993 resultados para soil ecology
Euterpe edulis is an endangered species due to palm heart overharvesting, the most important non-timber forest product of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, and fruit exploitation has been introduced as a low impacting alternative. However, E. edulis is a keystone species for frugivores birds, and even the impact of fruit exploitation needs to be better investigated. Since this species occurs over contrasting habitats, the establishment of site-specific standards and limits for exploitation may also be essential to achieve truly sustainable management. In this context, we sought to investigate how soil chemical composition would potentially affect E. edulis (Arecaceae) palm heart and fruit exploitation considering current standards of management. We studied natural populations found in Restinga Forest and Atlantic Rainforest remnants established within Natural Reserves of Sao Paulo State, SE Brazil, where 10.24 ha permanent plots, composed of a grid of 256 subplots (20 m x 20 m), were located. In each of these subplots, we evaluated soil chemical composition and diameter at breast height of E. edulis individuals. Additionally, we evaluated fruit yield in 2008 and 2009 in 20 individuals per year. The Atlantic Rainforest population had a much higher proportion of larger diameter individuals than the population from the Restinga Forest, as a result of habitat-mediated effects, especially those related to soil. Sodium and potassium concentration in Restinga Forest soils, which have strong negative and positive effect on palm growth, respectively, played a key role in determining those differences. Overall, the number of fruits that could be exploited in the Atlantic Rainforest was four times higher than in Restinga Forest. If current rules for palm heart and fruit harvesting were followed without any restriction to different habitats, Restinga Forest populations are under severe threat, as this study shows that they are not suitable for sustainable management of both fruits and palm heart. Hence, a habitat-specific approach of sustainable management is needed for this species in order to respect the demographic and ecological dynamics of each population to be managed. These findings suggest that any effort to create general management standards of low impacting harvesting may be unsuccessful if the species of interest occur over a wide range of ecosystems. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe AZ, USA
The investigation of phylogenetic diversity and functionality of complex microbial communities in relation to changes in the environmental conditions represents a major challenge of microbial ecology research. Nowadays, particular attention is paid to microbial communities occurring at environmental sites contaminated by recalcitrant and toxic organic compounds. Extended research has evidenced that such communities evolve some metabolic abilities leading to the partial degradation or complete mineralization of the contaminants. Determination of such biodegradation potential can be the starting point for the development of cost effective biotechnological processes for the bioremediation of contaminated matrices. This work showed how metagenomics-based microbial ecology investigations supported the choice or the development of three different bioremediation strategies. First, PCR-DGGE and PCR-cloning approaches served the molecular characterization of microbial communities enriched through sequential development stages of an aerobic cometabolic process for the treatment of groundwater contaminated by chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons inside an immobilized-biomass packed bed bioreactor (PBR). In this case the analyses revealed homogeneous growth and structure of immobilized communities throughout the PBR and the occurrence of dominant microbial phylotypes of the genera Rhodococcus, Comamonas and Acidovorax, which probably drive the biodegradation process. The same molecular approaches were employed to characterize sludge microbial communities selected and enriched during the treatment of municipal wastewater coupled with the production of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA). Known PHA-accumulating microorganisms identified were affiliated with the genera Zooglea, Acidovorax and Hydrogenophaga. Finally, the molecular investigation concerned communities of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contaminated soil subjected to rhizoremediation with willow roots or fertilization-based treatments. The metabolic ability to biodegrade naphthalene, as a representative model for PAH, was assessed by means of stable isotope probing in combination with high-throughput sequencing analysis. The phylogenetic diversity of microbial populations able to derive carbon from naphthalene was evaluated as a function of the type of treatment.
Recent interest in spatial pattern in terrestrial ecosystems has come from an awareness of theintimate relationship between spatial heterogeneity of soil resources and maintenance of plant species diversity. Soil and vegetation can vary spatially inresponse to several state factors of the system. In this study, we examined fine-scale spatial variability of soil nutrients and vascular plant species in contrasting herb-dominated communities (a pasture and an oldfield) to determine degree of spatial dependenceamong soil variables and plant community characteristics within these communities by sampling at 1-m intervals. Each site was divided into 25 1-m 2 plots. Mineral soil was sampled (2-cm diameter, 5-cm depth) from each of four 0.25-m2 quarters and combined into a single composite sample per plot. Soil organic matter was measured as loss-on-ignition. Extractable NH4 and NO3 were determined before and after laboratory incubation to determine potential net N mineralization and nitrification. Cations were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry. Vegetation was assessed using estimated percent cover. Most soiland plant variables exhibited sharp contrasts betweenpasture and old-field sites, with the old field having significantly higher net N mineralization/nitrification, pH, Ca, Mg, Al, plant cover, and species diversity, richness, and evenness. Multiple regressions revealedthat all plant variables (species diversity, richness,evenness, and cover) were significantly related to soil characteristics (available nitrogen, organic matter,moisture, pH, Ca, and Mg) in the pasture; in the old field only cover was significantly related to soil characteristics (organic matter and moisture). Both sites contrasted sharply with respect to spatial pattern of soil variables, with the old field exhibiting a higher degree of spatial dependence. These results demonstrate that land-use practices can exert profound influence on spatial heterogeneity of both soil properties and vegetation in herb-dominated communities.
