156 resultados para settler


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It s an application about the development of the family agriculture integrated to the market in which is detected the development of the relation of partnership between settled of agrarian reform and the capitalist enterprise. It s shown initially, a conceptual discussion about family agriculture, watching the historical contexts that characterize the expropriation and subordination of the category. This way, the family agriculture is contextual zed in the moment of the modernization of the agriculture, he rising of the social tension in the area of the restructuration of production and the globalization. Finding to understand the agrarian question in Rio Grande do Norte, it s characterized the acting of the state in promoting agrarian reform politics and redistribution of lands. This way, the research demonstrate the reality of the settled of Vale do Lírio, with the partnership of the Caliman Company S. A. in this context, it s emphasized the social geographic transformation in the settler. This way it was realized the analysis of the survey of data in a lot of public department, and the research of the area with use of application form, in 90% percent of the researched group, with interviewing with the leaders of this group and with the manager of the Company. The research demonstrates an analysis of the reality lived by this group, in the perspective the interests of the government and the capital.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Elaborada em meio às intervenções da administração portuguesa no Vale Amazônico, a Descrição de várias Plantas, Frutas, Animais, Aves, Peixes, Cobras, raízes, e outras coisas semelhantes que se acham nesta Capitania do Grão Pará, de Antonio Landi, escrita entre os anos de 1772 e 1773, tem sido vista pela historiografia como resultante dos interesses da Coroa portuguesa. Este trabalho tem por objeto de estudo tal descrição, propondo uma compreensão distinta da comumente aceita, de que a Descrição das plantas e dos animais da capitania do Grão Pará surgiu como um desdobramento lógico das políticas metropolitanas. Sendo assim, não se trata de uma formulação sugerida ou determinada pela burocracia colonial, mas de um trabalho motivado a partir das demandas coloniais. Por outro lado, esta dissertação buscou compreender as intenções próprias da condição de colono do arquiteto italiano, evitando conceber sua produção como naturalista apenas como um reflexo do pensamento científico europeu. Antes, buscando entender essa atividade como relacionada ao contexto da dinâmica colonial local. Dessa forma, este estudo procura evidenciar que as práticas e contornos próprios da sociedade do Vale Amazônico foram determinantes para a elaboração do trabalho de História Natural de Antonio Landi.


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Neste artigo resenho o debate acadêmico suscitado nos Estados Unidos por causa dos argumentos de Huntington sobre a imigração hispânica, sobretudo a de mexicanos, para este país. Em suas obras "The Hispanic challenge" e Who are we?, Huntington argumenta que, por razões demográficas e políticas, os imigrantes mexicanos não se assimilariam ao core culture norte-americano fundado nos valores anglo-protestantes, o que dividiria os EUA em dois povos, duas culturas e duas linguagens. As pesquisas empíricas aqui resenhadas que testaram os argumentos empíricos de Huntington os negaram e os críticos teóricos destes concebem que eles são doutrinários porque expressam uma ideologia settler, bem como manifestam a teoria do conflito do pluralismo cultural e a do colonianismo interno.


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Manuais de literatura ensinam que o Romantismo, centrado no eu romântico em seus conflitos e anseios libertários, rompe com os códigos clássicos da poética do Arcadismo. Em Iracema: a lenda do Ceará, Alencar narra a união da índia Iracema com Martim, o colonizador português que a fascina, e dessa união nasce Moacir, fruto da primeira miscigenação de povos em terras brasileiras. A matéria-prima que Alencar ficcionalizou tem, por um lado, o componente histórico, pois personagens como o guerreiro Martim e o índio Camarão estão registradas nos anais da história; por outro lado, a construção da heroína assenta-se em figuras femininas da mitologia grega. Essa dívida com a tradição clássica, intermediada pelo poeta latino Ovídio, o próprio José de Alencar a reconhece em carta-posfácio, onde confessa ter composto “uma heroida que tem por assunto as tradições dos indígenas brasileiros e seus costumes. (ALENCAR, 1978, p.88).


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Aquaculture is a crucial source of income and livelihood for millions of people around the world. Most fish farms require technical knowledge expertise and qualified staff. This research was developed in Santa Felicidade Settlement Project Cocalzinho de Goias city - GO, where a substantial part of the settlers by INCRA are exploring subsistence farming activities. After meeting open to the 76 settler's families, those who joined the project received courses on intensive farming of tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) in net cages. The production was an innovative technique, fully realized with the participatory labor of family members, without prejudice of the main activities. The economic analysis showed the return on invested capital in 7.5 years within the financial activity with 7.1% Internal Return Rate higher than the average interest rate market. The Net Cash Flow showed ability to fulfill financial obligations from the second year. The implementation of more productive cycles optimizes the workforce with increased operational efficiency. Diet alternatively produced with local ingredients can minimize the effects of critical variables of the project, since it does not affect productivity.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Job seekers in resource-based economic settings like the Keweenaw Peninsula in Upper Michigan and the Nickel Basin surrounding Sudbury, Ontario faced many challenges, from the dangers of the job to corporate domination to the “boom and bust” nature of inevitably limited supplies of even “endless” natural riches. Adding to these many challenges in both settings was the employer view that you were best suited to certain tasks. This paper examines these expectations from “both” ends – how and why did employers see matters this way, and what did the “recipients” make of being cast in certain roles ? Did the newcomers also expect to earn their keep from a limited range of options ? While the last word on this issue awaits a much larger study, even a glance can inform both the scholar of resource settings and the ethnic historian about an important element of resource-based economies. This paper, then, examines the links between stereotype, preference, and necessity – to what extent did local populations fight, appreciate or succumb to expectation when “making a living.” As the title suggests, Finns get significant attention, as befits both settings under study. However, the paper looks to similar trends amongst a broad demographic swathe in each setting. Was “who” you were the crucial element in finding sustenance ? “Ethnic”, Aboriginal, or “established settler society” – what factors shaped economic expectations, choices and roles?


