166 resultados para staple


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Tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] is the major cereal crop in the Horn of Africa particularly in Ethiopia where it is staple food for about 50 million people. Its resilience to extreme environmental conditions and high in nutrition makes tef the preferred crop among both farmers and consumers. The efficiency of in vitro regeneration plays significant role in the improvement of crops. We investigated the efficiency of regeneration in 18 tef genotypes (15 landraces and three improved varieties) using three sizes of immature embryos (small, intermediate and large) as an explant. In vitro regeneration was significantly affected by the genotype and the size of the immature embryo used as a donor. Intermediate-size immature embryos which were 101-350 µm long led to the highest percentage of regeneration. Interestingly, the three improved varieties presented very low regeneration efficiencies whereas the landrace Manyi resulted in consistently superior percentage of in vitro regeneration from all three sizes of explants. The findings of this work provide useful insight into the tef germplasm amenable for the regeneration technique which has direct application in techniques such as transformation. It also signifies the importance of using tef landraces instead of improved varieties for in vitro regeneration.


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The 220 abundantly equipped burials from the Late Iron Age cemetery of Münsingen (420 – 240 BC) marked a milestone for Iron Age research. The evident horizontal spread throughout the time of occupancy laid the foundation for the chronology system of the Late Iron Age. Today the skulls of 77 individuals and some postcranial bones are still preserved. The aim was to obtain information about nutrition, social stratification and migration of the individuals from Münsingen. Stable isotope ratios of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur were analysed. The results of 63 individuals show that all consumed C3 plants as staple food with significant differences between males and females in δ13C and δ15N values. The results indicate a gender restriction in access to animal protein. Stable isotope values of one male buried with weapons and meat as grave goods suggest a diet with more animal proteins than the other individuals. It is possible that he was privileged due to high status. Furthermore, the δ34S values indicate minor mobility. Assuming that the subadults represent the local signal of δ34S it is very likely that adults with enriched δ34S could have migrated to Münsingen at some point during their lives. This study presents stable isotope values of one of the most important Late Iron Age burial sites in Central Europe. The presented data provide new insight into diet, migration and social stratification of the population from Münsingen.


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Tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] and finger millet [Eleusine coracana Gaertn] are staple cereal crops in Africa and Asia with several desirable agronomic and nutritional properties. Tef is becoming a life-style crop as it is gluten-free while finger millet has a low glycemic index which makes it an ideal food for diabetic patients. However, both tef and finger millet have extremely low grain yields mainly due to moisture scarcity and susceptibility of the plants to lodging. In this study, the effects of gibberellic acid (GA) inhibitors particularly paclobutrazol (PBZ) on diverse physiological and yield-related parameters were investigated and compared to GA mutants in rice (Oryza sativa L.). The application of PBZ to tef and finger millet significantly reduced the plant height and increased lodging tolerance. Remarkably, PBZ also enhanced the tolerance of both tef and finger millet to moisture deficit. Under moisture scarcity, tef plants treated with PBZ did not exhibit drought-related symptoms and their stomatal conductance was unaltered, leading to higher shoot biomass and grain yield. Semi-dwarf rice mutants altered in GA biosynthesis, were also shown to have improved tolerance to dehydration. The combination of traits (drought tolerance, lodging tolerance and increased yield) that we found in plants with altered GA pathway is of importance to breeders who would otherwise rely on extensive crossing to introgress each trait individually. The key role played by PBZ in the tolerance to both lodging and drought calls for further studies using mutants in the GA biosynthesis pathway in order to obtain candidate lines which can be incorporated into crop-breeding programs to create lodging tolerant and climate-smart crops.


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Two studies were conducted at the ISU Horticulture Station to evaluate potential limitations on yield and atmospheric nitrogen fixation by common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). This legume is a food staple for small landholder farm families worldwide. But it has a limited capacity for nitrogen fixation and often yields only a fraction of its genetic potential. In these studies, we examined the dependence of pod filling on current assimilate supply, as well as the potential to improve nitrogen fixation using an inoculant shown to enhance biological nitrogen fixation under stressful conditions.


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El tomate de cáscara (Physalis ixocarpa Brot.) es un cultivo alimenticio de gran importancia económica en México. Sin embargo, es afectado por diversas plagas y enfermedades tales como los Thrips (Thysanoptera: Frankliniella occidentalis) y el virus de la marchitez manchada del tomate (TSWV) que llegan a causar hasta un 80% de pérdidas. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue modelizar la distribución espacial de huevos de Thrips mediante técnicas geoestadísticas y obtener, en consecuencia, mapas de incidencia por medio del Kriging. Se georreferenciaron 121 puntos de muestreo en cada una de las parcelas comerciales de los municipios de Luvianos, Jocotitlán e Ixtlahuaca, a través del método de transectos en tres etapas fenológicas del cultivo. Se contabilizó el número de huevos de Thrips en cada punto de muestreo. Los resultados mostraron que las poblaciones de huevos deThrips presentan una distribución agregada, identificándose varios centros de conglomeración a través de los mapas obtenidos. Los semivariogramas obtenidos de la distribución espacial se ajustaron principalmente a los modelos gaussianos y esféricos. La distribución de huevos de Thrips se presentó en centros de agregación dentro de las parcelas estudiadas, lo cual permitirá establecer estrategias y medidas de control o mitigación en términos de sitios específicos de infestación de huevos de Thrips.


