704 resultados para social-emotional learning (SEL)
SCHWARTZ CENTER ROUNDS® at John Dempsey Hospital Schwartz Center Rounds were created to provide a multidisciplinary forum where clinical caregivers have the opportunity to discuss their experiences, thoughts and feelings. The Rounds, which differ from medical or ethics Rounds, offer caregivers a safe, open and relaxed place where they can share their concerns and fears, both for their patients and themselves. The premise is that caregivers are better able to make personal connections with patients when they have greater awareness of, and insight into, their own responses and feelings. The Rounds provide a scheduled time and place where caregivers focus on the social, emotional and personal aspects of patient care.
Recent estimates suggest that spousal abuse is, in fact, on the rise in the U.S. military (The Miles Foundation, 2005). As research specific to the impact of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on U.S. soldiers has grown since the Vietnam War, clinicians and researchers have begun to investigate how combat-related trauma affects veterans in terms of aggression, hostility and social/emotional functioning. The training and stressors experienced by soldiers in the military are unique and affect all aspects of the veteran's functioning. This paper discusses questions related to why combat veterans may be at increased risk to commit spousal abuse (verbal, psychological, and physical), the relationship between PTSD, substance use, and violence, and the advantages to individualizing group domestic violence (DV) treatment programs for combat veterans. Recommendations will be made for a DV treatment program specifically for combat veterans who also suffer from PTSD.
Objective: Healthy relationships between adolescents and their caregivers have been robustly associated with better youth outcomes in a variety of domains. Youth in contact with the child welfare system are at higher risk for worse outcomes including mental health problems and home placement instability. A growing body of literature points to youth mental health problems as both a predictor and a consequence of home placement instability in this population; the present study aimed to expand our understanding of these phenomena by examining the interplay among the caregiver-child relationship, youth mental health symptoms, and placement change over time. Method: The sample consisted of 1,179 youths aged 11-16, from the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being, a nationally representative sample of children in contact with the child welfare system. We used bivariate correlations and autoregressive cross-lagged path analysis to examine how youths’ reports of their externalizing and internalizing symptoms, their relationship with their caregivers, and placement changes reciprocally influenced one another over three time points. Results: In the overall models, early internalizing symptoms significantly negatively predicted the quality of the caregiver-child relationship at the next time point, and early externalizing symptoms predicted subsequent placement change. In addition, later externalizing symptoms negatively predicted subsequent reports of relationship quality, and later placement changes predicted subsequent externalizing problems; these relationships were significant only at the trend level (p < .10). The quality of the relationship was significantly negatively correlated with externalizing and internalizing problems at all time points, and all variables demonstrated autoregressive stability over time. Conclusions: Our findings support the importance of comprehensive interventions for youth in contact with the child welfare system, which target not only youth symptoms in isolation, but also the caregiver-child relationship, as a way to improve social-emotional outcomes in this high-risk population.
Este trabajo sintetiza en tres ámbitos algunos de los resultados de las investigaciones sobre la construcción del conocimiento de la enseñanza de las matemáticas en entornos de aprendizaje multimedia que integran espacios de interacción social en contextos b-learning. Estos ámbitos son (i) el papel de la interacción y la negociación de significados en la construcción del conocimiento; (ii) el proceso de instrumentalización del conocimiento de Didáctica de la Matemática en procesos de formación; y (iii) las características de las estructuras argumentativas en los procesos de aprender a conceptualizar la enseñanza de las matemáticas. Finalmente, se identifican nuevas cuestiones de investigación que emergen desde estas investigaciones.
El principal objetivo de las universidades es educar en términos de adquisición de capacidades, habilidades, competencias y valores, con el fin último de promover el empleo. Numerosos autores han llegado a la conclusión de que la inteligencia emocional forma parte de las competencias que requieren las personas para desarrollar con éxito su labor profesional. En este trabajo se realiza una comparación de perfiles de competencias socioemocionales, mediante un análisis multivariado de la varianza, para el cual se dispuso de la opinión de una muestra de 148 maestros en ejercicio y de la medida en dichas competencias de 139 estudiantes de magisterio. Los resultados indicaron que existen diferencias en los perfiles de ambos grupos; siendo esta diferencia significativa para 11 de las 13 variables socioemocionales analizadas. Los estudiantes tienen menos desarrolladas las competencias socioemocionales que requieren según los profesionales. Parece, por tanto, necesario que desde los currícula universitarios se promueva el desarrollo de estas competencias para un desarrollo profesional eficaz.
