979 resultados para standard molar enthalpy of formation


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he thermodynamic properties of the spinel Mg2SnO4 have been determined by emf measurements on the solid oxide galvanic cell,View the MathML source in the temperature range 600 to 1000°C. The Gibbs' free energy of formation of Mg2SnO4 from the component oxides can be expressed as View the MathML source,View the MathML source These values are in good agreement with the information obtained by Jackson et al. [Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.24, 203 (1974)] on the high pressure decomposition of magnesium stannate into component oxides at different temperatures. The thermodynamic data suggest that the spinel phase is entropy stabilized, and would be unstable below 207 (±25)°C at atmospheric pressure. Based on the information obtained in this study and trends in the stability of aluminate and chromite spinels, it can be deduced that the stannates of nickel and copper(II) are unstable.


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The vapor pressure of pure indium, and the sum of the pressures of (In) and (In2O) species over the condensed phase mixture {In} + 〈MgIn2O4〉 + 〈MgO〉, have been measured by the Knudsen effusion technique in the temperature range 1095–1350 K. The materials under study were contained in a zirconia crucible, which had a Knudsen orifice along the vertical wall. The major vapor species over the condensed phase mixture were identified as (In) and (In2O) using a mass-spectrometer. The vapor pressure of (In2O) corresponding to the reaction,View the MathML source was deduced from the experimental results;View the MathML source The standard free energy of formation of the inverse spinel 〈MgIn2O4〉 from its component oxides, is given by,View the MathML source View the MathML source The entropy of transformation of 〈In2O3〉 from the C rare-earth structure to the corundum structure is evaluated from the measured entropy of formation of (MgIn2O4) and a semi-empirical correlation for the entropy of formation of spinel phases from component oxides with rock-salt and corundum structures.


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Activities in the PbO-PbSO4 melts at 1253 K have been measured by emf and gas-equilibration techniques. The activity of PbO was directly obtained from the emf of the solid oxide cell, Pt, Ni-NiO/CaO-ZrO2/Auo.92PbO.08, PbOx-PbSO4(1-x), Ir, Pt for 1.0 >XPbO > 0.6. The melt and the alloy were contained in closed zirconia crucibles. Since the partial pressure of SO2 gas in equilibrium with the melt and alloy was appreciable (>0.08 atm) atXPbO < 0.6, activities at lower PbO concentrations were derived from measurements of the weight gain of pure PbO under controlled gas streans of Ar + SO2 + O2. The partial and integral free energies of mixing at 1253 K were calculated and found to fit a subregular model: ΔGEPbO =X2PbSO4 {-42,450 + 20,000X2PbSO4} J mol-1 ΔGEPbO =X2pbSO {-12,450 - 20,000XPbS} J mol-1 ΔGEpbSOXPbSO4 {-32,450XPbS - 22,450XPbSO4 } J mol-1. The standard free energy of formation of liquid PbSO4 from pure liquid PbO and gaseous SO3 at 1 atm at 1253 K was evaluated as -88.02 (±0.72) kJ mol-1.


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The Gibbs energy of formation of zirconia-saturated lead zirconate was determined by emf measurements on the solid state cells and at 800 to 1400 K. The results obtained differ significantly from those reported in the literature based on vapor-pressure measurements, using Knudsen effusion and transportation techniques and assuming that the vapor phase consisted entirely of monomeric PbO molecules. A reanalysis of the data obtained in the earlier vapor-pressure studies, using mass-spectrometric measurements on polymeric PbO species in the gas phase, gives Gibbs energies of formation of lead zirconate which are in better agreement with those obtained in this study. Recent electrochemical measurements using CaO-ZrO2 and PbF2 solid electrolytes are in good agreement with the present study. The results obtained in this study are also consistent with the phase diagram which shows decomposition of the zirconate to tetragonal zirconia and a liquid phase rich in PbO at 1843 K.


