955 resultados para strength and function


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A second DNA binding protein from stationary-phase cells of Mycobacterium smegmatis (MsDps2) has been identified from the bacterial genome. It was cloned, expressed and characterised and its crystal structure was determined. The core dodecameric structure of MsDps2 is the same as that of the Dps from the organism described earlier (MsDps1). However, MsDps2 possesses a long N-terminal tail instead of the C-terminal tail in MsDps1. This tail appears to be involved in DNA binding. It is also intimately involved in stabilizing the dodecamer. Partly on account of this factor, MsDps2 assembles straightway into the dodecamer, while MsDps1 does so on incubation after going through an intermediate trimeric stage. The ferroxidation centre is similar in the two proteins, while the pores leading to it exhibit some difference. The mode of sequestration of DNA in the crystalline array of molecules, as evidenced by the crystal structures, appears to be different in MsDps1 and MsDps2, highlighting the variability in the mode of Dps–DNA complexation. A sequence search led to the identification of 300 Dps molecules in bacteria with known genome sequences. Fifty bacteria contain two or more types of Dps molecules each, while 195 contain only one type. Some bacteria, notably some pathogenic ones, do not contain Dps. A sequence signature for Dps could also be derived from the analysis.


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A novel method for functional lung imaging was introduced by adapting the K-edge subtraction method (KES) to in vivo studies of small animals. In this method two synchrotron radiation energies, which bracket the K-edge of the contrast agent, are used for simultaneous recording of absorption-contrast images. Stable xenon gas is used as the contrast agent, and imaging is performed in projection or computed tomography (CT) mode. Subtraction of the two images yields the distribution of xenon, while removing practically all features due to other structures, and the xenon density can be calculated quantitatively. Because the images are recorded simultaneously, there are no movement artifacts in the subtraction image. Time resolution for a series of CT images is one image/s, which allows functional studies. Voxel size is 0.1mm3, which is an order better than in traditional lung imaging methods. KES imaging technique was used in studies of ventilation distribution and the effects of histamine-induced airway narrowing in healthy, mechanically ventilated, and anaesthetized rabbits. First, the effect of tidal volume on ventilation was studied, and the results show that an increase in tidal volume without an increase in minute ventilation results a proportional increase in regional ventilation. Second, spiral CT was used to quantify the airspace volumes in lungs in normal conditions and after histamine aerosol inhalation, and the results showed large patchy filling defects in peripheral lungs following histamine provocation. Third, the kinetics of proximal and distal airway response to histamine aerosol were examined, and the findings show that the distal airways react immediately to histamine and start to recover, while the reaction and the recovery in proximal airways is slower. Fourth, the fractal dimensions of lungs was studied, and it was found that the fractal dimension is higher at the apical part of the lungs compared to the basal part, indicating structural differences between apical and basal lung level. These results provide new insights to lung function and the effects of drug challenge studies. Nowadays the technique is available at synchrotron radiation facilities, but the compact synchrotron radiation sources are being developed, and in relatively near future the method may be used at hospitals.


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A simple model is developed to represent the strength and deformational characteristics of concrete when subjected to a rate of strain or rate of stress or creep or relaxation testing under uniaxial compression.


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Actin stress fibers are dynamic structures in the cytoskeleton, which respond to mechanical stimuli and affect cell motility, adhesion and invasion of cancer cells. In nonmuscle cells, stress fibers have been subcategorized to three distinct stress fiber types: dorsal and ventral stress fibers and transverse arcs. These stress fibers are dissimilar in their subcellular localization, connection to substratum as well as in their dynamics and assembly mechanisms. Still uncharacterized is how they differ in their function and molecular composition. Here, I have studied involvement of nonmuscle alpha-actinin-1 and -4 in regulating distinct stress fibers as well as their localization and function in human U2OS osteosarcoma cells. Except for the correlation of upregulation of alpha-actinin-4 in invasive cancer types very little is known about whether these two actinins are redundant or have specific roles. The availability of highly specific alpha-actinin-1 antibody generated in the lab, revealed localization of alpha-actinin-1 along all three categories of stress fibers while alphaactinin-4 was detected at cell edge, distal ends of stress fibers as well as perinuclear regions. Strikingly, by utilizing RNAi-mediated gene silencing of alpha-actinin-1 resulted in specific loss of dorsal stress fibers and relocalization of alpha-actinin-4 to remaining transverse arcs and ventral stress fibers. Unexpectedly, aberrant migration was not detected in cells lacking alpha-actinin-1 even though focal adhesions were significantly smaller and fewer. Whereas, silencing of alpha-actinin-4 noticeably affected overall cell migration. In summary, as part of my master thesis study I have been able to demonstrate distinct localization and functional patterns for both alpha-actinin-1 and -4. I have identified alpha-actinin-1 to be a selective dorsal stress fiber crosslinking protein as well as to be required for focal adhesion maturation, while alpha-actinin-4 was demonstrated to be fundamental for cell migration.


