926 resultados para service performance


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The therapeutic ultrasound (US) is one of the resources mostly used by physiotherapists; however the use of uncalibrated equipments results in inefficient or even harmful therapies to the patient. In this direction, the objective of this study was to evaluate the performance and the procedures of utilization and maintenance of US in use in clinics and Physical-therapy offices. A questionnaire with questions related to the procedures applied in service during the use of therapeutic ultrasound was applied to physiotherapists. The performance of 31 equipments of 6 different brands and 13 different models was evaluated according to the IEC 61689 norm. The parameters measured were: acoustic power; effective radiating area (AER); non-uniformity ratio of the beam (RBN); maximum effective intensity; acoustic frequency of operation, modulation factor and wave form on pulsate mode. As for the questionnaires, it was evident that the professionals are not concerned about the calibration of the equipment. The results demonstrated that only 32.3% of the equipments were in accordance with the norms for the variables power and effective radiation area. The frequency analysis indicated that 20% of the 3 MHz transducers and 12.5% of the 1 MHz contemplated the norms. In the pulsate mode, 12.7% presented relation rest/duration inside allowed limits. A great variation of the ultrasonic field was observed on the obtained images, which presented beams not centered, sometimes with bifurcation of its apex. The results allow concluding that, although used in therapeutic sessions with the population, none of the equipments presents all the analyzed variables inside technical norms. (C) 2010 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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A gap has been identified in the literature on the diagnosis and monitoring of the degree of strategic alignment. The main objective of this article is to diagnose and analyze the strategic alignment profile using the alignment diagnostic profile (ADP) tool, which enables organizations to show visually their degree of strategic alignment. The methodological approach adopted is multiple-case studies, which were conducted at five organizations in the medical diagnostics sector. The results indicate that the ADP enables organizations to understand the steps required to improve their level of alignment and to identify and locate gaps and conflicts.


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Cementitious stabilization of aggregates and soils is an effective technique to increase the stiffness of base and subbase layers. Furthermore, cementitious bases can improve the fatigue behavior of asphalt surface layers and subgrade rutting over the short and long term. However, it can lead to additional distresses such as shrinkage and fatigue in the stabilized layers. Extensive research has tested these materials experimentally and characterized them; however, very little of this research attempts to correlate the mechanical properties of the stabilized layers with their performance. The Mechanistic Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) provides a promising theoretical framework for the modeling of pavements containing cementitiously stabilized materials (CSMs). However, significant improvements are needed to bring the modeling of semirigid pavements in MEPDG to the same level as that of flexible and rigid pavements. Furthermore, the MEPDG does not model CSMs in a manner similar to those for hot-mix asphalt or portland cement concrete materials. As a result, performance gains from stabilized layers are difficult to assess using the MEPDG. The current characterization of CSMs was evaluated and issues with CSM modeling and characterization in the MEPDG were discussed. Addressing these issues will help designers quantify the benefits of stabilization for pavement service life.


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The characterisation of oral-motor movements and speech of patients with tetanus were investigated to determine the existence of possible signs that are characteristic of this pathology. Thirteen patients clinically diagnosed with tetanus (10 with severe tetanus and three with very severe tetanus) and admitted to an intensive care unit underwent clinical evaluation of oral-motor movements and speech. Statistical analysis indicated significant between-group differences for speech motor functions, suggesting that individuals with very severe tetanus present rigidity as a characteristic interfering in articulatory precision (P = 0 035) and movement rate (P = 0 038). For lip closure, tongue movement, palatal elevation, gag reflex and voice quality, no between-group differences were identified for the specific abnormal characteristics. The observed abnormal results indicate that muscle strength and functional status of the oral-motor system presented by most of the participants of the study did not ensure the necessary integrity for satisfactory performance. The characterisation of the oral myofunctional aspects of patients with tetanus provides medical teams, patients and families with a wider and better description of the clinical situation, giving support to the diagnosis, prognostics and treatment.


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The increasing use of performance measurement by government means that child protection services are under pressure to demonstrate effectiveness in protecting children from harm and efficiency in the use of public funds to help children and families. From a policy perspective, the way performance measurement is conceptualised and implemented can have major consequences for service delivery. This paper examines key issues raised in the literature about performance measurement, the context for its introduction in child protection, how the concepts of effectiveness and efficiency are dealt with, how client outcomes are defined, and assumptions about 'good performance'. An overview of performance measurement in child protection in Australia is provided. The paper argues that a critical approach to performance measurement in child protection can contribute to improved service delivery to clients.


