932 resultados para socio-environmental indicators


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La mobilitat urbana és una de les temàtiques més importants a les ciutats ja que convergeixen diversos aspectes a nivell social i ambiental. El present article es centra en el sistema de mobilitat de la ciutat de Sitges tot avaluant l’estat de la xarxa viària, el parc de vehicles, els sistemes de transport i els serveis bàsics actuals. En l’anàlisi socioambiental de les variables d’aquest àmbit, s’han detectat una sèrie de problemes com ara una distribució no equitativa dels serveis bàsics, desigualtat en la distribució de carrers vianalitzats i carrils bici i manca d’homogeneïtat en la distribució de pàrquings. Els resultats obtinguts permeten proposar una sèrie de millores en busca d’una mobilitat més sostenible. Millorar les parades de bus que no tenen sistema de marquesina per a protegir-les del fred i el sol, augmentar potencialment el carril bici desplegant-lo per carrers que no en tenen, desenvolupar campanyes per a fomentar l’ús de la bici i augmentar la presència de carrers d’exclusiu ús per a vianants.


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La hipótesis de la compensación plantea la posibilidad de que los individuos que viven en centros urbanos densos tengan una mayor propensión a disponer de una segunda residencia y/o llevar a cabo desplazamientos más frecuentes hacia destinos más alejados durante los fines de semana y las vacaciones que los individuos que viven en zonas poco densas. En este contexto, no está claro cuál es el efecto neto de la densidad en términos ambientales. En esta investigación se contrasta la hipótesis de la compensación en la Región Metropolitana de Barcelona utilizando como indicador de impacto ambiental la huella ecológica de la movilidad y de la vivienda. Los resultados obtenidos rechazan la hipótesis de la compensación en un sentido fuerte, pero se detecta la existencia de un nivel máximo de densidad a partir del cual ejerce un impacto de signo positivo.


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This report reviews developments in health inequalities over the last 10 years across government - from the publication of the Acheson report on health inequalities in November 1998 to the announcement of the post-2010 strategic review of health inequalities in November 2008. It covers developments across government on the wider social determinants of health, and the role of the NHS. It provides an assessment of developments against the Acheson report, reviews a range of key data sets covering social, economic, health and environmental indicators, and considers lessons learned and challenges for the future.


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This review aims at identifying gaps in knowledge on socioeconomic gradients in mortality in the oldest old. The authors review literature on oldest old population with a focus on unanswered questions: do socioeconomic status (SES) gradients in mortality persist after 80; does the magnitude of the gradient change as compared with younger populations; which socioeconomic/socio-demographic determinants should be used in this population with specific characteristics (e.g., with respect to sex ratio and household type)? Results are often inconsistent while conclusions drawn by selected studies are generally limited by the difficulty of disentangling the effects of age and cohort, and of generalizing results observed in preponderantly small, selected samples (which typically exclude institutionalized persons). Future research should explore the effects of socio-demographic indicators other than education and social class (e.g., marital status, loss of the partner) and adequately differentiate the social position of oldest old women. The authors recommend that research applies a life-course perspective combined with an interdisciplinary perspective to improve our understanding of the SES gradients in later life. Research is needed to elucidate which causal pathways depending on SES in younger age impact on mortality in higher ages up to oldest old.


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The activities described here form part of an extensive programme in place in the Região Arqueológica de Central, state of Bahia, Brazil. After malacological and socio-environmental surveys in the area, a strategy comprising formal and non-formal education with an emphasis on schistosomiasis prevention was developed, introduced, and evaluated. Interviews were conducted of 142 students and 11 teachers, totalling 11 classes at six primary schools. On the basis of those interviews, four display cases and seven panels were prepared. In addition a table was set up where students could participate directly on the subject, drawing and recognising the factors involved in the schistosomiasis cycle. The exhibition was held at the Museu Arqueológico de Central. The endeavours of this paper underline the importance of health education as well as exhibitions to disease prevention activities.


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The association between prenatal care and infant health has been shown in many studies. Therefore, accurate information on prenatal care is required to assess the organization of preventive measures aiming at a reducing in neonatal mortality any morbidity. We retrospectively collected data on 854 pregnancies. According to a classification scheme developed by Kessner, 61.6% of women had access to adequate prenatal care. Overall, the proportion of adequate prenatal care was lower among multiparas, and in this subgroup we found a lower rate for women with base line insurance. In the primiparas subgroup we found a lower rate of adequate prenatal care for foreigners, women under 20 years or unmarried mothers, and for women without professional activity during pregnancy, besides preterm birth was more frequent amongst women in the group of prenatal care qualified as intermediate or inadequate. The frequency of pregnancy visits and the Kessner index are discussed in a literature review. The association between socio-economic indicators and prenatal care was unexpected considering the overall wealth of Switzerland. With a 6.8% infant mortality registered in 1989, this country can be considered to have one of the lowest rates in the world. These findings nevertheless suggest the way to possible additional gains by interventions targeted to specific socio-economic groups.