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The Gibbs energies of formation of three compounds in the PbO-Al2O3 system—2PbO · Al2O3, PbO · Al2O3, andPbO· 6Al2O3—have been determined from potentiometric measurements on reversible solid-state galvanic cells [dformula Pt, Ir | Pb, alpha-Al[sub 2]O[sub 3], PbO [center-dot] 6Al[sub 2]O[sub 3] | ZrO[sub 2]-CaO | NiO, Ni | Pt] [dformula Pt | NiO, Ni | ZrO[sub 2]-CaO | Pb, PbO [center-dot] 6Al[sub 2]O[sub 3], PbO [center-dot] Al[sub 2]O[sub 3] | Ir, Pt] and [dformula Pt | NiO, Ni | ZrO[sub 2]-CaO | Pb, PbO [center-dot] Al[sub 2]O[sub 3], 2PbO [center-dot] Al[sub 2]O[sub 3] | Ir, Pt] in the temperature range 850–1375 K. The results are discussed in the light of reported phase diagrams for the PbO-Al2O3system. The partial pressures of different lead oxide species, PbnOn, n = 1–6, in the gas phase in equilibrium withthe aluminates are calculated by combining the results of this study with the mass-spectrometric data of Drowart et al.(1) for polymerization equilibria in the gas phase. The concentration of oxygen in lead in equilibrium with the aluminatesare also derived from the results and the literature data on the Gibbs energy of solution of oxygen in liquid lead.


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Two solid state galvanic cells:Pt, Ni + Ni2Si04 + Si02/(Y203)Zr02/Ni + + NiO, Pt (1) and Pt, Ni + NizSiOj + Si02/CaF2/Ni + + NiO, Pt (11) have been employed for the determination of the Gibbs' energy of formation of nickel orthosilicate(Ni2Si04) from nickel oxide and quartz. The emf of cell (I) was reversible and reproducible in the temperature range 925 to 1375K whereas emf of cell (11) drifted with time and changed polarity. From the results of cell (I), the Gibbs' energy of formation of nickel silicate is obtained as,2Ni0 (r.s.) + Si02 (quartz) + Ni2Si04 (olivine)Gibbs' energy of formation of the spinel form of Ni2Si04 is obtained by combining the data for olivine obtained in this study with high pressure data on olivine to spinel transition reported in the literature. The complex time dependence of the emf of cell (11) can be rationalised on the basis of formation of calcium silicates from calcium oxide, generally present as an impurity in the calcium fluoride electrolyte, and silica. The emf of cell (11) is shown to be the function of the activity of calcium oxide at the electrolyte/ electrode interface. The results provide strong evidence against the recent suggestion of mixed anionic conduction in calcium fluoride.


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The oxygen concentration of liquid cobalt in equilibrium with cobalt aluminate and a-alumina has been measured by suction sampling and crucible quenching techniques at temperatures between 1770 and 1975 K. Experiments were made with cobalt of high and low initial oxygen contents, and with and without the addition of cobalt aluminate. The effect of temperature on the equilibrium oxygen content is represented by the equation, log (at.% 0) = -10,4001T(K) + 4.64 (±0.008). The composition of the spinel phase, CoO.(1+x)AI20 3, saturated with alumina, has been determined by electron probe microanalysis. The values of x are 0.22 at 1770 Kand 0.28 at 1975 K. The oxygen potential corresponding to the three-phase equilibrium between cobalt, aluminate and alumina, and the standard Gibbs' energy of formation of nonstoichiometric cobalt aluminate are evaluated by combining the results of this study with recently published data on the activity of oxygen in liquid cobalt. Implications of the present results to aluminium deoxidation of liquid cobalt are discussed.


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The Gibbs energies of formation of MPt5 (MNd, Dy, Ho, Er) intermetallic compounds were determined in the temperature range 900–1100 K using the solid state cell Ta,M+MF3¦CaF2¦MPt5+Pt+MF3,Ta For M ≡ Sm, a mixture of Gd + GdF3 was used as the reference electrode. In the case of Eu, a mixture of Eu + EuF2 served as the reference electrode. The trifluorides of Sm and Eu are not stable in equilibrium with the metal. The fluoride phase coexisting with a SmPt5 + Pt mixture is SmF3, whereas EuF2 is the equilibrium phase in contact with EuPt5 + Pt. All the MPt5 compounds studied (except EuPt5) exhibit similar stability. Europium is divalent in the pure metal and trivalent in EuPt5. The energy required for the promotion of divalent Eu to the trivalent state accounts for the less negative Gibbs energy of formation of EuPt5. The enthalpies of formation of all the MPt5 compounds obtained in this study are in good agreement with Miedema's model.