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Transcription factors play a key role in tumor development, in which dysfunction of genes regulating tissue growth and differentiation is a central phenomenon. The GATA family of transcription factors consists of six members that bind to a consensus DNA sequence (A/T)GATA(A/G) in gene promoters and enhancers. The two GATA factors expressed in the adrenal cortex are GATA-4 and GATA-6. In both mice and humans, GATA-4 can be detected only during the fetal period, whereas GATA-6 expression is abundant both throughout development and in the adult. It is already established that GATA factors are important in both normal development and tumorigenesis of several endocrine organs, and expression of GATA-4 and GATA-6 is detected in adrenocortical tumors. The aim of this study was to elucidate the function of these factors in adrenocortical tumor growth. In embryonal development, the adrenocortical cells arise and differentiate from a common pool with gonadal steroidogenic cells, the urogenital ridge. As the adult adrenal cortex undergoes constant renewal, it is hypothesized that undifferentiated adrenocortical progenitor cells reside adjacent to the adrenal capsule and give rise to daughter cells that differentiate and migrate centripetally. A diverse array of hormones controls the differentiation, growth and survival of steroidogenic cells in the adrenal gland and the gonads. Factors such as luteinizing hormone and inhibins, traditionally associated with gonadal steroidogenic cells, can also influence the function of adrenocortical cells in physiological and pathophysiological states. Certain inbred strains of mice develop subcapsular adrenocortical tumors in response to gonadectomy. In this study, we found that these tumors express GATA-4, normally absent from the adult adrenal cortex, while GATA-6 expression is downregulated. Gonadal markers such as luteinizing hormone receptor, anti-Müllerian hormone and P450c17 are also expressed in the neoplastic cells, and the tumors produce gonadal hormones. The tumor cells have lost the expression of melanocortin-2 receptor and the CYP enzymes necessary for the synthesis of corticosterone and aldosterone. By way of xenograft studies utilizing NU/J nude mice, we confirmed that chronic gonadotropin elevation is sufficient to induce adrenocortical tumorigenesis in susceptible inbred strains. Collectively, these studies suggest that subcapsular adrenocortical progenitor cells can, under certain conditions, adopt a gonadal fate. We studied the molecular mechanisms involved in gene regulation in endocrine cells in order to elucidate the role of GATA factors in endocrine tissues. Ovarian granulosa cells express both GATA-4 and GATA-6, and the TGF-β signaling pathway is active in these cells. Inhibin-α is both a target gene for, and an atypical or antagonistic member of the TGF-β growth factor superfamily. In this study, we show that GATA-4 is required for TGF-β-mediated inhibin-α promoter activation in granulosa cells, and that GATA-4 physically interacts with Smad3, a TGF-β downstream protein. Apart from the regulation of steroidogenesis and other events in normal tissues, TGF-β signaling is implicated in tumors of multiple organs, including the adrenal cortex. Another signaling pathway found often to be aberrantly active in adrenocortical tumors is the Wnt pathway. As both of these pathways regulate the expression of inhibin-α, a transcriptional target for GATA-4 and GATA-6, we wanted to investigate whether GATA factors are associated with the components of these signaling cascades in human adrenocortical tumors. We found that the expression of Wnt co-receptors LRP5 and LRP6, Smad3, GATA-6 and SF-1 was diminished in adrenocortical carcinomas with poor outcome. All of these factors drive inhibin-α expression, and their expression in adrenocortical tumors correlated with that of inhibin-α. The results support a tumor suppressor role previously suggested for inhibin-α in the mouse adrenal cortex, and offer putative pathways associated with adrenocortical tumor aggressiveness. Unraveling the role of GATA factors and associated molecules in human and mouse adrenocortical tumors could ultimately contribute to the development of diagnostic tools and future therapies for these diseases.


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The nucleotide sequence of cosmid B1790, carrying the Rif-Str regions of the Mycobacterium leprae chromosome, has been determined. Twelve open reading frames were identified in the 36716bp sequence, representing 40% of the coding capacity. Five ribosomal proteins, two elongation factors and the β and β'subunits of RNA polymerase have been characterized and two novel genes were found. One of these encodes a member of the so-called ABC family of ATP-binding proteins while the other appears to encode an enzyme involved in repairing genomic lesions caused by free radicals. This finding may well be significant as M. leprae, an intracellular pathogen, lives within macrophages.


