951 resultados para source-area reconstruction


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AMS-14C dated sediment cores from the Ob and Yenisei estuaries and the adjacent inner Kara Sea were investigated to determine the siliclastic and organic carbon fluxes and their relationship to paleoenvironmental changes. The variability of sediment fluxes during Holocene times is related to the post-glacial sea-level rise and changes in river discharge and coastal erosion input. Whereas during the late/middle Holocene most of the terrigenous sediments were deposited in the estuaries and the areas directly off the estuaries, huge amounts of sediments accumulated on the Kara Sea shelf farther north during the early Holocene before about 9 Cal. kyrs. BP. The maximum accumulation at that time is related to the lowered sea level, increased coastal erosion, and increased river discharge due to the final stage of mountain deglaciation of the Putoran Massif. Increased supply of Yenisei-derived material indicated by peak magnetic susceptibility values probably occurred in climate-related pulses culminating near 11, 10, and 9 Cal. kyrs. BP. As sea level rose, the main Holocene depocenter migrated southward. Based on hydrogen index values and n-alkanes, the organic matter is predominantly of terrigenous origin. Maximum accumulation rates of 1.5 to more than 6 g/cm2/y occurred in the early Holocene sediments, suggesting more humid climatic conditions with an increased vegetation cover in the source area at that time. In general, high organic carbon accumulation rates characterize the estuaries and the inner Kara Sea as important sink for terrigenous organic carbon. A high-resolution record of Holocene variability of magnetic susceptibility (MS) in an AMS14C-dated sediment core from the northern Yenisei estuary may indicate natural variability of Arctic climate change and river discharge on a centennial to millenial time scale. Short-term maxima in MS probably related to warmer climate, enhanced precipitation, intensified weathering/erosion and increased river discharge, display a frequency of about 300 to 700 years.


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A geochemical analysis is conducted on hemipelagic sediments at ODP Leg 162, Site 907, North Atlantic. On the basis of major and minor element concentrations, the sequence is divided into five units. Geochemical data reveal that the sediments originated from two specific source areas, i.e., continental icerafted debris (IRD) and Icelandic basalt. In the upper part (lithological units I and II, 0 to 63.1 meters below sea floor (mbsf)), sediments were derived from continental IRD, whereas in the lower part, sediments (lithological units III, IV, and V, below 63.1 mbsf) comprise mixture of continental IRD and minor supply from the Icelandic basalt. The ratio of TiO2/Al2O3 to SiO2 content and the Th to Ti/Al molar ratio clearly provide a key to discriminate provenances. The change in source area is most likely related to the oceanographic and climatic evolution in the North Atlantic since the middle Miocene. Biogenic fossil-barren intervals (Units II and V) are considered as a consequence of dissolution caused by oceanic circulation. The timing of IRD initiation confers with that of geochemical analysis. Total organic carbon to total nitrogen (C/N) ratio shows a striking variation in the entire core. The C/N ratios exceed 10 below approximately 196 mbsf (lithological unit V) with a gradual downward increase. This suggests that terrigenous organic matters have been supplied from the neighboring continents. The total organic carbon to total sulfur (C/S) ratio also shows such possibility as well as diagenetic changes in Units IV and V. The carbonate-barren intervals presented in Units II and V, and intermittently in Units III and IV are interpreted as a consequence of dissolution effect related with climatic variation and deep-water circulation. Additional low surface productivity was considerable.


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Analysis of lithology, grain-size composition, clay minerals, and geochemistry of Upper Pleistocene bottom sediments from the submarine Shirshov Ridge (Bering Sea) showed that the Yukon-Tanana terrane of the Central Alaska was main source area of the sediments. Sedimentary material was transported by the Yukon River through Beringia up to the shelf break, where they were entrained by a strong north-west sea current. Lithological data revealed several pulses of ice-rafted debris deposition roughly synchronous with Heinrich events and periods of weaker bottom current intensity. Based on geochemical results we distinguished intervals of an increase in paleoproductivity and extension of the oxygen minimum zone. Our results suggest that there were three stages of deposition driven by glacioeustatic sea-level fluctuations and glacial cycles in Alaska.