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Phase relations in the pseudoternary system NiO-CaO-SiO2 at 1373 K are established. The coexisting phases are identified by X-ray diffraction and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis of equilibrated samples. There is only one quaternary oxide CaNiSi2O6 with clinopyroxene structure. The Gibbs energy of formation of CaNiSi2O6 is measured using a solid state galvanic cell incorporating stabilized zirconia as the solid electrolyte in the temperature range of 1000 to 1400 K:Pt, Ni + SiO2 + CaSiO3 + CaNiSi2O6 \ (Y2O3)ZrO2 \ Ni + NiO, Pt From the electromotive force (emf) of the cell, the Gibbs energy of formation of CaNiSi2O6 from NiO, SiO2, and CaSiO3 is obtained. To derive the Gibbs energy of formation of the quaternary oxide from component binary oxides, the free energy of formation of CaSiO, is determined separately using a solid state cell based on single crystal CaF2 as the electrolyte: Pt, O-2, CaO + CaF2 \ CaF2 \ CaSiO3 + SiO2 + CaF2, O-2, Pt The results can be expressed by the following equations: NiO (r.s) + CaO (r.s) + 2SiO(2) (qz) --> CaNiSi2O6 (pyr) Delta G degrees = -115,700 + 10.63T (+/-100) J mol(-1) CaO (r.s) + SiO2 (qz) --> CaSiO3 (wol) Delta G degrees = -90,030 -0.61T (+/-60) J mol(-1).


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The phase relations in the system Dy–Mg–Cl at 1073 K have been established by isothermal equilibration and chemical analysis of quenched samples. Liquid Mg-rich alloy was found to be in equilibrium with molten DyCl2. Therefore, DyCl2 can be synthesized by reduction of MgCl2 with excess of metallic Dy at 1073 K. The Gibbs energy of formation of DyCl2 at 1073 K was evaluated by two different methods. From voltammetric determination of decomposition voltage, the upper limit for the standard Gibbs energy of formation of DyCl2 was estimated to be −505(±20) kJ mol−1. A value of −543(±10) kJ mol−1 was deduced from phase relations using Gibbs–Duhem integration. The value for the standard Gibbs energy of DyCl2 indicates that the Dy2+ ion has a potential capability for reducing TiCl4 to metal titanium. At the same time, Mg is a reductant for Dy3+ produced during the reduction of TiCl4. Thus, it is thermodynamically confirmed that reduction of TiCl4 by magnesium using a reaction mediator in the salt phase is feasible.


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An isothermal section of the phase diagram for the system Nd-Pd-O at 1350 K has been established by equilibration of samples representing 13 different compositions and phase identification after quenching by optical and scanning electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, and energy dispersive analysis of x-rays. The binary oxides PdO and NdO were not stable at 1350 K. Two ternary oxides Nd4PdO7 and Nd2Pd2O5 were identified. Solid and liquid alloys, as well as the intermetallics NdPd3 and NdPd5, were found to be in equilibrium with Nd2O3. Based on the phase relations, three solidstate cells were designed to measure the Gibbs energies of formation of PdO and the two ternary oxides. An advanced version of the solid-state cell incorporating a buffer electrode was used for high-temperature thermodynamic measurements. The function of the buffer electrode, placed between reference and working electrodes, was to absorb the electrochemical flux of the mobile species through the solid electrolyte caused by trace electronic conductivity. The buffer electrode prevented polarization of the measuring electrode and ensured accurate data. Yttria-stabilized zirconia was used as the solid electrolyte and pure oxygen gas at a pressure of 0.1 MP a as the reference electrode. Electromotive force measurements, conducted from 950 to 1425 K, indicated the presence of a third ternary oxide Nd2PdO4, stable below 1135 (±10) K. Additional cells were designed to study this compound. The standard Gibbs energy of formation of PdO (†f G 0) was measured from 775 to 1125 Kusing two separate cell designs against the primary reference standard for oxygen chemical potential. Based on the thermodynamic information, chemical potential diagrams for the system Nd-Pd-O were also developed.