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Strength and behaviour of cement stabilised rammed earth (CSRE) is a scantily explored area. The present study is focused on the strength and elastic properties of CSRE. Characteristics of CSRE are influenced by soil composition, density of rammed earth, cement and moisture content. The study is focused on examining (a) role of clay content of the soil on strength of CSRE and arriving at optimum clay fraction of the soil mix, (b) influence of moisture content, cement content and density on strength and (c) stress-strain relationships and elastic properties for CSRE. Major conclusions are (a) there is considerable difference between dry and wet compressive strength of CSRE and the wet to dry strength ratio depends upon the clay fraction of soil mix and cement content, (b) optimum clay fraction yielding maximum compressive strength for CSRE is about 16%, (c) strength of CSRE is highly sensitive to density and for a 20% increase in density the strength increases by 300-500% and (d) in dry state the ultimate strain at failure for CSRE is as high as 1.5%, which is unusual for brittle materials.


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Influence of dispersion of uniformly sized mono-functional and bi-functional (''Janus'') particles on ionic conductivity of novel ``soggy sand'' electrolytes and its implications on mechanical strength and lithium-ion battery performance are discussed here.


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The active site lysine residue, K256, involved in Schiffs base linkage with pyridoxal-5'-phosphate (PEP) in sheep liver recombinant serine hydroxymethyltransferase (rSHMT) was changed to glutamine or arginine by site-directed mutagenesis. The purified K256Q and K256R SHMTs had less than 0.1% of catalytic activity with serine and H(4)folate as substrates compared to rSHMT. The mutant enzymes also failed to exhibit the characteristic visible absorbance spectrum (lambda(max) 425 nm) and did not produce the quinonoid intermediate (lambda(max) 495 nm) upon the addition of glycine and H(4)folate. The mutant enzymes were unable to catalyze aldol cleavage of beta-phenylserine and transamination of D-alanine. These results suggested that the mutation of the lysine had resulted in the inability of the enzyme to bind to the cofactor. Therefore, the K256Q SHMT was isolated as a dimer and the K256R SHMT as a mixture of dimers and tetramers which were converted to dimers slowly. On the other hand, rSHMT was stable as a tetramer for several months, further confirming the role of PLP in maintenance of oligomeric structure. The mutant enzymes also failed to exhibit the increased thermal stability upon the addition of serine, normally observed with rSHMT. The enhanced thermal stability has been attributed to a change in conformation of the enzyme from open to closed form leading to reaction specificity. The mutant enzymes were unable to undergo this conformational change probably because of the absence of bound cofactor.


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Design, analysis and technology for the integrity enhancement of damaged or underdesigned structures continues to be an engineering challenge. Bonded composite patch repairs to metallic structures is receiving increased attention in the recent years. It offers various advantages over rivetted doubler, particularly for airframe repairs. This paper presents an experimental investigation of residual strength and fatigue crack-growth life of an edge-cracked aluminium specimen repaired using glass epoxy composite patch. The investigation begins with the evaluation of three different surface treatments from bond strength viewpoint. A simple thumb rule formula is employed to estimate the patch size. Cracked and repaired specimens are tested under static and fatigue loading. The patch appears to restore the original strength of the undamaged specimen and enhance the fatigue crack growth life by an order of magnitude. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Single stranded DNA binding proteins (SSBs) are vital for the survival of organisms. Studies on SSBs from the prototype, Escherichia coli (EcoSSB) and, an important human pathogen, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MtuSSB) had shown that despite significant variations in their quaternary structures, the DNA binding and oligomerization properties of the two are similar. Here, we used the X-ray crystal structure data of the two SSBs to design a series of chimeric proteins (m beta 1, m beta 1'beta 2, m beta 1-beta 5, m beta 1-beta 6 and m beta 4-beta 5) by transplanting beta 1, beta 1'beta 2, beta 1-beta 5, beta 1-beta 6 and beta 4-beta 5 regions, respectively of the N-terminal (DNA binding) domain of MtuSSB for the corresponding sequences in EcoSSB. In addition, m beta 1'beta 2(ESWR) SSB was generated by mutating the MtuSSB specific `PRIY' sequence in the beta 2 strand of m beta 1'beta 2 SSB to EcoSSB specific `ESWR' sequence. Biochemical characterization revealed that except for m beta 1 SSB, all chimeras and a control construct lacking the C-terminal domain (Delta C SSB) bound DNA in modes corresponding to limited and unlimited modes of binding. However, the DNA on MtuSSB may follow a different path than the EcoSSB. Structural probing by protease digestion revealed that unlike other SSBs used, m beta 1 SSB was also hypersensitive to chymotrypsin treatment. Further, to check for their biological activities, we developed a sensitive assay, and observed that m beta 1-beta 6, MtuSSB, m beta 1'beta 2 and m beta 1-beta 5 SSBs complemented E. coli Delta ssb in a dose dependent manner. Complementation by the m beta 1-beta 5 SSB was poor. In contrast, m beta 1'beta 2(ESWR) SSB complemented E. coli as well as EcoSSB. The inefficiently functioning SSBs resulted in an elongated cell/filamentation phenotype of E. coli. Taken together, our observations suggest that specific interactions within the DNA binding domain of the homotetrameric SSBs are crucial for their biological function.