985 resultados para slow highly-charged ions


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Electrostatic forces between membranes containing charged lipids were assumed to play an important role in influencing interactions between membranes long before quantitative measurements of such forces were available. ~ur measurements were designed to measure electrostatic forces between layers of lecithin charged with lipi~s carrying ionizable head groups. These experiments have shown that the interactions between charged lipid bila.yere are dominated by electrostatic forces only at separations greater than 30 A. At smaller separations the repulsion between charged bilayers is dominated by strong hydration forces. The net repulsive force between egg lecithin bilayers containing various amounts of cherged lipids (phosphatidylglycerol (PG) 5,10 ano 50 mole%, phosphatidyli. nosi tol (PI) 10 mole% and sodium oleate (Na-Ol) 3,5 and 10 mole%, where mole% gives the ratio of the number of moles' of .charged lipid to the total number of moles of all lipids present in the sample) was stuoied with the help ('If the osmotic streas technique described by LeNeveu et aI, (1977). Also, the forces between pure PG were j_nvestigated in the same manner. The results have been plotted showing variation of force as a function of bilay- _ er separation dw• All curVes 90 obtained called force curves, were found to be similar in sha.pe, showing two distinct regions, one when dw<.30 A is a region cf very rapid iiivariation of force with separation ( it is the region dominated by hydre,tion force) and second when dw> 40 A is a region of very slow variation of force with separB.tion ( it is the region dominated by the electrostatic force). Between these two regions there exists a transition area in which, in most systems studied, a phase separation of lipids into fractions containing different amounts of charged groups, was observed. A qualitative analysis showed that our results were v/ell described by the simple electrostatic double -le.yer theory. For quantitative agreement between measured and calculated force curves however, the charge density for the calculations had to be taken as half of that given by the number density of charged lipids present in the lecithin bilayers. It is not clear at the moment what causes such low apparent degree of ionization among the charged head groups, and further study is needed in this area.


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The general solution behaviour and" the major fragmentation pathways of the anticanceractive PtIV coordination complexes, trans, trans, cis, cis-[PtCIOH{N(pFC6F4) CH2h(pY)2] (1), trans, cis, cis-[Pt(OH)2{N(p-FC6F4)CH2h(Py)2] (2), trans, cis, cis-[Pt(OH)2{N(p-HC6F4)CH2h(Py)2] (3), trans, trans, cis, cis-[PtCIOH{N(pHC6F4) CH2h(Py)2] (4), and trans, trans, cis, cis-[PtOH(OCH3){N(p-HC6F4)CH2h(PY)2] (5) (Py = pyridine) have been deduced by positive-ion tandem-in-time ESI-MS. Overall, the acquired full-scan, positive-ion ESI-MS spectra of 2, 3, and 5 were characterized by the presence of relatively low-intensity [M+Nar and [M+Kt mass spectral peaks, whereas those of 1 and 4 were dominated by extremely intense [M+Hr peaks. Complexes 2 and 3 were also noted to form [2M+Ht and [2M+Nat dilneric cations. The source of Na + and K+ ions is believed to be the sample, the solvent systems used or the transport line carrying the sample solutions into the ES ion source. Further, the fragmentation pathway of all complexes studied was found to be almost identical with concurrent loss of py and H20 molecules, loss of a {N(p-YC6F4)CH2} (Y = F, H) group and/or concomitant release of the latter group and a py ligand being the most conunon. The photochemical degradation behaviour of 1 and 2 was also investigated using either fluorescent or ultraviolet light and some products of that degradation were positively identified. Altogether, light irradiation of solutions of both complexes resulted in cation cationisation, reductive-elimination, ligand-release, ligand-exchange and ligand-addition reactions. Finally, positive- and negative-ion ESI-MSn spectra of 5' -GMP, guanosine, inosine and products of their reactions with 1, 2,3, and 4 were also recorded. On the whole, full-scan ESI-MS spectra of the pure nucleobases revealed the presence of cationic and anionic species that are highly reflective of both their solution ionic composition and their propensity t9 form polymeric clusters. Analyses of mass spectra acquired from their reaction solutions with the aforementioned platinum complexes indicated very slow kinetics. However, all complexes investigated formed, to various degrees, Pt-nucleobase adducts with guanosine and inosine, but not with 5'-GMP. The products included species having coordination numbers of III, IV, V, and VI, among which the first-time· observed, coordinatively saturated, jive-coordinate PtlI-nucleobase complexes were of most interest. The latter complexes are presumably stabilized by 7tback- donation involving the filled d orbitals of the PtII centre and the empty pz· orbital of MeCN. All products, whose peaks appeared inlull-scan ESI-MS spectra, are believed to represent solution species rather than artifacts of gas-phase processes. Finally, negativeion ESI-MSn spectra recorded in reaction solutions of 1 and 4 with guanosine and of the latter complex with inosine revealed the negative-ion-ESI-MS first-time observed, noncovalent, nucleoside-chloride adducts, with the source of chloride anion being complexes 1 and 4 theillselves. In contrast, no such adducts were observed to form with Na25'-GMP or its protonated fonn. Few suggestions are offered for the possible cause(s) behind the absence of such adduct ions.


