955 resultados para specific cake resistance


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Staphylococcus aureus est un pathogène humain majeur ayant développé des résistances contre la quasi totalité des antibiotiques disponibles, incluant la très importante famille des β- lactamines. La résistance à cette classe d'antibiotiques est conférée par la « Staphylococcal Cassette Chromosome mec » (SCCmec), qui est un élément génétique mobile capable de s'insérer dans le chromosome bactérien et capable d'être transféré horizontalement chez d'autres staphylocoques. Le mécanisme moléculaire impliqué dans ce transfert horizontal demeure largement inconnu. L'une des premières étapes du transfert est l'excision du SCC mec du chromosome bactérien. Cette excision est promue par des enzymes codées par l'élément SCCmec lui- même et appelées de ce fait « Cassette Chromosome Recombinases » (Ccr). L'un des buts de ce travail de thèse a été de comprendre la régulation de l'expression des gènes codant pour les Ccr recombinases. En utilisant des outils moléculaires originaux, nous avons été en mesure de démontrer en premier lieu que les Ccr recombinases étaient exprimées de façon « bistable », c'est à dire qu'uniquement quelques pourcents de cellules dans une population exprimaient ces gènes à un temps donné. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons également démontré que l'expression de ces gènes était régulée par des facteurs étrangers au SCC mec. L'expression bistable des recombinases est un concept important. Effectivement, cela permet à la majorité des cellules d'une population de conserver l'élément SCC mec, alors que seulement une petite fraction le perd afin de le rendre disponible pour un transfert. Ainsi, alors que l'élément SCC mec continue de se propager avec la multiplication des bactéries Staphylococcus aureus résistant à la méticilline (SARM), il peut être simultanément transmis à des souches susceptibles (Staphylococcus aureus susceptible à la méticilline, SASM), entraînant l'apparition de nouveaux SARM. De façon très intéressante, le fait que cette bistabilité est contrôlée par les bactéries, et non le SCCmec lui-même, montre que la décision de transférer ou non la cassette SCC mec appartient à la bactérie. En conséquence, il doit exister dans la nature des souches qui sont plus ou moins aptes à effectuer ce transfert. En nous appuyant sur ces observations, nous avons montré que l'excision du SCC mec était effectivement régulée de façon très étroite au cours de la division cellulaire, et ne se passait que pendant un temps limité au début de la croissance. Ce résultat est compatible avec une régulation génétique commandée par la densité cellulaire, qui pourrait être dépendante de la production de signaux extracellulaires, du type que l'on rencontre dans le quorum sensing. Les signaux hypothétiques entraînant l'excision du SCC mec restent inconnus à l'heure actuelle. La connaissance de ces signaux pourrait se révéler très importante afin de développer des stratégies pour interférer avec la dissémination de la résistance au β-lactamines. Deux sujets additionnels ont été logiquement investigués au vu de ces premiers résultats. Premièrement, si certaines souches de SARM sont plus ou moins aptes à déclencher l'excision du SCC mec, de même certaines souches de SASM devraient être plus ou moins aptes à acquérir cet élément. Deuxièmement, afin d'étudier ces mécanismes de transfert au niveau épidémiologique, il nous a été nécessaire de développer des outils nous permettant d'explorer le phénomène à une plus large échelle. Concernant le premier point, il a été postulé que certains SASM seraient réfractaires à l'intégration génomique d'un SCC mec en raison de polymorphismes particuliers à proximité du site d'insertion chromosomique (attB). En étudiant plus de 40 isolais de S. aureus, provenant de porteurs sains, nous avons confirmé ce polymorphisme dans l'environnement à'attB. De plus, nous avons pu montrer que ces régions polymorphiques ont évolué parallèlement à des groupes phylogénétiques bien connus. Ainsi, si des telles régions réfractaires à l'intégration de SCC mec existent, celles-ci devraient ségréger dans des complexes clonaux bien définis qui devraient être facilement identifiables au niveau épidémiologique. Concernant le second point, nous avons été capables de construire un système rapporteur de l'excision du SCCmec, en utilisant un plasmide à faible copie. Ce système consistait en un promoteur fort et un gène codant pour une protéine verte fluorescente (GFP) sous le contrôle d'un promoteur fort séparés à l'aide d'un élément SCC artificiel portant trois terminateurs de transcription. Ainsi, la fluorescence ne s'exprime que si l'élément SCC est excisé du plasmide. Ce système a été testé avec succès dans plusieurs types de staphylocoques, et est actuellement évalué dans d'autres souches et conditions stimulant ou inhibant l'excision. De manière générale, cette dissertation représente parcours scientifique à travers plusieurs aspects d'un problème de santé publique majeur en rapport avec la résistance bactérienne aux antibiotiques. Ce travail s'attaque à des problèmes fondamentaux concernant le transfert horizontal de l'élément SCC mec. De plus, il s'intéresse à des aspects plus généraux de cet élément génétique mobile qui pourraient se révéler très importants en terme de mouvement de gènes au sein des staphylocoques, voir d'autres bactéries gram-positives. Finalement ce travail de thèse met en place le fondamentaux requis pour des recherches futures visant à interférer avec le transfert horizontal de la résistance aux β-lactamines. - Staphylococcus aureus is a major human pathogen. Moreover, S. aureus have developed resistance to almost all available antibiotics, including the important family of β-lactam molecules. Intrinsic resistance to β-lactams is conferred by the Staphylococcal Cassette Chromosome mec (SCCmec), which is a mobile genomic island that inserts into the staphylococcal chromosome and can be horizontally transferred into other staphylococci. However, little is known about the molecular mechanisms involved in this horizontal transfer into naïve strains. One of the first steps in SCC mec horizontal transfer is its excision from the chromosome. Excision is mediated by recombinase enzymes that are encoded by SCC mec itself, and named accordingly Ccr recombinases - for Cassette Chromosome recombinases. One goal of this thesis was to understand the regulation these recombinase genes. By using original molecular tools we could demonstrate first that the Ccr recombinases were expressed in a "bistable" manner, i.e. in only few percentages of the bacterial cells at a given time, and second that they were regulated by determinants that were not encoded on the SCC mec element, but elsewhere on the staphylococcal genome. "Bistable" expression Ccr recombinases is an important concept. It allows SCC mec to be excised and thus available for horizontal transfer, while ensuring that only some cells, but not the whole population, loose their valuable SCC mec genes. Thus, while the SCC mec element expands with the multiplication of the MRSA colony, it can simultaneously be transmitted into methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA), which convert into new MRSA. Most interestingly, the fact that bistability was regulated by the cells, rather than by SCC mec, indicates that it was the choice of the bacteria to trigger or not SCC mec transfer. As a consequence, there must be, in nature, staphylococcal strains that are more or less prone to sustain SCC mec transfer. Following these seminal observations we found that excision was indeed tightly regulated during bacterial division, and occurred only during a limited period of time at the beginning of bacterial growth. This is compatible with cell-density mediated gene regulation, and may depend on the production of extracellular signal molecules that transmit appropriate orders to neighboring cells, such as in quorum sensing. The potential signal triggering SCCmec excision is as yet unknown. However, it could be critical in promoting the horizontal transfer of methicillin resistance, or for the possible development of means to interfere with it. Two additional hypothesis were logically investigated in the view of these first results. First, if some strains of MRSA might be more prone than others to promote SCC mec excision, then some strains of MS SA might be more or less prone to acquire the element as well. Second, to investigate these multiple mechanisms at an epidemiological level, one would need to develop tools amenable to explore S. aureus strains at a larger scale. Regarding the first issue, it was postulated by others that some MSSA might be refractory to SCC mec integration because they had peculiar DNA polymorphisms in the vicinity of the site-specific chromosomal entry point {attB) of SCC mec. By studying >40 S. aureus isolates from healthy carriers, we confirmed the polymorphism of the attB environment. Moreover, we could show that these polymorphic regions co-evolved with well-known phylogenic clonal clusters. Therefore, if SCCwec-refractory attB environments exist, then they would segregate in well- defined S. aureus clonal clusters that would be easy to identify at the epidemiological level. Regarding the second issue, we were able to construct a new excision reporter system in a low copy number S. aureus plasmid. The reporter system consists in a strong promoter driving a green fluorescent protein {gfp) gene, separated by an artificial SCC-like element carrying three transcriptional terminators. Thus, fluorescence is not expressed unless the SCC-like element is excised. The system has been successfully tested in several aureus and non- aureus staphylococci, and is now being applied to more strains and various excision- triggering or inhibiting conditions. Altogether the dissertation is a scientific journey through various aspects of a salient medical problem with regard to antibiotic resistance and public health threat. The research work tackles fundamental issues about the mechanisms of horizontal transfer of the SCC mec element. Moreover, it also addresses more general features of this mobile element, which could be of larger importance with regard to gene trafficking in staphylococci, and maybe other gram-positive bacteria. Finally, the dissertation sets the fundamentals for future work and possible new ways to interfere with the horizontal transfer of methicillin resistance.


