215 resultados para snail
神经嵴(neural crest)是一类脊椎动物特有的多潜能迁移细胞。这一类细胞历经“表皮—间充质”转换(EMT),与神经管背侧的其它细胞分离,经由不同路线迁移,定位于胚胎外周各处,后分化为不同的细胞类型包括外周神经系统、颅面骨骼系统及色素细胞等。神经嵴的发育是一个多途径多步骤的过程,受多种信号通路及转录因子调控。这些调控因子相互调节形成精密网络,可被划分为三个主要层次类群:分泌性信号分子(BMP、Wnt、FGF、Delta)、神经板边界特异基因(Msx、Pax3/7、 Zic1、Dlx3/5)、神经嵴特异基因(Snail/Slug、AP-2、FoxD3、Twist、Id、cMyc、Sox9/10)。本文第一章主要概述不同组织来源的各种分泌信号在神经嵴诱导中的作用以及他们之间的整合调控。 Nkx6家族蛋白是一类进化上保守的转录因子,在脊椎动物中枢神经系统(CNS)的图式形成和胰腺的发育中有重要作用。在第二章,我们描述了非洲爪蟾中Nkx6家族基因的克隆及其表达图式。与小鼠和鸡中的同源基因类似,爪蟾的Nkx6家族基因在胚胎发育过程中主要表达于中枢神经系统和前部内胚层组织。其中Nkx6.1和Nkx6.2在神经胚期神经板表达重合,晚期都表达于后脑和脊髓的腹侧。Nkx6.3从卵裂期到神经胚早期都表达于非神经外胚层,而尾芽期表达于后脑后部和腮弓。在内胚层中,Nkx6.2在尾芽期表达于底索。在蝌蚪期,Nkx6家族的三个基因分别表达于前部内胚层的衍生物,包括胰腺、胃、食道和肺。 Nkx6.3是最近发现的Nkx6家族新成员,它在爪蟾中的表达与Nkx6.1和Nkx6.2有了较大分歧。在第三章,我们通过功能获得及功能缺失实验来探讨Nkx6.3在爪蟾早期发育中的功能。我们发现原肠期前过量或抑制Nkx6.3表达都会影响胚胎原肠运动的正常进行。我们通过动物帽延伸实验证明Nkx6.3参与了细胞运动。半定量RT-PCR结果显示,Nkx6.3可以调控一些粘附分子的表达。以上结果说明Nkx6.3通过调控粘附分子的转录而参与细胞运动的调控。我们还发神经嵴(neural crest)是一类脊椎动物特有的多潜能迁移细胞。这一类细胞历经“表皮—间充质”转换(EMT),与神经管背侧的其它细胞分离,经由不同路线迁移,定位于胚胎外周各处,后分化为不同的细胞类型包括外周神经系统、颅面骨骼系统及色素细胞等。神经嵴的发育是一个多途径多步骤的过程,受多种信号通路及转录因子调控。这些调控因子相互调节形成精密网络,可被划分为三个主要层次类群:分泌性信号分子(BMP、Wnt、FGF、Delta)、神经板边界特异基因(Msx、Pax3/7、 Zic1、Dlx3/5)、神经嵴特异基因(Snail/Slug、AP-2、FoxD3、Twist、Id、cMyc、Sox9/10)。本文第一章主要概述不同组织来源的各种分泌信号在神经嵴诱导中的作用以及他们之间的整合调控。 Nkx6家族蛋白是一类进化上保守的转录因子,在脊椎动物中枢神经系统(CNS)的图式形成和胰腺的发育中有重要作用。在第二章,我们描述了非洲爪蟾中Nkx6家族基因的克隆及其表达图式。与小鼠和鸡中的同源基因类似,爪蟾的Nkx6家族基因在胚胎发育过程中主要表达于中枢神经系统和前部内胚层组织。其中Nkx6.1和Nkx6.2在神经胚期神经板表达重合,晚期都表达于后脑和脊髓的腹侧。Nkx6.3从卵裂期到神经胚早期都表达于非神经外胚层,而尾芽期表达于后脑后部和腮弓。在内胚层中,Nkx6.2在尾芽期表达于底索。在蝌蚪期,Nkx6家族的三个基因分别表达于前部内胚层的衍生物,包括胰腺、胃、食道和肺。 Nkx6.3是最近发现的Nkx6家族新成员,它在爪蟾中的表达与Nkx6.1和Nkx6.2有了较大分歧。在第三章,我们通过功能获得及功能缺失实验来探讨Nkx6.3在爪蟾早期发育中的功能。我们发现原肠期前过量或抑制Nkx6.3表达都会影响胚胎原肠运动的正常进行。我们通过动物帽延伸实验证明Nkx6.3参与了细胞运动。半定量RT-PCR结果显示,Nkx6.3可以调控一些粘附分子的表达。以上结果说明Nkx6.3通过调控粘附分子的转录而参与细胞运动的调控。我们还发现,在爪蟾胚胎中Nkx6.3的过表达或抑制表达都导致神经嵴标记基因表达降低。进一步研究发现,32细胞期在不同部位注射Nkx6.3 mRNA可以异位诱导或抑制Slug的表达。动物帽实验显示,Nkx6.3单独过表达可以诱导神经嵴发生,而迄今为止转录因子中只有Snail1具有这一单独诱导能力。在爪蟾胚胎及动物帽中,过表达Nkx6.3都可以诱导Fgf8、Wnt8而抑制BMP4的转录,而且Nkx6.3对这些分泌因子的调控方式是不同的。4细胞期过表达Nkx6.3的胚胎,在促进Fgf8和Wnt8而抑制BMP4的同时,却抑制神经板边界特异基因Msx1、Pax3和神经嵴特异基因Slug的表达,说明Nkx6.3对神经嵴的诱导调控在神经板边界基因层次还存在抑制作用。32细胞过表达Nkx6.3会细胞自主性抑制以及细胞非自主诱导Msx1、Pax3、Slug的表达。Nkx6.3异位诱导Dlx5却抑制Dlx3的表达,说明Dlx5可能是Nkx6.3负调控的直接靶基因。由此,我们提出Nkx6.3的神经嵴诱导调控分为两个层次:分泌信号分子水平的正调控和神经板边界决定水平的负调控。在脊椎动物的神经发生过程中,神经管背腹不同层次形成不同的神经元。这些神经元细胞的命运由背腹起源的多种形态发生素决定。形态发生素通过浓度梯度确定了一组转录因子在神经管背腹不同层次的特异表达,这些基因的组合调控决定了神经前体细胞的命运。然而,这些转录因子是如何解读形态发生素梯度信号的还不是很清楚。第四章,我们通过对神经管腹侧特异表达的转录因子的调控区进行预测,确定了可能调控这些基因表达的保守区段。此外,我们改进了爪蟾转基因操作,并用这一技术确证了Nkx6.2的调控区域。Dbx1、Nkx2.2及Pax6的转录调控区已在小鼠或爪蟾中报道过。由此我们得到了两对在神经管背腹图式中相互作用的转录因子的调控区域:Nkx6.2和Dbx1、Nkx2.2和Pax6。通过对Nkx6.2和Dbx1的调控保守区的转录因子结合位点的预测,我们发现这四个基因以及Wnt信号之间存在大量的相互调控。然而在这两个基因的调控区,我们没有发现Gli的调控位点,暗示这两个基因可能不受Shh的直接调控。我们还克隆了Dbx家族的两个基因,并检测了它们的时空特异性表达,发现Dbx2是母源性表达的,而Dbx1是合子型基因。这两个基因的表达图式相似,都在神经板中线两侧成线状表达,尾芽期在神经管中部表达。过表达Dbx2抑制神经元的初级分化,说明它可能与Dbx1一样具有维持神经板细胞未分化状态的功能。Dbx2的过表达还抑制Nkx6.2及Dbx1的表达,说明它们可能一起参与了神经管腹侧图式的调控。
叶酸是B族维生素的一员,参与体内一系列重要的生命过程包括DNA,氨基酸的合成,调控细胞周期,参与一碳单位供体循环,调节DNA,蛋白质甲基化等。叶酸的许多功能都和叶酸结合蛋白有关,体内有多种跨膜形式的叶酸结合蛋白,比如Folbp1,RFC,HCP等。以前的研究表明这些不同的叶酸结合蛋白具有不同的功能。分泌型叶酸结合蛋白是另外一类叶酸结合蛋白,在人类,小鼠,猪中都有序列报道,但是其功能却知之甚少。 我们在非洲爪蛙中鉴定出一个全新的分泌型叶酸结合蛋白并命名为Secreted Folate Binding Protein(sFBP)。在胚胎和转染细胞系中我们都证明该蛋白是分泌性的,表面等离子共振实验发现sFBP能够结合叶酸。在胚胎早期这个基因表达于粘液腺和神经板区域,神经管闭合后在神经管、粘液腺、眼睛,头部以及鳃弓都有表达。特异morpholino 阻断sFBP翻译后发现粘液腺发育异常,神经管闭合缺陷,前后体轴聚集延伸运动受到抑制,尾芽期胚胎表现出体轴缩短,无眼,小头或无头的表型。进一步研究发现显微注射sFBP morpholino 的胚胎神经板区域细胞发生凋亡,中胚层和神经外胚层的一系列粘附分子表达异常,神经细胞的正常分化也受到抑制。通过显微移植实验我们还发现抑制sFBP的翻译后,神经嵴细胞的正常分化和迁移都受到抑制。但是,显微注射叶酸及其类似物或者显微注射甲基供体S-腺苷甲硫氨酸或者亮氨酸甲基转移酶都不能挽救阻断sFBP造成的表形,由此提示sFBP可能不是通过叶酸传统的参与营养合成或者甲基化的途径发挥作用。