943 resultados para target language


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En los últimos años se ha revalorizado la combinación del estudio de una lengua y la enseñanza de temas vinculados con la cultura, la sociedad, la historia. Desde diferentes ángulos, se ha sostenido que una lengua no puede ser concebida en abstracto, en sus formalidades ajenas a cualquier referencia externa, contextual, situacional o cultural. En ese marco, la incorporación de aspectos que involucran una mirada desde las Ciencias Sociales en la enseñanza de una lengua, parece ser cada vez más relevante. Analizaremos en esta ponencia las experiencias producidas por alumnos de la Universidad de Leiden (Holanda) en su estadía de estudios en Argentina en 2012, 2013 y 2015, las cuales permiten indagar en las particularidades de los conocimientos y representaciones acerca del país y reflejan la importancia del acercamiento a la dinámica cultural, social e histórica de la comunidad hablante de la lengua-objetivo. En la práctica de la enseñanza de una lengua extranjera se juega también el posible encuentro e interacción entre dos culturas, la interculturalidad. Esta se basa en la necesidad de comprender lo diferente de cada cultura y asumir la posibilidad de la convivencia democrática en tanto el "otro" representa una alteridad no asimilable, ni unificable, sino inmersa en su propia condición histórica como sujeto de enunciación


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Esta tesis doctoral se inscribe dentro de la Traductología, interdisciplina que estudia tanto los procesos implicados en el complejo fenómeno de la traducción como los productos discursivos en la lengua hacia la cual se traduce. Su objetivo general consiste en contribuir a la investigación sobre el macroproceso de traducción en el par de lenguas francés/español, y en especial sobre la producción discursiva puesto que la literatura especializada coincide en destacar que ésta es la fase menos conocida [Lederer, 2005, 126; Toury, 2004, 244, 245]. Nuestro trabajo explora la producción discursiva, limitándola a traducciones absolutas [Gouadec, 1989: 21-30] de textos pragmáticos [Delisle, 1984: 22], cuya función esencial es el pasaje integral de la información. Dentro de dos corpora del campo de la Bioética constituidos por textos originales en francés y sus traducciones al castellano, hemos considerado como hipótesis general que los productos discursivos resultantes de la traducción absoluta de textos pragmáticos francés/castellano, presentan transferencias sintáctico-discursivas gobernadas por el universal de interferencia. Es decir que el planteo rector es que la memoria lingüístico-discursiva en la fase de reexpresión está atravesada por el mecanismo de interferencia. Las hipótesis específicas que se desgranan de la principal indican que la producción discursiva resultante de la traducción de textos pragmáticos francés/castellano exhibe enunciados elípticos anómalos gobernados por el universal de interferencia del discurso de partida [francés] o del sistema de la lengua materna del traductor [castellano]. Nuestra investigación parte entonces de la lectura del texto traducido [TT] y lo compara con el texto original [TO]; esta comparación es parcial puesto que indaga sobre las anomalías de producción; es indirecta pues observa la relación cohesión-coherencia-sentido en el discurso de llegada a través de las anomalías, especialmente de los enunciados elípticos; por último, analiza las anomalías dentro de la teoría de la interferencia y de la teoría de la elipsis [Toury, 2004: 121-124]. Sobre estas bases, hemos generado un instrumento que estudia los binomios textuales seleccionados según las siguientes aproximaciones: la sintaxis de la lengua meta [tipo de elipsis, elemento elidido, construcción de la elipsis, recuperabilidad]; la sintaxis del discurso meta [cohesión-coherencia], la comparación del binomio TT-TO [análisis de la producción del segmento problema en TO; el análisis de la producción del segmento solución en TT; posible extensión de las consecuencias de la anomalía microestructural; verificación del principio traducir toda la información]; los mecanismos de producción [elevación de la frecuencia de uso de recursos o elementos; control lingüístico de la lengua-cultura meta; control lingüístico-discursivo]; el resultado [visibilidad de interferencia; fenómeno sintáctico visible; alcance discursivo; producción palimpséstica; entropía informativa]. La elaboración de este andamiaje analítico aplicado a nuestros corpora nos ha permitido avanzar en el conocimiento de los mecanismos que participan en la producción discursiva en traducción y creemos que puede aplicarse, con las modificaciones de cada caso, para la descripción y quizás explicación de otros factores lingüístico-discursivos presentes en los textos traducidos