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Principal mechanisms of resistance to azole antifungals include the upregulation of multidrug transporters and the modification of the target enzyme, a cytochrome P450 (Erg11) involved in the 14alpha-demethylation of ergosterol. These mechanisms are often combined in azole-resistant Candida albicans isolates recovered from patients. However, the precise contributions of individual mechanisms to C. albicans resistance to specific azoles have been difficult to establish because of the technical difficulties in the genetic manipulation of this diploid species. Recent advances have made genetic manipulations easier, and we therefore undertook the genetic dissection of resistance mechanisms in an azole-resistant clinical isolate. This isolate (DSY296) upregulates the multidrug transporter genes CDR1 and CDR2 and has acquired a G464S substitution in both ERG11 alleles. In DSY296, inactivation of TAC1, a transcription factor containing a gain-of-function mutation, followed by sequential replacement of ERG11 mutant alleles with wild-type alleles, restored azole susceptibility to the levels measured for a parent azole-susceptible isolate (DSY294). These sequential genetic manipulations not only demonstrated that these two resistance mechanisms were those responsible for the development of resistance in DSY296 but also indicated that the quantitative level of resistance as measured in vitro by MIC determinations was a function of the number of genetic resistance mechanisms operating in any strain. The engineered strains were also tested for their responses to fluconazole treatment in a novel 3-day model of invasive C. albicans infection of mice. Fifty percent effective doses (ED(50)s) of fluconazole were highest for DSY296 and decreased proportionally with the sequential removal of each resistance mechanism. However, while the fold differences in ED(50) were proportional to the fold differences in MICs, their magnitude was lower than that measured in vitro and depended on the specific resistance mechanism operating.