Quantifying belowground dynamics is critical to our understanding of plant and ecosystem function and belowground carbon cycling, yet currently available tools for complex belowground image analyses are insufficient. We introduce novel techniques combining digital image processing tools and geographic information systems (GIS) analysis to permit semi-automated analysis of complex root and soil dynamics. We illustrate methodologies with imagery from microcosms, minirhizotrons, and a rhizotron, in upland and peatland soils. We provide guidelines for correct image capture, a method that automatically stitches together numerous minirhizotron images into one seamless image, and image analysis using image segmentation and classification in SPRING or change analysis in ArcMap. These methods facilitate spatial and temporal root and soil interaction studies, providing a framework to expand a more comprehensive understanding of belowground dynamics.
As global climate continues to change, it becomes more important to understand possible feedbacks from soils to the climate system. This dissertation focuses on soil microbial community responses to climate change factors in northern hardwood forests. Two soil warming experiments at Harvard Forest in Massachusetts, and a climate change manipulation experiment with both elevated temperature and increased moisture inputs in Michigan were sampled. The hyphal in-growth bag method was to understand how soil fungal biomass and respiration respond to climate change factors. Our results from phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analyses suggest that the hyphal in-growth bag method allows relatively pure samples of fungal hyphae to be partitioned from bacteria in the soil. The contribution of fungal hyphal respiration to soil respiration was examined in climate change manipulation experiments in Massachusetts and Michigan. The Harvard Forest soil warming experiments in Massachusetts are long-term studies with 8 and 18 years of +5 °C warming treatment. Hyphal respiration and biomass production tended to decrease with soil warming at Harvard Forest. This suggests that fungal hyphae adjust to higher temperatures by decreasing the amount of carbon respired and the amount of carbon stored in biomass. The Ford Forestry Center experiment in Michigan has a 2 x 2 fully factorial design with warming (+4-5 °C) and moisture addition (+30% average ambient growing season precipitation). This experiment was used to examine hyphal growth and respiration of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), soil enzymatic capacity, microbial biomass and microbial community structure in the soil over two years of experimental treatment. Results from the hyphal in-growth bag study indicate that AMF hyphal growth and respiration respond negatively to drought. Soil enzyme activities tend to be higher in heated versus unheated soils. There were significant temporal variations in enzyme activity and microbial biomass estimates. When microbial biomass was estimated using chloroform fumigation extractions there were no differences between experimental treatments and the control. When PLFA analyses were used to estimate microbial biomass we found that biomass responds negatively to higher temperatures and positively to moisture addition. This pattern was present for both bacteria and fungi. More information on the quality and composition of the organic matter and nutrients in soils from climate change manipulation experiments will allow us to gain a more thorough understanding of the mechanisms driving the patterns reported here. The information presented here will improve current soil carbon and nitrogen cycling models.
Social learning approaches have become a prominent focus in studies related to sustainable agriculture. In order to better understand the potential of social learning for more sustainable development, the present study assessed the processes, effects and facilitating elements of interaction related to social learning in the context of Swiss soil protection and the innovative ‘From Farmer - To Farmer’ project. The study reveals that social learning contributes to fundamental transformations of patterns of interactions. However, the study also demonstrates that a learning-oriented understanding of sustainable development implies including analysis of the institutional environments in which the organizations of the individual representatives of face-to-face-based social learning processes are operating. This has shown to be a decisive element when face-to-face-based learning processes of the organisations’ representatives are translated into organisational learning. Moreover, the study revealed that this was achieved not directly through formalisation of new lines of institutionalised cooperation but by establishing links in a ‘boundary space’ trying out new forms of collaboration, aiming at social learning and co-production of knowledge. It is argued that further research on social learning processes should give greater emphasis to this intermediary level of ‘boundary spaces’.