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We present an undergraduate course on concurrent programming where formal models are used in different stages of the learning process. The main practical difference with other approaches lies in the fact that the ability to develop correct concurrent software relies on a systematic transformation of formal models of inter-process interaction (so called shared resources), rather than on the specific constructs of some programming language. Using a resource-centric rather than a language-centric approach has some benefits for both teachers and students. Besides the obvious advantage of being independent of the programming language, the models help in the early validation of concurrent software design, provide students and teachers with a lingua franca that greatly simplifies communication at the classroom and during supervision, and help in the automatic generation of tests for the practical assignments. This method has been in use, with slight variations, for some 15 years, surviving changes in the programming language and course length. In this article, we describe the components and structure of the current incarnation of the course?which uses Java as target language?and some tools used to support our method. We provide a detailed description of the different outcomes that the model-driven approach delivers (validation of the initial design, automatic generation of tests, and mechanical generation of code) from a teaching perspective. A critical discussion on the perceived advantages and risks of our approach follows, including some proposals on how these risks can be minimized. We include a statistical analysis to show that our method has a positive impact in the student ability to understand concurrency and to generate correct code.


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This paper provides an overview of an ongoing research project work: “A Polytechnical Bilingual Dictionary of Metaphors: Spanish-English/English-Spanish” done by the UPM consolidated research group “DISCYT” (Estudios Cognitivos del Discurso Científico-Técnico). A detailed explanation of the method adopted to identify key metaphors collected from the different subject areas is included. Drawing from recognized empirical methods (Pragglejaz 2007, Cameron 2007, Steen 2007), the examples have been examined according to the main tenets of conceptual metaphor and conceptual integration theory (Deignan 2005, Gibbs 2008, Lakoff 1993, Lakoff & Johnson 1999, Steen 2007, Fauconnier & Turner 2008). This forthcoming dictionary comprises metaphors of over 10 scientific and technical areas such as Aeronautical engineering, Agronomy, Architecture, Biotechnology, Civil engineering, Geology and Mining, Mechanical engineering, Nanotechnology, Naval and Maritime engineering, Sports and Telecommunications. In this paper, we focus on the study of examples taken from civil engineering, materials engineering and naval engineering. Representative cases are analyzed from several points of view (multimodal metaphor, linguistic information strategies and translation into target language) highlighting cross linguistic variations between Spanish and English.


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This project assesses translating and subtitling humor in Italian and Spanish language films subtitled into English. Humor in film is problematic to translate when subtitling: visual humor may need no assistance to be delivered to a target audience, but verbal humor requires thorough analysis to be constructed effectively in the target language. To keep humor alive in target language translations, translators must understand the structure and function of humor. This project researches humor theory, translation and subtitling. It analyzes humor function through humor theory and applies this knowledge to translating audiovisual mediums. An understanding of joke structure and humor function can serve as a guide for translators to recognize, devise and evaluate equivalent translations of humor in film.


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This paper presents the automatic extension to other languages of TERSEO, a knowledge-based system for the recognition and normalization of temporal expressions originally developed for Spanish. TERSEO was first extended to English through the automatic translation of the temporal expressions. Then, an improved porting process was applied to Italian, where the automatic translation of the temporal expressions from English and from Spanish was combined with the extraction of new expressions from an Italian annotated corpus. Experimental results demonstrate how, while still adhering to the rule-based paradigm, the development of automatic rule translation procedures allowed us to minimize the effort required for porting to new languages. Relying on such procedures, and without any manual effort or previous knowledge of the target language, TERSEO recognizes and normalizes temporal expressions in Italian with good results (72% precision and 83% recall for recognition).


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En este trabajo presentamos unos resultados preliminares obtenidos mediante la aplicación de una nueva técnica de construcción de grafos semánticos a la tarea de desambiguación del sentido de las palabras en un entorno multilingüe. Gracias al uso de esta técnica no supervisada, inducimos los sentidos asociados a las traducciones de la palabra ambigua considerada en la lengua destino. Utilizamos las traducciones de las palabras del contexto de la palabra ambigua en la lengua origen para seleccionar el sentido más probable de la traducción. El sistema ha sido evaluado sobre la colección de datos de una tarea de desambiguación multilingüe que se propuso en la competición SemEval-2010, consiguiendo superar los resultados de todos los sistemas no supervisados que participaron en aquella tarea.