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Role of GLP-1 and GIP in beta cell compensatory responses to beta cell attack and insulin resistance were examined in C57BL/6 mice lacking functional receptors for GLP-1 and GIP. Mice were treated with multiple low dose streptozotocin or hydrocortisone. Islet parameters were assessed by immunohistochemistry and hormone measurements were determined by specific enzyme linked immunoassays. Wild-type streptozotocin controls exhibited severe diabetes, irregularly shaped islets with lymphocytic infiltration, decreased Ki67/TUNEL ratio with decreased beta cell and increased alpha cell areas. GLP-1 and GIP were co-expressed with glucagon and numbers of alpha cells mainly expressing GLP-1 were increased. In contrast, hydrocortisone treatment and induction of insulin resistance increased islet numbers and area, with enhanced beta cell replication, elevated mass of beta and alpha cells, together with co-expression of GLP-1 and GIP with glucagon in islets. The metabolic responses to streptozotocin in GLP-1RKO and GIPRKO mice were broadly similar to C57BL/6 controls, although decreases in islet numbers and size were more severe. In contrast, both groups of mice lacking functional incretin receptors displayed substantially impaired islet adaptations to insulin resistance induced by hydrocortisone, including marked curtailment of expansion of islet area, beta cell mass and islet number. Our observations cannot be explained by simple changes in circulating incretin concentrations, suggesting that intra-islet GLP-1 and GIP make a significant contribution to islet adaptation, particularly expansion of beta cell mass and compensatory islet compensation to hydrocortisone and insulin resistance.


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Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from subjects never exposed to Leishmania were stimulated with Leishmania guyanensis. We demonstrated that L. guyanensis-stimulated CD8(+) T cells produced interferon (IFN)- gamma and preferentially expressed the V beta 14 T cell receptor (TCR) gene family. In addition, these cells expressed cutaneous lymphocyte antigen and CCR4 surface molecules, suggesting that they could migrate to the skin. Results obtained from the lesions of patients with localized cutaneous leishmaniaisis (LCL) showed that V beta 14 TCR expression was increased in most lesions (63.5%) and that expression of only a small number of V beta gene families (V beta 1, V beta 6, V beta 9, V beta 14, and V beta 24) was increased. The presence of V beta 14 T cells in tissue confirmed the migration of these cells to the lesion site. Thus, we propose the following sequence of events during infection with L. guyanensis. After initial exposure to L. guyanensis, CD8(+) T cells preferentially expressing the V beta 14 TCR and secreting IFN- gamma develop and circulate in the periphery. During the infection, these cells migrate to the skin at the site of the parasitic infection. The role of these V beta 14 CD8(+) T cells in resistance to infection remains to be determined conclusively.


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Powdery mildew is an important disease of wheat caused by the obligate biotrophic fungus Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici. This pathogen invades exclusively epidermal cells after penetrating directly through the cell wall. Because powdery mildew colonizes exclusively epidermal cells, it is of importance not only to identify genes which are activated, but also to monitor tissue specificity of gene activation. Acquired resistance of wheat to powdery mildew can be induced by a previous inoculation with the non-host pathogen B. graminis f. sp. hordei, the causal agent of barley powdery mildew. The establishment of the resistant state is accompanied by the activation of genes. Here we report the tissue-specific cDNA-AFLP analysis and cloning of transcripts accumulating 6 and 24 h after the resistance-inducing inoculation with B. graminis f. sp. hordei. A total of 25,000 fragments estimated to represent about 17,000 transcripts were displayed. Out of these, 141 transcripts, were found to accumulate after Bgh inoculation using microarray hybridization analysis. Forty-four accumulated predominantly in the epidermis whereas 76 transcripts accumulated mostly in mesophyll tissue.


