991 resultados para tensor imaging-detects


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Un modèle de croissance et de réponse à la radiothérapie pour le glioblastome multiforme (GBM) basé le formalisme du modèle de prolifération-invasion (PI) et du modèle linéaire-quadratique a été développé et implémenté. La géométrie spécifique au patient est considérée en modélisant, d'une part, les voies d'invasion possibles des GBM avec l'imagerie du tenseur de diffusion (DTI) et, d'autre part, les barrières à la propagation à partir des images anatomiques disponibles. La distribution de dose réelle reçue par un patient donné est appliquée telle quelle dans les simulations, en respectant l'horaire de traitement. Les paramètres libres du modèle (taux de prolifération, coefficient de diffusion, paramètres radiobiologiques) sont choisis aléatoirement à partir de distributions de valeurs plausibles. Un total de 400 ensembles de valeurs pour les paramètres libres sont ainsi choisis pour tous les patients, et une simulation de la croissance et de la réponse au traitement est effectuée pour chaque patient et chaque ensemble de paramètres. Un critère de récidive est appliqué sur les résultats de chaque simulation pour identifier un lieu probable de récidive (SPR). La superposition de tous les SPR obtenus pour un patient donné permet de définir la probabilité d'occurrence (OP). Il est démontré qu'il existe des valeurs de OP élevées pour tous les patients, impliquant que les résultats du modèle PI ne sont pas très sensibles aux valeurs des paramètres utilisés. Il est également démontré comment le formalisme développé dans cet ouvrage pourrait permettre de définir un volume cible personnalisé pour les traitements de radiothérapie du GBM.


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En plus de la triade de symptômes caractérisant l’autisme, ce trouble neurodévelopmental est associé à des particularités perceptives et motrices et, au niveau cérébral, par une connectivité atypique entre les différentes régions du cerveau. Au niveau anatomique, un des résultats les plus communs est la réduction du corps calleux. Toutefois, des effets directs de cette altération anatomique sur l’intégrité et l’efficacité du transfert interhémisphérique restent à être démontrés. Pour la présente thèse, trois différentes études investiguent différents aspects du traitement de l’information visuomotrice : le transfert interhémisphérique entre les régions bilatérales motrices et visuelles, la vitesse de traitement perceptif, et les habiletés motrices visuellement guidées. Dans la première étude, le paradigme visuomoteur de Poffenberger a été utilisé pour mesurer le temps de transfert interhémisphérique (TTIH). L’imagerie par résonnance magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf) et structurale ainsi que l’imagerie de diffusion ont aussi été utilisées pour étudier les réseaux cérébraux impliqués dans la tâche de Poffenberger. Les autistes ont été comparés à un groupe d’individus à développement typique. La deuxième étude avait pour but d’investiguer la vitesse de traitement perceptif en autisme. Dans la troisième étude, deux tâches motrices (Purdue et Annett) ont été utilisées pour examiner la nature et l’importance des déficits moteurs. La tâche de Purdue inclut deux conditions bimanuelles utilisées comme indice additionnel d’intégration interhémisphérique. Dans les études 2 et 3, le groupe d’autistes a aussi été comparé à un groupe d’individus Asperger afin de voir si, et comment, les deux sous-groupes peuvent être distingués en ce qui concerne le traitement visuel et les déficits moteurs. Aucune différence entre les groupes n’a été observée en termes de TTIH. Les résultats de l’étude IRMf révèlent des différences d’activations corticales en lien avec la tâche de Poffenberger. Dans les groupes d’autistes et de typiques, l’efficacité de la communication interhémisphérique était associée à différentes portions du corps calleux (frontales/motrices chez les typiques, postérieures/visuelles chez les autistes). De façon globale, les résultats de cette étude démontrent un patron atypique de transfert interhémisphérique de l’information visuomotrice en autisme, reflétant un rôle plus important des mécanismes visuels dans le comportement sensorimoteur possiblement en lien avec une réorganisation cérébrale. Les résultats des études comportementales 2 et 3 indiquent que les autistes excellent dans la tâche mesurant la vitesse de traitement perceptif alors que les Asperger accomplissent la tâche à des niveaux similaires à ceux des typiques. La nature des déficits moteurs diffère aussi entre les deux sous-groupes; la dextérité et la coordination bimanuelle est affectée chez les individus Asperger mais pas chez les autistes, qui eux sont plus atteints au niveau de la rapidité unimanuelle. Les sous-groupes d’autistes et de syndrome d’Asperger sont caractérisés par des profils cognitifs différents dont les particularités perceptives et motrices font partie intégrante.