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La mayor parte de los cuestionarios de salud se han desarrollado en inglés para su uso en países de lengua inglesa. De este modo, en el proceso de traducción y adaptación de instrumentos de salud a otros países se deben considerar no solo la lengua a la que se traduce, sino también la cultura y la población implicadas. Al acometer esta tarea, hemos de tener en cuenta que no podemos efectuar una simple traducción literal, sino que debemos realizar una completa adaptación cultural. Esta adaptación pondrá de relieve las diferencias entre el cuestionario original y la versión traducida.


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Following decades of feminist linguistic activism, and as a result of a greater awareness of the vital role that non-sexist language plays in achieving social equality, different campaigns were launched in many countries leading to a more frequent use of so-called inclusive language. Bringing this together with current theoretical approaches to translation studies which have been defining translation as an ideological act of intercultural mediation since the 1990s, this article seeks to examine to what extent feminist linguistics have had any influence on translation studies. My purpose is to assess whether particular feminist linguistic interventions in vogue when writing ‘original’ texts within the realm of the source language are also adopted when (re)writing ‘translated’ texts in the target language, bearing in mind the double (con)textual responsibility that translators have towards the source and the target (con)texts. I will examine the arguments for and against the use of inclusive language in (literary) translation through an analysis of the ‘ideological struggle’ that emerged from two ideologically disparate rewritings of gender markers into Galician of the British bestseller The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, by Mark Haddon (2003), focusing on the ideological, poetic and economic pressures that (still) define the professional practice of translation. It is my contention that the close scrutiny of these conflicting arguments will shed light not only on the existing gap between the theory and practice of translation, but may be also indicative of a possible ‘missing link’ between feminist approaches to linguistics and to translation studies.


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This paper presents a novel intonation modelling approach and demonstrates its applicability using the Standard Yorùbá language. Our approach is motivated by the theory that abstract and realised forms of intonation and other dimensions of prosody should be modelled within a modular and unified framework. In our model, this framework is implemented using the Relational Tree (R-Tree) technique. The R-Tree is a sophisticated data structure for representing a multi-dimensional waveform in the form of a tree. Our R-Tree for an utterance is generated in two steps. First, the abstract structure of the waveform, called the Skeletal Tree (S-Tree), is generated using tone phonological rules for the target language. Second, the numerical values of the perceptually significant peaks and valleys on the S-Tree are computed using a fuzzy logic based model. The resulting points are then joined by applying interpolation techniques. The actual intonation contour is synthesised by Pitch Synchronous Overlap Technique (PSOLA) using the Praat software. We performed both quantitative and qualitative evaluations of our model. The preliminary results suggest that, although the model does not predict the numerical speech data as accurately as contemporary data-driven approaches, it produces synthetic speech with comparable intelligibility and naturalness. Furthermore, our model is easy to implement, interpret and adapt to other tone languages.


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Word Sense Disambiguation, the process of identifying the meaning of a word in a sentence when the word has multiple meanings, is a critical problem of machine translation. It is generally very difficult to select the correct meaning of a word in a sentence, especially when the syntactical difference between the source and target language is big, e.g., English-Korean machine translation. To achieve a high level of accuracy of noun sense selection in machine translation, we introduced a statistical method based on co-occurrence relation of words in sentences and applied it to the English-Korean machine translator RyongNamSan. ACM Computing Classification System (1998): I.2.7.


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In this paper, I discuss some of the ideas raised by Renandya and Farrell (ELT Journal 65/1) related to extensive listening (EL) and the teaching of listening strategies. Function of extensive listening :The concept of EL emanated from extensive reading, an approach that aims to improve a variety of reading skills through exposure to materials that approximately match proficiency level. According to Renandya and Farrell (2011: 56), ‘like reading, listening is best learnt through listening’. These authors support EL as the answer to the issue of how to teach listening in L2 classrooms. Complementary role : EL can play a supportive role in L2 listening pedagogy. Through exposure to extensive and various listening texts, learners gain opportunities to practise and refine their listening processes, recognize linguistic and lexical features, and increase cultural knowledge related to the target language. The value of EL in this practice-oriented capacity cannot be overstated. It is difficult, however, to accept EL as the main component of L2 listening pedagogy, as Renandya and Farrell suggest. With listening materials readily available online (see Renandya and Farrell’s useful list of websites, p. 58) and on CDs, there is no shortage of practice material. EL provides the practice, but a question we should ask is: ‘What exactly are learners practising?’ Extensive listening dilemmas: For EL to be the predominant element in L2 listening pedagogy, several matters may need to be resolved.