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ABSTRACT Upregulation of the Major Facilitator transporter gene MDR1 (Multi_drug Resistance 1) is one of the mechanisms observed in Candida albicans clinical isolates developing resistance to azole antifungal agents. To better understand this phenomenon, the cis-acting regulatory elements present in a modulatable reporter system under the control of the MDR1 promoter were characterized. In an azole-susceptible strain, transcription of this reporter is transiently upregulated in response to either benomyl or H2O2, whereas its expression is constitutively high in an azole-resistant strain (FR2). Two cis-acting regulatory elements, that are necessary and sufficient to convey the same transcriptional responses to a heterologous promoter (CDR2), were identified within the MDR1promoter. The first element, called BRE (for Benomyl Response Element, -296 to -260 with respect to the ATG start codon), is required for benomyl-dependent MDR1 upregulation and for constitutive high expression of MDR1 in FR2. The second element, termed HRE (for H2O2 Response Element, -561 to -520), is required for H2O2-dependent MDR1 upregulation, but is dispensable for constitutive high expression. Two potential binding sites (TTAG/CTAA) for the blip transcription factor Cap1p lie within the HRE. Moreover, inactivation of CAP1 abolished the transient response to H2O2 and diminished significantly the transient response to benomyl. Cap1p, which has been previously implicated in cellular responses to oxidative stress, may thus play a transacting and positive regulatory role in benomyl- and H2O2-dependent transcription of MDR1. However, it is not the only transcription factor involved in the response of MDR1 to benomyl. A minimal BRE element (-290 to -273) that is sufficient to detect in vitro sequence-specific binding of protein complexes in crude extracts prepared from C. albicans was also delimited. Genome-wide transcript profiling analyses undertaken with a matched pair of clinical isolates, one of which being azole-resistant and upregulating MDR1, and with an azole-susceptible strain exposed to benomyl, revealed that genes specifically upregulated by benomyl harbour in their promoters Cap1p binding site(s). This strengthened the idea that Cap1p plays a role in benomyl-dependent upregulation of MDR1. BRE-like sequences were also identified in several genes co-regulated with MDR1 in both conditions, which was consistent with the involvement of the BRE in both processes. A set of 147 mutants lacking a single transcription factor gene was next screened for loss of MDR1response to benomyl. Unfortunately, none of the tested mutants showed a loss of benomyl-dependent MDR1 upregulation. Nevertheless, a significant diminution of the response was observed in the mutants in which the MADS-box transcription factor Mcm1p and the C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor orf19.13374p were inactivated, suggesting that Mcm1p and orf19.13374p are involved in MDR1response to benomyl. Interestingly, the BRE contains a perfect match to the binding consensus of Mcm1p, raising the possibility that MDR1may be a direct target of this transcriptional activator. In conclusion, while the identity of the trans-acting factors that bind to the BRE and HRE remains to be confirmed, the tools we have developed during characterization of the cis-acting elements of the MDR1promoter should now serve to elucidate the nature of the components that modulate its activity. RESUME La surexpression du gène MDR1 (pour Résistance Multidrogue 1), qui code pour un transporteur de la famille des Major Facilitators, est l'un des mécanismes observés dans les isolats cliniques de la levure Candida albicans développant une résistance aux agents antifongiques appelés azoles. Pour mieux comprendre ce phénomène, les éléments de régulation agissant en cis dans un système rapporteur modulable sous le contrôle du promoteur MDR1 ont été caractérisés. Dans une souche sensible aux azoles, la transcription de ce rapporteur est transitoirement surélevée en réponse soit au bénomyl soit à l'agent oxydant H2O2, alors que son expression est constitutivement élevée dans une souche résistante aux azoles (souche FR2). Deux éléments de régulation agissant en cis, nécessaires et suffisants pour transmettre les mêmes réponses transcriptionnelles à un promoteur hétérologue (CDR2), ont été identifiés dans le promoteur MDR1. Le premier élément, appelé BRE (pour Elément de Réponse au Bénomyl, de -296 à -260 par rapport au codon d'initiation ATG) est requis pour la surexpression de MDR1dépendante du bénomyl et pour l'expression constitutive de MDR1 dans FR2. Le deuxième élément, appelé HRE (pour Elément de Réponse à l'H2O2, de -561 à -520), est requis pour la surexpression de MDR1 dépendante de l'H2O2, mais n'est pas impliqué dans l'expression constitutive du gène MDR1. Deux sites de fixation potentiels (TTAG/CTAA) pour le facteur de transcription Cap1p ont été identifiés dans l'élément HRE. De plus, l'inactivation de CAP1 abolit la réponse transitoire à l'H2O2 et diminua significativement la réponse transitoire au bénomyl. Cap1p, qui est impliqué dans les réponses de la cellule au stress oxydatif, doit donc jouer un rôle positif en trans dans la surexpression de MDR1 dépendante du bénomyl et de l'H2O2. Cependant, ce n'est pas le seul facteur de transcription impliqué dans la réponse au bénomyl. Un élément BRE d'une longueur minimale (de -290 à -273) a également été défini et est suffisant pour détecter une interaction spécifique in vitro avec des protéines provenant d'extraits bruts de C. albicans. L'analyse du profil de transcription d'une paire d'isolats cliniques comprenant une souche résistante aux azoles surexprimant MDR1, et d'une souche sensible aux azoles exposée au bénomyl, a révélé que les gènes spécifiquement surexprimés par le bénomyl contiennent dans leurs promoteurs un ou plusieurs sites de fixation pour Cap1p. Ceci renforce l'idée que Cap1p joue un rôle dans la surexpression de MDR1dépendante du bénomyl. Une ou deux séquences ressemblant à l'élément BRE ont également été identifiées dans la plupart des gènes corégulés avec MDR1 dans ces deux conditions, ce qui était attendu compte-tenu du rôle joué par cet élément dans les deux processus. Une collection de 147 mutants dans lesquels un seul facteur de transcription est inactivé a été testée pour la perte de réponse au bénomyl de MDR1. Malheureusement, la surexpression de MDR1 dépendante du bénomyl n'a été perdue dans aucun des mutants testés. Néanmoins, une diminution significative de la réponse a été observée chez des mutants dans lesquels le facteur de transcription à MADS-box Mcm1p et le facteur de transcription à doigts de zinc de type C2H2 orf19.13374p ont été inactivés, suggérant que Mcm1p et orf19.13374p sont impliqués dans la réponse de MDR1au bénomyl. Il est intéressant de noter que la BRE contient une séquence qui s'aligne parfaitement avec la séquence consensus du site de fixation de Mcm1p, ce qui soulève la possibilité que MDR1 pourrait être une cible directe de cet activateur transcriptionnel. En conclusion, alors que l'identité des facteurs agissant en trans en se fixant à la BRE et à la HRE reste à être confirmée, les outils que nous avons développés au cours de la caractérisation des éléments agissant en cis sur le promoteur MDR1 peut maintenant servir à élucider la nature des composants modulant son activité.