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El Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), es el tumor cerebral más frecuente, con pronóstico grave y baja sensibilidad al tratamiento inicial. El propósito de este estudio fue evaluar si la Difusión en RM (IDRM), es un biomarcador temprano de respuesta tumoral, útil para tomar decisiones tempranas de tratamiento y para obtener información pronostica. Metodología La búsqueda se realizo en las bases de datos EMBASE, CENTRAL, MEDLINE; las bibliografías también fueron revisadas. Los artículos seleccionados fueron estudios observacionales (casos y controles, cohortes, corte transversal), no se encontró ningún ensayo clínico; todos los participante tenían diagnostico histopatológico de GBM, sometidos a resección quirúrgica y/o radio-quimioterapia y seguimiento de respuesta al tratamiento con IDRM por al menos 6 meses. Los datos extraídos de forma independiente fueron tipo de estudio, participantes, intervenciones, seguimiento, desenlaces (sobrevida, progresión/estabilización de la enfermedad, muerte) Resultados Quince estudios cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Entre las técnicas empleadas de IDRM para evaluar respuesta radiológica al tratamiento, fueron histogramas del coeficiente aparente de difusion ADC (compararon valores inferiores a la media y el percentil 10 de ADC, con los valores superiores); encontrando en términos generales que un ADC bajo es un fuerte predictor de sobrevida y/o progresión del tumor. (Esto fue significativo en 5 estudios); mapas funcionales de difusion (FDM) (midieron el porcentaje de cambio de ADC basal vs pos tratamiento) que mostro ser un fuerte predictor de sobrevida en pacientes con progresión tumoral. DISCUSION Desafortunadamente la calidad de los estudios fue intermedia-baja lo que hace que la aplicabilidad de los estudios sea limitada.


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Background. With diffusion-tensor imaging (DTi) it is possible to estimate the structural characteristics of fiber bundles in vivo. This study used DTi to infer damage to the corticospinal tract (CST) and relates this parameter to (a) the level of residual motor ability at least 1 year poststroke and (b) the outcome of intensive motor rehabilitation with constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT). Objective. To explore the role of CST damage in recovery and CIMT efficacy. Methods. Ten patients with low-functioning hemiparesis were scanned and tested at baseline, before and after CIMT. Lesion overlap with the CST was indexed as reduced anisotropy compared with a CST variability map derived from 26 controls. Residual motor ability was measured through the Wolf Motor Function Test (WMFT) and the Motor Activity Log (MAL) acquired at baseline. CIMT benefit was assessed through the pre—post treatment comparison of WMFT and MAL performance. Results. Lesion overlap with the CST correlated with residual motor ability at baseline, with greater deficits observed in patients with more extended CST damage. Infarct volume showed no systematic association with residual motor ability. CIMT led to significant improvements in motor function but outcome was not associated with the extent of CST damage or infarct volume. Conclusion. The study gives in vivo support for the proposition that structural CST damage, not infarct volume, is a major predictor for residual functional ability in the chronic state. The results provide initial evidence for positive effects of CIMT in patients with varying, including more severe, CST damage.


