962 resultados para surface topography


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The operational lifetime of hip replacement prostheses can be severely limited due to the occurrence of excessive wear at the load-bearing interfaces. The aim of this study was to investigate how the surface topography of articulating counterfaces evolves over the duration of a laboratory wear run. It was observed that modular stainless steel femoral heads wearing against ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) can themselves be subject to wearing. A comparison with retrieved in vivo-aged femoral heads shows many topographical similarities: in a qualitative sense, scratching and pitting are evident on laboratory and in vivo-worn femoral heads; quantitatively, roughness comparisons between the new and worn devices are seen to increase typically by a factor of 4 after laboratory wearing. The observations suggest that a particular wear mode, namely third-body wear, is responsible for the increased roughness. It is conjectured that third bodies might arise through surface fatigue wear on the metal counterface, Wear debris is also observed to have been generated from the polymer surface, creating rounded debris with sizes predominantly in the range 0.4-0.8 microns: dimensions that are comparable to values previously reported for in vivo generated debris.


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Epitaxial BaTiO3 films and epitaxial BaTiO3/SrTiO3 multilayers were grown by pulsed laser deposition on vicinal surfaces of (001)-oriented Nb-doped SrTiO3 (SrTiO3:Nb) single-crystal substrates. Atomic force microscopy was used to investigate the surface topography of the deposited films. The morphology of the films, of the BaTiO3/SrTiO3 interfaces, and of the column boundaries was investigated by cross-sectional high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. Measurements of the dielectric properties were performed by comparing BaTiO3 films and BaTiO3/SrTiO3 multilayers of different numbers of individual layers, but equal overall thickness. The dielectric loss saturates for a thickness above 300 nm and linearly decreases with decreasing film thickness below a thickness of 75 nm. At the same thickness of 75 nm, the thickness dependence of the dielectric constant also exhibits a change in the linear slope both for BaTiO3 films and BaTiO3/SrTiO3 multilayers. This behaviour is explained by the change observed in the grain morphology at a thickness of 75 nm. For the thickness dependence of the dielectric constant, two phenomenological models are considered, viz. a 'series-capacitor' model and a 'dead-layer' model.


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Background Over 20 million people in the US are living with an implantable medical device [ADDIN RW.CITE{{3114 Higgins,DavidM 2009}}1], with similar figures anticipated for Europe. Complications in the use of medical implants include the Foreign Body Response (FBR) characterised by macrophage adherence and fusion, and device-related infection due to bacterial biofilm formationADDIN RW.CITE{{3124 Harding,JacquelineL 2014}}2. Both can have detrimental consequences on the structural and functional integrity of the medical device [ADDIN RW.CITE{{3101 Anderson,JamesM 2008; 3124 Harding,JacquelineL 2014}}2,3], often necessitating removal; a painful and expensive procedure [ADDIN RW.CITE{{3121 Mah,Thien-FahC 2001}}4]. Materials are sought to attenuate both the FBR and device-related infection, leading to medical devices with improved biocompatibility and performance. Objectives The present work involves development of a semi-interpenetrating network (SIPN) hydrogel containing polygalacturonic acid (PGA), a biopolysaccharide similar in structure to hyaluronic acid. We aim to synthesise, characterise and determine the in vitro biocompatibility of the developed SIPN. Results & Discussion We have successfully incorporated PGA into a poly(HEMA) based hydrogel, which shows favourable swelling and wettability. The surface topography appears altered in comparison to the control material, with pronounced micrometer-scale features. In terms of in vitro performance, the SIPN showed increased protein adsorption, and biofilm formation (Staphylococcus epidermidis and Escherichia coli, up to 1 Log CFU/sample greater than control). However the SIPN displayed minimal cytotoxicity towards L929 fibroblasts, and was resistant to the adherence of RAW 264.7 macrophages. Conclusions The PGA incorporated SIPN lacks cytotoxicity and shows reduced macrophage adherence, however the increased biofilm formation highlights a concern regarding possible device related infection in clinical use. Future work will focus on strategies to reduce bacterial adherence, while maintaining biocompatibility.