我们发现注射sFBP morpholino可以抑制Islet-1mRNA和蛋白质的表达,Islet-1的表达区域与sFBP类似。共同注射Islet-1 mRNA和sFBP morpholino可以极大的挽救sFBP morpholino的表型。最后通过morpholino特异阻断Islet-1的表达后,我们发现其表现出与sFBP morpholino类似的粘液腺发育缺陷,神经板细胞凋亡,小头无眼的表形。由此叶酸是B族维生素的一员,参与体内一系列重要的生命过程包括DNA,氨基酸的合成,调控细胞周期,参与一碳单位供体循环,调节DNA,蛋白质甲基化等。叶酸的许多功能都和叶酸结合蛋白有关,体内有多种跨膜形式的叶酸结合蛋白,比如Folbp1,RFC,HCP等。以前的研究表明这些不同的叶酸结合蛋白具有不同的功能。分泌型叶酸结合蛋白是另外一类叶酸结合蛋白,在人类,小鼠,猪中都有序列报道,但是其功能却知之甚少。 我们在非洲爪蛙中鉴定出一个全新的分泌型叶酸结合蛋白并命名为Secreted Folate Binding Protein(sFBP)。在胚胎和转染细胞系中我们都证明该蛋白是分泌性的,表面等离子共振实验发现sFBP能够结合叶酸。在胚胎早期这个基因表达于粘液腺和神经板区域,神经管闭合后在神经管、粘液腺、眼睛,头部以及鳃弓都有表达。特异morpholino 阻断sFBP翻译后发现粘液腺发育异常,神经管闭合缺陷,前后体轴聚集延伸运动受到抑制,尾芽期胚胎表现出体轴缩短,无眼,小头或无头的表型。进一步研究发现显微注射sFBP morpholino 的胚胎神经板区域细胞发生凋亡,中胚层和神经外胚层的一系列粘附分子表达异常,神经细胞的正常分化也受到抑制。通过显微移植实验我们还发现抑制sFBP的翻译后,神经嵴细胞的正常分化和迁移都受到抑制。但是,显微注射叶酸及其类似物或者显微注射甲基供体S-腺苷甲硫氨酸或者亮氨酸甲基转移酶都不能挽救阻断sFBP造成的表形,由此提示sFBP可能不是通过叶酸传统的参与营养合成或者甲基化的途径发挥作用。我们发现注射sFBP morpholino可以抑制Islet-1mRNA和蛋白质的表达,Islet-1的表达区域与sFBP类似。共同注射Islet-1 mRNA和sFBP morpholino可以极大的挽救sFBP morpholino的表型。最后通过morpholino特异阻断Islet-1的表达后,我们发现其表现出与sFBP morpholino类似的粘液腺发育缺陷,神经板细胞凋亡,小头无眼的表形。由此我们认为sFBP结合叶酸后可能通过细胞膜上的受体传递信号,并且Islet-1可能在sFBP的下游发挥作用。 神经嵴是脊椎动物特有的一群多潜能干细胞,产生于表皮和神经板的边界,在原肠运动之后这群细胞通过表皮间充值转换从神经管背侧迁移到不同的区域,分化成不同的细胞类型,包括外周神经系统,色素细胞,软骨等。神经嵴的发生是一个多步骤多基因参与的精细调控过程。目前理论认为最初由一些分泌性信号分子又叫形态生成素比如BMP,Wnt,FGF,Notch等通过不同浓度梯度的相互作用调节一组在表皮和神经板边界的转录因子(Msx、Pax3/7、Zic1、Dlx3/5等)的表达,即边界决定。这些边界决定因子进一步在预定形成神经嵴的区域激活神经嵴特化基因比如Slug/Snail、FoxD3、Twist、Sox9/10的表达完成神经嵴的特化(Specification)。 Nkx6.3是Nkx6家族的一个转录因子,RT-PCR显示其呈现母源性表达。特异抗体显示Nkx6.3蛋白第9期在整个胚胎都表达,大部分蛋白集中在细胞核,有少部分蛋白定位于细胞膜上;神经板时期主要定位于神经嵴区域的细胞膜上。过表达Nkx6.3会影响细胞粘连分子的表达,由此干扰正常的胚胎原肠运动和Activin诱导的动物帽聚集延伸运动。显微注射Nkx6.3特异morpholino阻断其蛋白表达会抑制神经嵴的marker基因Wnt8,Fgf8,Pax3,Msx1,Zic1,FoxD3,Slug的转录,阻碍神经嵴的发育。在动物帽中单独注射Nkx6.3可以在mRNA水平上诱导Wnt8、Fgf8另一方面抑制BMP4的表达进而诱导神经嵴基因Pax3,Zic1,Slug的表达。报告基因实验也显示Nkx6.3能够激活Wnt信号而在动物帽中抑制BMP信号。Nkx6.3蛋白功能域分析发现其EH1结构域(domain)参与对Wnt8信号的激活,而EH1结构域和HD结构域之间的连接区域(linker domain)参与对FGF的激活和对BMP的抑制。进一步在动物帽和胚胎中分析发现Nkx6.3对Wnt8的激活依赖于FGF家族受体信号但是不依赖于Fgf8。有趣的是4细胞时期过表达Nkx6.3促进Fgf8和Wnt8 mRNA表达,但是抑制边界决定基因Msx1、Pax3和神经嵴特化基因Slug的转录。在32细胞时期显微注射Nkx6.3可以在内源神经嵴发生区域抑制Slug的表达,而异位却诱导Slug的mRNA。我们发现与动物帽中对BMP的调节不同,在胚胎中,过表达Nkx6.3会强烈的激活Smad1蛋白在细胞核中的表达即BMP信号被激活,高的BMP信号会抑制神经嵴的发生。另外我们发现过表达Nkx6.3在胚胎中抑制Dlx5而在动物帽中却不影响Dlx5的表达水平,Morpholino阻断Dlx5会抑制Msx1、Pax3和Slug的表达。BMP信号和Dlx5在动物帽和在整体胚胎中对Nkx6.3的不同响应可以一定程度上解释过表达Nkx6.3在2个系统中对神经嵴基因Slug相反的影响结果。
在本研究中我们首次从雨蛙皮肤分泌液中分离得到了一种神经毒素(命名为Anntoxin)和一种干细胞自我更新支持因子(命名为AnSF)。随后,我们通过构建雨蛙皮肤cDNA 文库,利用特异引物筛选到Anntoxin 和AnSF 的cDNA 编码序列,前者的Gene Bank 登录号为FJ598043,后者还在等待分配登录号。Anntoxin 具有60 个氨基酸,是一种Kunitz 类型的丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂,构建Anntoxin 的3D-NMR 溶液结构,证实Anntoxin 不同于有三对二硫键(键组合模式:1-6,2-4,3-5)的Kunitz 类型丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂,它只有两对二硫键(组合模式:1-4,2-3)。AnSF 具有123 个氨基酸,在C 端具有和Calmadolin 同源的两个EF 手指结构,能够支持人类胚胎干细胞(hESC)和猴神经干细胞(rNSC)的自我更新。为了进行Anntoxin 的生物活性和结构分析,我们在体外成功表达了 Anntoxin,获得了大量的重组Anntoxin(rAnntoxin)。经过生物活性分析, rAnntoxin 和天然分离到的Anntoxin 生物活性相当,都具有很强的胰蛋白酶抑制剂活性。Anntoxin 是一种Kunitz 类型的丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂,和来源于芋螺(Cone Snail)的神经毒素Conkunitzin-S1,黑色眼镜蛇毒液(black cobra, Dendroaspis polylepis polylepis)的树突毒素δ-DaTX 或蛋白酶抑制剂K 分别具有32.8%和36.7%的相同序列,和鱼类(fish)来源的Stonustoxin 也有一定的同源性。利用膜片钳技术分别检测Anntoxin 对大鼠背根神经节(rat DRG)上Na+通道,K+通道,Ca2+通道的作用,结果证明Anntoxin 对河豚毒素敏感(TTX-S)的钠离子通道(Nav)有较强的抑制活性,对 K+通道,Ca2+通道作用不明显。随后我们在非洲爪蟾卵母细胞上表达几种典型和常用于测试对亚型K+通道作用的Kv1.1,Kv1.2,Kv1.3,Kv2.1 和 Kv4.2,Kv4.3,Anntoxin 对这些亚型K+通道上的K+电流都没有明显影响。我们成功构建了Anntoxin 的3D-NMR 溶液结构(NMR 号:PDB ID 2KCR, BMRB ID 16094),证实Anntoxin 具有典型的Kunitz 结构,由反向平行的 β–折叠片和α–螺旋及转角组成梨形结构。