159 resultados para sutura


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Immediate reutilization of the expanding action in a case of rapid maxillary expansion surgically assisted. The orthopedic rapid maxillary expansion (RME) and rapid maxillary expansion surgically assisted (RMESA) are conducted with the aim of giving an appropriate jaw, capable of providing a normal occlusion. In extreme cases, where there is a severe atresia, it is necessary to perform an expansion beyond that allowed by the expander, followed by another conventional device or a butterfly expander, when the atresia is in the anterior maxillary region. In this situation, there are two options: wait about 90 days to allow intermaxillary suture restructuring and perform a new RME / RMESA or proceed immediately to the expansion process. Considering the biological cost, financial and clinical time, the procedure of reusing the immediate expander action becomes the technique of choice in these cases, been the operational procedure performed simplified and in just four steps. This work will show a case report where, after accomplishing the RMESA was observed that even after changing the shape of the maxillary arch, the severity of atresia could not be corrected, especially in the anterior region, and more expansion was needed. Aiming to correct the atresia in the anterior maxilla, the technique used was to reuse the immediate expander action through the change of an intraoral screw expander for a conventional butterfly type screw expander.


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The maxillary atresia is a alteration in the transverse dimension that can result in a unilateral or bilateral crossbite. For correction of atresia of the upper dental arch appliances with the intent to expand the arch of orthopedic or orthodontic manner are used, obtaining across-compatibility between the dental arches. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the dimensional changes of the maxillary in patients in the mixed dentition with atresia in the upper dental arch, using occlusal radiographs taken before, after rapid maxillary expansion and after removal of the appliance. Methods: the sample consisted of 35 patients who used the appliance type conventional Haas, in the mixed dentition, according to the standard protocol for installation, activation, containment and removal of the appliances rapid maxillary expansion. Results: the results confirm that the suture opening occurs in greater quantities in the anterior (4.3 mm) than posterior to (3.74 mm), representing a triangular opening of 7 degrees on average with the posterior opening 87% of the quantity of anterior opening. The molars region expanded about 5 mm, and the base bone 3.7 mm, representing a 74% bone expansion of the expansion teeth.


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The aim of the present study was to analyze the etiology, type and treatment employed in the orbito-zygomatic fractures (OZ). Also, postoperative complications are described and correlated with the type of treatment used. Fifty patients with OZ fractures were evaluated. Orbital fractures in which the zygomatic bone was not involved were excluded. Epidemiologic data and characteristics of treatment such as the type of material used for osteosynthesis, number of anatomical sites on which rigid internal fixation (RIF) was applied, surgical approaches and associated complications were recorded. The main causes of trauma were motorcycle and bicycle accidents, constituting 52% of the sample. The osteosynthesis system used was the 2.0 mm, except in four patients in whom the 1.5mm system was used for fixation at the infra-orbital rim. A total of 18% of the patients required reconstruction of the internal orbit and in all cases titanium mesh was used. 46% of the patients received RIF in three anatomical sites, most in the fronto-zygomatic suture, infra-orbital rim and zygomatic-maxillary buttress. The most frequent complication was paresthesia of the infra-orbital nerve (34 patients, 68%). Other findings were also discussed with the intent of better understanding the treatment of the OZ fractures.


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Introduction: The study of graft donor sites, whether from the anatomical, physiological or morphological point of view, has become a topic of current interest, due to the increasing number of patients needing facial bone reconstruction for various reasons. Purpose: In view of the need to constantly improve surgical techniques for autogenous bone graft harvesting, still considered the best choice for facial bone reconstruction, this paper describes an anatomical study on dry skulls in order to evaluate the average thickness of the parietal bone. Material and Methods: Measurements of this bone were taken with a goniometer, at four previously defined points, in the region that is often used as a donor site, in 49 dry skulls (98 parietal bones). The results were evaluated using the T test. Results: Thickness was measured at four predetermined points. The mean values (Point A = 4898mm, B = 4517mm, C = 6185mm, D = 4280mm) show that the bone can be even thinner than previously reported in the literature in other studies of the same nature. The largest bone thickness is in the medial and posterior region. Conclusion: A knowledge of these anatomical characteristics is helpful in preventing possible surgical complications, as well as making it safer for the surgeon to remove this graft and providing more information on whether or not to indicate this region as a bone graft donor site.


