985 resultados para swd: Rapid Prototyping


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This study used the specific example of 3D printing with acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) as a means to investigate the potential usefulness of benchtop rapid prototyping as a technique for producing patient specific phantoms for radiotherapy dosimetry. Three small cylinders and one model of a human lung were produced via in-house 3D printing with ABS, using 90%, 50%, 30% and 10% ABS infill densities. These phantom samples were evaluated in terms of their geometric accuracy, tissue equivalence and radiation hardness, when irradiated using a range of clinical radiotherapy beams. The measured dimensions of the small cylindrical phantoms all matched their planned dimensions, within 1mm. The lung phantom was less accurately matched to the lung geometry on which it was based, due to simplifications introduced during the phantom design process. The mass densities, electron densities and linear attenuation coefficients identified using CT data, as well as the results of film measurements made using megavoltage photon and electron beams, indicated that phantoms printed with ABS, using infill densities of 30% or more, are potentially useful as lung- and tissue-equivalent phantoms for patient-specific radiotherapy dosimetry. All cylindrical 3D printed phantom samples were found to be unaffected by prolonged radiation and to accurately match their design specifications. However, care should be taken to avoid oversimplifying anatomical structures when printing more complex phantoms.


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Purpose We sought to analyse clinical and oncological outcomes of patients after guided resection of periacetabular tumours and endoprosthetic reconstruction of the remaining defect. Methods From 1988 to 2008, we treated 56 consecutive patients (mean age 52.5 years, 41.1 % women). Patients were followed up either until death or February 2011 (mean follow up 5.5 years, range 0.1–22.5, standard deviation ± 5.3). Kaplan–Meier analysis was used to estimate survival rates. Results Disease-specific survival was 59.9 % at five years and 49.7 % at ten and 20 years, respectively. Wide resection margins were achieved in 38 patients, whereas 11 patients underwent marginal and seven intralesional resection. Survival was significantly better in patients with wide or marginal resection than in patients with intralesional resection (p = 0.022). Survival for patients with secondary tumours was significantly worse than for patients with primary tumours (p = 0.003). In 29 patients (51.8 %), at least one reoperation was necessary, resulting in a revision-free survival of 50.5 % at five years, 41.1 % at ten years and 30.6 % at 20 years. Implant survival was 77.0 % at five years, 68.6 % at ten years and 51.8 % at 20 years. A total of 35 patients (62.5 %) experienced one or more complications after surgery. Ten of 56 patients (17.9 %) experienced local recurrence after a mean of 8.9 months. The mean postoperative Musculoskeletal Tumor Society (MSTS) score was 18.1 (60.1 %). Conclusion The surgical approach assessed in this study simplifies the process of tumour resection and prosthesis implantation and leads to acceptable clinical and oncological outcomes.


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MATLAB is an array language, initially popular for rapid prototyping, but is now being increasingly used to develop production code for numerical and scientific applications. Typical MATLAB programs have abundant data parallelism. These programs also have control flow dominated scalar regions that have an impact on the program's execution time. Today's computer systems have tremendous computing power in the form of traditional CPU cores and throughput oriented accelerators such as graphics processing units(GPUs). Thus, an approach that maps the control flow dominated regions to the CPU and the data parallel regions to the GPU can significantly improve program performance. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of MEGHA, a compiler that automatically compiles MATLAB programs to enable synergistic execution on heterogeneous processors. Our solution is fully automated and does not require programmer input for identifying data parallel regions. We propose a set of compiler optimizations tailored for MATLAB. Our compiler identifies data parallel regions of the program and composes them into kernels. The problem of combining statements into kernels is formulated as a constrained graph clustering problem. Heuristics are presented to map identified kernels to either the CPU or GPU so that kernel execution on the CPU and the GPU happens synergistically and the amount of data transfer needed is minimized. In order to ensure required data movement for dependencies across basic blocks, we propose a data flow analysis and edge splitting strategy. Thus our compiler automatically handles composition of kernels, mapping of kernels to CPU and GPU, scheduling and insertion of required data transfer. The proposed compiler was implemented and experimental evaluation using a set of MATLAB benchmarks shows that our approach achieves a geometric mean speedup of 19.8X for data parallel benchmarks over native execution of MATLAB.