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Population growth, economic globalization, improving living standards and urbanization are causing important changes in the global food system and modifying the dietary habits in many parts of the world (Molden, 2007; Godfray et al., 2010). The nutritional transition (linked to the development of countries and the increasing wealth of its population) implies a shift away from traditional staple food such as roots and tuber vegetables and a rise in consumption of meat and milk products, refined and processed foods, as well as sugars, oils and fats (Ambler-Edwards et al., 2009). The contemporary food system puts significant pressure on natural resources, especially on land and water, because the growing food demand pushes the agricultural frontier beyond, causing large impacts on ecosystems (Ambler-Edwards et al. 2009: 11-18). Also, the trend towards richer diets in animal proteins and processed food adds further pressure on the environment, since it requires larger amount of water and land to be produced (Allan, 2011; Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2012).


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Farmers in Africa are facing climate change and challenging rural livelihoods while maintaining agricultural systems that are not resilient. By 2050 the mean estimates of production of key staple crops in Africa such as maize, sorghum, millet, groundnut, and cassava are expected to decrease by between 8 and 22 percent (Schlenker and Lobell 2010). In Kenya, although projections of rainfall do not show dramatic decreases, the distribution of impacts is clearly negative for most crops. As increases in temperature will lead to increases in evapotranspiration, a potential increase in rainfall in Kenya may not offset the expected increases in agricultural water needs (Herrero et al. 2010). In order to respond to these present and future challenges, potential mitigation and adaptation options have been developed. However, implementation is not evident. In addition to their benefits in either mitigating or reducing the vulnerability of climate change effects, many of these options do not have economic costs and even provide economic benefits (e.g. savings in the consumption of energy or natural resources). Nevertheless, it is demonstrated that even when there are no biophysical, technological or economic constraints and despite their potential benefits from either the economic or environmental climate change point of view, not all farmers are willing to adopt these measures. This reflects the key role that behavioural barriers can play in the uptake of mitigation and adaptation measures.


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C—H stretching bands, νCH, in the infrared spectrum of single crystals of nominally high purity, of laboratory-grown MgO, and of natural upper mantle olivine, provide an “organic” signature that closely resembles the symmetrical and asymmetrical C—H stretching modes of aliphatic —CH2 units. The νCH bands indicate that H2O and CO2, dissolved in the matrix of these minerals, converted to form H2 and chemically reduced C, which in turn formed C—H entities, probably through segregation into defects such as dislocations. Heating causes the C—H bonds to pyrolyze and the νCH bands to disappear, but annealing at 70°C causes them to reappear within a few days or weeks. Modeling dislocations in MgO suggests that the segregation of C can lead to Cx chains, x = 4, with the terminal C atoms anchored to the MgO matrix by bonding to two O−. Allowing H2 to react with such Cx chains leads to [O2C(CH2)2CO2] or similar precipitates. It is suggested that such Cx—Hy—Oz entities represent protomolecules from which derive the short-chain carboxylic and dicarboxylic and the medium-chain fatty acids that have been solvent-extracted from crushed MgO and olivine single crystals, respectively. Thus, it appears that the hard, dense matrix of igneous minerals represents a medium in which protomolecular units can be assembled. During weathering of rocks, the protomolecular units turn into complex organic molecules. These processes may have provided stereochemically constrained organics to the early Earth that were crucial to the emergence of life.


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Background: Numerous international policy drivers espouse the need to improve healthcare. The application of Improvement Science has the potential to restore the balance of healthcare and transform it to a more person-centred and quality improvement focussed system. However there is currently no accredited Improvement Science education offered routinely to healthcare students. This means that there are a huge number of healthcare professionals who do not have the conceptual or experiential skills to apply Improvement Science in everyday practise. Methods: This article describes how seven European Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) worked together to develop four evidence informed accredited inter-professional Improvement Science modules for under and postgraduate healthcare students. It outlines the way in which a Policy Delphi, a narrative literature review, a review of the competency and capability requirements for healthcare professionals to practise Improvement Science, and a mapping of current Improvement Science education informed the content of the modules. Results: A contemporary consensus definition of Healthcare Improvement Science was developed. The four Improvement Science modules that have been designed are outlined. A framework to evaluate the impact modules have in practise has been developed and piloted. Conclusion: The authors argue that there is a clear need to advance healthcare Improvement Science education through incorporating evidence based accredited modules into healthcare professional education. They suggest that if Improvement Science education, that incorporates work based learning, becomes a staple part of the curricula in inter-professional education then it has real promise to improve the delivery, quality and design of healthcare.


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"Prepared by Elizabeth McCormick Memorial Fund and The National Dairy Council, Chicago"--T.p. verso.


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Some recipes include wine or liquor as an ingredient; includes recipes for French, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, and Mexican dishes. Sample recipes: Roman Catholic pie, Canned peach souffle, Ring tum diddy, Kentucky punch.


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Includes recipes for Mexican, English, and German dishes; some recipes include wine or liquor as an ingredient. Sample recipes: Buttermilk bread from the far South, Scalloped oysters, English plum pudding, Temperance punch.


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Includes household hints; recipes for Moravian, Mexican, Chinese, Hungarian, French, English, Irish, German, Danish dishes; some recipes include wine or liquor as an ingredient. Sample recipes: Lude fisk (dried cod in lye), Chicken stewed with sour cream, Apple butter "Pennsylvania", Moravian sugar cakes.


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Promotional literature for "'Wear-Ever' Aluminum Utensils."