212 resultados para tannin
Sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) is a condensed tannin (CT)-containing legume and has anthelmintic potential against gastrointestinal nematodes of ruminants. This study investigated in vitro effects of acetone/water extracts and derived CT fractions from different types of sainfoin (i.e. accessions) against larvae of Cooperia oncophora and Ostertagia ostertagi by applying the larval feeding inhibition assay (LFIA). Seven sainfoin accessions were extracted and tested with L1 larvae at 10 and 40 μg extract/ml. In addition, CT in extracts from 4 accessions were fractionated according to polymer size and tested by LFIA at two concentrations (2 and 10 μg CT fraction/ml). All sainfoin extracts caused significant inhibition of L1-feeding of both C. oncophora and O. ostertagi with varying intensity compared to the control (phosphate buffered saline). For both nematode species the in vitro effect was positively correlated with CT content in the extracts, but not with any of the structural CT parameters. In contrast, the 16 CT fractions revealed significant correlations between in vitro effect and CT content, polymer size (mean degree of polymerisation, mDP) and monomeric composition (prodelphinidin percentage, % PD). These differences between crude extracts and purified fractions may stem from the fact that extracts contain complex CT mixtures, which may mask and thus suppress CT structural effects. This study provides the first indication that, apart from CT and % PD content, polymer size also contributes to anthelmintic activity of CTs. The results, therefore, suggest that the inter-accession variability in CT content and composition needs to be taken into account in future plant breeding programmes which seek to enhance the anthelmintic properties of sainfoin
Abstract BACKGROUND: To maximise the potential benefits to ruminants from sainfoin, plant breeding should focus on developing varieties with predictable condensed tannin (CT) profiles. Little is known about whether and to what extent accession and environment influence sainfoin CT structures. We sought to investigate the likely extent of accession and environment effects on CT characteristics of sainfoin. Four single-flowering (Communis) accessions and two multiple-flowering (Bifera) accessions, grown at three sites and collected at two harvest times were used. Sainfoin CTs were characterised by thiolytic degradation and by high-performance liquid chromatography-gel permeation chromatography (HPLC-GPC). Also, CT concentration measured earlier by the HCl-butanol method was compared with that from thiolysis. RESULTS: Thiolysis revealed that accession and harvest influenced most CT structural attributes. Bifera CTs eluted as single peaks (Mp < 6220 Da) in HPLC-GPC across the two harvests and two sites, whereas Communis generated two to three CT peaks, which included a peak (Mp ≤ 9066 Da) in the second harvest. A discrepancy was observed in CT concentrations measured by the two methods. CONCLUSION: CTs from Bifera accessions had more stable and predictable characteristics across harvests and sites and this could be of interest when breeding sainfoin. © 2013 Society of Chemical Industry.
Ascaris suum is one of the most prevalent nematode parasites in pigs and causes significant economic losses, and also serves as a good model for A. lumbricoides, the large roundworm of humans that is ubiquitous in developing countries and causes malnutrition, stunted growth and compromises immunity to other pathogens. New treatment options for Ascaris infections are urgently needed, to reduce reliance on the limited number of synthetic anthelmintic drugs. In areas where Ascaris infections are common, ethno-pharmacological practices such as treatment with natural plant extracts are still widely employed. However, scientific validation of these practices and identification of the active compounds are lacking, although observed effects are often ascribed to plant secondary metabolites such as tannins. Here, we extracted, purified and characterised a wide range of condensed tannins from diverse plant sources and investigated anthelmintic effects against A. suum in vitro. We show that condensed tannins can have potent, direct anthelmintic effects against A. suum, as evidenced by reduced migratory ability of newly hatched third-stage larvae and reduced motility and survival of fourth-stage larvae recovered from pigs. Transmission electron microscopy showed that CT caused significant damage to the cuticle and digestive tissues of the larvae. Furthermore, we provide evidence that the strength of the anthelmintic effect is related to the polymer size of the tannin molecule. Moreover, the identity of the monomeric structural units of tannin polymers may also have an influence as gallocatechin and epigallocatechin monomers exerted significant anthelmintic activity whereas catechin and epicatechin monomers did not. Therefore, our results clearly document direct anthelmintic effects of condensed tannins against Ascaris and encourage further in vivo investigation to determine optimal strategies for the use of these plant compounds for the prevention and/or treatment of ascariosis.