利用RT-PCR,WesternBlot 以及 ELISA 技术,发现在皮肤、脑、肝、胃和肠中都能检测Anntoxin mRNA 转录,但只在皮肤、脑、肝和胃中有蛋白表达,表达量分别为29.5、5.39、 4.80 和2.02 微克/克鲜重,可以看出Anntoxin 在皮肤中大量表达,是皮肤分泌液中非常重要的组成部分。因为皮肤是雨蛙接触外界的第一屏障,雨蛙的生存环境中存在很多潜在威胁,比如微生物、吸血昆虫、鸟类、爬行动物、哺乳动物等,所以Anntoxin 有可能是雨蛙适应环境的重要化学武器,于是我们测试了Anntoxin 对甜菜夜蛾幼虫(Laphygma exigua Hubner)、水蛇(Enhydris plumbea)、鹌鹑(Coturnix coturnix)、昆明小鼠(Kunming mice)的急性毒性,其LD50 分别为50,450,2500 和3000 微克/千克体重,说明在华西雨蛙皮肤中大量表达的Anntoxin 对几类潜在天敌确实有较强的杀灭作用。为了检测AnSF 的生物学活性,我们在体外成功表达了AnSF,获得了大量rAnSF。设计三个浓度梯度10、100 和500ng/ml,把AnSF 和hESC 共培养,发现在10~100 ng/ml 浓度时对hESC 的自我更新有支持作用;设计三个浓度梯度10、100 和500ng/ml,把AnSF 和rNSC 共培养,发现在 10ng/ml 时对rNSC 的自我更新有较强的支持作用。在超过500ng/ml 高浓度时,AnSF 对hESC 和rNSC 都有明显的细胞毒性作用,对rNSC 的毒性作用更明显。利用RT-PCR 技术,我们检测了雨蛙的皮肤、肌肉、肝脏、胰脏、胃、肠、心脏和脑,AnSF 只在皮肤中有少量表达。这表明AnSF 可能只参与雨蛙皮肤干细胞库的维持,保持皮肤内环境稳定,因为蛙类的皮肤细胞要负责产生大量活性物质参与先天免疫和抗氧化等重要的生理活动,需要经常更新,而AnSF 的存在可能保证雨蛙皮肤干细胞库容量稳定,不断分化出各种成熟的皮肤细胞来使皮肤能够得到足够和及时的更新,保证其功能的正常行使。所以AnSF 是维持华西雨蛙皮肤内环境稳定的重要物质。
The loess-paleosol sequences in China are among the best continental records of paleoclimate changes. Although numerous sedimentological and geochemical studies have contributed greatly to the understanding of past climate changes during this period, it is still necessary to decipher more details through investigating these sequences using various approaches including biological analyses. In this study, we analyze the mollusk fossil assemblages preserved in the upper part of the Xifeng section, from the fifth loess layer (L5) to the Holocene soil (S0), with the sampling interval of 10 cm. The main results and conclusions obtained are as follows: 1. A continuous terrestrial mollusk fossil record, covering the past 500 ka, has been obtained from the Xifeng loess-paleosol sequence, which provides important biological data for the study of paleoenvironmental changes in the Loess Plateau and its comparison with marine record during this period. A total of 475 mollusk assemblages were studied, and twenty-one species have been identified among the 210,000 mollusk individuals counted. Among these species, most have modern representatives and are found in previous terrestrial mollusk studies of Chinese loess-paleosol sequences. Thus, they can be grouped into cold-aridiphilous, thermo-humidiphilous, oriental, and cool-humidiphilous ecological groups, as defined by previous studies. 2. Comparison of mollusk assemblages between the last five glacials and four interglacials and Holocene shows very different climate conditions. The warmest period occurred at MIS 11, MIS 5e, and Holocene, respectively. The coldest period is the Last Glacial Maximam, rather than the MIS 12. 3. Our mollusk record provides insight into the climate conditions in the Loess Plateau during the MIS 11, interpreted as the closest analog to the present interglacial. S4 paleosol, equivalent of MIS 11, developed under two major different climate regimes: ranging from the very warm–humid early phase to the mild-cool late interval. Furthermore, a cooling spell has been documented at the interglacial optimum, reflecting unstable climate conditions. The early warm–humid conditions lasted over 30 ka, supporting that MIS 11 is a unique long interglacial in the Quaternary climate history. 4. Comparison of MIS 11 and Holocene climates based on the mollusk species compositions indicates major differences. The climate at the early part of MIS 11 was warmer and more humid than during the Holocene optimum period, but the conditions during the late part of MIS 11 were similar to or cooler than late Holocene. Our study indicates that the extent of warming during the Holocene might be significantly less than the conditions that prevailed during the early part of MIS 11 interglacial period. 