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The oral rehabilitation with osseointegrated implants is a well-documented treatment with high rate of success. Nevertheless, demands related to treatment time and surgical technique began to appear. In this context, the procedure of immediate loading in which the dental prosthesis is placed right after implant surgery has become a constant practice. Although immediate loading has been an important advance, minimally invasive procedures, such as implant placement without raising a mucoperiosteal flap (flapless) are increasingly being performed. Association of immediate loading with the flapless technique improves acceptance by patients and professionals, because no suturing is required. Moreover, it reduces swelling, bleeding during and after surgery, postoperative pain, surgery time, discomfort and hematoma, as well as the need for postoperative medication. These characteristics ease the stages of rehabilitation soon after implant placement, cooperating with prosthodontist's work. Thus, the proposal of this study is to present a clinical case of oral rehabilitation with osseointegrated implants and fixed prosthesis in both arches, in which the flapless technique was applied, followed by immediate loading. It will discuss the diagnosis, prosthetic planning, surgical/prosthodontic procedures and follow-up for 20 months.


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Objective: This study aimed at evaluating the difficulties reported by last-year dentistry course students regarding basic and surgical periodontal procedures. Methods: A proposed questionnaire with 24 questions, 14 related to basic periodontal procedures and 10 to surgical procedures, was applied to 45 undergraduate students with jobs involving these procedures, during the practical activities of the Integrated Clinic Discipline, a compulsory subject in the curriculum of the course, taught to last-year students. Students were asked about their own perceptions of the difficulties in implementing the various steps related to the treatments. The degree of individual difficulty was determined according to the Likert scale: 0 = none, 1 = mild, 2 = moderate, 3 = high, 4 = very high. Exploratory analysis of data was applied, and the difficulty level was also dichotomized into none to mild (scores 0 and 1) and moderate to very high (scores 2–4). Results: Regarding the basic periodontal treatment, bone level probing was the procedure with the highest number of student difficulties (57.5%). As for the difficulties reported by students regarding the stages of periodontal surgery, only the procedures related to anesthesia and suture removal had no report of doubts. Conclusion: Periodontal surgery was the procedure involving the most prevalent questions reported as moderate to very high, and the indication for the most suitable surgical technique was the stage with the highest percentage of questions (66.6%) among the undergraduates.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the macroscopy and microstructure of a double setting alpha-tricalcium phosphate bone cement sphere provided with interconnection channels (alpha-TCP-i), as well as the integration of the implant with the rabbits' orbital tissue, through macroscopic analysis and histopathology. The external and internal surfaces of the alpha-TCP-i were evaluated macroscopically and by electron microscopy. Twelve New Zealand rabbits received 12mm implants of alpha-TCP-i following enucleation of the left eye. The clinical assessment was undertaken daily during the first 15 days, followed by fortnightly assessment until the end of the study period. For the morphological analysis, exenteration was performed in 3 animals per experimental period (15, 45, 90 and 180 days). The external and internal surfaces of the implant appeared solid, smooth and compact, with six channels which interconnected centrally. The micro-architecture was characterized by the formation of columns of hexagonal crystals. No signs of infection, exposure, dehiscence of sutures or extrusion of the implant were noted in any of the animals during the entire period of the study. The morphological evaluation demonstrated the presence of a thin capsule around the implant, from whence appeared fibro-vascular projections, which penetrated it through the interconnecting channels. In the first days after the insertion of the implant, an intense inflammatory reaction was noted. At 180 days, however, there were no signs of inflammation. The alpha-tricalcium phosphate cement implant was well tolerated in this rabbit model and appeared to be relatively inert with some fibrovascular ingrowth through the large channels.


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Many incisions have been described for approaches to zygomatic fractures. Precise repositioning of zygomatic complex fractures is difficult. The traditional approach is through an eyebrow incision, but it can produce a scar that causes aesthetic and psychological problems for the patient. We describe the supratarsal fold approach to expose the frontozygomatic suture and to reduce small displacements of frontal sinus anterior wall; it gives good access and excellent aesthetic results.