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Genetic background, prenatal and post-natal early-life conditions influence the development of interconnected physiological systems and thereby shape the phenotype. Certain combinations of genotypes and pre- and post-natal conditions may provide higher fitness in a specific environmental context. Here, we investigated how grey partridges Perdix perdix of two strains (wild and domesticated) cope physiologically with pre- and post-natal predictable vs. unpredictable food supply. Food unpredictability occurs frequently in wild environments and requires physiological and behavioural adjustments. Well-orchestrated and efficient physiological systems are presumably more vital in a wild environment as compared to captivity. We thus predicted that wild-strain grey partridges have a stronger immunity, glucocorticoid (GC) stress response and oxidative stress resistance (OSR) than domesticated birds, which have undergone adaptations to captivity. We also predicted that wild-strain birds react more strongly to environmental stimuli and, when faced with harsh prenatal conditions, are better able to prepare their offspring for similarly poor post-natal conditions than birds of domesticated origin. We found that wild-strain offspring were physiologically better prepared for stressful situations as compared to the domesticated strain. They had a high GC stress response and a high OSR when kept under predictable food supply. Wild-strain parents reacted to prenatal unpredictable food supply by lowering their offspring's GC stress response, which potentially lowered GC-induced oxidative pressure. No such pattern was evident in the domesticated birds. Irrespective of strain and prenatal feeding scheme, post-natal unpredictable food supply boosted immune indices, and GC stress response was negatively related to antibody response in females and to mitochondrial superoxide production. Wild-strain grey partridge showed fitness-relevant physiological advantages and appeared to prepare their offspring for the prospective environment. Negative relationships between GC stress response, immunity and oxidative indices imply a pivotal role of an organism's oxidative balance and support the importance of considering multiple physiological systems simultaneously.


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OBJECTIVE: The presence of minority nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI)-resistant HIV-1 variants prior to antiretroviral therapy (ART) has been linked to virologic failure in treatment-naive patients. DESIGN: We performed a large retrospective study to determine the number of treatment failures that could have been prevented by implementing minority drug-resistant HIV-1 variant analyses in ART-naïve patients in whom no NNRTI resistance mutations were detected by routine resistance testing. METHODS: Of 1608 patients in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study, who have initiated first-line ART with two nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) and one NNRTI before July 2008, 519 patients were eligible by means of HIV-1 subtype, viral load and sample availability. Key NNRTI drug resistance mutations K103N and Y181C were measured by allele-specific PCR in 208 of 519 randomly chosen patients. RESULTS: Minority K103N and Y181C drug resistance mutations were detected in five out of 190 (2.6%) and 10 out of 201 (5%) patients, respectively. Focusing on 183 patients for whom virologic success or failure could be examined, virologic failure occurred in seven out of 183 (3.8%) patients; minority K103N and/or Y181C variants were present prior to ART initiation in only two of those patients. The NNRTI-containing, first-line ART was effective in 10 patients with preexisting minority NNRTI-resistant HIV-1 variant. CONCLUSION: As revealed in settings of case-control studies, minority NNRTI-resistant HIV-1 variants can have an impact on ART. However, the implementation of minority NNRTI-resistant HIV-1 variant analysis in addition to genotypic resistance testing (GRT) cannot be recommended in routine clinical settings. Additional associated risk factors need to be discovered.


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Glioblastomas (GBMs) are the most frequent and malignant brain tumors in adults. Glucocorticoids (GCs) are routinely used in the treatment of GBMs for their capacity to reduce the tumor-associated edema. Few in vitro studies have suggested that GCs inhibit the migration and invasion of GBM cells through the induction of MAPK phosphatase 1 (MKP-1). Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), an endogenous GC antagonist is up-regulated in GBMs. Recently, MIF has been involved in tumor growth and migration/invasion and specific MIF inhibitors have been developed on their capacity to block its enzymatic tautomerase activity site. In this study, we characterized several glioma cell lines for their MIF production. U373 MG cells were selected for their very low endogenous levels of MIF. We showed that dexamethasone inhibits the migration and invasion of U373 MG cells, through a glucocorticoid receptor (GR)- dependent inhibition of the ERK1/2 MAPK pathway. Oppositely, we found that exogenous MIF increases U373 MG migration and invasion through the stimulation of the ERK1/2 MAP kinase pathway and that this activation is CD74 independent. Finally, we used the Hs 683 glioma cells that are resistant to GCs and produce high levels of endogenous MIF, and showed that the specific MIF inhibitor ISO-1 could restore dexamethasone sensitivity in these cells. Collectively, our results indicate an intricate pathway between MIF expression and GC resistance. They suggest that MIF inhibitors could increase the response of GBMs to corticotherapy.