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Aquest projecte pretén desenvolupar una proposta d’índexs ambientals per a l’avaluació de l’estat ecològic de la riera de l’Aubi; avaluar l’estat ambiental, classificar els diferents trams, identificar els punts crítics i definir les propostes de millora ambiental per a la riera d’Aubi. La riera de l’ Aubi es troba entre els termes municipals de Mont-ras, Palafrugell i Palamós, a les comarques del Baix Empordà i Gironès


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Després d’analitzar el potencial de la muntanya d’Alinyà, s’ha observat que és un lloc idoni per desenvolupar activitats d’educació ambiental (EA). Per aquest motiu s’elabora un itinerari d’EA, part del qual és adaptat sensorialment. Havent analitzat els pros i contres de cada itine-rari ja descrit en la muntanya d’Alinyà s’ha escollit l’itinerari 3 que s’amplia fins a la zona de El Ribatell per aconseguir un dels objectius inicials: l’adaptació d’un itinerari d’EA per a persones amb mobilitat reduïda o discapacita-des. En el disseny de l’itinerari s’han inclòs tots els elements d’interès socio-ambiental més desta-cables de la zona, entre els quals es pot destacar els diferents tipus de boscos, aspectes geològics com el Roc de la Pena o els quatre grans rapi-nyaires que es poden trobar a la zona.


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The data of the 1981-83 Swiss National Health Survey "SOMIPOPS", based on a randomly selected sample of 4,235 individuals aged 20 or over representative of the whole Swiss population, were used to investigate the relation between smoking, prevalence of disease and frequency of health care utilization. The risks of several conditions, including hypertension, myocardial infarction and other heart diseases, asthma, tuberculosis and kidney disease were elevated among ex-smokers. The diseases showing elevated risks among current smokers and significantly positive dose-risk trends included acute bronchitis (relative risk, RR = 3.2 for heavy cigarette smokers vs never smokers), chronic bronchitis or lung emphysema (RR = 2.0), gastro-duodenal ulcer (RR = 1.8) and bone fractures (RR = 1.6). For respiratory conditions, the risk of pipe or cigar smokers was comparable to that of moderate cigarette smokers, whereas for ulcer (RR = 4.1) or fractures (RR = 2.0) the point estimates were even higher than for heavy cigarette smokers. Smokers tended to consult more frequently general practitioners, used more other outpatients services, and were more frequently admitted to hospital during the year preceding the interview. These effects were consistent across strata of age, socio-economic indicators, and persisted after allowance for major identified potential distorting factors. Thus, the results of this survey confirm that smoking is an important cause of morbidity and a major contributory factor to the use of health services.


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A pesca teve sempre grande importância socioeconómica para as comunidades costeiras de Cabo Verde, oferecendo meios de subsistência e, devido à vocação marítima do povo Cabo-verdiano, possibilidades de emprego. O peixe aparece como componente importante na alimentação da população, tendo papel decisivo na questão da segurança alimentar e, por ser fonte de proteína animal de baixo custo para a população, requer que a sua exploração seja feita em moldes sustentáveis, perpetuando no tempo a disponibilidade desse recurso para toda a sociedade. A pesca é uma das principais atividades económicas da zona costeira da Ilha do Sal, além de ser uma importante atividade de subsistência para as três comunidades pesqueiras da ilha. Com o objetivo de discutir caminhos sustentáveis para a atividade, iremos refletir sobre a sustentabilidade da pesca artesanal na comunidade da Palmeira, Ilha do Sal, Cabo Verde. Numa comunidade como Palmeira, onde a pesca é tipicamente artesanal, encontramos diversos elementos que garantem a sustentabilidade da atividade, tais como o uso predominante dos recursos naturais renováveis e a diversidade de espécies capturadas. Conhecer e desenvolver novos mecanismos que visam educar, criar políticas sustentáveis para a atividade e gestão dos recursos, é importante para a nova conjuntura em que se vive. A educação e a organização dos pescadores, bem como a descentralização e a gestão participativa dos recursos pesqueiros, são condições fundamentais para a sustentabilidade da pesca.