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Fundamentation: The correction of maxillary transverse deficiencies involves orthodontic and surgical procedures that can be performed before or after skeletal maturity. The surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion (SAR ME) is performed by osteotomies through the lateral walls of the maxilla, zygomatic and canines buttresses, palatal and pterygomaxillary sutures, causing the maxillary disjunction. Followed by activation of the expander to the desired over-expansion in order to correct intercuspal later. Objective: The purpose of this study was to discuss the issues involved in the diagnosis of maxillary atresia, SAR ME indications, as well as surgical technique, through a case study. Methods: The male patient, 19 years old, had severe transverse maxillary deficiency with facial pattern III , Class III , with great lip incompetence. The patient underwent general anesthesia in a hospital environment, the osteotomies was done according to the technique described by Epker and Wolford (1980). Postoperatively, the patient underwent activations daily for 15 days and after 6 months, the orthodontist installed fixed orthodontic appliance to prepare the patient to orthognathic surgery later. Conclusion: The diagnosis by clinical evaluation and models study is essential for the indication of SAR ME and this procedure provides good predictability in the correction of transverse deficiency, with minimal morbidity.


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A expansão rápida da maxila cirurgicamente assistida (ERMCA) é realizada por meio de osteotomias nos pilares da maxila e na sutura palatina mediana, promovendo a correção da deficiência transversa da maxila. Técnicas menos invasivas foram descritas, visando à realização desses procedimentos sob anestesia local, eliminando os custos de internação hospitalar e trazendo maior conforto aos pacientes. A proposta deste trabalho foi discutir os aspectos envolvidos na simplificação da técnica da ERMCA sob anestesia local por meio do relato de caso clínico-cirúrgico de paciente com 27 anos de idade. Conclui-se que o diagnóstico por meio da avaliação clínica e dos modelos de estudo é essencial para a indicação da ERMCA e esse procedimento proporciona boa previsibilidade na correção da deficiência transversal, com mínima morbidade. Além disso, a utilização de uma técnica minimamente invasiva é efetiva no tratamento de maxilas atrésicas, com índices de recidiva semelhantes aos das técnicas mais invasivas.


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Facial injuries vary in their clinical characteristics and complexity, deserves an appropriate approach for each case, considering that the failures may result in aesthetic and functional changes that can be harmful both functionally and psychologically. Aspects such as exposure time of the injury, anesthesia, suture materials and tetanus prophylaxis are important factors. The objective is to present a case of extensive facial injuries in an automobile accident patient.


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Calvaria grafts provide good bone quantity for the reconstruction of the atrophic maxilla, and have lower morbidity and resorption rates when compared to iliac crest. The aim of this paper is to present the technique for obtaining a graft of the skull. Initially, the depth of the osteotomy is determined by a manually conducted bur, which establishes the limits of the structures of the skull (outer table, diploe and inner table), making the removal of bone blocks easier and safer. Thus, osteotomies of the blocks are made with greater security, avoiding the complications inherent to surgical technique. The case that will be presented it is from a male patient of 65 years who refused to submit to the iliac crest graft, opting for the calvaria, despite being bald, that is a contraindication for this treatment modality. A delicate suture associated with placement of titanium mesh to maintain the conformation of the patient's skull in the region of the bone defect, created after removal of the graft, provided a good cosmetic result at the donor site. The use of titanium mesh for re-anatomization of bone defects created in the grafts is well indicated for bald patients.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The genus Mycteria (Ciconiidae) is composed of species with controversial phylogenetic hypotheses of relationships. This study sought to describe the cranial osteology of the four species included in the genus Mycteria, comparing with representative species from other genera of the family. The monophyly of Mycteria coud be hypothesized based on the following cranial characters: 1) medial process of the mandible medially oriented and 2) pseudo temporal tubercle developed when compared to other species Ciconiidae. Mycteria ibis and M. leucocephala are sister groups supported by: 1) deep temporal fossa, 2) reduced “T” tubercle and 3) expansion of the caudal fossa coanalis relative to other species of Ciconiidae. Among the species studied, the most basal was M. cinerea and the taxon formed by M. ibis and M. leucocephala is sister group of M. americana, sustained by the presence of total fusion of lacrimal and frontal bones, whereas in remaining species of Ciconiidae the suture between these bones is visible.