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Interpenetrating polymer networks (IPNs) of trimethylol propane triacrylate (TMPTA) and 1,6-hexane diol diacrylate (HDDA) at different weight ratios were synthesized. Temperature modulated differential scanning calorimetry (TMDSC) was used to determine whether the formation resulted in a copolymer or interpenetrating polymer network (IPN). These polymers are used as binders for microstereolithography (MSL) based ceramic microfabrication. The kinetics of thermal degradation of these polymers are important to optimize the debinding process for fabricating 3D shaped ceramic objects by MSL based rapid prototyping technique. Therefore, thermal and thermo-oxidative degradation of these IPNs have been studied by dynamic and isothermal thermogravimetry (TGA). Non-isothermal model-free kinetic methods have been adopted (isoconversional differential and KAS) to calculate the apparent activation energy (E a) as a function of conversion (α) in N 2 and air. The degradation of these polymers in N 2 atmosphere occurs via two mechanisms. Chain end scission plays a dominant role at lower temperature while the kinetics is governed by random chain scission at higher temperature. Oxidative degradation shows multiple degradation steps having higher activation energy than in N 2. Isothermal degradation was also carried out to predict the reaction model which is found to be decelerating. It was shown that the degradation of PTMPTA follows a contracting sphere reaction model in N 2. However, as the HDDA content increases in the IPNs, the degradation reaction follows Avrami-Erofeev model and diffusion governed mechanisms. The intermediate IPN compositions show both type of mechanism. Based on the above study, debinding strategy for MSL based microfabricated ceramic structure has been proposed. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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MATLAB is an array language, initially popular for rapid prototyping, but is now being increasingly used to develop production code for numerical and scientific applications. Typical MATLAB programs have abundant data parallelism. These programs also have control flow dominated scalar regions that have an impact on the program's execution time. Today's computer systems have tremendous computing power in the form of traditional CPU cores and throughput oriented accelerators such as graphics processing units(GPUs). Thus, an approach that maps the control flow dominated regions to the CPU and the data parallel regions to the GPU can significantly improve program performance. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of MEGHA, a compiler that automatically compiles MATLAB programs to enable synergistic execution on heterogeneous processors. Our solution is fully automated and does not require programmer input for identifying data parallel regions. We propose a set of compiler optimizations tailored for MATLAB. Our compiler identifies data parallel regions of the program and composes them into kernels. The problem of combining statements into kernels is formulated as a constrained graph clustering problem. Heuristics are presented to map identified kernels to either the CPU or GPU so that kernel execution on the CPU and the GPU happens synergistically and the amount of data transfer needed is minimized. In order to ensure required data movement for dependencies across basic blocks, we propose a data flow analysis and edge splitting strategy. Thus our compiler automatically handles composition of kernels, mapping of kernels to CPU and GPU, scheduling and insertion of required data transfer. The proposed compiler was implemented and experimental evaluation using a set of MATLAB benchmarks shows that our approach achieves a geometric mean speedup of 19.8X for data parallel benchmarks over native execution of MATLAB.


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Microstereolithography (MSL) is a rapid prototyping technique to fabricate complex three-dimensional (3D) structure in the microdomain involving different materials such as polymers and ceramics. The present effort is to fabricate microdimensional ceramics by the MSL system from a non-aqueous colloidal slurry of alumina. This slurry predominantly consists of two phases i.e. sub-micrometer solid alumina particles and non-aqueous reactive difunctional and trifunctional acrylates with inert diluent. The first part of the work involves the study of the stability and viscosity of the slurry using different concentrations of trioctyl phosphine oxide (TOPO) as a dispersant. Based on the optimization, the highest achievable solid loadings of alumina has been determined for this particular colloidal suspension. The second part of the study highlights the fabrication of several micro-dimensional alumina structures by the MSL system. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to investigate the possibility to construct tissue-engineered bone repair scaffolds with pore size distributions using rapid prototyping techniques. Design/methodology/approach - The fabrication of porous scaffolds with complex porous architectures represents a major challenge in tissue engineering and the design aspects to mimic complex pore shape as well as spatial distribution of pore sizes of natural hard tissue remain unexplored. In this context, this work aims to evaluate the three-dimensional printing process to study its potential for scaffold fabrication as well as some innovative design of homogeneously porous or gradient porous scaffolds is described and such design has wider implication in the field of bone tissue engineering. Findings - The present work discusses biomedically relevant various design strategies with spatial/radial gradient in pore sizes as well as with different pore sizes and with different pore geometries. Originality/value - One of the important implications of the proposed novel design scheme would be the development of porous bioactive/biodegradable composites with gradient pore size, porosity, composition and with spatially distributed biochemical stimuli so that stem cells loaded into scaffolds would develop into complex tissues such as those at the bone-cartilage interface.