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A pesca teve sempre grande importância socioeconómica para as comunidades costeiras de Cabo Verde, oferecendo meios de subsistência e, devido à vocação marítima do povo Cabo-verdiano, possibilidades de emprego. O peixe aparece como componente importante na alimentação da população, tendo papel decisivo na questão da segurança alimentar e, por ser fonte de proteína animal de baixo custo para a população, requer que a sua exploração seja feita em moldes sustentáveis, perpetuando no tempo a disponibilidade desse recurso para toda a sociedade. A pesca é uma das principais atividades económicas da zona costeira da Ilha do Sal, além de ser uma importante atividade de subsistência para as três comunidades pesqueiras da ilha. Com o objetivo de discutir caminhos sustentáveis para a atividade, iremos refletir sobre a sustentabilidade da pesca artesanal na comunidade da Palmeira, Ilha do Sal, Cabo Verde. Numa comunidade como Palmeira, onde a pesca é tipicamente artesanal, encontramos diversos elementos que garantem a sustentabilidade da atividade, tais como o uso predominante dos recursos naturais renováveis e a diversidade de espécies capturadas. Conhecer e desenvolver novos mecanismos que visam educar, criar políticas sustentáveis para a atividade e gestão dos recursos, é importante para a nova conjuntura em que se vive. A educação e a organização dos pescadores, bem como a descentralização e a gestão participativa dos recursos pesqueiros, são condições fundamentais para a sustentabilidade da pesca. Fishery has always been of great social economic importance for the coastal communities of Cape Verde, offering means of subsistence and employment opportunities due to their maritime vocation. Fish are important food component for the population, playing a decisive role in food safety. Since fishery is a source of low-cost animal protein, its exploration must be sustainable in order to be permanently available for the community. Fishing is one of the main economic activities of the coastal zone of island, besides being an important subsistence activity for the three fishing communities of the island. Aiming to discuss ways for sustainable activity, we will reflect on the sustainability of the handmade fishing in the community of Palmeira Sal Island, Cape Verde. In a community like Palmeira, where fishing is typically handmade, we find many elements that ensure the sustainability of the activity, such as the predominant use of renewable natural resources and the diversity of species caught. Meet and develop new mechanisms to educate, create sustainable policies for the activity and resource management, is important for the new environment in which we live. Education and organization of fishermen, as well as decentralization and participatory management of fishery resources, are fundamental to the sustainability of fisheries.


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A pesca teve sempre grande importância socioeconómica para as comunidades costeiras de Cabo Verde, oferecendo meios de subsistência e, devido à vocação marítima do povo Cabo-verdiano, possibilidades de emprego. O peixe aparece como componente importante na alimentação da população, tendo papel decisivo na questão da segurança alimentar e, por ser fonte de proteína animal de baixo custo para a população, requer que a sua exploração seja feita em moldes sustentáveis, perpetuando no tempo a disponibilidade desse recurso para toda a sociedade. A pesca é uma das principais atividades económicas da zona costeira da Ilha do Sal, além de ser uma importante atividade de subsistência para as três comunidades pesqueiras da ilha. Com o objetivo de discutir caminhos sustentáveis para a atividade, iremos refletir sobre a sustentabilidade da pesca artesanal na comunidade da Palmeira, Ilha do Sal, Cabo Verde. Numa comunidade como Palmeira, onde a pesca é tipicamente artesanal, encontramos diversos elementos que garantem a sustentabilidade da atividade, tais como o uso predominante dos recursos naturais renováveis e a diversidade de espécies capturadas. Conhecer e desenvolver novos mecanismos que visam educar, criar políticas sustentáveis para a atividade e gestão dos recursos, é importante para a nova conjuntura em que se vive. A educação e a organização dos pescadores, bem como a descentralização e a gestão participativa dos recursos pesqueiros, são condições fundamentais para a sustentabilidade da pesca.