We present the data of the 3rdresearch expedition of the European Dry Grasslands Group (EDGG), which was conducted in 2011 in two contrasting areas in NW Bulgarian mountains. The aim was to collect plot data for comparing Bulgarian dry grasslands with those of other parts of Europe in terms of syntaxonomy and biodiversity. We sampled 15 nested-plot series (0.0001–100 m²) and 68 normal plots(10 m²) covering the full variety of dry grassland types occurring in the Vratsa area (Balkan Mts.) and the Koprivshtitsa area (Sredna Gora Mt.). In the plots all vascular plants, terricolous non-vascular plants and a set of soil and other environmental parameters were determined. By applying modified TWIN-SPAN, we distinguished 10 floristically well characterised vegetation types at the association level. After comparison with the regional and European literature, we propose to place them within three classes and five orders: Festuco-Brometea with the orders Stipo pulcherrimae-Festucetalia pallentis (xerophilous dry grasslands of base-rich rocks; alliance Saturejion montanae), Brachypodietalia pinnate (meso-xeric, basiphilous grasslands; alliances Cirsio-Brachypodion pinnate and Chyrsopogono grylli-Danthonion calycinae),Calluno-Ulicetea with the order Nardetalia stricae (lowland to montane Nardus swards; alliance Violion caninae), and Koelerio-Corynephoretea with the orders Sedo-Scleranthetalia (open communities of skeleton-rich, acidic soils; alliance unclear) and Trifolioarvensis-Festucetalia ovinae(closed, meso-xeric, acidophilous grasslands; alliance Armerio rumelicae-Potentillion). The Violion caninae with the association Festuco rubrae-Genistelletum sagittalisis reported from Bulgaria for the first time, while the two occurring Koelerio-Corynephoretea communities are described as new associations (Cetrario aculeatae-Plantaginetum radicatae, Plantagini radicatae-Agrostietum capillaris). According to DCA the main floristic gradient was largely determined by soil conditions, differentiating the Festuco-Brometea communities on soils with high pH and high humus content from the Koelerio-Corynephoretea communities on acidic, humus-poor soils, while the Calluno-Ulicetea stands are the connecting link. At 10 m² Festuco-Brometea and Calluno-Ulicetea stands were richer in species across all investigated taxa and in vascular plants than Koelerio-Corynephoretea stands; the latter were richest in lichen species, while bryophyte richness did not differ significantly among syntaxa. Among the Bulgarian classes, the species-area relationships tended to be steepest in the Festuco-Brometea (i.e. highest beta diversity), but both alpha and beta diversity clearly fell behind the Festuco-Brometea communities in the Transylvanian Plateau, Romania, located less than 500 km north of the study region. Overall, our study contributes to a more adequate placement of the Bulgarian dry grasslands in the European syntaxonomic system and provides valuable data for large-scale analyses of biodiversity patterns
Plant diversity has been shown to influence the water cycle of forest ecosystems by differences in water consumption and the associated effects on groundwater recharge. However, the effects of biodiversity on soil water fluxes remain poorly understood for native tree species plantations in the tropics. Therefore, we estimated soil water fluxes and assessed the effects of tree species and diversity on these fluxes in an experimental native tree species plantation in Sardinilla (Panama). The study was conducted during the wet season 2008 on plots of monocultures and mixtures of three or six tree species. Rainfall and soil water content were measured and evapotranspiration was estimated with the Penman-Monteith equation. Soil water fluxes were estimated using a simple soil water budget model considering water input, output, and soil water and groundwater storage changes and in addition, were simulated using the physically based one-dimensional water flow model Hydrus-1D. In general, the Hydrus simulation did not reflect the observed pressure heads, in that modeled pressure heads were higher compared to measured ones. On the other hand, the results of the water balance equation (WBE) reproduced observed water use patterns well. In monocultures, the downward fluxes through the 200 cm-depth plane were highest below Hura crepitans (6.13 mm day−1) and lowest below Luehea seemannii (5.18 mm day−1). The average seepage rate in monocultures (±SE) was 5.66 ± 0.18 mm day−1, and therefore, significantly higher than below six-species mixtures (5.49 ± 0.04 mm day−1) according to overyielding analyses. The three-species mixtures had an average seepage rate of 5.63 ± 0.12 mm day−1 and their values did not differ significantly from the average values of the corresponding species in monocultures. Seepage rates were driven by the transpiration of the varying biomass among the plots (r = 0.61, p = 0.017). Thus, a mixture of trees with different growth rates resulted in moderate seepage rates compared to monocultures of either fast growing or slow growing tree species. Our results demonstrate that tree-species specific biomass production and tree diversity are important controls of seepage rates in the Sardinilla plantation during the wet season.