5. Two strong summer monsoon events were observed during the MIS 12 and MIS 10. They correspond to the maximam values of insolation gradient between low and high latitudes, suggesting a causal linkage. 6. Our study, combined with the previously investigated Luochuan land snail record, reveals that the climate in the Loess Plateau during MIS 3 experienced three stages: relatively warm, humid climate prevailed during MIS 3c, relatively cold, dry climate during MIS 3b, and relatively warm-humid period during MIS 3a. Climate at this time fluctuated frequently in Luochuan, and changed from warm-cool to cold-dry in Xifeng. Our results reveal that the relatively warm-humid climate during MIS 3c may be resulted from an increasing insolation gradient controlled by obliquity. Our result also reveals that obvious regional difference existed in the Loess Plateau during MIS 3. A greater climate gradient occurred during this time compared with today’s climate pattern in the Loess Plateau.
Stable isotope compositions of land snail shells have a great potential as an indicator of paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental changes. However, some key issues, such as the relationship of carbon isotope between snail food and local vegetation, and the uncertainty of the dominant factors about snail body fluid changes in oxygen isotope composition, remain less well known, strongly limiting shell isotopic application. In this study, we measure the stable isotope compositions on the shells of both live snails and fossils collected from the Chinese Loess Plateau and a loess sequence at Mangshan, Xingyang, respectively. Based on the analyses, the association of the stable isotope compositions of land snail shells with their growing seasons is investigated. In addition, the climatic and environmental significances of isotopic differences among several snail species are discussed. The main results and conclusions are presented as follows: 1. δ18O values for the shell lip samples of Bradybaena ravida redfieldi range from -6.79‰ to -1.92‰, and parallels to the monthly changes of local rain water δ18O, temperature and humidity. The compatibility of shell lip δ18O with monthly modeled shell δ18O indicates that the shell lip δ18O changes are mainly resulted from the 18O variations of rain-water. The shells of a land snail growing in spring could be enriched in 18O, and those growing in summer depleted in 18O. 2. Carbon isotope compositions of snail shells are controlled by their diet, which is affected by the relative proportion of C3 to C4. There are some differences in carbon isotopic compositions among different snail species, especially between P. orphana and V. tenera or P. aeoli. Shell δ13C for P. orphana is the most positive with an average of -5.88 ± 2.54 ‰. The C4 plant fraction of the food for “cold-aridiphilous” taxa, P. aeoli and V. tenera, is distinctly lower than that for “thermo-humidiphilous” taxa, P. orphana, indicating that summer is likely to be the main active season of P. orphana and spring of P. aeoli and V. tenera. Therefore, some discrepancy of carbon isotopic compositions among different species may be related to snail active season. 