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Despite the Arctic sea ice cover's recognized sensitivity to environmental change, the role of sediment inclusions in lowering ice albedo and affecting ice ablation is poorly understood. Sea ice sediment inclusions were studied in the central Arctic Ocean during the Arctic 91 expedition and in the Laptev Sea (East Siberian Arctic Region Expedition 1992). Results from these investigations are here combined with previous studies performed in major areas of ice ablation and the southern central Arctic Ocean. This study documents the regional distribution and composition of particle-laden ice, investigates and evaluates processes by which sediment is incorporated into the ice cover, and identifies transport paths and probable depositional centers for the released sediment. In April 1992, sea ice in the Laptev Sea was relatively clean. The sediment occasionally observed was distributed diffusely over the entire ice column, forming turbid ice. Observations indicate that frazil and anchor ice formation occurring in a large coastal polynya provide a main mechanism for sediment entrainment. In the central Arctic Ocean sediments are concentrated in layers within or at the surface of ice floes due to melting and refreezing processes. The surface sediment accumulation in central Arctic multi-year sea ice exceeds by far the amounts observed in first-year ice from the Laptev Sea in April 1992. Sea ice sediments are generally fine grained, although coarse sediments and stones up to 5 cm in diameter are observed. Component analysis indicates that quartz and clay minerals are the main terrigenous sediment particles. The biogenous components, namely shells of pelecypods and benthic foraminiferal tests, point to a shallow, benthic, marine source area. Apparently, sediment inclusions were resuspended from shelf areas before and incorporated into the sea ice by suspension freezing. Clay mineralogy of ice-rafted sediments provides information on potential source areas. A smectite maximum in sea ice sediment samples repeatedly occurred between 81°N and 83°N along the Arctic 91 transect, indicating a rather stable and narrow smectite rich ice drift stream of the Transpolar Drift. The smectite concentrations are comparable to those found in both Laptev Sea shelf sediments and anchor ice sediments, pointing to this sea as a potential source area for sea ice sediments. In the central Arctic Ocean sea ice clay mineralogy is significantly different from deep-sea clay mineral distribution patterns. The contribution of sea ice sediments to the deep sea is apparently diluted by sedimentary material provided by other transport mechanisms.


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Detailed sedimentological investigations were performed on sediments from DSDP-Site 594 (Chatham Rise, east of New Zealand) in order to reconstruct the evolution of paleoclimate and paleoceanographic conditions in the Southwest Pacific during the last 6 million years. The results can be summarized as follows: (1) High accumulation rates of biogenic opal and carbonate and the dominance of smectites in the clay fraction suggest increased oceanic productivity and an equable dominantly humid climate during the late Miocene. (2) During Pliocene times, decreasing contents of smectites and increasing feldspar/quartz ratios point to an aridification in the source area of the terrigenous sediments, culmunating near 2.5 Ma. At that time, accumulation rates of terrigenous components distinctly increased probably caused by increased sediment supply due to intensified atmospheric and oceanic circulation, lowered sea level, and decreased vegetation cover. (3) A hiatus (1.45 to 0.73 Ma) suggests intensified intermediate-water circulation. (4) Major glacial/interglacial cycles characterize the upper 0.73 Ma. During glacial times, oceanic productivity and terrigenous sediment supply was distinctly increased because of intensified atmospheric and oceanic circulations and lowered sea level, whereas during interglacials productivity and terrigenous sediment supply were reduced. (5) An increased content of amphibols in the sediments of Site 594 indicates increased volcanic activities during the last 4.25 Ma.


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We drilled 13 holes on Ocean Drilling Program Leg 115 in the Indian Ocean and recovered Paleogene sediments that consisted primarily of pelagic components. Planktonic foraminifer assemblages displayed high diversity throughout the Paleogene from the late Paleocene to the Oligocene/Miocene boundary and consist of predominantly warm-water species. Faunas of middle Eocene age are remarkably well represented. Biostratigraphic assignment was, however, very difficult because of the turbiditic character of most of the Paleogene sediments. Reworking is a constant feature of the middle Eocene through early Oligocene planktonic faunas, with reworked faunas frequently overwhelming the younger ones. Preservation within turbidites ranges from excellent to very poor to total destruction of planktonic foraminifers. A major dissolution episode is recorded in the interval that spans most of the late Eocene through the early Oligocene, especially at the deeper sites where the source area was probably well below the lysocline. Redeposition decreases markedly by the mid-Oligocene, but it is only by late Oligocene Zone P22 that normal sedimentation resumes and/or redeposition decreases even at the most affected sites (such as Hole 709C). Comparison with other sites drilled previously in the Indian Ocean reveals that mixed assemblages were already known for sediments from the Mascarene Plateau-Seychelles Bank and surrounding basins during that time span. Because of the disturbances that characterize Paleogene deposits, hiatuses are difficult to detect; nevertheless, a hiatus of less local importance, spanning Subzone P21b, was detected in three holes at different water depths.