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[EU]Hiru dimentsioko inprimaketa etorkizun handiko teknologia bezala azaltzen zaigu gaur egun. Esate baterako, biomedikuntza arloan aukera berritzaileak ekar ditzake, baina baita hezkuntza, heziketa eta ikerketa munduetan ere. Teknologia berri honen abantailarik nagusiena prototipatze azkarrean datza, eta honi esker, mikro- eta makro- egitura definituak dituzten objektuak diseinatu eta fabrikatu daitezke modu lehiakorrean. Lan honen helburua 3D inprimagailu baten bitartez inprimaturiko polimero biobateragarri eta biodegradagarrietan oinarrituriko ereduen garapen eta fabrikazioan datza. Hala ere, lehenik eta behin, lehengaiak bai fisikoki eta bai termikoki karakterizatu behar dira, ondoren, 3D inprimagailuaren parametroen arteko erlazioa ezarri, eta azkenik, produktu finalaren egitura propietateak eta kalitatea aztertu. Aipaturiko lana aurrera eramateko erabili den materiala polilaktida (PLA) izan da, zeinen erabilera oso zabaldua dagoen medikuntza arloan inplante (torloju, iltze, plaka eta abar) moduan eta ehun ingeniaritzaren munduan.


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Objective: Aerosol delivery holds potential to release surfactant or perfluorocarbon (PFC) to the lungs of neonates with respiratory distress syndrome with minimal airway manipulation. Nevertheless, lung deposition in neonates tends to be very low due to extremely low lung volumes, narrow airways and high respiratory rates. In the present study, the feasibility of enhancing lung deposition by intracorporeal delivery of aerosols was investigated using a physical model of neonatal conducting airways. Methods: The main characteristics of the surfactant and PFC aerosols produced by a nebulization system, including the distal air pressure and air flow rate, liquid flow rate and mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD), were measured at different driving pressures (4-7 bar). Then, a three-dimensional model of the upper conducting airways of a neonate was manufactured by rapid prototyping and a deposition study was conducted. Results: The nebulization system produced relatively large amounts of aerosol ranging between 0.3 +/- 0.0 ml/min for surfactant at a driving pressure of 4 bar, and 2.0 +/- 0.1 ml/min for distilled water (H(2)Od) at 6 bar, with MMADs between 2.61 +/- 0.1 mu m for PFD at 7 bar and 10.18 +/- 0.4 mu m for FC-75 at 6 bar. The deposition study showed that for surfactant and H(2)Od aerosols, the highest percentage of the aerosolized mass (similar to 65%) was collected beyond the third generation of branching in the airway model. The use of this delivery system in combination with continuous positive airway pressure set at 5 cmH(2)O only increased total airway pressure by 1.59 cmH(2)O at the highest driving pressure (7 bar). Conclusion: This aerosol generating system has the potential to deliver relatively large amounts of surfactant and PFC beyond the third generation of branching in a neonatal airway model with minimal alteration of pre-set respiratory support.


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This paper reports work exploring the relationship between solid modelling, mesh generating and flow solving in the general context of design optimisation. In particular, the work is interested in the opportunities derived by tightly integrating these traditionally separate activities together within one piece of software. The near term aim is to ask the question: how might a truly virtual, rapid prototyping design system, with a tactile response like sculpting in clay, be constructed? This paper reports the building blocks supporting that ambition.


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The long term goal of our work is to enable rapid prototyping design optimization to take place on geometries of arbitrary size in a spirit of a real time computer game. In recent papers we have reported the integration of a Level Set based geometry kernel with an octree-based cut-Cartesian mesh generator, RANS flow solver and post-processing all within a single piece of software - and all implemented in parallel with commodity PC clusters as the target. This work has shown that it is possible to eliminate all serial bottlenecks from the CED Process. This paper reports further progress towards our goal; in particular we report on the generation of viscous layer meshes to bridge the body to the flow across the cut-cells. The Level Set formulation, which underpins the geometry representation, is used as a natural mechanism to allow rapid construction of conformal layer meshes. The guiding principle is to construct the mesh which most closely approximates the body but remains solvable. This apparently novel approach is described and examples given.