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Two experiments using a temporal occlusion paradigm (the first with expert and novice participants and the second with participants of intermediate skill) were conducted to examine the capability of tennis players to predict the direction of an opponent's service in situ. In both experiments two different response conditions, reflecting differing degrees of perception-action coupling, were employed. In a coupled condition players were required to make a movement-based response identical to that which they would use to hit a return of service in a game situation, whereas in an uncoupled condition a verbal prediction of service direction was required. Experiment 1 provided clear evidence of superior prediction accuracy under the coupled response condition when ball flight was available, plus some limited evidence to suggest that superior prediction accuracy under uncoupled response conditions might hold true if only advance (pre-contact) information was available. Experiment 2 showed the former finding to be a robust one, but was unable to reveal any support for the latter. Experiment 1 also revealed that expert superiority is more apparent for predictions made under natural (coupled) than uncoupled response-mode conditions. Collectively, these findings suggest that different perceptual processes may be in operation in anticipatory tasks which depend on skill level, the type of information presented, and degree of perception-action coupling inherent in the task requirements.


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O design possui um papel central nos negócios, participando de forma crucial no intercambio cultural e econômico da sociedade. Uma das competências do profissional de design gráfico é o desenvolvimento da Identidade Visual Corporativa (IVC). Ela tem como função definir visualmente o perfil de uma empresa, configurando-se, assim, como um composto mercadológico de fundamental importância para diferenciação das organizações, possuindo um importante papel para o crescimento das micro e pequenas empresas (MPEs). O objetivo desta pesquisa é verificar de que forma os gestores de MPEs percebem a atuação do design gráfico sobre a performance do seu negócio, avaliada a partir da sua experiência com a IVC desenvolvida por um profissional de design e aplicada pela empresa em suas atividades. A pesquisa é aplicada, em relação a sua finalidade, e exploratória, quanto ao seu objetivo. Sua condução se deu a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica, entrevista semiestruturada com os gestores das MPEs investigadas e pesquisa documental em materiais fornecidos pelos sujeitos da pesquisa, realizando-se, desta forma, uma triangulação metodológica a fim de contribuir para o exame do fenômeno. Como estratégia de investigação foi utilizado o estudo de casos múltiplos, realizado com 7 (sete) MPEs que haviam incorporado sua IVC há pelo menos 2 (dois) anos, dos setores de comércio e serviço, localizadas nos municípios de Vitória, Vila Velha, Serra ou Cariacica. Os dados coletados foram analisados por meio da Análise de Conteúdo, com base nas etapas descritas por Bardin (1977) e Laville (1999), distribuindo as unidades de análise (frases e parágrafos) nas categorias desenvolvidas: Motivação, Integração da IVC, Gestão da IVC, Relevância da IVC, IVC e Performance e Expressão Visual. A análise utilizou a abordagem quantitativa, realizada por meio da técnica de percentagem, e qualitativa, com maior ênfase na última, onde foram analisadas as categorias e seus elementos, assim como as relações entre elas, buscando extrair os significados construídos. Desta forma, foi possível verificar que a maior parte dos gestores das MPEs investigadas identificam que o design gráfico, por meio da IVC, contribui de forma positiva para a performance do seu negócio, proporcionando diferentes tipos de benefícios, dentre os mais citados foram: Identificação/Reconhecimento, Fortalecimento (solidez, estabilidade, profissionalismo), Novos Clientes, Imagem, Receptividade, Agregação de Valor para a Marca e Diferenciação.


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O design possui um papel central nos negócios, participando de forma crucial no intercambio cultural e econômico da sociedade. Uma das competências do profissional de design gráfico é o desenvolvimento da Identidade Visual Corporativa (IVC). Ela tem como função definir visualmente o perfil de uma empresa, configurando-se, assim, como um composto mercadológico de fundamental importância para diferenciação das organizações, possuindo um importante papel para o crescimento das micro e pequenas empresas (MPEs). O objetivo desta pesquisa é verificar de que forma os gestores de MPEs percebem a atuação do design gráfico sobre a performance do seu negócio, avaliada a partir da sua experiência com a IVC desenvolvida por um profissional de design e aplicada pela empresa em suas atividades. A pesquisa é aplicada, em relação a sua finalidade, e exploratória, quanto ao seu objetivo. Sua condução se deu a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica, entrevista semiestruturada com os gestores das MPEs investigadas e pesquisa documental em materiais fornecidos pelos sujeitos da pesquisa, realizando-se, desta forma, uma triangulação metodológica a fim de contribuir para o exame do fenômeno. Como estratégia de investigação foi utilizado o estudo de casos múltiplos, realizado com 7 (sete) MPEs que haviam incorporado sua IVC há pelo menos 2 (dois) anos, dos setores de comércio e serviço, localizadas nos municípios de Vitória, Vila Velha, Serra ou Cariacica. Os dados coletados foram analisados por meio da Análise de Conteúdo, com base nas etapas descritas por Bardin (1977) e Laville (1999), distribuindo as unidades de análise (frases e parágrafos) nas categorias desenvolvidas: Motivação, Integração da IVC, Gestão da IVC, Relevância da IVC, IVC e Performance e Expressão Visual. A análise utilizou a abordagem quantitativa, realizada por meio da técnica de percentagem, e qualitativa, com maior ênfase na última, onde foram analisadas as categorias e seus elementos, assim como as relações entre elas, buscando extrair os significados construídos. Desta forma, foi possível verificar que a maior parte dos gestores das MPEs investigadas identificam que o design gráfico, por meio da IVC, contribui de forma positiva para a performance do seu negócio, proporcionando diferentes tipos de benefícios, dentre os mais citados foram: Identificação/Reconhecimento, Fortalecimento (solidez, estabilidade, profissionalismo), Novos Clientes, Imagem, Receptividade, Agregação de Valor para a Marca e Diferenciação.