3. δ13C values among different species have a certain degree of positive correlation, which may be influenced by local vegetation ecosystem. δ13C value of the snail shells (especially P. orphana) shows an eastward increasing trend and consists with the variations of C4 plants biomass in Loess Plateau. The result shows that the carbon isotope in local vegetation ecosystem is one of the main factors influencing δ13C values of snail food. Therefore, both carbon isotopes of local vegetation ecosystem and snail active season contribute to the carbon isotopic differences among different snail species and in different areas. 4. δ13C values of living snail shells and soil organic matter have a positive correlation with each other, which further supports the view that carbon isotope in local vegetation ecosystem is one of the main factors influencing δ13C values of snail food. However, the range of δ13C values of snail food for various species in response to carbon isotope in local vegetation ecosystem is different. It is suggested that 13C enrichment of snail shells relative to local vegetation ecosystem has a potential to indicate snail active season and the degree of climate temperature and humidity. 5. There is a significant negative correlation between carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of living snail shells in Loess Plateau. This result further supports that snail active season can be inferred based on the shell carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions. Moreover, there are some positive correlations between mean annual temperature and differences of shell δ13C values ( 13CV. tenera-P. orphana) and that of δ18O values ( 18OV. tenera-P. orphana) for P. orphana, a typical “thermo-humidiphilous” taxa, and V. tenera, a typical “cold-aridiphilous” taxa, respectively. It shows that 13CV. tenera-P. orphana and 18OV. tenera-P. orphana may have a potential to indicate mean annual temperature or the length of biological growing season. 6. Stable isotopes of land snail shell in the Mangshan loess sequence show that the shell δ18O value of “cold-aridiphilous” taxa V. tenera is more positive than “thermo-humidiphilous” taxa P. orphana and δ13C value of the former is more negative than the latter. In addition, the shell δ18O value of V. tenera varies significantly in different period. During the last glacial maximum, its δ18O value with an average of -7.89 ‰ is more negative than that (-5.88 ‰) from the last deglaciation to the early Holocene. This phenomenon indicates that its growing season during different period is significantly different. It tends to grow in summer in last glacial maximum. With climate warming, it prefers growing in spring with relatively low temperature. While the shell δ18O value of P. orphana varies in a little range, which shows that its activity season is shorter and mainly in summer. These results further support that the change of the snail growing season is one of the main factors of differences of carbon isotopic compositions among different snail species and varies with time. Furthermore, it is consistent that changes in magnetic susceptibility and trend of differences of shell δ18O values and δ13C values respectively between the two snail fossils. It is further testified that 13CV. tenera-P. orphana and 18OV. tenera-P. orphana may have a potential to indicate mean annual temperature or the length of biological growing season.