The genetics of the stipule spot pigmentation (SSP) in faba bean (Vicia faba L.) was studied using four inbred lines, of which Disco/2 was zero-tannin (zt2) with colourless stipule spots, ILB938/2 was normal-tannin (ZT2) with colourless stipule spots, and both Aurora/2 and Mélodie/2 were ZT2 with coloured stipule spots. Crosses Mélodie/2 × ILB 938/2, Mélodie/2 × Disco/2, ILB 938/2 × Aurora/2 and ILB 938/2 × Disco/2 (A, B, C and D, respectively) were prepared, along with reciprocals and backcrosses, and advanced through single-seed descent. All F1 hybrid plants had pigmented stipule spots, and in the F2 generation, the segregation ratio fit 3 coloured:1 colourless in crosses A, B and C and 9:7 in cross D. In the F3 generation, the ratio fit 5:3 in crosses A and C and 25:39 in cross D, and in the F4 generation, 9:7 in cross A. SSP was linked to the zero-tannin characteristics (white flower) only in cross B. The results show that coloured stipule spot is dominant to colourless and that colouration is determined by two unlinked complementary recessive genes. We propose the symbols ssp2 for the gene associated with zt2 in Disco/2 and ssp1 for the gene not associated with tannin content in ILB938/2. The novel ssp1 locus was mapped at F5 in cross ‘A’ using Medicago truncatula-derived single-nucleotide polymorphism and was on chromosome 1 of faba bean, in a well-conserved region of M. truncatula chromosome 5 containing some candidate Myb and basic helix–loop–helix transcription factor genes.
High prevalence of anthelmintic-resistant gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) in goats has increased pressure to find effective, alternative non-synthetic control methods, one of which is adding forage of the high condensed tannin (CT) legume sericea lespedeza (SL; Lespedeza cuneata) to the animal's diet. Previous work has demonstrated good efficacy of dried SL (hay, pellets) against small ruminant GIN, but information is lacking on consumption of fresh SL, particularly during the late summer–autumn period in the southern USA when perennial warm-season grass pastures are often low in quality. A study was designed to determine the effects of autumn (September–November) consumption of fresh SL forage, grass pasture (predominantly bermudagrass, BG; Cynodon dactylon), or a combination of SL + BG forage by young goats [intact male Spanish kids, 9 months old (20.7 ± 1.1 kg), n = 10/treatment group] on their GIN infection status. Three forage paddocks (0.40 ha) were set up at the Fort Valley State University Agricultural Research Station (Fort Valley, GA) for an 8-week trial. The goats in each paddock were supplemented with a commercial feed pellet at 0.45 kg/head/d for the first 4 weeks of the trial, and 0.27 kg/head/d for the final 4 weeks. Forage samples taken at the start of the trial were analyzed for crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and acid detergent fiber (ADF) content, and a separate set of SL samples was analyzed for CT in leaves, stems, and whole plant using the benzyl mercaptan thiolysis method. Animal weights were taken at the start and end of the trial, and fecal and blood samples were collected weekly for determination of fecal egg counts (FEC) and packed cell volume (PCV), respectively. Adult GIN was recovered from the abomasum and small intestines of all goats at the end of the experiment for counting and speciation. The CP levels were highest for SL forage, intermediate for SL + BG, and lowest for BG forage samples, while NDF and ADF values were the opposite, with highest levels in BG and lowest in SL forage samples. Sericea lespedeza leaves had more CT than stems (16.0 g vs. 3.3 g/100 g dry weight), a slightly higher percentage of PDs (98% vs. 94%, respectively) and polymers of larger mean degrees of polymerization (42 vs. 18, respectively). There were no differences in average daily gain or blood PCV between the treatment groups, but SL goats had lower FEC (P < 0.05) than the BG or SL + BG forage goats throughout most of the trial. The SL + BG goats had lower FEC than the BG forage animals by the end of the trial (week 8, P < 0.05). The SL goats had lower numbers (P < 0.05) of male Haemonchus contortus and tended to have fewer female (P < 0.10) and total (P < 0.07) H. contortus compared with the BG goats. The predominant GIN in all the goats was Trichostrongylus colubriformis (73% of total GIN). As a low-input forage with activity against pathogenic GIN (H. contortus), SL has a potential to reduce producers’ dependence upon synthetic anthelmintics and also to fill the autumn ‘window’ in good-quality fresh forages for goat grazing in the southern USA.
Binding to bovine serum albumin of monomeric (vescalagin and pedunculagin) and dimeric ellagitannins (roburin A, oenothein B, and gemin A) was investigated by isothermal titration calorimetry and fluorescence spectroscopy, which indicated two types of binding sites. Stronger and more specific sites exhibited affinity constants, K1, of 104–106 M–1 and stoichiometries, n1, of 2–13 and dominated at low tannin concentrations. Weaker and less-specific binding sites had K2 constants of 103–105 M–1 and stoichiometries, n2, of 16–30 and dominated at higher tannin concentrations. Binding to stronger sites appeared to be dependent on tannin flexibility and the presence of free galloyl groups. Positive entropies for all but gemin A indicated that hydrophobic interactions dominated during complexation. This was supported by an exponential relationship between the affinity, K1, and the modeled hydrophobic accessible surface area and by a linear relationship between K1 and the Stern–Volmer quenching constant, KSV.