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Recent evidence suggests that immobilization of the upper limb for 2–3 weeks induces changes in cortical thickness as well as motor performance. In constraint induced (CI) therapy, one of the most effective interventions for hemiplegia, the non-paretic arm is constrained to enforce the use of the paretic arm in the home setting. With the present study we aimed to explore whether non-paretic arm immobilization in CI therapy induces structural changes in the non-lesioned hemisphere, and how these changes are related to treatment benefit. 31 patients with chronic hemiparesis participated in CI therapy with (N = 14) and without (N = 17) constraint. Motor ability scores were acquired before and after treatment. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data was obtained prior to treatment. Cortical thickness was measured with the Freesurfer software. In both groups cortical thickness in the contralesional primary somatosensory cortex increased and motor function improved with the intervention. However the cortical thickness change was not associated with the magnitude of motor function improvement. Moreover, the treatment effect and the cortical thickness change were not significantly different between the constraint and the non-constraint groups. There was no correlation between fractional anisotropy changes in the non-lesioned hemisphere and treatment outcome. CI therapy induced cortical thickness changes in contralesional sensorimotor regions, but this effect does not appear to be driven by the immobilization of the non-paretic arm, as indicated by the absence of differences between the constraint and the non-constraint groups. Our data does not suggest that the arm immobilization used in CI therapy is associated with noticeable cortical thinning.


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Background. Initial evidence suggests that the integrity of the ipsilesional corticospinal tract (CST) after stroke is strongly related to motor function in the chronic state but not the treatment gain induced by motor rehabilitation. Objective. We examined the association of motor status and treatment benefit by testing patients with a wide range of severity of hemiparesis of the left and right upper extremity. Method. Diffusion tensor imaging was performed in 22 patients beyond 12 months after onset of stroke with severe to moderate hemiparesis. Motor function was tested before and after 2 weeks of modified constraint-induced movement therapy. Results. CST integrity, but not lesion volume, correlated with the motor ability measures of the Wolf Motor Function Test and the Motor Activity Log. No differences were found between left and right hemiparesis. Motor performance improved significantly with the treatment regime, and did so equally for patients with left and right arm paresis. However, treatment benefit was not associated with either CST integrity or lesion volume. Conclusion. CST integrity correlated best in this small trial with chronic long-term status but not treatment-induced improvements. The CST may play a different role in the mechanisms mediating long-term outcome compared to those underlying practice-induced gains after a chronic plateau in motor function.


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Human brain imaging techniques, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) or Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI), have been established as scientific and diagnostic tools and their adoption is growing in popularity. Statistical methods, machine learning and data mining algorithms have successfully been adopted to extract predictive and descriptive models from neuroimage data. However, the knowledge discovery process typically requires also the adoption of pre-processing, post-processing and visualisation techniques in complex data workflows. Currently, a main problem for the integrated preprocessing and mining of MRI data is the lack of comprehensive platforms able to avoid the manual invocation of preprocessing and mining tools, that yields to an error-prone and inefficient process. In this work we present K-Surfer, a novel plug-in of the Konstanz Information Miner (KNIME) workbench, that automatizes the preprocessing of brain images and leverages the mining capabilities of KNIME in an integrated way. K-Surfer supports the importing, filtering, merging and pre-processing of neuroimage data from FreeSurfer, a tool for human brain MRI feature extraction and interpretation. K-Surfer automatizes the steps for importing FreeSurfer data, reducing time costs, eliminating human errors and enabling the design of complex analytics workflow for neuroimage data by leveraging the rich functionalities available in the KNIME workbench.


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The frontal pole corresponds to Brodmann area (BA) 10, the largest single architectonic area in the human frontal lobe. Generally, BA10 is thought to contain two or three subregions that subserve broad functions such as multitasking, social cognition, attention, and episodic memory. However, there is a substantial debate about the functional and structural heterogeneity of this large frontal region. Previous connectivity-based parcellation studies have identified two or three subregions in the human frontal pole. Here, we used diffusion tensor imaging to assess structural connectivity of BA10 in 35 healthy subjects and delineated subregions based on this connectivity. This allowed us to determine the correspondence of structurally based subregions with the scheme previously defined functionally. Three subregions could be defined in each subject. However, these three subregions were not spatially consistent between subjects. Therefore, we accepted a solution with two subregions that encompassed the lateral and medial frontal pole. We then examined resting-state functional connectivity of the two subregions and found significant differences between their connectivities. The medial cluster was connected to nodes of the default-mode network, which is implicated in internally focused, self-related thought, and social cognition. The lateral cluster was connected to nodes of the executive control network, associated with directed attention and working memory. These findings support the concept that there are two major anatomical subregions of the frontal pole related to differences in functional connectivity.