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La présente thèse examine les liens entre le sommeil, la mémoire épisodique et les rêves. Dans une première étude, nous utilisons les technologies de la réalité virtuelle (RV) en liaison avec un paradigme de privation de sommeil paradoxal et de collecte de rêve en vue d'examiner l'hypothèse que le sommeil paradoxal et le rêve sont impliqués dans la consolidation de la mémoire épisodique. Le sommeil paradoxal a été associé au rappel des aspects spatiaux des éléments émotionnels de la tâche RV. De la même façon, l'incorporation de la tâche RV dans les rêves a été associée au rappel des aspects spatiaux de la tâche. De plus, le rappel des aspects factuels et perceptuels de la mémoire épisodique, formé lors de la tâche VR, a été associé au sommeil aux ondes lentes. Une deuxième étude examine l'hypothèse selon laquelle une fonction possible du rêve pourrait être de créer de nouvelles associations entre les éléments de divers souvenirs épisodiques. Un participant a été réveillé 43 fois lors de l'endormissement pour fournir des rapports détaillés de rêves. Les résultats suggèrent qu'un seul rêve peut comporter, dans un même contexte spatiotemporel, divers éléments appartenant aux multiples souvenirs épisodiques. Une troisième étude aborde la question de la cognition lors du sommeil paradoxal, notamment comment les aspects bizarres des rêves, qui sont formés grâce aux nouvelles combinaisons d'éléments de la mémoire épisodique, sont perçus par le rêveur. Les résultats démontrent une dissociation dans les capacités cognitives en sommeil paradoxal caractérisée par un déficit sélectif dans l'appréciation des éléments bizarres des rêves. Les résultats des quatre études suggèrent que le sommeil aux ondes lentes et le sommeil paradoxal sont différemment impliqués dans le traitement de la mémoire épisodique. Le sommeil aux ondes lentes pourrait être implique dans la consolidation de la mémoire épisodique, et le sommeil paradoxal, par l'entremise du rêve, pourrais avoir le rôle d'introduire de la flexibilité dans ce système mnémonique.


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Une sonde électrostatique de Langmuir cylindrique a été utilisée pour caractériser une post-décharge d’un plasma d’ondes de surface de N2-O2 par la mesure de la densité des ions et électrons ainsi que la température des électrons dérivée de la fonction de distribution en énergie des électrons (EEDF). Une densité maximale des électrons au centre de la early afterglow de l’ordre de 1013 m-3 a été déterminée, alors que celle-ci a chuté à 1011 m-3 au début de la late afterglow. Tout au long du profil de la post-décharge, une densité des ions supérieure à celle des électrons indique la présence d’un milieu non macroscopiquement neutre. La post-décharge est caractérisée par une EEDF quasi maxwellienne avec une température des électrons de 0.5±0.1 eV, alors qu’elle grimpe à 1.1 ±0.2 eV dans la early afterglow due à la contribution des collisions vibrationnelles-électroniques (V-E) particulièrement importantes. L’ajout d’O2 dans la décharge principale entraîne un rehaussement des espèces chargées et de la température des électrons suivi d’une chute avec l’augmentation de la concentration d’O2. Le changement de la composition électrique de la post-décharge par la création de NO+ au détriment des ions N2+ est à l’origine du phénomène. Le recours à cette post-décharge de N2 pour la modification des propriétés d’émission optique de nanofils purs de GaN et avec des inclusions d’InGaN a été étudié par photoluminescence (PL). Bien que l’émission provenant des nanofils de GaN et de la matrice de GaN recouvrant les inclusions diminue suite à la création de sites de recombinaison non radiatifs, celle provenant des inclusions d’InGaN augmente fortement. Des mesures de PL par excitation indiquent que cet effet n’est pas attribuable à un changement de l’absorption de la surface de GaN. Ceci suggère un recuit dynamique induit par la désexcitation des métastables de N2 suite à leur collision à la surface des nanofils et la possibilité de passiver les défauts de surface tels que des lacunes d’azote par l’action d’atomes de N2 réactifs provenant de la post-décharge. L’incorporation d’O2 induit les mêmes effets en plus d’un décalage vers le rouge de la bande d’émission des inclusions, suggérant l’action des espèces d’O2 au sein même des nanostructures.