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The official documents that guide the teaching and learning process of a Foreign Language in Brazil, Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais de Língua Estrangeira, suggest a linguistic and intercultural communication as the main objective of teaching a foreign language inorderto contribute withareflexive formation of the students.Toachieve this goal, a Virtual Interchange was realized connecting distant places like Córdoba, in Argentina, and Natal in Brazil, between High School students through Moodle platform and Facebook. The Interchange is based in the Intercomprehension in Romance Languages(IC) guidelines, inthiscase between Portuguese and Spanish, according to which every student speaks their own language and makes an effort to comprehend the others througha collaborative process thatgo es beyond the limits of mere linguistic objectives and favors the students’ reality acceptance before the diversity. This qualitative study with thno graphic characteristic stries to know whe ther differentiate projects can increase students’ interest to learn the target language. It was also set as an aim of this study to develop the intercultural competence of our students and foster the respect for different cultures. In the case of Argentinian and Brazilian students, wetried to promote reflection about social representation trying to destroy stereotypes between both groups. As methodological resources, we used interviews, questionnaires and intercomprehension activities during the Project, as well as a participant observation of the interactions betweenthe students of both countries.Webe lieve tobe contributing towards the integral formation ofth student asacriticalcitizenthatthinksa bouttheir posture before the world, which is one of the formal education aims according to Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais. Our theoretical foundation is based on Intercomprehension in Romance Languages (IC) as a plurilingualism didactics, (JAMET AND SPIŢĂ 2010; ARAÚJO AND SÁ et al., 2003; CAPUCHO, 2010; ANDRADE etal.,2003), some the oriesaboutinter culturalisman didentity(Vallespir, 1999;DUARTE&SANCHES,2004; REVUZ,1998;SILVA,2000;CHAUÍ2006; SERRANI-INFANTE 1998), motivation and second language learning (DECI & RYAN, 1985; DÖRNYEI AND OTTÓ, 1998; DÖRNYEI, 2000, 2001; 2011) and Significant Learning Theory (AUSUBEL, 1968). The results show an increase of students’ motivation when in contact with the target language through dynamic activities in an IC context. Moreover, we noticed that a deeper thinking aboutthe Argentinian culture helped to deconstruct previous cultural representation.


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A partir del trabajo interdisciplinario en el análisis de las traducciones rioplatenses de las obras de Simone de Beauvoir -en especial Le deuxième sexe- abordamos el problema de la incidencia de los contextos, tanto en la traducción como en la recepción teórico-conceptual, tangible como marcas de época, particularmente en torno a la enunciación de identidades generizadas. Nos referimos, en particular al término "invertida", ya sea en su traducción literal, en relación con la obra en francés, como las transformaciones que se suscitan en la lengua meta. Asimismo, reconocemos la relevancia categorial que cobran algunas de estas fluctuaciones lexicales en el horizonte de la recepción del pensamiento beauvoiriano, especialmente al tener en cuenta las producciones locales de las traductoras-escritoras. En el marco de las investigaciones en Traductología y Filosofía, nuestro trabajo indaga la vinculación entre ideología, lengua y traducción, desde el punto de vista de género


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A partir del trabajo interdisciplinario en el análisis de las traducciones rioplatenses de las obras de Simone de Beauvoir -en especial Le deuxième sexe- abordamos el problema de la incidencia de los contextos, tanto en la traducción como en la recepción teórico-conceptual, tangible como marcas de época, particularmente en torno a la enunciación de identidades generizadas. Nos referimos, en particular al término "invertida", ya sea en su traducción literal, en relación con la obra en francés, como las transformaciones que se suscitan en la lengua meta. Asimismo, reconocemos la relevancia categorial que cobran algunas de estas fluctuaciones lexicales en el horizonte de la recepción del pensamiento beauvoiriano, especialmente al tener en cuenta las producciones locales de las traductoras-escritoras. En el marco de las investigaciones en Traductología y Filosofía, nuestro trabajo indaga la vinculación entre ideología, lengua y traducción, desde el punto de vista de género