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Objective: Abnormalities in the morphology and function of two gray matter structures central to emotional processing, the perigenual anterior cingulate cortex (pACC) and amygdala, have consistently been reported in bipolar disorder (BD). Evidence implicates abnormalities in their connectivity in BD. This study investigates the potential disruptions in pACC-amygdala functional connectivity and associated abnormalities in white matter that provides structural connections between the two brain regions in BD. Methods: Thirty-three individuals with BD and 31 healthy comparison subjects (HC) participated in a scanning session during which functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during processing of face stimuli and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) were performed. The strength of pACC-amygdala functional connections was compared between BD and HC groups, and associations between these functional connectivity measures from the fMRI scans and regional fractional anisotropy (FA) from the DTI scans were assessed. Results: Functional connectivity was decreased between the pACC and amygdala in the BD group compared with HC group, during the processing of fearful and happy faces (p < .005). Moreover, a significant positive association between pACC-amygdala functional coupling and FA in ventrofrontal white matter, including the region of the uncinate fasciculus, was identified (p < .005). Conclusion: This study provides evidence for abnormalities in pACC-amygdala functional connectivity during emotional processing in BD. The significant association between pACC-amygdala functional connectivity and the structural integrity of white matter that contains pACC-amygdala connections suggest that disruptions in white matter connectivity may contribute to disturbances in the coordinated responses of the pACC and amygdala during emotional processing in BD.


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There is evidence emerging from Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) research that autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are associated with greater impairment in the left hemisphere. Although this has been quantified with volumetric region of interest analyses, it has yet to be tested with white matter integrity analysis. In the present study, tract based spatial statistics was used to contrast white matter integrity of 12 participants with high-functioning autism or Aspergers syndrome (HFA/AS) with 12 typically developing individuals. Fractional Anisotropy (FA) was examined, in addition to axial, radial and mean diffusivity (AD, RD and MD). In the left hemisphere, participants with HFA/AS demonstrated significantly reduced FA in predominantly thalamic and fronto-parietal pathways and increased RD. Symmetry analyses confirmed that in the HFA/AS group, WM disturbance was significantly greater in the left compared to right hemisphere. These findings contribute to a growing body of literature suggestive of reduced FA in ASD, and provide preliminary evidence for RD impairments in the left hemisphere.


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In this article, the authors aim to present a critical review of recent MRI studies addressing white matter (WM) abnormalities in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI), by searching PubMed and reviewing MRI studies evaluating subjects with AD or MCI using WM volumetric methods, diffusion tensor imaging and assessment of WM hyperintensities. Studies have found that, compared with healthy controls, AD and MCI samples display WM volumetric reductions and diffusion tensor imaging findings suggestive of reduced WM integrity. These changes affect complex networks relevant to episodic memory and other cognitive processes, including fiber connections that directly link medial temporal structures and the corpus callosum. Abnormalities in cortico-cortical and cortico-subcortical WM interconnections are associated with an increased risk of progression from MCI to dementia. It can be concluded that WM abnormalities are detectable in early stages of AD and MCI. Degeneration of WM networks causes disconnection among neural cells and the degree of such changes is related to cognitive decline. © 2013 2013 Expert Reviews Ltd.


