and changing the classroom design, but also certa in weaknesses or limitations. These weaknesses or limitations of constructivism in the classroom are due to its conception of knowledge as being essentially subjective. This requires it to work with one - on - one situations and, likewise, makes the success of teaching dependent on the teacher’s individual skills. Perhaps the most important weakness or limitation, in this sense, is that it makes teaching orientated by constructivist principles unable to reach the goal of the formation of a community. We conclud e that issues raised by von Glasersfeld’s observation are absolutely relevant to the context of a better understanding of radical constructivism and its implications for education, especially for Mathematics Education.
This thesis was performed in four chapters, at the theoretical level, focused mainly on electronic density. In the first chapter, we have applied an undergraduate minicourse of Diels-Alder reaction in Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. By using computational chemistry tools students could build the knowledge by themselves and they could associate important aspects of physical-chemistry with Organic Chemistry. In the second chapter, we studied a new type of chemical bond between a pair of identical or similar hydrogen atoms that are close to electrical neutrality, known as hydrogen-hydrogen (H-H) bond. In this study performed with complexed alkanes, provides new and important information about their stability involving this type of interaction. We show that the H-H bond playing a secondary role in the stability of branched alkanes in comparison with linear or less branched isomers. In the third chapter, we study the electronic structure and the stability of tetrahedrane, substituted tetrahedranes and silicon and germanium parents, it was evaluated the substituent effect on the carbon cage in the tetrahedrane derivatives and the results indicate that stronger electron withdrawing groups (EWG) makes the tetrahedrane cage slightly unstable while slight EWG causes a greater instability in the tetrahedrane cage. We showed that the sigma aromaticity EWG and electron donating groups (EDG) results in decrease and increase, respectively, of NICS and D3BIA aromaticity indices. In addition, another factor can be utilized to explain the stability of tetra-tert-butyltetrahedrane as well as HH bond. GVB and ADMP were also used to explain the stability effect of the substituents bonded to the carbon of the tetrahedrane cage. In the fourth chapter, we performed a theoretical investigation of the inhibitory effect of the drug abiraterone (ABE), used in the prostate cancer treatment as CYP17 inhibitor, comparing the interaction energies and electron density of the ABE with the natural substrate, pregnenolone (PREG). Molecular dynamics and docking were used to obtain the CYP1ABE and CYP17-PREG complexes. From molecular dynamics was obtained that the ABE has higher diffusion trend water CYP17 binding site compared to the PREG. With the ONIOM (B3LYP:AMBER) method, we find that the interaction electronic energy of ABE is 21.38 kcal mol-1 more stable than PREG. The results obtained by QTAIM indicate that such stability is due a higher electronic density of interactions between ABE and CYP17
There is a growing impetus across the research, policy and practice communities for children and young people to participate in decisions that affect their lives. Furthermore, there is a dearth of general instruments that measure children and young people’s views on their participation in decision making. This paper presents the reliability and validity of the Child and Adolescent Participation in Decision Making Questionnaire (CAP-DMQ) and specifically looks at a population of looked-after children where a lack of participation in decision making is an acute issue.
The participants were 151 looked after children and adolescents between 10-23 years of age who completed the 10 item CAP-DMQ. Of the participants 113 were in receipt of an advocacy service that had an aim of increasing participation in decision-making with the remaining participants not having received this service.
The results showed that the CAP-DMQ had good reliability (Cronbach’s alpha = .94) and showed promising uni-dimensional construct validity through an exploratory factor analysis. The items in the CAP-DMQ also demonstrated good content validity by overlapping with prominent models of child and adolescent participation (Lundy 2007) and decision making (Halpern 2014). A regression analysis showed that age and gender were not significant predictors of CAP-DMQ scores but receipt of advocacy was a significant predictor of scores (effect size d=.88), thus showing appropriate discriminant criterion validity.
Overall, the CAP-DMQ showed good reliability and validity. Therefore, the measure has excellent promise for theoretical investigation in the area of child and adolescent participation in decision making and equally shows empirical promise for use as a measure in evaluating services which have increasing the participation of children and adolescents in decision making as an intended outcome.