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Altogether 513 samples from sediments of Cretaceous to Pleistocene age from DSDP Legs 56 and 57 were examined by x-ray methods. The main constituents are clay minerals, quartz, feldspar, opaline silica, and volcanic glass. The sediment composition reflects the position of the sites in relation to the main source area, the Japanese Island Arc. For example, relatively coarse-grained material rich in quartz and feldspar was deposited closest to the islands, whereas finer-grained material rich in clay minerals (mainly smectite and illite, with lesser amounts of kaolinite and chlorite) was deposited farther seaward. Vertical fluctuations in the composition of the sediments show the same trend in all sites and are caused mainly by a fluctuating contribution of biogenic silica with time. A trend reversal in the chlorite/kaolinite ratio at Site 438 supports the conclusion that the subsidence of the Oyashio ancient landmass took place during the middle Miocene. That ratio also indicates a northwest drift in the position of Site 436 by sea floor spreading. Oscillations of the illite/smectite ratio during the Pleistocene at Site 436 show the variations of climate during this period. During early diagenesis potassium is fixed in smectite. With increasing depth of burial a smectite-illite mixed layer is formed, with increasing illite layering. At Sites 434, 440, and 441, stepwise changes confirm intensive tectonic process at the midslope terrace and the lower inner slope of the Japan Trench.


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Although conventional sediment parameters (mean grain size, sorting, and skewness) and provenance have typically been used to infer sediment transport pathways, most freshwater, brackish, and marine environments are also characterized by abundant sediment constituents of biological, and possibly anthropogenic and volcanic, origin that can provide additional insight into local sedimentary processes. The biota will be spatially distributed according to its response to environmental parameters such as water temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, organic carbon content, grain size, and intensity of currents and tidal flow, whereas the presence of anthropogenic and volcanic constituents will reflect proximity to source areas and whether they are fluvially- or aerially-transported. Because each of these constituents have a unique environmental signature, they are a more precise proxy for that source area than the conventional sedimentary process indicators. This San Francisco Bay Coastal System study demonstrates that by applying a multi-proxy approach, the primary sites of sediment transport can be identified. Many of these sites are far from where the constituents originated, showing that sediment transport is widespread in the region. Although not often used, identifying and interpreting the distribution of naturally-occurring and allochthonous biologic, anthropogenic, and volcanic sediment constituents is a powerful tool to aid in the investigation of sediment transport pathways in other coastal systems.


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The distribution of pollen in marine sediments is used to reconstruct pathways of terrigenous input to the oceans and provides a record of vegetation change on adjacent continents. The wind transport routes of aeolian pollen is comprehensively illustrated by clusters of trajectories. Isobaric, 4-day backward trajectories are calculated using the modelled wind-field of ECHAM3, and are clustered on a seasonal basis to estimate the main pathways of aeolian particles to sites of marine cores in the south-eastern Atlantic. Trajectories and clusters based on the modelled wind-field of the Last Glacial Maximum hardly differ from those of the present-day. Trajectory clusters show three regional, and two seasonal patterns, determining the pathways of aeolian pollen transport into the south-eastern Atlantic ocean. Mainly, transport out of the continent occurs during austral fall and winter, when easterly and south-easterly winds prevail. South of 25°S, winds blow mostly from the west and southwest, and aeolian terrestrial input is very low. Generally, a good latitudinal correspondence exists between the distribution patterns of pollen in marine surface sediments and the occurrence of the source plants on the adjacent continent. The northern Angola Basin receives pollen and spores from the Congolian and Zambezian forests mainly through river discharge. The Zambezian vegetation zone is the main source area for wind-blown pollen in sediments of the Angola Basin, while the semi-desert and desert areas are the main sources for pollen in sediments of the Walvis Basin and on the Walvis Ridge. A transect of six marine pollen records along the south-western African coast indicates considerable changes in the vegetation of southern Africa between glacial and interglacial periods. Important changes in the vegetation are the decline of forests in equatorial Africa and the north of southern Africa and a northward shift of winter rain vegetation along the western escarpment.