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In this study Fabrication of Potentiometric sensors for the determination of certain metal ions, presents the synthesis and characterization of seven ionophores, their use in the fabrication of potentiometric sensors and the results and discussion of fourteen sensors developed for the determination of five transition metal ions. As part of the present investigations a total of fourteen potentiometric sensors have been developed and fabricated. A three fold approach has been taken in developing he sensors, PVC plasticized membrane sensor, carbon paste electrode and chemically modified carbon paste electrode. All the sensors are highly useful in the determination of metal ions such as manganese, nickel, copper, mercury and lead. A through analytical study has been carried out with respect to each other developed. Based on these studies, optimum conditions have been developed for the quantitative determinations of the selected metal ions using the sensors. Systematic application studies have also been carried out for all the developed sensors and the results revealed that the presently developed sensors are far superior than most of the sensors reported.


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A new PVC membrane sensor, which is highly selective towards Ni (II) ions, has been developed using a thiophene-derivative Schiff base as the ionophore. The best performance was exhibited by the membrane having the composition percentage ratio of 5:3:61:31 (ionophore:NaTPB:DBP:PVC) (w=w), where NaTPB is the anion excluder, sodium tetraphenylborate and DBP is the plasticizing agent (dibutyl phthalate). The membrane exhibited a good Nernstian response for nickel ions over the concentration range of 1.0 10 1– 5.0 10 6M (limit of detection is 1.8 10 6 M) with a slope of 29.5 1.0mV per decade of activity. It has a fast response time of<20 s and can be used for a period of 4 months with good reproducibility. The sensor is suitable for use in aqueous solutions of a wide pH range of 3.2–7.9. The sensor shows high selectivity to nickel ions over a large number of mono-, bi- and trivalent cations. It has been successfully used as an indicator electrode in the potentiometric titration of nickel ions against EDTA and also for direct determination of nickel content in real samples – wastewater samples from electroplating industries and Indian chocolates.


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A new PVC membrane sensor, which is highly selective towards Ni (II) ions, has been developed using a thiophene-derivative Schiff base as the ionophore. The best performance was exhibited by the membrane having the composition percentage ratio of 5:3:61:31 (ionophore:NaTPB:DBP:PVC) (w=w), where NaTPB is the anion excluder, sodium tetraphenylborate and DBP is the plasticizing agent (dibutyl phthalate). The membrane exhibited a good Nernstian response for nickel ions over the concentration range of 1.0 10 1– 5.0 10 6M (limit of detection is 1.8 10 6 M) with a slope of 29.5 1.0mV per decade of activity. It has a fast response time of<20 s and can be used for a period of 4 months with good reproducibility. The sensor is suitable for use in aqueous solutions of a wide pH range of 3.2–7.9. The sensor shows high selectivity to nickel ions over a large number of mono-, bi- and trivalent cations. It has been successfully used as an indicator electrode in the potentiometric titration of nickel ions against EDTA and also for direct determination of nickel content in real samples – wastewater samples from electroplating industries and Indian chocolates.


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We have measured prompt and delayed emission spectra of electrons from foilexcited Be, B^+, and Be^2+ ions at 300 keV. On the basis of recently calculated eigenvalues we identified two lines in the prompt Be^+ spectrum as transitions from 2s^22p and 2s2p^2. The delayed Be spectrum indicates that transitions from highly excited quintet states occur. We propose radiationless deexcitation with one excited spectator electron not involved in the transition.