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Ball rotating micro-abrasion tribometers are commonly used to carry out wear tests on thin hard coatings. In these tests, different kinds of abrasives were used, as alumina (Al2O3), silicon carbide (SiC) or diamond. In each kind of abrasive, several particle sizes can be used. Some studies were developed in order to evaluate the influence of the abrasive particle shape in the micro-abrasion process. Nevertheless, the particle size was not well correlated with the material removed amount and wear mechanisms. In this work, slurry of SiC abrasive in distilled water was used, with three different particles size. Initial surface topography was accessed by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Coating hardness measurements were performed with a micro-hardness tester. In order to evaluate the wear behaviour, a TiAlSiN thin hard film was used. The micro-abrasion tests were carried out with some different durations. The abrasive effect of the SiC particles was observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) both in the films (hard material) as in the substrate (soft material), after coating perforation. Wear grooves and removed material rate were compared and discussed.


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La scoliose idiopathique (SI) est une déformation tridimensionnelle (3D) de la colonne vertébrale et de la cage thoracique à potentiel évolutif pendant la croissance. Cette déformation 3D entraîne des asymétries de la posture. La correction de la posture est un des objectifs du traitement en physiothérapie chez les jeunes atteints d’une SI afin d’éviter la progression de la scoliose, de réduire les déformations morphologiques et leurs impacts sur la qualité de vie. Les outils cliniques actuels ne permettent pas de quantifier globalement les changements de la posture attribuables à la progression de la scoliose ou à l’efficacité des interventions thérapeutiques. L’objectif de cette thèse consiste donc au développement et à la validation d’un nouvel outil clinique permettant l’analyse quantitative de la posture auprès de personnes atteintes d’une SI. Ce projet vise plus spécifiquement à déterminer la fidélité et la validité des indices de posture (IP) de ce nouvel outil clinique et à vérifier leur capacité à détecter des changements entre les positions debout et assise. Suite à une recension de la littérature, 34 IP représentant l’alignement frontal et sagittal des différents segments corporels ont été sélectionnés. L’outil quantitatif clinique d’évaluation de la posture (outil 2D) construit dans ce projet consiste en un logiciel qui permet de calculer les différents IP (mesures angulaires et linéaires). L’interface graphique de cet outil est conviviale et permet de sélectionner interactivement des marqueurs sur les photographies digitales. Afin de vérifier la fidélité et la validité des IP de cet outil, la posture debout de 70 participants âgés entre 10 et 20 ans atteints d'une SI (angle de Cobb: 15º à 60º) a été évaluée à deux occasions par deux physiothérapeutes. Des marqueurs placés sur plusieurs repères anatomiques, ainsi que des points de référence anatomique (yeux, lobes des oreilles, etc.), ont permis de mesurer les IP 2D en utilisant des photographies. Ces mêmes marqueurs et points de référence ont également servi au calcul d’IP 3D obtenus par des reconstructions du tronc avec un système de topographie de surface. Les angles de Cobb frontaux et sagittaux et le déjettement C7-S1 ont été mesurés sur des radiographies. La théorie de la généralisabilité a été utilisée pour déterminer la fidélité et l’erreur standard de la mesure (ESM) des IP de l’outil 2D. Des coefficients de Pearson ont servi à déterminer la validité concomitante des IP du tronc de l’outil 2D avec les IP 3D et les mesures radiographiques correspondantes. Cinquante participants ont été également évalués en position assise « membres inférieurs allongés » pour l’étude comparative de la posture debout et assise. Des tests de t pour échantillons appariés ont été utilisés pour détecter les différences entre les positions debout et assise. Nos résultats indiquent un bon niveau de fidélité pour la majorité des IP de l’outil 2D. La corrélation entre les IP 2D et 3D est bonne pour les épaules, les omoplates, le déjettement C7-S1, les angles de taille, la scoliose thoracique et le bassin. Elle est faible à modérée pour la cyphose thoracique, la lordose lombaire et la scoliose thoraco-lombaire ou lombaire. La corrélation entre les IP 2D et les mesures radiographiques est bonne pour le déjettement C7-S1, la scoliose et la cyphose thoracique. L’outil est suffisamment discriminant pour détecter des différences entre la posture debout et assise pour dix des treize IP. Certaines recommandations spécifiques résultents de ce projet : la hauteur de la caméra devrait être ajustée en fonction de la taille des personnes; la formation des juges est importante pour maximiser la précision de la pose des marqueurs; et des marqueurs montés sur des tiges devraient faciliter l’évaluation des courbures vertébrales sagittales. En conclusion, l’outil développé dans le cadre de cette thèse possède de bonnes propriétés psychométriques et permet une évaluation globale de la posture. Cet outil devrait contribuer à l’amélioration de la pratique clinique en facilitant l’analyse de la posture debout et assise. Cet outil s’avère une alternative clinique pour suivre l’évolution de la scoliose thoracique et diminuer la fréquence des radiographies au cours du suivi de jeunes atteints d’une SI thoracique. Cet outil pourrait aussi être utile pour vérifier l’efficacité des interventions thérapeutiques sur la posture.