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The murine model of infection with Leishmania major has allowed the demonstration of a causal relationship between, on the one hand, genetically determined resistance to infection and the development of a Th1 CD4+ cell response, and on the other hand, genetically determined susceptibility and Th2 cell maturation. Using this murine model of infection, the role of cytokines in directing the functional differentiation pathway of CD4+ T cell precursors, has been demonstrated in vivo. Thus, IL-12 and IFN-gamma have been shown to favour Th1 cell development and IL-4 is crucial for the differentiation of Th2 responses. Maturation of a Th2 response in susceptible BALB/c mice following infection with L. major is triggered by the IL-4 produced during the first two days after parasite inoculation. This IL-4 rapidly renders parasite specific CD4+ T cells precursors unresponsive to IL-12. A restricted population of CD4+ T cells expressing the V beta 4V alpha 8 TCR heterodimer and recognizing a single epitope on the LACK (Leishmania Activated C-Kinase) antigen of L. major is responsible for this rapid production of IL-4, instructing subsequent differentiation towards the Th2 phenotype of CD4+ T cells specific for several parasite antigens.


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Tumor-reactive T cells play an important role in cancer immunosurveillance. Applying the multimer technology, we report here an unexpected high frequency of Melan-A-specific CTLs in a melanoma patient with progressive lymph node metastases, consisting of 18 and 12.8% of total peripheral blood and tumor-infiltrating CD8+ T cells, respectively. Melan-A-specific CTLs revealed a high cytolytic activity against allogeneic Melan-A-expressing target cells but failed to kill the autologous tumor cells. Loading of the tumor cells with Melan-A peptide reversed the resistance to killing, suggesting impaired function of the MHC class I antigen processing and presentation pathway. Mutations of the coding region of the HLA-A2 binding Melan-A26-35 peptide or down-regulation of the MHC class I heavy chain, the antigenic peptide TAP, and tapasin could be excluded. However, PCR and immunohistochemical analysis revealed a deficiency of the immunoproteasomes low molecular weight protein 2 and low molecular weight protein 7 in the primary tumor cells, which affects the quantity and quality of generated T-cell epitopes and might explain the resistance to killing. This is supported by our data, demonstrating that the resistance to killing can be partially reversed by pre-exposure of the tumor cells to IFN-gamma, which is known to induce the immunoproteasomes. Overall, this is the first report of an extremely high frequency of tumor-specific CTLs that exhibit competent T-cell-effector functions but fail to lyse the autologous tumor cells. Immunotherapeutic approaches should not only focus on the induction of a robust antitumor immune response, but should also have to target tumor immune escape mechanisms.


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Plants respond to herbivore attack through a complex and variable system of defense, involving different physical barriers, toxic chemicals, and recruitment of natural enemies. To fully understand the relative role of each type of defense, their synergisms, redundancies, or antagonisms between traits, a variety of methods of enquiry, commonly used in plant physiology and ecology, have been employed. By overexpressing or silencing genes of interest, it is possible to understand the specific role of a particular defensive molecule or mode of action. We argue, however, that these types of experiments alone are not enough to holistically understand the physiological as well as ecological role of plant defenses. We thus advocate for the use of a combination of methods, including genetic modification, quantitative genetics, and phylogenetically controlled comparative studies.


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Lymphocyte homeostasis is regulated by mechanisms that control lymphocyte proliferation and apoptosis. Activation-induced cell death is mediated by the expression of death ligands and receptors, which, when triggered, activate an apoptotic cascade. Bovine T cells transformed by the intracellular parasite Theileria parva proliferate in an uncontrolled manner and undergo clonal expansion. They constitutively express the death receptor Fas and its ligand, FasL but do not undergo apoptosis. Upon elimination of the parasite from the host cell by treatment with a theilericidal drug, cells become increasingly sensitive to Fas/FasL-induced apoptosis. In normal T cells, the sensitivity to death receptor killing is regulated by specific inhibitor proteins. We found that anti-apoptotic proteins such as cellular (c)-FLIP, which functions as a catalytically inactive form of caspase-8, and X-chromosome-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP) as well as c-IAP, which can block downstream executioner caspases, are constitutively expressed in T. parva-transformed T cells. Expression of these proteins is rapidly down-regulated upon parasite elimination. Antiapoptotic proteins of the Bcl-2 family such as Bcl-2 and Bcl-x(L) are also expressed but, in contrast to c-FLIP, c-IAP, and X-chromosome-linked IAP, do not appear to be tightly regulated by the presence of the parasite. Finally, we show that, in contrast to the situation in tumor cells, the phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt pathway is not essential for c-FLIP expression. Our findings indicate that by inducing the expression of antiapoptotic proteins, T. parva allows the host cell to escape destruction by homeostatic mechanisms that would normally be activated to limit the continuous expansion of a T cell population.