The aim of this research is to provide insight into how middle school learners experience an inclusive multicultural learning environment. Increasing diversity is challenging European educational systems, which have the arduous task to foster inclusion of learners with diverse educational needs. In order to explore the participants’ descriptions, a qualitative approach based on semi-structured interviews with six learners was employed. Learners’ positions in the educational scenery are central and unique; they are the main experts on their own situations and therefore precious contributors to educational research. Results have been discussed according to a sociocultural perspective. The analysis of my data suggests that the learners perceive their inclusive environment as beneficial. Moreover, they perceive their cultural diversity as strength, reckon social interaction and teamwork with peers as favorable conditions for learning, feel competent in multicultural communication and believe that respect and acceptance towards others are necessary common values. Some implications of multiculturalism in special education are discussed according to the results of a recent European study, which shows that in all the participating European countries, Sweden included, there is a consistent discrepancy in the proportions of learners with immigrant background within special education. Assessment methods developed for mono-cultural learners appear to be a valid reason why multicultural learners are over-or under-represented in special education. Research also shows that inclusion of diversity in educational environment enables the development of social skills in all learners.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
In an attempt to answer the need of wider accessibility and popularization of the treasury of Bulgarian folklore, a team from the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences has planned to develop the Bulgarian folklore artery within the national project ―Knowledge Technologies for Creation of Digital Presentation and Significant Repositories of Folklore Heritage‖. This paper presents the process of business modeling of the application architecture of the Bulgarian folklore artery, which aids requirements analysis, application design and its software implementation. The folklore domain process model is made in the context of the target social applications—e-learning, virtual expositions of folklore artifacts, research, news, cultural/ethno-tourism, etc. The basic processes are analyzed and modeled and some inferences are made for the use cases and requirements specification of the Bulgarian folklore artery application. As a conclusion the application architecture of the Bulgarian folklore artery is presented.
This qualitative study used grounded theory methods and purposeful sampling to explore perceptions on caring and being cared-for. Twenty-four adolescent male participants, identified as at-risk for school failure, completed a two phase interview process exploring these phenomena within three relationships; the relationship with the friend, with the most caring person they knew and with the teacher they felt cared for them. ^ Each participant was asked a predetermined set of open questions in an initial semi-structured interview. In addition each participant was encouraged to explore his own reflections on caring. A second interview allowed for member checking and for the participant to continue sharing his meaning of caring and being cared-for. ^ Line by line analysis with open, axial and selective coding was applied to interview transcripts along with a constant comparative method. Results indicated that the core category integrating all other categories was attachment bonding. Participants' stories manifested characteristics of proximity seeking, secure base, safe haven and distress upon involuntary separation from an attachment figure. ^ Strategies facilitating attachment bonding were influenced by the power positions of the relational players. Participants responded positively to the one-caring when they felt cared-for. Results further indicated that participants did not need to feel a sense of belonging in order to feel cared-for. Teacher behaviors indicating openness for authentic connections with students were specific to teacher's friendliness and professional competence. Teachers who nurtured feelings of being cared-for were uncommon in the participants' educational experience. ^ The number of adolescent males leaving high school prematurely is both a personal problem and a social problem. Despite a “mask” of indifference often exhibited by adolescent males at-risk for school failure, teachers might consider the social/emotional needs of these students when implementing the curriculum. In addition, policy makers might consider the social/emotional needs of this vulnerable population when developing programs meant to foster psychological well-being and connectedness for adolescent males at-risk for school failure. ^
The Swedish curriculums point out that language is crucial to social interactions, learning and individual development as well as essential to uphold a democratic and multicultural country. However, a recent report from the Swedish National Agency for Education depicts the language introduction programs for immigrant adolescents in Sweden as a school form in great need of development (Skolverket, 2016a). This systematic literature review, which draws on sociocultural theory, contributes to the field of how to teach English to newly arrived adolescents in Sweden. The main findings, gathered from six studies from around the world, suggest several different areas for improvement concerning EFL teaching. A specific pedagogy for EFL learners is suggested as well as targeted professional development for EFL teachers. Additionally, the results point out challenges faced by EFL teachers in multilingual classrooms. Further research could investigate how EFL teachers deal with these challenges. Furthermore, further research could investigate EFL textbooks for multilingual students at upper secondary school in terms of language, culture, identity texts and difficulty level.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Interpersonal relationships are important for young people’s social, emotional and mental wellbeing. Educational Psychologists in their work with children, young people and families play a role in promoting the social, emotional and mental wellbeing of young people. A review of previous literature suggested that young people’s voice is missing from much of the research about relationships. This research is positioned within an ontological perspective of social constructionism. It aimed to explore ways in which a group of Year 8 students used their language to talk about relationships; what meaning they drew from them, who they have relationships with and what is important about them. 13 Year 8 students participated in the study and their views were explored using semi-structured interviews. Data gathered was then scrutinised using a discourse analysis technique. Three broad discourses were drawn upon by participants: ‘Social Contract’, ‘Interpersonal Aspects’ and ‘Relationship Diversity’. Within each of these there were smaller sub-discourses and interpretive repertoires drawn upon by participants to convey action and function within their talk. Participants considered relationships as very important, though they rejected the notion of a single construct of relationships, choosing instead to draw upon relationships with different people as different types of relationship. Friendship was the primary type of relationship which young people spoke about, however, they often constructed their discourse to undermine the importance of these friendships. The research findings were incorporated within the wider literature and relevant links have been drawn between the study and psychological theories. Implications for the work of Educational Psychologists were also discussed, in terms of utilising relationships for interventions and supporting those working with young people to consider young people’s views and meaning making about relationships.