Aims and Methods Disturbance is supposed to play an important role for biodiversity and ecosystem stability as described by the intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH), which predicts highest species richness at intermediate levels of disturbances. In this study, we tested the effects of artificial soil disturbances on diversity of annual and perennial vascular plants and bryophytes in a field experiment in 86 agricultural grasslands differing in land use in two regions of Germany. On each grassland, we implemented four treatments: three treatments differing in application time of soil disturbances and one control. One year after experimental disturbance, we recorded vegetation and measured biomass productivity and bare ground. We analysed the disturbance response taking effects of region and land-use-accompanied disturbance regimes into account.Important Findings Region and land-use type strongly determined plant species richness. Experimental disturbances had small positive effects on the species richness of annuals, but none on perennials or bryophytes. Bare ground was positively related to species richness of bryophytes. However, exceeding the creation of 12% bare ground further disturbance had a detrimental effect on bryophyte species richness, which corresponds to the IDH. As biomass productivity was unaffected by disturbance our results indicate that the disturbance effect on species richness of annuals was not due to decreased overall productivity, but rather due to short-term lowered inter- and intraspecific competition at the newly created microsites.Generally, our results highlight the importance of soil disturbances for species richness of annual plants and bryophytes in agricultural grasslands. However, most grasslands were disturbed naturally or by land-use practices and our additional experimental soil disturbances only had a small short-term effect. Overall, total plant diversity in grasslands seemed to be more limited by the availability of propagules rather than by suitable microsites for germination. Thus, nature conservation efforts to increase grassland diversity should focus on overcoming propagule limitation, for instance by additional sowing of seeds, while the creation of additional open patches by disturbance might only be appropriate where natural disturbances are scarce.
Over the past few decades, the advantages of the visible-near infra-red (VisNIR) diffuse reflectance spectrometer (DRS) method have enabled prediction of soil organic carbon (SOC). In this study, SOC was predicted using regression models for samples taken from three sites (Gununo, Maybar and Anjeni) in Ethiopia. SOC was characterized in laboratory using conventional wet chemistry and VisNIR-DRS methods. Principal component analysis (PCA), principal component regression (PCR) and partial least square regression (PLS) models were developed using Unscrambler X 10.2. PCA results show that the first two components accounted for a minimum of 96% variation which increased for individual sites and with data treatments. Correlation (r), coefficient of determination (R2) and residual prediction deviation (RPD) were used to rate four models built. PLS model (r, R2, RPD) values for Anjeni were 0.9, 0.9 and 3.6; for Gununo values 0.6, 0.3 and 1.2; for Maybar values 0.6, 0.3 and 0.9, and for the three sites values 0.7, 0.6 and 1.5, respectively. PCR model values (r, R2, RPD) for Anjeni were 0.9, 0.8 and 2.7; for Gununo values 0.5, 0.3 and 1; for Maybar values 0.5, 0.1 and 0.7, and for the three sites values 0.7, 0.5 and 1.2, respectively. Comparison and testing of models shows superior performance of PLS to PCR. Models were rated as very poor (Maybar), poor (Gununo and three sites) and excellent (Anjeni). A robust model, Anjeni, is recommended for prediction of SOC in Ethiopia.
Abstract A major task in ecology is to establish the degree of generality of ecological mechanisms. Here we present results from a multi-species experiment that tested whether a set of invasive species altered the soil conditions to the detriment of other species by releasing allelopathic compounds or inducing shifts in soil biota composition, and whether this effect was more pronounced relative to a set of closely related native species. We pre-cultivated soil with 23 exotic invasive, 19 related native and 6 related exotic garden species and used plain soil as a control. To separate allelopathy from effects on the soil biota, we sterilized half of the soil. Then, we compared the effect of soil pre-cultivation and sterilization on germination and growth of four native test species in two experiments. The general effect of soil sterilization was positive. The effect of soil pre-cultivation on test species performance was neutral to positive, and sterilization reduced this positive effect. This indicates general absence of allelopathic compounds and a shift toward a less antagonistic soil biota by cultivation species. In both experiments, pre-cultivation effects did not differ systematically between exotic invasive, exotic garden or native species. Our results do not support the hypothesis that invasive plants generally inhibit the growth of others by releasing allelopathic compounds or accumulating a detrimental soil biota.