In this study, 172 mollusk assemblages from the Weinan loess section in the southeast of Loess Plateau, China, were identified quantitatively at relative high resolution. The results show: 1) the history and processes of paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental changes in Weinan since the last 70 ka; 2) the characteristics of climatic changes during the period of the last glacial maximum (LGM); 3) the spatial pattern of paleoclimate variations at the south and middle parts of the Loess Plateau during the LGM period; 4) the timing of the last deglaciation and the return event of rapid climate change during the last deglaciation. The main conclusions are as follows: 1) 172 mollusk samples taken from the uppermost 9 m deposits cover the past 70 ka, which were sampled at the internals of 5 cm for S_0, 3 cm for L_(1-1) and L_(1-2), and 10 cm for L_(1-3), L_(1-4) and L_(1-5). Author analyzed quantitatively all individuals including broken pieces of snail shells, percentages of 15 species identified from 172 samples. Three main groups were determined according to the ecological requirement of each taxon. Based on the variations of three ecological groups and typical ecological species, The author intended to reconstruct the history of and processes of climate and environment since the last 70 ka in the Weinan region. The climate and environment in this region experienced the following changes: relative warm and humid stage from 67.5-20.3 cal. ka B.P., a period of forest-steppe or steppe developed; cold and arid stage from 20.3-15.5 cal. ka B.P., a dry steppe period, later wetter and colder; cold and humid period once time from 15.5 to 12.3 cal. ka B.P., a typical steppe or forest-steppe stage; cold and humid again from 12.3 cal. ka B.P. to 8.2 cal. ka B.P., a tropical steppe stage; warm and humid climate, a forest-steppe developed. 2) The climate during the period of the last glacial maximum (LGM) in Weinan was characterized by a general cold-humid condition, represented by occurrence of a number of the cool-humidiphilous mollusk species such as Gastocopta amigerella and Vallonia cf. pulchella in the section. 3) Comparison of the variations in abundance of Puncture orphana at Weinan with those at Luochuan and Changwu sections suggests that the summer monsoon intensity influenced differently at the three regions during the LGM period. The Weinan was weaker summer monsoon impact during all the period, the Luochuan was influenced occasionally, and Changwu was only a very short time affected, which indicated it might be located at the western margin of the summer monsoon influence during that period. 4) The ratio of thermo-humidiphilous mollusk group to cold-aridiphilous one shows an increase tendency at about 15 cal. ka B.P., reflecting the climate warming after the deglaciation in Weinan, which is approximately corresponding to the timing of warming period of the last deglaciation, found in the East Atlantic Ocean, the South China Sea and the Loess Plateau (indicated by the phytolith study). 5) A remarkable decrease in the number of thermo-humidiphilous and cool-humidiphilous mollusk species from 12.7 - 11.6 cal. ka B.P. indicates a cooling in climate and might be the reflection of the Younger Dryas event in Weinan. 6) Variations in the ratios of thermo-humidiphilous mollusk species to cold-aridiphilous ones reflect the climate instability in Holocene. There were four warm-humid periods (10-8.1 cal. ka B.P., 6.9-6.1 cal. ka B.P., 5.2-2.6cal. ka B.P., 1.6cal. ka B.P. to the present ) and three relative cold-arid periods (8.1-6.9 cal. ka B.P., 6.1-5.2 cal. ka B.P., 2.6-1.6 cal. ka B.P.), showing about a 1,000 year climatic oscillation.