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CgPdr1p is a Candida glabrata Zn(2)-Cys(6) transcription factor involved in the regulation of the ABC-transporter genes CgCDR1, CgCDR2, and CgSNQ2, which are mediators of azole resistance. Single-point mutations in CgPDR1 are known to increase the expression of at least CgCDR1 and CgCDR2 and thus to contribute to azole resistance of clinical isolates. In this study, we investigated the incidence of CgPDR1 mutations in a large collection of clinical isolates and tested their relevance, not only to azole resistance in vitro and in vivo, but also to virulence. The comparison of CgPDR1 alleles from azole-susceptible and azole-resistant matched isolates enabled the identification of 57 amino acid substitutions, each positioned in distinct CgPDR1 alleles. These substitutions, which could be grouped into three different "hot spots," were gain of function (GOF) mutations since they conferred hyperactivity to CgPdr1p revealed by constitutive high expression of ABC-transporter genes. Interestingly, the major transporters involved in azole resistance (CgCDR1, CgCDR2, and CgSNQ2) were not always coordinately expressed in presence of specific CgPDR1 GOF mutations, thus suggesting that these are rather trans-acting elements (GOF in CgPDR1) than cis-acting elements (promoters) that lead to azole resistance by upregulating specific combinations of ABC-transporter genes. Moreover, C. glabrata isolates complemented with CgPDR1 hyperactive alleles were not only more virulent in mice than those with wild type alleles, but they also gained fitness in the same animal model. The presence of CgPDR1 hyperactive alleles also contributed to fluconazole treatment failure in the mouse model. In conclusion, this study shows for the first time that CgPDR1 mutations are not only responsible for in vitro/in vivo azole resistance but that they can also confer a selective advantage under host conditions.