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La scoliose idiopathique de l’adolescence (SIA) est une déformation tridimensionnelle complexe du rachis affectant majoritairement les filles. L’atteinte progressive est surtout esthétique avec, notamment, une déformation de la cage thoracique résultante. L’asymétrie mammaire est une préoccupation fréquente chez ces jeunes filles. Se définissant comme une différence de forme, de position ou de volume des seins ou des complexes aréolo-mamelonnaires, l’asymétrie mammaire est courante chez les femmes, mais habituellement mineure et non visible. Il demeure incertain dans la littérature si l’asymétrie mammaire est plus fréquente chez les scoliotiques. De plus, très peu d’études ont évalué la relation entre la scoliose et l’asymétrie mammaire. De façon instinctive, on serait porté à croire que ce ne sont pas les seins qui sont asymétriques, mais plutôt la déformation du thorax en rotation qui donne cette impression. Les seins représentent un des organes les plus difficiles à mesurer étant donné leur grande variabilité. Plusieurs méthodes de mesure ont été décrites. L’imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) est considérée l’outil le plus précis pour définir la glande mammaire et plus particulièrement, sa délimitation sur la cage thoracique. Ce projet consiste à quantifier l’asymétrie mammaire, représentée par une différence de volume entre les deux seins, chez une cohorte de jeunes filles présentant une SIA significative, en utilisant l’IRM comme outil de mesure. Ensuite, une méthode de mesure automatisée, à partir de la topographie surfacique 3D, est proposée. Les résultats obtenus avec cette méthode sont confrontés à ceux de l’IRM. L’influence de la posture sur le volume mammaire est également étudiée à partir de ces deux modalités différentes. Pour réaliser ces objectifs, une cohorte de 30 patientes scoliotiques a été recrutée sur la base de leur courbure thoracique et de leur maturité osseuse et mammaire. Deux imageries de tronc ont été effectuées : la topographie surfacique 3D et la résonance magnétique. Dans un premier temps, la sommation des images segmentées acquises par IRM nous a permis de mesurer de façon très précise le volume mammaire. Notre cohorte présente une asymétrie mammaire moyenne statistiquement significative de 8.32%. 66.6% des patientes présentent une asymétrie ≥ 5%. Par ailleurs, le sein gauche est plus volumineux chez 65.5% des patientes. Une faible corrélation non-significative existe entre les volumes mammaires et l’angle de Cobb ainsi que la gibbosité thoracique. Par la suite, une méthode de mesure automatisée, développée à partir de l’environnement mathématique Matlab, est appliquée directement sur les reconstructions 3D. En bref, elle consiste à identifier les contours des seins pour les exciser afin d’exposer la cage thoracique puis, à soustraire le thorax complet du thorax sans seins pour déterminer les volumes mammaires. Les volumes mammaires acquis par la méthode automatisée sont, de manière attendue, de plus petites tailles que ceux obtenus à l’IRM. Une forte corrélation est établie entre les volumes mammaires obtenus par les deux différentes techniques de mesure. Bien que statistiquement significatives, les asymétries mammaires (r= 0.614, p< .001) ne sont pas aussi fortement corrélées entre elles que les volumes. Le sein droit (r=0.805) présente une corrélation plus élevée que le sein gauche (r=0.747). Finalement, l’influence de la posture est étudiée à partir des maillages 3D de l’IRM (décubitus ventral) et de la topographie surfacique 3D (position debout). D’excellentes corrélations sont confirmées entre les volumes mammaires ; r= 0.896 et r= 0.939, respectivement pour les volumes mammaires gauches et droits. Ce projet a permis de démontrer, pour la première fois, qu’il est possible de calculer le volume mammaire de façon objective et précise avec l’IRM, chez une cohorte scoliotique. Grâce à la précision des repères anatomiques, l’IRM nous a permis de revisiter une croyance populaire dans la communauté de la scoliose. Celle soutenant que l’asymétrie mammaire ressentie par les patientes n’est qu’une perception. Ces nouvelles données nous permettrons de conseiller les jeunes filles avec la SIA, concernant leurs préoccupations sur l’asymétrie de leurs seins. Nous avons confirmé que la méthode de mesure automatisée est réalisable cliniquement et pourrait être utilisée pour prédire les volumes obtenus à l’IRM. Par ailleurs, c’est le premier outil de mesure de volumétrie mammaire complètement automatisé à notre connaissance. Les volumes mammaires obtenus debout et en décubitus ventral sont comparables.