Most computational models of neurons assume that their electrical characteristics are of paramount importance. However, all long-term changes in synaptic efficacy, as well as many short-term effects, are mediated by chemical mechanisms. This technical report explores the interaction between electrical and chemical mechanisms in neural learning and development. Two neural systems that exemplify this interaction are described and modelled. The first is the mechanisms underlying habituation, sensitization, and associative learning in the gill withdrawal reflex circuit in Aplysia, a marine snail. The second is the formation of retinotopic projections in the early visual pathway during embryonic development.
BACKGROUND: Given the potential importance of epithelial plasticity (EP) to cancer metastasis, we sought to investigate biomarkers related to EP in men with localized prostate cancer (PC) for the association with time to PSA recurrence and other clinical outcomes after surgery. METHODS: Men with localized PC treated with radical prostatectomy at the Durham VA Medical Center and whose prostatectomy tissues were included in a tissue microarray (TMA) linked to long-term outcomes. We performed immunohistochemical studies using validated antibodies against E-cadherin and Ki-67 and mesenchymal biomarkers including N-cadherin, vimentin, SNAIL, ZEB1 and TWIST. Association studies were conducted for each biomarker with baseline clinical/pathologic characteristics an risk of PSA recurrence over time. RESULTS: Two hundred and five men contributed TMA tissue and had long-term follow-up (median 11 years). Forty-three percent had PSA recurrence; three died of PC. The majority had high E-cadherin expression (86%); 14% had low/absent E-cadherin expression. N-cadherin was rarely expressed (<4%) and we were unable to identify an E-to-N-cadherin switch as independently prognostic. No associations with clinical risk group, PSA recurrence or Gleason sum were noted for SNAIL, ZEB1, vimentin or TWIST, despite heterogeneous expression between patients. We observed an association of higher Ki-67 expression with Gleason sum (P=0.043), National Comprehensive Cancer Network risk (P=0.013) and PSA recurrence (hazard ratio 1.07, P=0.016). CONCLUSIONS: The expression of EP biomarkers in this cohort of men with a low risk of PC-specific mortality was not associated with aggressive features or PSA relapse after surgery.
In East Africa, Fasciola gigantica is generally the causative agent of fasciolosis but there have been reports of F. hepatica in cattle from highland regions of Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda and Zaire. The topography of the Southern Highlands of Tanzania provides an environment where the climatic conditions exist for the sustenance of lymnaeid species capable of Supporting both Fasciola hepatica and F. gigantica. Theoretically this would allow interaction between fasciolid species and the possible creation of hybrids. In this report we present molecular data confirming the existence of the snail, Lymnaea truncatula, at high altitude on the Kitulo Plateau of the Southern Highlands, Tanzania, along with morphometric and molecular data confirming the presence of F. hepatica in the corresponding area. At lower altitudes, where climatic conditions were unfavourable for the existence of L. truncatula, the presence of its sister species L. natalensis was confirmed by molecular data along with its preferred fasciolid parasite, F. gigantica. Analysis based on a 618 bp sequence of the 28S rRNA gene did not reveal the presence of hybrid fasciolids in our fluke samples.
The chaotic physical and chemical environment at deep-sea hydrothermal vents has been associated with an ecosystem with few predators, arguably allowing the habitat to provide refuge for vulnerable species. The dominance of endemic limpets with thin, open-coiled shells at north Pacific vents may support this view. To test their vulnerability to predation, the incidence of healed repair scars, which are argued to reflect non-lethal encounters with predators, were examined on the shells of over 5,800 vent limpets of Lepetodrilus fucensis McLean (1988) that were collected from 13 to 18 August 1996. Three vent fields on the Juan de Fuca Ridge at ca. 2,200 m depth were sampled, two within 70 m of 47 degrees 56.87'N 129 degrees 05.91'W, and one at 47 degrees 57.85'N 129 degrees 05.15'W with the conspicuous potential limpet predators, the zoarcid fish Pachycara gymninium Anderson and Peden (1988), the galatheid crab Munidopsis alvisca Williams (1988), and the buccinid snail Buccinum thermophilum Harasewych and Kantor (2002). Limpets from the predator-rich vent were most often scarred, a significant difference created by the high incidence of scars on small (
This paper discusses the marine and terrestrial shell on Epipalaeolithic to Classical-period sites in the Cyrenaican coastlands, northeast Libya, with particular reference to the Haua Fteah, with parallel studies at a late-Roman farmstead and two small caves. Together they provide evidence for coastal and terrestrial environments and for the continued nutritional importance of gastropods to humans during the Holocene. Land snail evidence is consistent with regional vegetation in coastal Cyrenaica becoming increasingly open through the Holocene, as a result of some combination of climate change and human impact. Marine species suggest that the coastline near the Haua had been rocky throughout the Holocene. At Hagfet al-Gama, changing faunas provide evidence for sand encroachment onto a previously rocky shoreline in Hellenistic times. A biometric study of Osilinus turbinatus shows that in the archaeological sites these shells are systematically smaller than modern specimens, providing evidence for long-term dietary stress in the human populations around the Haua Fteah, with particularly severe stress in parts of the Epipalaeolithic. A biometric study of Patella spp. provided evidence for size selection, but also seems to show evidence for resource pressure. It is unlikely that variations in resource pressure seen in the mollusc biometrics are the result of climatic stress or natural ecological factors and explanations must be sought in society-environment dynamics.