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Background: The study of myofiber reorganization in the remote zone after myocardial infarction has been performed in 2D. Microstructural reorganization in remodeled hearts, however, can only be fully appreciated by considering myofibers as continuous 3D entities. The aim of this study was therefore to develop a technique for quantitative 3D diffusion CMR tractography of the heart, and to apply this method to quantify fiber architecture in the remote zone of remodeled hearts. Methods: Diffusion Tensor CMR of normal human, sheep, and rat hearts, as well as infarcted sheep hearts was performed ex vivo. Fiber tracts were generated with a fourth-order Runge-Kutta integration technique and classified statistically by the median, mean, maximum, or minimum helix angle (HA) along the tract. An index of tract coherence was derived from the relationship between these HA statistics. Histological validation was performed using phase-contrast microscopy. Results: In normal hearts, the subendocardial and subepicardial myofibers had a positive and negative HA, respectively, forming a symmetric distribution around the midmyocardium. However, in the remote zone of the infarcted hearts, a significant positive shift in HA was observed. The ratio between negative and positive HA variance was reduced from 0.96 +/- 0.16 in normal hearts to 0.22 +/- 0.08 in the remote zone of the remodeled hearts (p<0.05). This was confirmed histologically by the reduction of HA in the subepicardium from -52.03 degrees +/- 2.94 degrees in normal hearts to -37.48 degrees +/- 4.05 degrees in the remote zone of the remodeled hearts (p < 0.05). Conclusions: A significant reorganization of the 3D fiber continuum is observed in the remote zone of remodeled hearts. The positive (rightward) shift in HA in the remote zone is greatest in the subepicardium, but involves all layers of the myocardium. Tractography-based quantification, performed here for the first time in remodeled hearts, may provide a framework for assessing regional changes in the left ventricle following infarction.


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Introduction: Neuroimaging has been widely used in studies to investigate depression in the elderly because it is a noninvasive technique, and it allows the detection of structural and functional brain alterations. Fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD) are neuroimaging indexes of the microstructural integrity of white matter, which are measured using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). The aim of this study was to investigate differences in FA or MD in the entire brain without a previously determined region of interest (ROI) between depressed and non-depressed elderly patients. Method: Brain magnetic resonance imaging scans were obtained from 47 depressed elderly patients, diagnosed according to DSM-IV criteria, and 36 healthy elderly patients as controls. Voxelwise statistical analysis of FA data was performed using tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS). Results: After controlling for age, no significant differences among FA and MD parameters were observed in the depressed elderly patients. No significant correlations were found between cognitive performance and FA or MD parameters. Conclusion: There were no significant differences among FA or MD values between mildly or moderately depressed and non-depressed elderly patients when the brain was analyzed without a previously determined ROI. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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L'epilessia frontale notturna (EFN) è caratterizzata da crisi motorie che insorgono durante il sonno. Scopo del progetto è studiare le cause fisiopatologiche e morfo-funzionali che sottendono ai fenomeni motori nei pazienti con EFN e identificare alterazioni strutturali e/o metaboliche mediante tecniche avanzate di Risonanza Magnetica (RM). Abbiamo raccolto una casistica di pazienti con EFN afferenti al Centro Epilessia e dei Disturbi del Sonno del Dipartimento di Scienze Neurologiche, Università di Bologna. Ad ogni paziente è stato associato un controllo sano di età (± 5 anni) e sesso corrispondente. Tutti sono stati studiati mediante tecniche avanzate di RM comprendenti Spettroscopia del protone (1H-MRS), Tensore di diffusione ed imaging 3D ad alta risoluzione per analisi morfometriche. In particolare, la 1H-MRS è stata effettuata su due volumi di interesse localizzati nei talami e nel giro del cingolo anteriore. Sono stati inclusi nell’analisi finale 19 pazienti (7 M), età media 34 anni (range 19-50) e 14 controlli (6 M) età media 30 anni (range 19-40). A livello del cingolo anteriore il rapporto della concentrazione di N-Acetil-Aspartato rispetto alla Creatina (NAA/Cr) è risultato significativamente ridotto nei pazienti rispetto ai controlli (p=0,021). Relativamente all’analisi di correlazione, l'analisi tramite modelli di regressione multipla ha evidenziato che il rapporto NAA/Cr nel cingolo anteriore nei pazienti correlava con la frequenza delle crisi (p=0,048), essendo minore nei pazienti con crisi plurisettimanali/plurigiornaliere. Per interpretare il dato ottenuto è possibile solo fare delle ipotesi. L’NAA è un marker di integrità, densità e funzionalità neuronale. E’ possibile che alla base della EFN ci siano alterazioni metaboliche tessutali in precise strutture come il giro del cingolo anteriore. Questo apre nuove possibilità sull’utilizzo di strumenti di indagine basati sull’analisi di biosegnali, per caratterizzare aree coinvolte nella genesi della EFN ancora largamente sconosciute e chiarire ulteriormente l’eziologia di questo tipo di epilessia.