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A method for the construction of a patient-specific model of a scoliotic torso for surgical planning via inter- patient registration is presented. Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI) of a generic model are registered to surface topography (TP) and X-ray data of a test patient. A partial model is first obtained via thin-plate spline registration between TP and X-ray data of the test patient. The MRIs from the generic model are then fit into the test patient using articulated model registration between the vertebrae of the generic model’s MRIs in prone position and the test patient’s X-rays in standing position. A non-rigid deformation of the soft tissues is performed using a modified thin-plate spline constrained to maintain bone rigidity and to fit in the space between the vertebrae and the surface of the torso. Results show average Dice values of 0.975 ± 0.012 between the MRIs following inter-patient registration and the surface topography of the test patient, which is comparable to the average value of 0.976 ± 0.009 previously obtained following intra-patient registration. The results also show a significant improvement compared to rigid inter-patient registration. Future work includes validating the method on a larger cohort of patients and incorporating soft tissue stiffness constraints. The method developed can be used to obtain a geometric model of a patient including bone structures, soft tissues and the surface of the torso which can be incorporated in a surgical simulator in order to better predict the outcome of scoliosis surgery, even if MRI data cannot be acquired for the patient.


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Background This paper presents a method that registers MRIs acquired in prone position, with surface topography (TP) and X-ray reconstructions acquired in standing position, in order to obtain a 3D representation of a human torso incorporating the external surface, bone structures, and soft tissues. Methods TP and X-ray data are registered using landmarks. Bone structures are used to register each MRI slice using an articulated model, and the soft tissue is confined to the volume delimited by the trunk and bone surfaces using a constrained thin-plate spline. Results The method is tested on 3 pre-surgical patients with scoliosis and shows a significant improvement, qualitatively and using the Dice similarity coefficient, in fitting the MRI into the standing patient model when compared to rigid and articulated model registration. The determinant of the Jacobian of the registration deformation shows higher variations in the deformation in areas closer to the surface of the torso. Conclusions The novel, resulting 3D full torso model can provide a more complete representation of patient geometry to be incorporated in surgical simulators under development that aim at predicting the effect of scoliosis surgery on the external appearance of the patient’s torso.


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This paper provides an overview of work done in recent years by our research group to fuse multimodal images of the trunk of patients with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) treated at Sainte-Justine University Hospital Center (CHU). We first describe our surface acquisition system and introduce a set of clinical measurements (indices) based on the trunk's external shape, to quantify its degree of asymmetry. We then describe our 3D reconstruction system of the spine and rib cage from biplanar radiographs and present our methodology for multimodal fusion of MRI, X-ray and external surface images of the trunk We finally present a physical model of the human trunk including bone and soft tissue for the simulation of the surgical outcome on the external trunk shape in AIS.