Der Autor legt dar, daß es in den Niederlanden immer noch eine indirekt von ständischen Prinzipien bestimmte Schule gibt, in der die soziale Herkunft der Schüler das Lehrerverhalten bestimmt und an den Schüler je nach Schichtzugehörigkeit unterschiedliche Anforderungen gestellt werden. Der Beitrag untersucht aber auch die Rolle des Faktors Ethnizität bei der Behandlung und Beurteilung von Schülern. Die Arbeit ist Teil einer größeren Repräsentativstudie, die an 44 niederländischen Grundschulen mit einem hohen Anteil von Migrantenschülern durchgeführt wurde. In der Untersuchung erwies sich die Schichtzugehörigkeit der Schüler als bedeutsamer als die ethnische Zugehörigkeit. Das hat auch Konsequenzen für pädagogische Maßnahmen. (DIPF/Orig.)
Preprint. Título do artigo editado: "Dimensões formais, informais e não-formais em diversos contextos de aprendizagem da dança". Publicação na Revista Portuguesa de Educação Artística, 2015 (5), pp. 61-72.
O presente trabalho debruça-se sobre os constructos da liderança e do comportamento de auto-eficácia da liderança nas organizações. Reflecte-se sobre a importância dos sistemas de informação no clima organizacional, com efeitos sobre a eficácia na liderança. Trata-se de uma perspetiva pertinente na conjuntura organizacional atual, dado que incide sobre valores patrimoniais intangíveis que, quando dinamizados, dão suporte à performance organizacional. A nossa preocupação central é a auto-eficácia. Através dela pretende-se melhorar a eficiência organizacional, porque minimiza prejuízos e desperdícios. Também se relaciona a eficácia com o desempenho da liderança organizacional e com o capital ‘confiança’. Dessa forma, os novos caminhos passam por auscultar a percepção dos colaboradores sobre a importância da cultura organizacional face ao desempenho e à eficácia de longo prazo na organização. Com a presente reflexão, evidencia-se que a espiritualidade no local de trabalho é um factor de apoio ao desenvolvimento holístico dos colaboradores. Fica sublinhado que é fundamental que os líderes tenham noção e consciência de “si” e dos seus papéis, e como estes se reflectem no seu comportamento quotidiano na organização. O estudo assenta num trabalho de campo, elaborado numa organização intensiva em informação e que presta serviços de consultoria e informática. Os resultados apurados tentam dizer que, globalmente, no estudo longitudinal das hetero-percepções dos gestores directos e indirectos, o gap cultural diminuiu em todas as dimensões relativas às competências dos papéis, sendo vital destacar o quadrante designado por Apoio. As hetero-percepções dos gestores directos demonstram que o menor gap cultural mantem-se no quadrante de Objectivos Racionais e Competir no modelo de CVF, caracterizado por uma cultura de mercado, e relacionado com a fase da Combinação no modelo de SECI (processos que fomentam os relacionamentos e intercâmbios informais – conversão do conhecimento explícito para o explícito). Enquanto que o maior gap cultural reside no quadrante Apoio e Colaborar no modelo CVF, relacionado com a fase da Socialização no modelo de SECI (processos que fomentam os relacionamentos e intercâmbios informais – conhecimento tácito para tácito). Como o gap cultural diminuiu em todas as dimensões, pode realçar uma melhoria das percepções do desempenho organizacional. Contudo, um resultado inesperado está associado ao quadrante Apoio com a cultura de clã, uma vez que são os gestores indirectos na empresa em estudo que fomentam esta cultura, e não os gestores directos, conforme seria desejável. Um resultado favorável para o estudo da auto-eficácia da liderança demonstra que as médias são mais elevadas para atributos de Gestão e Resolução de Problemas. Os resultados que não corresponderam às expectativas iniciais estão associados às médias baixas relativamente aos atributos Sociais/de Comunicação, o que pode ser uma debilidade porque seria desejável que a equipa de gestão tivesse maior sensibilidade perante os capitais sociais, emocionais e espirituais, os quais estão relacionados com estes atributos.