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An advanced design of the solid-state cell incorporating a buffer electrode has been developed for high temperature thermodynamic measurements. The function of the buffer electrode, placed between reference and working electrodes, was to absorb the electrochemical flux of the mobile species through the solid electrolyte caused by trace electronic conductivity. The buffer electrode prevented polarization of the measuring electrode and ensured accurate data. The application of the novel design and its advantages have been demonstrated by measuring the standard Gibbs energies of formation of ternary oxides of the system Sm–Pd–O. Yttria-stabilized zirconia was used as the solid electrolyte and pure oxygen gas at a pressure of 0.1 MPa as the reference electrode. For the design of appropriate working electrodes, phase relations in the ternary system Sm–Pd–O were investigated at 1273 K. The two ternary oxides, Sm4PdO7 and Sm2Pd2O5, compositions of which fall on the Sm2O3–PdO join, were found to coexist with pure metal Pd. The thermodynamic properties of the ternary oxides were measured using three-phase electrodes in the temperature range 950–1425 K. During electrochemical measurements a third ternary oxide, Sm2PdO4, was found to be stable at low temperature. The standard Gibbs energies of formation (Δf(ox)Go) of the compounds from their component binary oxides Sm2O3 and PdO, can be represented by the equations: Sm4PdO7: Δf(ox)Go (J mol−1)=−34,220+0.84T(K) (±280); Sm2PdO4: Δf(ox)Go (J mol−1)=−33,350+2.49T(K) (±230); Sm2Pd2O5: Δf(ox)Go (J mol−1)=−59,955+1.80T(K) (±320). Based on the thermodynamic information, three-dimensional P–T–C and chemical potential diagrams for the system Sm–Pd–O were developed.


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An isothermal section of the phase diagram for the system Cu-Rh-O at 1273 K has been established by equilibration of samples representing eighteen different compositions, and phase identification after quenching by optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and energy dispersive analysis of X-rays (EDX). In addition to the binary oxides Cu2O, CuO, and Rh2O3, two ternary oxides CuRhO2 and CuRh2O4 were identified. Both the ternary oxides were in equilibrium with metallic Rh. There was no evidence of the oxide Cu2Rh2O5 reported in the literature. Solid alloys were found to be in equilibrium with Cu2O. Based on the phase relations, two solid-state cells were designed to measure the Gibbs energies of formation of the two ternary oxides. Yttria-stabilized zirconia was used as the solid electrolyte, and an equimolar mixture of Rh+Rh2O3 as the reference electrode. The reference electrode was selected to generate a small electromotive force (emf), and thus minimize polarization of the three-phase electrode. When the driving force for oxygen transport through the solid electrolyte is small, electrochemical flux of oxygen from the high oxygen potential electrode to the low potential electrode is negligible. The measurements were conducted in the temperature range from 900 to 1300 K. The thermodynamic data can be represented by the following equations: {fx741-1} where Δf(ox) G o is the standard Gibbs energy of formation of the interoxide compounds from their component binary oxides. Based on the thermodynamic information, chemical potential diagrams for the system Cu-Rh-O were developed.


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Four new neutral copper-azido polymers [Cu(4)(N(3))(8)(Me-hmpz)(2)](n) (1), [Cu(4)(N(3))(8)(men)(2)](n) (2), [Cu(5)(N(3))(10)(N,N-dmen)(2)](n) (3) and [Cu(5)(N(3))(10)(N,N'-dmen)(5)](n) (4) [Me-hmpz = 1-methylhomopiperazine; men = N-methylethylenediamine; N, N-dmen = N, N-dimethylethylenediamine and N, N'-dmen = N, N'-dimethylethylenediamine] have been synthesized by using various molar equivalents of the chelating diamine ligands with Cu(NO(3))(2)center dot 3H(2)O and an excess of NaN(3). Single-crystal X-ray structures show that the basic asymmetric units of 1 and 2 are very similar, but the overall 1D structures were found to be quite different. Complex 3 with a different composition was found to be 2D in nature, while the 1D complex 4 with 1 : 1 metal to diamine ratio presented several new structural features. Cryomagnetic susceptibility measurements over a wide range of temperature were corroborated with density functional theory calculations (B3LYP functional) performed on the complexes 1-3 to provide a qualitative theoretical interpretation of their overall magnetic behavior.