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ABSTRACT Aspergillus fumigatus is one of the most prevalent airbone fungal pathogen and can cause severe fatal invasive aspergillosis in immunocompromised patients. Several antifungal agents are available to treat these infections but with limited success. These agents include polyenes (amphotericin B), echinocandins (caspofungin) and azoles, which constitute the most important class with itraconazole (ITC) and voriconazole as major active compounds. Azole-derived antifungal agents target the ergosterol biosynthesis pathway via the inhibition of the lanosterol 14α-demethylase (cyp51/ERG1 1), a cytochrome P450 responsible for the conversion of lanosterol to ergosterol, which is the main component of cell membrane in fungi. A. fumigatus is also found in the environment as a contaminant of rotting plant or present in composting of organic waste. Among antifungal agents used in the environment for crop protection, the class of azoles is also widely used with propiconazole or prochloraz as examples. However, other agents such as dicarboximide (iprodione), phenylamide (benalaxyl) or strobilurin (azoxystrobin) are also used. Emergence of clinical azole-resistant isolates has been described in several European countries. However the incidence of antifungal resistance has not been yet reported in details in Switzerland. In this study, the status of antifungal resistance was investigated on A. fumigatus isolates collected from Swiss hospitals and from different environmental sites and. tested for their susceptibility to several currently used antifungal agents. The data showed a low incidence of resistance for all tested agents among clinical and environmental isolates. Only two azole-resistant environmental isolates were detected and none among the clinical tested isolates. In general, A. fumigatus was susceptible to all antifungals tested in our study, except to azoxystrobin which was the less active agent against all isolates. Since mechanisms of antifungal resistance have been poorly investigated until now in A. fumigatus, this work was aimed 1) to identify A. fumigatus genes involved in antifungal resistance and 2) to test their involvement in the development of resistance in sampled isolates. Therefore, this work proposed to isolate A. fumigatus genes conferring resistance to a drug-hypersusceptible Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain due to a lack of multidrug transporter genes. Several genes were recovered including three distinct efflux transporters (atrF, atrH and mdrA) and a bZip transcription factor, yapA. The inactivation of each transporter in A. fumigatus indicated that the transporters were involved in the basal level of azole susceptibility. The inactivation of YapA led to a hypersusceptibility to H2O2, thus confirming the involvement of this gene in the oxidative stress response of A. fumigatus. The involvement of the abovementioned transporters genes and of other transporters genes identified by genome analysis in azole resistance was tested by probing their expression in some ITC-resistant isolates. Even if upregulation of some transporters genes was observed in some investigated isolates, the correlation between azole resistance and expression levels of all these transporters genes could not be clearly established for all tested isolates. Given these results, the present work addressed 1) alteration in the expression of cyp51A encoding for the azole target enzyme, and 2) mutation(s) in the cyp51A sequence as potential mechanisms of azote resistance in A. . However, overexpression of cyp51A in the investigated isolates was not linked with azote resistance. Since it was reported that mutation(s) in cyp51A were participating in azote resistance in A. fumigatus, a functional complementation of cyp51A cDNAs from ITC-resistant A. fumigatus strains in S. cerevisiae ergl 1 Δ mutant strain was attempted. Expression in S. cerevisiae allowed the testing of these cDNAs with regards to their functionality and involvement in resistance to specific azote compounds. We could demonstrate that Cyp51A protein with a G54E or M220K mutations conferred resistance to specific azoles in S. cerevisiae, therefore suggesting that these mutations were important for the development of azote resistance in A. fumigatus. In conclusion, this work showed a correlation between ITC resistance and mechanisms involving overexpression of transporters and cyp51A mutations in A. fumigatus isolates. However, azole resistance of some isolates has not been solved and thus it will be necessary to approach the study of resistance mechanisms in this fungal species using alternative methodologies. RESUME Aspergillus fumigatus est un champignon opportuniste répandu et est la cause d'aspergilloses invasives le plus souvent fatales chez des patients immunodéprimés. Plusieurs antifongiques sont disponibles afin de traiter ces infections, cependant avec un succès limité. Ces agents incluent les polyènes (amphotericin B), les échinocandines (caspofungin) et les azoles, qui représentent la plus importante classe d'antifongiques avec l'itraconazole (ITC) et le voriconazole comme principaux agents actifs. Les dérivés azolés ciblent la voie de biosynthèse de l'ergostérol via l'inhibition de la lanostérol 14α-demethylase (cyp51/ERG11), un cytochrome P450 impliqué dans la conversion du lanostérol en ergostérol, qui est un composant important de la membrane chez les champignons. A. fumigatus est également répandu dans l'environnement. Parmi les antifongiques employés en agriculture afin de protéger les cultures, les azoles sont aussi largement utilisés. Cependant, d'autres agents tels que les dicarboximides (iprodione), les phenylamides (benalaxyl) et les strobilurines (azoxystrobin) peuvent être également utilisés. L'émergence de souches cliniques résistantes aux azoles a été décrite dans différents pays européens. Cependant, l'incidence d'une telle résistance aux azoles n'a pas encore été reportée en détails en Suisse. Dans ce travail, l'émergence de la résistance aux antifongiques a été étudiée par analyse de souches d'A. fumigatus provenant de milieux hospitaliers en Suisse et de différents sites et leur susceptibilité testée envers plusieurs antifongiques couramment utilisés. Les données obtenues ont montré une faible incidence de la résistance parmi les souches cliniques et environnementales pour les agents testés. Seulement deux souches environnementales résistantes aux azoles ont été détectées et aucune parmi les souches cliniques. Les mécanismes de résistance aux antifongiques ayant été très peu étudiés jusqu'à présent chez A. fumigatus , ce travail a eu aussi pour but 1) d'identifier les gènes d' A. fumigatus impliqués dans la résistance aux antifongiques et 2) de tester leur implication dans la résistance de certaines souches. Ainsi, il a été proposé d'isoler les gènes d' A. fumigatus pouvant conférer une résistance aux antifongiques à une souche de Saccharomyces cerevisiae hypersensible aux antifongiques. Trois transporteurs à efflux (atrF, atrH et mdrA) et un facteur de transcription appartenant à la famille des bZip (YapA) ont ainsi été isolés. L'inactivation, dans une souche d'A. fumigatus, de chacun des ces transporteurs a permis de mettre en évidence leur implication dans la susceptibilité d'A. fumigatus aux antifongiques. L'inactivation de YapA a engendré une hypersusceptibilité à l' H2O2, confirmant ainsi le rôle de ce gène dans la réponse au stress oxydatif chez A . fumigatus. La participation dans la résistance aux antifongiques des gènes codant pour des transporteurs ainsi que d'autres gènes identifiés par analyse du génome a été déterminée en testant leur niveau d'expression dans des souches résistantes à l'ITC. Bien qu'une surexpression de transporteurs ait été observée dans certaines souches, une corrélation entre la résistance à l'ITC et les niveaux d'expression de ces transporteurs n'a pu être clairement établie. Ce présent travail s'est donc porté sur l'étude de 2 autres mécanismes potentiellement impliqués dans la résistance aux azoles : 1) la surexpression de cyp51A codant pour l'enzyme cible et 2) des mutations dans cyp51A. Cependant, la surexpression de cyp51A dans les souches étudiées n'a pas été constatée. L'effet des mutations de cyp51A dans la résistance aux azoles a été testée par complémentation fonctionnelle d'une souche S. cerevisiae déletée dans son gène ERG11. L'expression de ces gènes chez S. cerevisiae a permis de démontrer que les protéines Cyp51Ap contenant une mutation G54E ou M220K pouvaient conférer une résistance spécifique à certains azoles, ainsi suggérant que ces mutations pourraient être importantes dans le développement d'une résistance aux azoles chez A. fumigatus. En conclusion, ce travail a permis de mettre en évidence, dans des souches d'A. fumigatus , une corrélation entre leur résistance à l' ITC et les mécanismes impliquant une surexpression de transporteurs et des mutations dans cyp51A. Cependant, ces mécanismes n'ont pu expliquer la résistance aux azoles de certaines souches et c'est pourquoi de nouvelles approches doivent être envisagées afin d'étudier ces mécanismes.