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Augerelectron emission from foil-excited Ne-ions (6 to 10 MeV beam energy) has been measured. The beam-foil time-of-flight technique has been applied to study electronic transitions of metastable states (delayed spectra) and to determine their lifetimes. To achieve a line identification for the complex structure observed in the prompt spectrum, the spectrum is separated into its isoelectronic parts by an Augerelectron-ion coincidence correlating the emitted electrons and the emitting projectiles of well defined final charge states q_f. Well resolved spectra were obtained and the lines could be identified using intermediate coupling Dirac-Fock multiconfiguration calculations. From the total KLL-Augerelectron transition probabilities observed in the electronion coincidence experiment for Ne (10 MeV) the amount of projectiles with one K-hole just behind a C-target can be estimated. For foil-excited Ne-projectiles in contrast to single collision results the comparison of transition intensities for individual lines with calculated transition probabilities yields a statistical population of Li- and Be-like configurations.


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The formation of complexes appearing in solutions containing oppositely charged polyelectrolytes has been investigated by Monte Carlo simulations using two different models. The polyions are described as flexible chains of 20 connected charged hard spheres immersed in a homogenous dielectric background representing water. The small ions are either explicitly included or their effect described by using a screened Coulomb potential. The simulated solutions contained 10 positively charged polyions with 0, 2, or 5 negatively charged polyions and the respective counterions. Two different linear charge densities were considered, and structure factors, radial distribution functions, and polyion extensions were determined. A redistribution of positively charged polyions involving strong complexes formed between the oppositely charged polyions appeared as the number of negatively charged polyions was increased. The nature of the complexes was found to depend on the linear charge density of the chains. The simplified model involving the screened Coulomb potential gave qualitatively similar results as the model with explicit small ions. Finally, owing to the complex formation, the sampling in configurational space is nontrivial, and the efficiency of different trial moves was examined.


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The self-assembly in water of designed peptide amphiphile (PA) C16-ETTES containing two anionic residues and its mixtures with C16-KTTKS containing two cationic residues has been investigated. Multiple spectroscopy, microscopy, and scattering techniques are used to examine ordering extending from the β-sheet structures up to the fibrillar aggregate structure. The peptide amphiphiles both comprise a hexadecyl alkyl chain and a charged pentapeptide headgroup containing two charged residues. For C16-ETTES, the critical aggregation concentration was determined by fluorescence experiments. FTIR and CD spectroscopy were used to examine β-sheet formation. TEM revealed highly extended tape nanostructures with some striped regions corresponding to bilayer structures viewed edge-on. Small-angle X-ray scattering showed a main 5.3 nm bilayer spacing along with a 3 nm spacing. These spacings are assigned respectively to predominant hydrated bilayers and a fraction of dehydrated bilayers. Signs of cooperative self-assembly are observed in the mixtures, including reduced bundling of peptide amphiphile aggregates (extended tape structures) and enhanced β-sheet formation.


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Here, we studied the self-assembly of two peptide amphiphiles, C16-Gly-Gly-Gly-Arg-Gly- Asp (PA 1: C16-GGG-RGD) and C16-Gly-Gly-Gly-Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser (PA 2: C16-GGG-RGDS).We showed that PA 1 and PA 2 self-assemble into nanotapes with an internal bilayer structure. C16 chains were highly interdigitated within the nanotape cores, while the peptide blocks formed water-exposed b-sheets too. PA 1 nanotapes were characterized by one spacing distribution, corresponding to a more regular internal structure than that of PA 2 nanotapes, which presented two different spacing distributions. We showed that it is possible to obtain homogeneous nanotapes in water by co-assembling PA 1 or PA 2 with the negatively charged diluent C16-Glu-Thr-Thr-Glu- Ser (PA 3: C16-ETTES). The homogeneous tapes formed by PA 1–PA 3 or PA 2–PA 3 mixtures presented a structure similar to that observed for the corresponding pure PA 1 or PA 2 nanotapes. The mixed nanotapes, which were able to form a stabilized matrix containing homogeneously distributed cell adhesive RGD groups, represent promising materials for designing new cell adhesion substrates.