The precipitation of bovine serum albumin (BSA), lysozyme (LYS) and alfalfa leaf protein (ALF) by two large- and two medium-sized condensed tannin (CT) fractions of similar flavan-3-ol subunit composition is described. CT fractions isolated from white clover flowers and big trefoil leaves exhibited high purity profiles by 1D/2D NMR and purities >90% (determined by thiolysis). At pH 6.5, large CTs with a mean degree of polymerization (mDP) of ~18 exhibited similar protein precipitation behaviors and were significantly more effective than medium CTs (mDP ~9). Medium CTs exhibited similar capacities to precipitate ALF or BSA, but showed small but significant differences in their capacity to precipitate LYS. All CTs precipitated ALF more effectively than BSA or LYS. Aggregation of CT-protein complexes likely aided precipitation of ALF and BSA, but not LYS. This study, one of the first to use CTs of confirmed high purity, demonstrates that mDP of CTs influences protein precipitation efficacy.
Our study investigated the effects of condensed tannins (CT) on rumen in vitro methane (CH4) production and fermentation characteristics by incubating lucerne in buffered rumen fluid in combination with different CT extracts at 0 (control), 40, 80 and 120 g CT/kg of substrate DM. Condensed tannins were extracted from four sainfoin accessions: Rees ‘A’, CPI63763, Cotswold Common and CPI63767. Gas production (GP) was measured using a fully automated GP apparatus with CH4 measured at distinct time points. Condensed tannins differed substantially in terms of polymer size and varied from 13 (Rees ‘A’) to 73 (CPI63767) mean degree of polymerization, but had relatively similar characteristics in terms of CT content, procyanidin: prodelphinidin (PC: PD) and cis:trans ratios. Compared to control, addition of CT from CPI63767 and CPI63763 at 80 and 120 g CT/kg of substrate DM reduced CH4 by 43% and 65%, and by 23% and 57%, respectively, after 24-h incubation. Similarly, CT from Rees ‘A’ and Cotswold Common reduced CH4 by 26% and 46%, and by 28% and 46% respectively. Addition of increasing level of CT linearly reduced the maximum rates of GP and CH4 production, and the estimated in vitro organic matter digestibility. There was a negative linear and quadratic (p < 0.01) relation between CT concentration and total volatile fatty acid (VFA) production. Inclusion of 80 and 120 g CT/kg of substrate DM reduced (p < 0.001) branched-chain VFA production and acetate: propionate ratio and was lowest for CPI63767. A decrease in proteolytic activity as indirectly shown by a change in VFA composition favouring a shift towards propionate and reduction in branched-chain VFA production varied with type of CT and was highest for CPI63767. In conclusion, these results suggest that tannin polymer size is an important factor affecting in vitro CH4 production which may be linked to the CT interaction with dietary substrate or microbial cells.
This study investigated the separate and combined anthelmintic (AH) effects of different phenolic compounds, including condensed tannins and flavonoids, all of which are known to occur in willow leaves, a potentially valuable dry season feed. A range of contrasting model tannins, which span the whole range of willow tannins, were isolated from tilia flowers, goat willow leaves, black currant leaves and red currant leaves. All together, the tested compounds represented the major tannin types (procyanidins and prodelphinidins) and flavonoid types (flavonols, flavones and flavanones). The larval exsheathment inhibition assay (LEIA) was used to assess their in vitro effects on Haemonchus contortus third stage larvae. Arbutin, vanillic acid, and taxifolin proved to be ineffective whereas naringenin, quercetin and luteolin were highly effective at 250 μM concentrations. Procyanidin (PC) tannins tended to be less active than prodelphinidin tannins (PD). Experiments with combinations of tannins and quercetin or luteolin revealed for the first time the existence of synergistic AH effects between tannins and flavonoid monomers. They also provided evidence that synergistic effects appear to occur at slightly lower concentrations of PC than PD. This suggests that the AH activity of condensed tannins can be significantly enhanced by the addition of quercetin or luteolin. This information may prove useful for plant breeding or selection and for designing optimal feed mixtures.
