979 resultados para teaterstriden 1916


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Estudiar el ??mbito de la Psicolog??a Social aplicada en Barcelona entre los a??os 1916-1936. Museo social. Secretariado de aprendizaje. Instituto de Orientaci??n. Laboratorio psico-pedag??gico del Colegio de San Ignacio de Sarri?? (Barcelona). Laboratorio de Psicolog??a experimental de la Mancomunidad catalana. Laboratorio de la Junta Provincial de la Protecci??n de Menores. Realiza una exhaustiva revisi??n de los diferentes centros y ??mbitos donde se empezaba a hacer Psicolog??a aplicada en Barcelona, desde sus inicios hasta 1936 -a??o en el que ya estaba relativamente arraigada-. Realiza un an??lisis hist??rico y bibliogr??fico sobre el tema y los ??mbitos de aplicaci??n relacionados.


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La clase dirigente argentina se propone 'educar al soberano' a finales del siglo XIX y comienzos del XX con el objetivo de transformar y modernizar de la sociedad. Se comienza en 1870 con la preparación del magisterio, el cuerpo de profesionales que, formados en las escuelas normales para llevar las nuevas aportaciones en materia educativa a las escuelas primarias provinciales y particulares. El segundo gran paso dado es en la Ley 1420 de educación común, obligatoria y laica de 1884. A partir de ahí, el Estado argentino deja su impronta en la educación de los ciudadanos hasta que, en 1915, se impulsa una reforma educativa que acorta la extensión de la obligatoriedad en la enseñanza primaria.. A partir de las fuentes y de la metodología empleada, se plantea como hipótesis de este trabajo, que la educación es considerada por la elite argentina desde 1870 a 1916 como el instrumento más eficaz para formar una nueva sociedad, amparados en un discurso democrático que garantiza una 'escuela abierta para todos los niños del país'. Se piensa en la posibilidad de poder civilizar a todos los sujetos si se concurre a la educación en igualdad de condiciones.. En esta investigación se realiza una aproximación a esta cuestión desde tres apartados centrales, la consideración de la educación como una cuestión de Estado, la conformación de ese Estado docente y, finalmente, la función del Estado educador..


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Este artículo pertenece al Monográfico: La Ciencia a las puertas del Tercer Milenio (I)


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The teleological narrative that has dominated the handling of intelligence by the British state in the events that led up to the 1916 Irish Rebellion in Dublin has been characterised as a cocktail of incompetence and mendacity. Using new and existing archive material this article argues that both the cabinet in London and key members of the Irish Executive in Dublin were supplied with accurate and timely intelligence by the Admiralty's signals intelligence unit, the Royal Irish Constabulary and the Dublin Metropolitan Police with respect to this event. Far from being a failure of intelligence here is evidence to show that there occurred a failure of response on behalf of key decision-makers. The warnings that were given by intelligence organisations were filtered through the existing policy preferences and assumptions. As a result of these factors accurate evaluations and sound judgement were not exercised by key officials, such as Sir Matthew Nathan, in Dublin Castle.


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This article examines men’s responses to the 1916 ‘Call to Arms’ appeal, in which Australia’s federal government questioned military-aged male citizens on their willingness to enlist voluntarily in the armed forces for service at the front. It argues that the appeal illuminated men’s difficult negotiation of choice, in which they weighed their personal sense of obligation to the state at war, to their families, and to themselves. It shows how men not only confronted their decision, but measured their responsibilities against others’, producing a subjective order of sacrifice that paralysed recruiting. In the absence of conscription, that private decision-making was critical to the nature of Australia’s commitment to the war, as men assessed and re-assessed the limits of obligation for themselves.


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This article explores how three Victorian country newspapers shaped and reinforced the collective memory of Anzac Day in its first decade, from 1916 to 1925. It draws on a sample of 300 articles, and looks to scholarship on journalism and memory to generate understandings of these newspapers' important role as co-creators and protectors of Anzac Day commemoration. The sample provides evidence that Anzac Day coverage was thematically consistent from the start. The analysis highlights journalists' roles as patriotic cheerleaders for a new, national identity; as collaborators with other social institutions in establishing the commemoration tradition; and as boundary riders, who patrolled less than acceptable Anzac Day behaviour. This role is most striking when communities failed to mark Anzac Day in the early days, as this article reveals.


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The Winthrop yearbook was published from 1898 to 2002. It has been known as the Tatler since its inception except for 1904 (Lang Syne) and 1918 (Tatler a la Guerre). No yearbook was published in 1900, 1902, 1903, 1905,1906.


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A disciplina da função social da propriedade e o seu tratamento no âmbito do Direito Civil constituem o tema central deste trabalho. O estudo do tema proposto parte do exame do que denominamos pressupostos teóricos da função social da propriedade, onde situamos a origem da noção função social avançando para o exame de suas diversas manifestações, tendo por base os diplomas legais vigentes e os diferentes contextos jurídicos examinados, o que remete à especial consideração do CC/1916, da CF/88 e do CC/2002. Tal perspectiva exige, ainda, ainda uma abordagem dos fenômenos jurídicos que são subjacentes a esses instrumentos legais. Estabelecida a base teórica, prossegue-se com a verificação de sua aplicação prática, o que se revela na análise da contribuição da doutrina para a compreensão da regra do art. 1.228, § 1.º, CC/2002, bem como mediante uma exegese particular dessa norma e, ainda, no exame da contribuição da jurisprudência, o que abrange a interpretação das diferentes concepções da função social da propriedade recolhidas nas decisões dos Tribunais locais. De tudo resulta a tentativa de precisar as diferentes expressões da função social da propriedade como elemento de harmonização dos interesses sociais e individuais direcionado à concretização da justiça social.


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It is a case study that reports the construction of metal truss bridge in the river Potengi in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, between the years 1912 and 1916. From testimonials on steel bridges in Brazil and worldwide including foundations. Documentary research from procurement of projects and contracts was performed. A chronology of construction, with a description of the equipment used and its original budget with the Brazilian government. Still, we used interviews and surveys with experimental sampling / testimonies, laboratory tests. This study aims to analyze historically and technically the Bridge over the River Potengi, emphasizing primarily the construction process, the qualities and characteristics of the materials used and the technological, chemical, mineralogical and microstructural properties of cement and concrete used in its construction. Taking as conclusions that cements pozolônicos ensured a good durability to the concrete in a hundred-year period and that the solution employed with the compressed air caissons was right