Extremely broad emission wings at Hβ and Hα have been found in VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey data for five very luminous BA supergiants in or near 30 Doradus in the Large Magellanic Cloud. The profiles of both lines are extremely asymmetrical, which we have found to be caused by very broad diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs) in the longward wing of Hβ and the shortward wing of Hα. These DIBs are well known to interstellar but not to many stellar specialists, so that the asymmetries may be mistaken for intrinsic features. The broad emission wings are generally ascribed to electron scattering, although we note difficulties for that interpretation in some objects. Such profiles are known in some Galactic hyper/supergiants and are also seen in both active and quiescent Luminous Blue Variables (LBVs). No prior or current LBV activity is known in these 30 Dor stars, although a generic relationship to LBVs is not excluded; subject to further observational and theoretical investigation, it is possible that these very luminous supergiants are approaching the LBV stage for the first time. Their locations in the HRD and presumed evolutionary tracks are consistent with that possibility. The available evidence for spectroscopic variations of these objects is reviewed, while recent photometric monitoring does not reveal variability. A search for circumstellar nebulae has been conducted, with an indeterminate result for one of them.
A quantificação do material sólido transportado (transporte sólido) ao longo de um curso de água é extremamente importante nas mais variadas áreas da engenharia fluvial. O transporte sólido em rios de montanha dá-se maioritariamente por arrastamento no fundo, através de deslizamento, rolamento e saltação dos sedimentos. Ao longo dos tempos foram desenvolvidas várias fórmulas para estimar o transporte sólido por arrastamento, contudo, devido à complexidade dos processos de transporte de sedimentos, bem como a variabilidade espacial e temporal, a previsão de taxas de transporte não foi conseguida exclusivamente através de investigação teórica. Para obter um melhor conhecimento sobre os processos de transporte sólido por arrastamento em rios de montanha, torna-se necessário monitorizá-los com maior precisão possível. Com os avanços na electrónica, novos métodos tecnológicos foram desenvolvidos para resolver a problemática da quantificação do transporte sólido, em detrimento dos atuais métodos tradicionais, que se baseiam na recolha de amostras em campo, para posterior correlação. O objetivo principal da presente dissertação foi o desenvolvimento de um equipamento capaz de estimar/monitorizar continuamente o transporte sólido por arrastamento em rios de montanha, que utilizasse tecnologia de baixo custo. Este equipamento dispõe de um sensor piezolelétrico que realizará medições à vibração causada pelo embate dos sedimentos sobre uma chapa metálica. A energia do sinal resultante dos impactos reverterá em peso. A metodologia usada para a obtenção das medições foi a realização de ensaios laboratoriais, tendo sido dado especial destaque à influência da variação do caudal, bem como da forma dos sedimentos, na intensidade do sinal adquirido.
Dissertação de Mestrado/Relatório de Estágio - Especialização em Pré Escolar, apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti
Wydział Fizyki: Zakład Teorii Ciała Stałego
El presente trabajo tiene como propósito hacer una revisión crítica de dos de los trabajos más relevantes que abordan la relación entre salud mental y arte, a saber: Artistry of the Mentally Ill, de Hans Prinzhorn (1922/1972) y Madness and Art, de Walter Morgenthaler (1921/1992). Para ello, se presenta primero un recuento de estos textos, y en un segundo momento, su respectivo análisis. De esta manera, llevo a cabo una revisión crítica de los ya mencionados libros a la luz de diferentes teorías psicoanalíticas que abordan algunos temas cruciales dentro de esta relación, como lo son la psicosis, y desde otras perspectivas, el arte marginal y la creatividad, aportando así a la investigación teórica de este tema particular.
En el presente artículo se desarrolla una investigación teórica que permite establecer un modelo matemático para cuantificar la influencia de la confianza de los gerentes en el proceso de presupuesto de capital, en particular sobre la Tasa Interna de Retorno. El Modelo permite concluir que el exceso de confianza es un factor que tiende a elevar esta tasa que esperan recibir los inversionistas tras invertir en determinados proyectos, generando así, en ciertas ocasiones, una toma de decisiones al interior de las empresas basada en cifras sesgadas, comprometiendo así los recursos de la misma.