The stabilization of alumina suspensions is key to the development of high-performance materials for the ceramic industry, which has motivated extensive research into synthetic polymers used as stabilizers. In this study, mimosa tannin extract and a chitosan derivative, that is, macromolecules obtained from renewable resources, are shown to be promising to replace synthetic polymers, yielding less viscous suspensions with smaller particles and greater fluidity, that is, more homogeneous suspensions that may lead to better-quality products. The functional groups of tannin present in mimosa extract and N,N,N-trimethylchitosan (TMC) are capable of establishing interactions with the alumina surface, thus leading to repulsion between the particles mainly due to steric and electrosteric mechanisms, respectively. The stabilization of the suspension induced by either TMC or mimosa tannin was confirmed by a considerable decrease in viscosity and average particle size, in comparison with alumina suspensions without stabilizing agents. The viscosity/average particle size decreased by 49/84% and 52/87% for suspensions with TMC and mimosa tannin, respectively. In addition, the increase in the absolute zeta potential upon addition of either TMC or mimosa tannin extract, especially at high pHs, points to an increased stability of the suspension. The feasibility of using derivatives of macromolecules from renewable sources to stabilize aqueous alumina suspensions was therefore demonstrated. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 117: 58-66, 2010
The increasing in the consumption of plant medicine by parts of the population generated a bigger need for studies. Drug substitutions, changes and adulterations at the production techniques are common places at plant-originated drugs trade, leading governmental departments of drug control round the world to adopt many analytical practices to medicinal plants. However, agronomic and technological issues cause characteristics and chemical composition variation at the drug, problem to be solved by the subject researchers. The present work aims to obtain a spray dried extract from a extractive solution obtained from Psidium guajava L. leaves based in book references that stress the intermediate dosage forms advantages. It also tries to validate useful methodologies for the quality control for both raw material and its derivates. Using eight sets of the spray dried extract (with Eudragit®, Aerosil ® e Avicel PH101 ® as drying adjuvants), the study proposes analytical methods using techniques commonly performed to plant medicines and its intermediate forms. As results, a viable spray-dried extract was obtained from a standartized extract solution. Among the studied adjuvants, the combination Aerosil ® with Eudragit ® showed the drying outcome, rheology, humidity and tannin content values that best fitted the demands of the Brazilian Pharmacopaea
Com objetivo de determinar o consumo e a digestibilidade in vivo, bem como a composição química de dietas com níveis crescentes (0, 50 e 100%) de feno de catingueira (FC), utilizaram-se 15 ovinos Morada Nova, durante um período de 22 dias. Foi usado delineamento inteiramente casualizado com três tratamentos e cinco repetições. O FC apresentou 91,5% de matéria seca (MS), 93,89% de matéria orgânica (MO), 11,25% de proteína (PB), 4,31% de extrato etéreo (EE), 45,47% de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), 37,08% de fibra em detergente ácido (FDA), 8,39% de hemicelulose (HE), 24,37% de celulose (CE), 12,52% de lignina e 6,30% de tanino condensado. Os consumos de MO e MS, em g/dia, g/kg0,75 e %PV; energia bruta (EB), em kcal/kg/dia e kcal/kg0,75; e dos componentes da parede celular foram reduzidos linearmente pelo aumento de FC na dieta. Os consumos de PB, proteína digestível (PD) e EE aumentaram linearmente com o aumento do FC na dieta. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade da MS, MO, PB e EB das dietas não foram afetados pela inclusão do FC. No entanto, observou-se redução linear para os coeficientes de digestibilidade da FDN, FDA, CE e EE e efeito quadrático para o coeficiente de digestibilidade da HE. Os consumos médios de MS e PB verificados nos níveis intermediários de FC atenderam as exigências de mantença dos animais.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Avaliaram-se o crescimento da população, a atividade in vitro da enzima 1,4-b-endoglucanase e a taxa de digestão de celulose em culturas de Ruminococcus flavefaciens FD1 na presença de 50, 100, 200 e 400µg/ml de taninos purificado das leguminosas Mimosa hostilis (Jurema Preta), Mimosa caesalpinifolia (Sabiá) e Bauhinia cheilantha (Mororó). O crescimento bacteriano, a atividade da endoglucanase e a digestão de celulose foram fortemente inibidos pela presença dos taninos condensados purificados das três espécies, entretanto, a intensidade da inibição foi variável em função da espécie da leguminosa e da concentração de tanino.
In this work a solar drying system for food dehydration was developed. It is a direct exposition drying apparatus that uses solar energy to heat the circulating air. First, the construction and assembly of this apparatus was described, in which was used scrap wraps of used tires for thermal insulation, allowing the reuse of solid waste, being an ecologically correct recycling option. After, the results obtained in experiments for cashew drying showed the thermal and economical feasibility of the proposed solar drying system, focusing on the process of flour production and in its chemical characterization. It was also demonstrated the social importance of this production for socially excluded people, since the value added to this fruit, in relation to its in nature form, may represent an option for job and income generation. The main features of the proposed dryer are its low cost and its easy fabrication and assembly process. After cashew drying, the obtained product was processed into flour by using a knife mill and it was added crushed rapadura to reduce the rancid taste caused by tannin