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Textural and compositional differences were found between gravity-flow sheets in an open-ocean environment on the northern slope of Little Bahama Bank (Site 628, Pliocene turbidite sequence) and in a closed-basin depositional setting (Site 632, Quaternary turbidite sequence). Mud-supported debris-flow sheets were cored at Site 628. Average mean grain size of the turbidite samples was lower, mud content was higher, and sorting was poorer than in comparable samples from Site 632. This reflects the deposition of proximal, low-energy turbidity currents and debris flows on a base-ofslope carbonate apron. No mud-supported debris-flow sheets were deposited in the investigated sediment sequence of Hole 632A. Many larger turbidity currents from around the margins of Exuma Sound may have reached this central basin setting, depositing sediments that had been transported over longer distances. Planktonic components dominate in the grain-sized fraction (500-1000 µm) of turbidite samples from Hole 628A, while platform detritus is rare. We interpreted this as resulting from the erosion and reworking of a large area of open-ocean slope sediments by gravity flows. In contrast, large amounts of benthic and platform components were found in the turbidite samples of Hole 632A. This may be explained by the fact that the slopes of the enclosed Exuma Sound are steep, and turbidity currents bypassed much of these slopes through pronounced channels, delivering more shallow-water detritus to the deep basin. Erosion of slope sediments, a possible source area of planktonic detritus, is assumed to be low. The small slope area in relation to the larger surrounding platform areas and lower production of planktonic components in the enclosed waters of Exuma Sound may also explain the observed low number of planktonic components at Hole 632A. Turbidite material from both open-ocean and enclosed-basin environments was deposited at Site 635.


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During Ocean Drilling Program Leg 190 several turbidite successions in the Nankai Trough were drilled through including Pleistocene trench fill (Sites 1173 and 1174), Pleistocene-Pliocene slope basin deposits and underlying trench fill (Sites 1175 and 1176), Miocene Shikoku Basin deposits (Site 1177), and upper Miocene trench fill (Site 1178). Sands from the Pleistocene trench-fill succession of the Nankai Trough are of mixed derivation with significant monomineralic components (quartz and feldspar) and mafic to intermediate volcanic rock fragments, in addition to sedimentary and less abundant metamorphic detritus. They have a source in the Izu collision zone in central Honshu. Sands from the slope and accreted trench fill at Sites 1175 and 1176 are dominated by quartz with less abundant feldspar, sedimentary rock fragments, and only minor volcanic and metamorphic rock fragments. In contrast to the trench turbidites of Sites 1173 and 1174, these sands are very quartzose with characteristic radiolarian chert fragments. Volcanic rock fragments are mainly of silicic composition. Potential sources of these sands are uplifted subduction complexes of southwest Japan. Sands from the accreted trench turbidites at Site 1178 have clast types similar to those at Sites 1175 and 1176. In contrast, however, framework detrital modes are distinctive, with Site 1178 sands having substantially lower total quartz contents and more abundant fine-grained sedimentary rock fragments. These sands were also probably derived from the island of Shikoku, but their composition indicates that sedimentary rocks were abundant in the source area and these may have been Miocene forearc basin successions that were largely removed by erosion. Erosional remnants of Miocene forearc basin deposits are present on the Kii Peninsula east-northeast of Shikoku. Erosion followed a phase of exhumation of the Shimanto Belt indicated by apatite fission track ages at ~10 Ma. Sand in the lower-upper Miocene turbidites of the lower Shikoku Basin section at Site 1177 is more varied in composition, with the upper part of the unit similar to Site 1178 (i.e., rich in sedimentary rock fragments) and the lower part similar to those at Sites 1175 and 1176 (i.e., rich in quartz with some silicic volcanic rock fragments). Sands from the lower part of the Miocene turbidite unit were derived from a continental source with plutonic and volcanic rocks, possibly the inner zone of southwest Japan.


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The modern Indian Ocean summer monsoon is driven by differential heating between the Asian continent and the Indian Ocean to the south. This differential heating produces a strong pressure gradient which drives southwest monsoon winds during June, July, and August. Satellite and meteorological observations, aerosol measurements, sediment trap studies, and mineralogical studies indicate an atmospheric mode of transport for modern lithogenic sediments in the northwest Arabian Sea. Analyses of lithogenic grain size and mass accumulation rate (MAR) records from the Owen Ridge indicate that eolian transport has been the primary mode of transport for the past 370 kyr. Visual inspection shows that the MAR record is positively correlated with global ice volume as indicated by the marine delta18O record. In contrast, the grain-size record varies at a much higher frequency, showing little correlation to either the MAR or the delta18O records. Spectral analyses confirm these relationships, indicating that the lithogenic grain-size and MAR records are coherent only over the precession band whereby the grain size leads the MAR by 124° (~8 kyr). We conclude that an eolian transport mechanism is the only mechanism that allows for this phase difference and at the same time is supported by comparison of the grain size and MAR with independent eolian records. We use lithogenic grain size as a paleoclimatic indicator of summer monsoon wind strength and lithogenic MAR as a paleoclimatic indicator of source-area aridity. These interpretations are supported by comparison of the lithogenic records to independent indicators of wind strength (Globigerina bulloides upwelling record) and aridity (a loess record from central China). Such comparisons indicate high coherence and zero phase relationships. Our work supports the findings of previous studies which have documented the link between monsoon strength and the Earth's axial precession cycles. Both the lithogenic MAR and the grain-size records have high coherency with precessional insolation. Maximum lithogenic MAR (source-area aridity) is in phase with delta18O (global ice volume) and leads maximum precessional insolation by 88° (~6 kyr). We attribute this lead to the influence of glacial conditions on the aridity, and therefore the deflation potential, of the source areas. Maximum lithogenic grain size (summer monsoon wind strength) lags maximum precession by 148° (~9 kyr). We attribute this lag both to the influence of global and/or local ice volume and to the availability of latent heat from the southern hemisphere Indian Ocean, the two of which combine to determine the strength of the Indian Ocean monsoon.