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In the West Bank city of Hebron the Israeli-Palestinian conflict still overshadows all activities. Despite the tension, friction, and violence that have become integral to the city’s everyday life, the Jewish Community of Hebron is expanding in numbers and geographical extent. Since the Six Day War, the community has attracted some of the most militant groups among the settlers in the West Bank, responsible for severe violence against Palestinians, including harassment, car bombs, and attempts to blow up the Dome of the Rock mosque itself. Why do the members of the Jewish Community of Hebron wish to live and raise their children in such a violent setting? Using a series of interviews with members of the Jewish Community of Hebron and related settler communities in the period 2000–05, the article examines the ways the Jewish Community legitimizes its disputed presence. It reveals a deep religious belief, blended with intense distrust of and hatred toward the Palestinian population.


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The excavation site Reigoldswil is located at 550 m above sea level on the Jura chain hillside in north-western Switzerland. The mountains divide the Rhine valley from an agriculturally rich region. The origin of the village lies in the early medieval time. Until now the skeletons of one cemetery have been morphologically studied. Around 216 individuals were excavated from under the foundation walls of a church and in the open field. They date to the 7/8th up to the 10th century. The striking part is the high amount of subadult (0-18 years) individuals with 58% (n=126). One of these children, an approximately 1.5 year old toddler from the 7th century, was buried in a stone cist. Its bones show morphological traces like porotic lesions of the greater wings of the sphenoidale, the squama, the mandibule and the scapula as new bone formation on both femora and tibiae. These signs could be an indicator for Möller-Barlow disease (Ortner 2003, Brickley and Ives 2008, Stark in press). As scurvy is associated with an insufficient intake of vitamin C, malnutrition must be assumed. A reason might be the geographic location or/and a harsh climat with crop failure and famine the first settler had to face. Besides the morphological diagnose amino acids of the bone collagen have been analyzed (Kramis et. al.). Further examinations, such as radiocarbon dating and stable isotope ratios (C, N, O, S) to specify nutrition, are planned.


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The nineteenth symposium was held at the University of Missouri–Columbia on April 22, 1989. A total of eighteen papers were scheduled for presentation, of which nine were in poster session. Finally, fifteen papers were presented and sixteen were submitted for this proceedings. It was attended by 53 participants from five institutions. A sixth group (from Colorado State University) was kept from attending the symposium due to mechanical problems on the road and we missed them. Since they worked hard at their presentations, I requested CSU-group to submit their papers for the proceedings and I am happy that they did. ContentsMathematical modelling of a flour milling system. K. Takahashi, Y. Chen, J. Hosokoschi, and L. T. Fan. Kansas State University A novel solution to the problem of plasmid segregation in continuous bacterial fermentations. K.L. Henry, R. H. Davis, and A. L. Taylor. University of Colorado Modelling of embryonic growth in avian and reptile Eggs. C.L. Krause, R. C. Seagrave, and R. A. Ackerman. Iowa State University Mathematical modeling of in situ biodegradation processes. J.C. Wu, L. T. Fan, and L. E. Erickson. Kansas State University Effect of molecular changes on starch viscosity. C.H. Rosane and V. G. Murphy. Colorado State University Analysis of two stage recombinant bacterial fermentations using a structured kinetic model. F. Miao and D. S. Kampala. University of Colorado Lactic acid fermentation from enzyme-thinned starch by Lactobacillus amylovorus. P.S. Cheng, E. L. Iannotti, R. K. Bajpai, R. Mueller, and s. Yaeger. University of Missouri–Columbia Solubilization of preoxidized Texas lignite by cell-free broths of Penicillium strains. R. Moolick, M. N. Karim, J. C. Linden, and B. L. Burback. Colorado State University Separation of proteins from polyelectrolytes by ultrafiltration. A.G. Bazzano and C. E. Glatz. Iowa State University Growth estimation and modelling of Rhizopus oligosporus in solid state fermentations. D.-H. Ryoo, V. G. Murphy, M. N. Karim, and R. P. Tengerdy. Colorado State University Simulation of ethanol fermentations from sugars in cheese whey. C.J. Wang and R. K. Bajpai. University of Missouri–Columbia Studies on protoplast fusion of B. licheniformis. B. Shi, Kansas State University Cell separations of non-dividing and dividing yeasts using an inclined settler. C.-Y. Lee, R. H. Davis, and R. A. Sclafani. University of Colorado Effect of·serum upon local hydrodynamics within an airlift column. G.T. Jones, L. E. Erickson, and L. A. Glasgow. Kansas State University Optimization of heterologous protein secretion in continuous culture. A. Chatterjee, W. F. Remirez, and R. H. Davis. University of Colorado An improved model for lactic acid fermentation. P. Yeh, R. K. Bajpai, and E. L. Iannotti. University of Missouri–Columbia