Tetrodotoxin (TTX) is a potent neurotoxin emerging in European waters due to increasing ocean temperatures. Its detection in seafood is currently performed as a consequence of using the Association of Analytical Communities (AOAC) mouse bioassay (MBA) for paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins, but TTX is not monitored routinely in Europe. Due to ethical and performance-related issues associated with this bioassay, the European Commission has recently published directives extending procedures that may be used for official PSP control. An AOAC-accredited high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method has now been accepted by the European Union as a first action screening method for PSP toxins to replace the MBA. However, this AOAC HPLC method is not capable of detecting TTX, so this potent toxin would be undetected; thereby, a separate method of analysis is required. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) optical biosensor technology has been proven as a potential alternative screening method to detect PSP toxins in seafood. The addition of a similar SPR inhibition assay for TTX would complement the PSP assay in removing the MBA. The present report describes the development and single laboratory validation in accordance with AOAC and IUPAC guidelines of an SPR method to be used as a rapid screening tool to detect TTX in the sea snail Charonia lampas lampas, a species which has been implicated in 2008 in the first case of human TTX poisoning in Europe. As no current regulatory limits are set for TTX in Europe, single laboratory validation was undertaken using those for PSP toxins at 800 µg/kg. The decision limit (CCa) was 100 µg/kg, with the detection capability (CCß) found to be =200 µg/kg. Repeatability and reproducibility were assessed at 200, 400, and 800 µg/kg and showed relative standard deviations of 8.3, 3.8, and 5.4 % and 7.8, 8.3, and 3.7 % for both parameters at each level, respectively. At these three respective levels, the recovery of the assay was 112, 98, and 99 %.
Over the course of the past two decades there has been growing research interest in the site formation processes of shell middens. This stands along-side and is being used to inform cultural, dietary and palaeo-environmental reconstructions. Just as midden site formation processes have turned out to be many and varied, however, the kinds of shell-bearing sites that past human communities created are likely to have been no less diverse. Subsuming such sites under a single category - shell middens - normalises that variation and may lead to the misinterpretation of site function. The greater part of research in this field also continues to focus on coastal shell middens; comparatively little attention has been paid to middens containing freshwater and especially terrestrial molluscs from hinterland locations. As a result, much of the current understanding about shell-midden sites carries a spatial as well as a functional bias. This paper hopes to contribute towards discussion on both fronts. It presents a detailed examination of the formation processes that went into the creation of a land snail-dominated late- to post-glacial midden from northern Vietnam, and considers the role that it may have played in the early settlement of this area. The data presented comes from ongoing archaeological excavations at Hang Boi, a cave located in the sub-coastal karstic uplands of Trang An park, in the Vietnamese Province of Ninh Binh. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
Understanding determinants of the invasiveness and ecological impacts of alien species is amongst the most sought-after and urgent research questions in ecology. Several studies have shown the value of comparing the functional responses (FRs) of alien and native predators towards native prey, however, the technique is under-explored with herbivorous alien species and as a predictor of invasiveness as distinct from ecological impact. Here, in China, we conducted a mesocosm experiment to compare the FRs among three herbivorous snail species: the golden apple snail, Pomacea canaliculata, a highly invasive and high impact alien listed in “100 of the World's Worst Invasive Alien Species”; Planorbarius corneus, a non-invasive, low impact alien; and the Chinese native snail, Bellamya aeruginosa, when feeding on four locally occurring plant species. Further, by using a numerical response equation, we modelled the population dynamics of the snail consumers. For standard FR parameters, we found that the invasive and damaging alien snail had the highest “attack rates” a, shortest “handling times” h and also the highest estimated maximum feeding rates, 1/hT, whereas the native species had the lowest attack rates, longest handling times and lowest maximum feeding rates. The non-invasive, low impact alien species had consistently intermediate FR parameters. The invasive alien species had higher population growth potential than the native snail species, whilst that of the non-invasive alien species was intermediate. Thus, while the comparative FR approach has been proposed as a reliable method for predicting the ecological impacts of invasive predators, our results further suggest that comparative FRs could extend to predict the invasiveness and ecological impacts of alien herbivores and should be explored in other taxa and trophic groups to determine the general utility of the approach.