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A new dayside source of O+ ions for the polar magnetosphere is described, and a statistical survey presented of upward flows of O+ ions using 2 years of data from the retarding ion mass spectrometer (RIMS) experiment on board DE 1, at geocentric distances below 3 RE and invariant latitudes above 40°. The flows are classified according to their spin angle distributions. It is believed that the spacecraft potential near perigee is generally less than +2 V, in which case the entire O+ population at energies below about 60 eV is sampled. Examples are given of field-aligned flow and of transversely accelerated “core” O+ ions; in the latter events a large fraction of the total O+ ion population has been transversely accelerated, and in some extreme cases all the observed ions (of all ion species) have been accelerated, and no residual cold population is observed (“toroidal” distributions). However, by far the most common type of O+ upflow seen by DE RIMS lies near the dayside polar cap boundary (particularly in the prenoon sector) and displays an asymmetric spin angle distribution. In such events the ions carry an upward heat flux, and strong upflow of all species is present (H+, He+, O+, O++, and N+ have all been observed with energies up to about 30 eV, but with the majority of ions below about 2 eV); hence, these have been termed upwelling ion events. The upwelling ions are embedded in larger regions of classical light ion polar wind and are persistently found under the following conditions: at geocentric distances greater than 1.4 RE; at all Kp in summer, but only at high Kp in winter. Low-energy conical ions (<30 eV) are only found near the equatorial edge of the events, the latitude of which moves equatorward with increasing Kp and is highly correlated with the location of field-aligned currents. The RIMS data are fully consistent with a “mass spectrometer effect,” whereby light ions and the more energetic O+ ions flow into the lobes and mantle and hence the far-tail plasma sheet, but lower-energy O+ is swept across the polar cap by the convection electric field, potentially acting as a source for the nightside auroral acceleration regions. The occurrence probability of upwelling ion events, as compared to those of low-altitude transversely accelerated core ions and of field-aligned flow, suggests this could be the dominant mechanism for supplying the nightside auroral acceleration region, and subsequently the ring current and near-earth plasma sheet, with ionospheric O+ ions. It is shown that the total rate of O+ outflow in upwelling ion events (greater than 10^25 s^{−1}) is sufficient for the region near the dayside polar cap boundary to be an important ionospheric heavy ion source.


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A synthetic version of the metal-regulated gene A (mrgA) promoter from Bacillus subtilis, which in this Gram-positive bacterium is negatively regulated by manganese, iron, cobalt, or copper turned out to promote high level of basal gene expression that is further enhanced by Co(II), Cd(II), Mn(II), Zn(II), Cu(II), or Ni(II), when cloned in the Gram-negative bacterium Cupriavidus metallidurans. Promoter activity was monitored by expression of the reporter gene coding for the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP), and cellular intensity fluorescence was quantified by flow cytometry. Expression levels in C. metallidurans driven by the heterologous promoter, here called pan, ranged from 20- to 53-fold the expression level driven by the Escherichia coli lac promoter (which is constitutively expressed in C. metallidurans), whether in the absence or presence of metal ions, respectively. The pan promoter did also function in E. coli in a constitutive pattern, regardless of the presence of Mn(II) or Fe(II). In conclusion, the pan promoter proved to be a powerful tool to express heterologous proteins in Gram-negative bacteria, especially in C. metallidurans grown upon high levels of toxic metals, with potential applications in bioremediation. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010; 107: 469-477. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Tropomyosin (Tm) is a dimeric coiled-coil protein that polymerizes through head-to-tail interactions. These polymers bind along actin filaments and play an important role in the regulation of muscle contraction. Analysis of its primary structure shows that Tm is rich in acidic residues, which are clustered along the molecule and may from sites for divalent cation binding. In a previous study, we showed that the Mg(2+)-induced increase in stability of the C-terminal half of Tin is sensitive to imitations near the C-terminus. In the present report, we study the interaction between Mg(2+) and full-length Tin and smaller fragments corresponding to the last 65 and 26 Tin residues. Although the smaller Tin peptide (Tm(259-284(W269))) is flexible and to large extent unstructured, the larger Tm(220-284(W269)) fragments forms a coiled coil in solution whose stability increases significantly in the presence of Mg(2+). NMR analysis shows thin Mg(2+) induces chemical shift perturbations in both Tm(220-284(W269)) and Tm(259-284(W269)) in the vicinity of His276, in which are located several negatively charged residues. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 91: 583-590, 2009.