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This paper investigates realism in character computer animation, which triggered the development of new techniques and aesthetic in spectacular cinema and contemporary culture. With the advent of motion or performing capture, animation has made possible that virtual characters or digital creatures reach higher levels in emotional acting, taking place in virtual cinematic worlds or even special effects movies. This technology, when placed at the service of imagination and fantasy can provide new dimensions in character motion and communication. In this context, projects like Peter Jackson’s (2001) The Lord of the Rings, James Cameron’s Avatar (2009) and more recently Steven Spielberg’s Tintin (2011) demonstrate that motion technology is constantly evolving, and it represents a credible option to explore new techniques and aesthetic in contemporary animation.


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In general, modern networks are analysed by taking several Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) into account, their proper balance being required in order to guarantee a desired Quality of Service (QoS), particularly, cellular wireless heterogeneous networks. A model to integrate a set of KPIs into a single one is presented, by using a Cost Function that includes these KPIs, providing for each network node a single evaluation parameter as output, and reflecting network conditions and common radio resource management strategies performance. The proposed model enables the implementation of different network management policies, by manipulating KPIs according to users' or operators' perspectives, allowing for a better QoS. Results show that different policies can in fact be established, with a different impact on the network, e.g., with median values ranging by a factor higher than two.


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Resource constraints are becoming a problem as many of the wireless mobile devices have increased generality. Our work tries to address this growing demand on resources and performance, by proposing the dynamic selection of neighbor nodes for cooperative service execution. This selection is in uenced by user's quality of service requirements expressed in his request, tailoring provided service to user's speci c needs. In this paper we improve our proposal's formulation algorithm with the ability to trade o time for the quality of the solution. At any given time, a complete solution for service execution exists, and the quality of that solution is expected to improve overtime.


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OBJECTIVE To evaluate the validity and reliability of an instrument that evaluates the structure of primary health care units for the treatment of tuberculosis.METHODS This cross-sectional study used simple random sampling and evaluated 1,037 health care professionals from five Brazilian municipalities (Natal, state of Rio Grande do Norte; Cabedelo, state of Paraíba; Foz do Iguaçu, state of Parana; Sao José do Rio Preto, state of Sao Paulo, and Uberaba, state of Minas Gerais) in 2011. Structural indicators were identified and validated, considering different methods of organization of the health care system in the municipalities of different population sizes. Each structure represented the organization of health care services and contained the resources available for the execution of health care services: physical resources (equipment, consumables, and facilities); human resources (number and qualification); and resources for maintenance of the existing infrastructure and technology (deemed as the organization of health care services). The statistical analyses used in the validation process included reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis.RESULTS The validation process indicated the retention of five factors, with 85.9% of the total variance explained, internal consistency between 0.6460 and 0.7802, and quality of fit of the confirmatory factor analysis of 0.995 using the goodness-of-fit index. The retained factors comprised five structural indicators: professionals involved in the care of tuberculosis patients, training, access to recording instruments, availability of supplies, and coordination of health care services with other levels of care. Availability of supplies had the best performance and the lowest coefficient of variation among the services evaluated. The indicators of assessment of human resources and coordination with other levels of care had satisfactory performance, but the latter showed the highest coefficient of variation. The performance of the indicators “training” and “access to recording instruments” was inferior to that of other indicators.CONCLUSIONS The instrument showed feasibility of application and potential to assess the structure of primary health care units for the treatment of tuberculosis.


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Comunicação apresentada no 8º Congresso Nacional de Administração Pública - Desafios e Soluções, em Carcavelos de 21 a 22 de Novembro de 2011.


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Performance appraisal increasingly assumes a more important role in any organizational environment. In the trucking industry, drivers are the company's image and for this reason it is important to develop and increase their performance and commitment to the company's goals. This paper aims to create a performance appraisal model for trucking drivers, based on a multi-criteria decision aid methodology. The PROMETHEE and MMASSI methodologies were adapted using the criteria used for performance appraisal by the trucking company studied. The appraisal involved all the truck drivers, their supervisors and the company's Managing Director. The final output is a ranking of the drivers, based on their performance, for each one of the scenarios used. The results are to be used as a decision-making tool to allocate drivers to the domestic haul service.


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In today’s highly competitive market, it is critical to provide customers services with a high level of configuration to answer their business needs. Knowing in advance the performance associated with a specific choreography of services (e.g., by taking into account the expected results of each component service) represents an important asset that allows businesses to provide a global service tailored to customers’ specific requests. This research work aims at advancing the state-of-the-art in this area by proposing an approach for service selection and ranking using services choreography, predicting the behavior of the services considering customers’ requirements and preferences, business process constraints and characteristics of the execution environment.