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The value of the lateral bending test is important in the assessment of spinal curve mobility and prediction of surgical outcome in the treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). However, radiographic bending tests are unable to assess the reducibility of trunk asymmetry. This study aims to exploit surface topography measurement in order to evaluate the changes in shape of the trunk (a) between bending and neutral standing positions, and (b) between standing pre- and post-operative visits, in a cohort of adolescents with AIS having undergone surgical correction; and to correlate the differences measured in cases (a) and (b). Our cohort includes 13 patients with right thoracic AIS. Each patient had their 3D trunk surface digitized with a multi-head InSpeck system in standing posture (at the pre-op and post-op visits) and in maximum voluntary right and left bending (at the pre-op visit). We developed a novel trunk shape analysis method which produces a set of inclined trunk cross-sections allowing comparison between different postures. Two asymmetry indices, trunk rotation (TR) and back surface rotation (BSR), were computed in all cases and a statistical analysis was performed. Our correlation study (Pearson test) showed fair correlations in most cases between the changes in side-bending and those post-surgery, with the strongest relationship (p-value < 0.01) when combining the TR measurements from both bendings. These results provide evidence that the bending test can be used to assess trunk asymmetry reducibility. The proposed approach could provide a non-invasive trunk asymmetry reducibility test for routine clinical use in AIS surgery planning.


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STUDY DESIGN: Concurrent validity between postural indices obtained from digital photographs (two-dimensional [2D]), surface topography imaging (three-dimensional [3D]), and radiographs. OBJECTIVE: To assess the validity of a quantitative clinical postural assessment tool of the trunk based on photographs (2D) as compared to a surface topography system (3D) as well as indices calculated from radiographs. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: To monitor progression of scoliosis or change in posture over time in young persons with idiopathic scoliosis (IS), noninvasive and nonionizing methods are recommended. In a clinical setting, posture can be quite easily assessed by calculating key postural indices from photographs. METHODS: Quantitative postural indices of 70 subjects aged 10 to 20 years old with IS (Cobb angle, 15 degrees -60 degrees) were measured from photographs and from 3D trunk surface images taken in the standing position. Shoulder, scapula, trunk list, pelvis, scoliosis, and waist angles indices were calculated with specially designed software. Frontal and sagittal Cobb angles and trunk list were also calculated on radiographs. The Pearson correlation coefficients (r) was used to estimate concurrent validity of the 2D clinical postural tool of the trunk with indices extracted from the 3D system and with those obtained from radiographs. RESULTS: The correlation between 2D and 3D indices was good to excellent for shoulder, pelvis, trunk list, and thoracic scoliosis (0.81>r<0.97; P<0.01) but fair to moderate for thoracic kyphosis, lumbar lordosis, and thoracolumbar or lumbar scoliosis (0.30>r<0.56; P<0.05). The correlation between 2D and radiograph spinal indices was fair to good (-0.33 to -0.80 with Cobb angles and 0.76 for trunk list; P<0.05). CONCLUSION: This tool will facilitate clinical practice by monitoring trunk posture among persons with IS. Further, it may contribute to a reduction in the use of radiographs to monitor scoliosis progression.


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Among the external manifestations of scoliosis, the rib hump, which is associated with the ribs' deformities and rotations, constitutes the most disturbing aspect of the scoliotic deformity for patients. A personalized 3-D model of the rib cage is important for a better evaluation of the deformity, and hence, a better treatment planning. A novel method for the 3-D reconstruction of the rib cage, based only on two standard radiographs, is proposed in this paper. For each rib, two points are extrapolated from the reconstructed spine, and three points are reconstructed by stereo radiography. The reconstruction is then refined using a surface approximation. The method was evaluated using clinical data of 13 patients with scoliosis. A comparison was conducted between the reconstructions obtained with the proposed method and those obtained by using a previous reconstruction method based on two frontal radiographs. A first comparison criterion was the distances between the reconstructed ribs and the surface topography of the trunk, considered as the reference modality. The correlation between ribs axial rotation and back surface rotation was also evaluated. The proposed method successfully reconstructed the ribs of the 6th-12th thoracic levels. The evaluation results showed that the 3-D configuration of the new rib reconstructions is more consistent with the surface topography and provides more accurate measurements of ribs axial rotation.