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Very fine quartz sand was examined from Paleogene and Neogene sediments of ODP Sites 693, 694, 695, 696, and 697 to determine their grain roundness using Fourier analysis and SEM surface texture characteristics. The objective of this study was to identify grain roundness and surface texture characteristics unique to East (Site 693) and West (Sites 695, 696, and 697) Antarctica and to glacial regimes. Once identified, these distinguishing features could then be used to determine changes in source area and glacial conditions in the central Weddell Sea Basin (Site 694). Three end members of very fine quartz sand are recognized in the Oligocene to Pleistocene sediments of the Weddell Sea: angular, rounded, and intermediate. End member 1 (angular) consists of extremely angular grains with numerous fracture textures. Previous investigations suggested that these sands are derived from crystalline rocks that fractured during formation or deformation and/or were exposed to weathering by ice. In this study, however, the correlation of angularity with ice activity is problematical as the most angular sands were recovered in the lower Oligocene sediments of the South Orkney Microcontinent, a period of temperate climatic conditions. End member 3 (rounded) consists of rounded grains with chemically and mechanically produced surface textures. These sands are presumed to be derived from the Beacon-type rocks in East Antarctica and the sedimentary deposits of the Northern Antarctic Peninsula. End member 2 (intermediate) grains display crystalline nodes and grain embayments. They are thought to be derived from felsic intrusives, East Antarctic quartzites, basement metamorphics of the South Orkney Microcontinent, and/or the Andean intrusive series of West Antarctica. Unfortunately, no features unique to either the East or West Antarctic sediment sources or to glacial conditions could be isolated. Therefore, the objective of determining provenance changes and sediment erosion and transport mechanisms could not be achieved using this approach.


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A record of changes in Pb and Sr isotopic composition of two cores (DSDP 86-576A and LL44- GPC-3) from the red clay region of the central North Pacific has been determined for the past 60-65 million years. The isotope records of the eolian silicate fraction of the red clays reflect the change in source area as the core sites migrated under different wind systems. The Sr isotope compositions of eolian silicate material are consistent with Asian loess and North American arc volcanism that has been recognized from mineralogical studies. The silicate-bound eolian Pb isotopic compositions similarly reflect Asian loess and arc volcanism. The isotope records of three ferromanganese crusts from similar locations in the central Pacific are similar to the eolian component of red clays, but offset to less radiogenic values. This may be due to two mechanisms: (1) Pb that can be removed from eolian material by seawater is much less radiogenic, or less likely (2) hydrothermal Pb can be transported further away from venting sites through particle exchange with seawater, despite hydrothermal venting acting as a net sink of oceanic Pb. The temporal changes in Pb isotopes in the ferromanganese crusts, bulk red clays and eolian silicates are similar although offset from each other suggesting that eolian deposition is an important source of Pb to seawater and to ferromanganese crusts. This contrasts with the Atlantic and Southern Ocean where more intense deep water flow leads to isotopic gradients in FeMn crusts that do not reflect surface water conditions immediately above the crust. A mechanism is proposed which accounts for Pacific deepwater Pb being isotopically influenced by eolian deposition.


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Early Miocene to Quaternary sediments drilled from the Bengal Fan are divided into six zones by modal proportions of heavy minerals. The sediments were mostly derived from the Himalayas. Detritus from the Indian subcontinent is found sporadically in clay-rich sediments that were deposited during periods of slow sedimentation, when the deep-sea channel migrated away from the drilled sites. The oldest sediments, ranging from 17 to about 15 Ma, were derived mostly from the Precambrian and Paleozoic sedimentary rocks of the lower Himalayas. At about 15 Ma, metamorphic terrains were eroded in the source area. Further large-scale unroofing of metamorphic rocks occurred around 11 Ma. After 10 Ma, the major constituents in the drainage basin or the drainage pattern changed a few times. Between 3.5 and 0.5 Ma, a large peridotite body was unroofed by uplift and successive erosion of the central Himalayas. At this time, the single large river that had supplied detritus to the early Bengal Fan was divided into the Indus and Ganges rivers.