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A pesca teve sempre grande importância socioeconómica para as comunidades costeiras de Cabo Verde, oferecendo meios de subsistência e, devido à vocação marítima do povo Cabo-verdiano, possibilidades de emprego. O peixe aparece como componente importante na alimentação da população e, por ser fonte de proteína e um animal de baixo custo para a população, requer que a sua exploração seja feita em moldes sustentáveis, perpetuando no tempo a disponibilidade desse recurso para toda a sociedade. Este trabalho apresenta o estudo das perceções dos pescadores sobre a sustentabilidade da exploração dos recursos haliêuticos pesqueiros e a pesca artesanal dominante na ilha. A pesca é uma das principais atividades económicas da zona costeira da Ilha do Sal, além de ser uma importante atividade de subsistência para as três comunidades haliêuticas da ilha. Com o objetivo de discutir caminhos sustentáveis para a atividade, reflete-se sobre a sustentabilidade da pesca artesanal na comunidade da Palmeira, Ilha do Sal, Cabo Verde. Numa comunidade como a Palmeira, onde a pesca é tipicamente artesanal, encontramos diversos elementos que garantem a sustentabilidade da atividade. Conhecer e desenvolver novos mecanismos que visam educar e criar políticas sustentáveis para a atividade e gestão dos recursos é importante para a nova conjuntura em que se vive. A educação e a organização dos pescadores, bem como a descentralização e a gestão participativa dos recursos pesqueiros, são condições fundamentais para a sustentabilidade da pesca. Este trabalho tenta responder à escassez de estudos sobre as comunidades piscatórias em Cabo Verde de modo a favorecer o conhecimento ambiental que potenciará a criação de estratégias-chave para a sustentabilidade, a análise dos projetos criados até à data e a respetiva implementação, permitindo a identificação das causas do insucesso total ou parcial, bem como a identificação das causas para o fraco envolvimento da comunidade piscatória na implementação dos projetos. Fishery has always been of great social economic importance for the coastal communities of Cape Verde, offering means of subsistence and employment opportunities due to their maritime vocation. Fish is an important food component for the population. Since fishery is a source of low-cost animal protein, its exploration must be sustainable in order to be permanently available for the community. This paper presents a study on the perception of fishermen on the sustainable exploitation of fishery resources in a symbiosis with the dominant artesanal fishing practiced on the island. Fishing is one of the main economic activities of the coastal zone of Sal island, besides being an important subsistence activity for the three fishing communities of the island. Aiming to discuss ways for sustainable activity, we will reflect on the sustainability of the traditional fishing in the community of Palmeira, Sal Island, Cape Verde. In a community like Palmeira, where fishing is typically artesanal, we find many elements that ensure the sustainability of the activity, such as the predominant use of renewable natural resources and the diversity of species caught. in Sal Inland knowing and developing new mechanisms to educate, create sustainable policies for the activity and resource management are important to the environment. Education and organization of fishermen, as well as decentralization and participatory management of fishery resources, are fundamental to the sustainability of fisheries. This work tries to answer the scarcity of studies on fishing communities in order to promote environmental knowledge that will enhance the creation of key strategies for sustainability, the analysis of projects created to date and the respective implementation, allowing the identification of the causes of the total or partial failure, as well as the identification of the causes for the poor involvement of the fishing community in the implementation of projects.


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BACKGROUND: Increasingly, patients receiving methadone treatment are found in low threshold facilities (LTF), which provide needle exchange programmes in Switzerland. This paper identifies the characteristics of LTF attendees receiving methadone treatment (MT) compared with other LTF attendees (non-MT). METHODS: A national cross-sectional survey was conducted in 2006 over five consecutive days in all LTF (n=25). Attendees were given an anonymous questionnaire, collecting information on socio-demographic indicators, drug consumption, injection, methadone treatment, and self-reported HIV and HCV status. Univariate analysis and logistic regression were performed to compare MT to non-MT. The response rate was 66% (n=1128). RESULTS: MT comprised 57.6% of the sample. In multivariate analysis, factors associated with being on MT were older age (OR: 1.38), being female (OR: 1.60), having one's own accommodation (OR: 1.56), receiving public assistance (OR: 2.29), lifetime injecting (OR: 2.26), HIV-positive status (OR: 2.00), and having consumed cocaine during the past month (OR: 1.37); MT were less likely to have consumed heroin in the past month (OR: 0.76, not significant) and visited LTF less often on a daily basis (OR: 0.59). The number of injections during the past week was not associated with MT. CONCLUSIONS: More LTF attendees were in the MT group, bringing to light an underappreciated LTF clientele with specific needs. The MT group consumption profile may reflect therapeutic failure or deficits in treatment quality and it is necessary to acknowledge this and to strengthen the awareness of LTF personnel about potential needs of MT attendees to meet their therapeutic goals.


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As adult height is a well-established retrospective measure of health and standard of living, it is important to understand the factors that determine it. Among them, the influence of socio-environmental factors has been subjected to empirical scrutiny. This paper explores the influence of generational (or environmental) effects and individual and gender-specific heterogeneity on adult height. Our data set is from contemporary Spain, a country governed by an authoritarian regime between 1939 and 1977. First, we use normal position and quantile regression analysis to identify the determinants of self-reported adult height and to measure the influence of individual heterogeneity. Second, we use a Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition approach to explain the `gender height gap¿ and its distribution, so as to measure the influence on this gap of individual heterogeneity. Our findings suggest a significant increase in adult height in the generations that benefited from the country¿s economic liberalization in the 1950s, and especially those brought up after the transition to democracy in the 1970s. In contrast, distributional effects on height suggest that only in recent generations has ¿height increased more among the tallest¿. Although the mean gender height gap is 11 cm, generational effects and other controls such as individual capabilities explain on average roughly 5% of this difference, a figure that rises to 10% in the lowest 10% quantile.