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En los últimos años, no se ha podido precisar con exactitud la cantidad de personas que se encuentran sometidas a problemas de origen muscular, debido a factores como el trabajo, la violencia, la cultura y otras circunstancias que terminan en desórdenes crónicos reflejados en su actitud postural y más grave aún, dolores incapacitantes que llevan a ausentismo laboral y social. Es por esto, que el propósito del siguiente trabajo de grado es identificar los cambios obtenidos a nivel de flexibilidad y actitud postural con la aplicación del Método Pilates durante quince sesiones, con el fin de analizar los resultados obtenidos en una muestra especifica.


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Two ongoing projects at ESSC that involve the development of new techniques for extracting information from airborne LiDAR data and combining this information with environmental models will be discussed. The first project in conjunction with Bristol University is aiming to improve 2-D river flood flow models by using remote sensing to provide distributed data for model calibration and validation. Airborne LiDAR can provide such models with a dense and accurate floodplain topography together with vegetation heights for parameterisation of model friction. The vegetation height data can be used to specify a friction factor at each node of a model’s finite element mesh. A LiDAR range image segmenter has been developed which converts a LiDAR image into separate raster maps of surface topography and vegetation height for use in the model. Satellite and airborne SAR data have been used to measure flood extent remotely in order to validate the modelled flood extent. Methods have also been developed for improving the models by decomposing the model’s finite element mesh to reflect floodplain features such as hedges and trees having different frictional properties to their surroundings. Originally developed for rural floodplains, the segmenter is currently being extended to provide DEMs and friction parameter maps for urban floods, by fusing the LiDAR data with digital map data. The second project is concerned with the extraction of tidal channel networks from LiDAR. These networks are important features of the inter-tidal zone, and play a key role in tidal propagation and in the evolution of salt-marshes and tidal flats. The study of their morphology is currently an active area of research, and a number of theories related to networks have been developed which require validation using dense and extensive observations of network forms and cross-sections. The conventional method of measuring networks is cumbersome and subjective, involving manual digitisation of aerial photographs in conjunction with field measurement of channel depths and widths for selected parts of the network. A semi-automatic technique has been developed to extract networks from LiDAR data of the inter-tidal zone. A multi-level knowledge-based approach has been implemented, whereby low level algorithms first extract channel fragments based mainly on image properties then a high level processing stage improves the network using domain knowledge. The approach adopted at low level uses multi-scale edge detection to detect channel edges, then associates adjacent anti-parallel edges together to form channels. The higher level processing includes a channel repair mechanism.


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The sternal end of the clavicle has been illustrated to be useful in aging young adults, however, no studies have investigated what age-related changes occur to the sternal end post epiphyseal fusion. In this study, three morphological features (i.e., surface topography, porosity, and osteophyte formation) were examined and scored using 564 clavicles of individuals of European ancestry (n = 318 males; n = 246 females), with known ages of 40+ years, from four documented skeletal collections: Hamann-Todd, Pretoria, St. Bride's, and Coimbra. An ordinal scoring method was developed for each of the three traits. Surface topography showed the strongest correlation with age, and composite scores (formed by summing the three separate trait scores) indicated progressive degeneration of the surface with increasing chronological age. Linear regression analyses were performed on the trait scores to produce pooled-sample age estimation equations. Blind tests of the composite score method and regression formulae on 56 individuals, aged 40+ years, from Christ Church Spitalfields, suggest accuracies of 96.4% for both methods. These preliminary results display the first evidence of the utility of the sternal end of the clavicle in aging older adult individuals. However, in the current format, these criteria should only be applied to individuals already identified as over 40 years in order to refine the age ranges used for advanced age. These findings do suggest the sternal end of the clavicle has potential to aid age estimates beyond the traditional "mature adult" age category (i.e., 46+ years), and provides several suggestions for future research.