991 resultados para server java android logica


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Owing to high evolutionary divergence, it is not always possible to identify distantly related protein domains by sequence search techniques. Intermediate sequences possess sequence features of more than one protein and facilitate detection of remotely related proteins. We have demonstrated recently the employment of Cascade PSI-BLAST where we perform PSI-BLAST for many 'generations', initiating searches from new homologues as well. Such a rigorous propagation through generations of PSI-BLAST employs effectively the role of intermediates in detecting distant similarities between proteins. This approach has been tested on a large number of folds and its performance in detecting superfamily level relationships is similar to 35% better than simple PSI-BLAST searches. We present a web server for this search method that permits users to perform Cascade PSI-BLAST searches against the Pfam, SCOP and SwissProt databases. The URL for this server is http://crick.mbu.iisc.ernet.in/similar to CASCADE/CascadeBlast.html.


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Protein structure validation is an important step in computational modeling and structure determination. Stereochemical assessment of protein structures examine internal parameters such as bond lengths and Ramachandran (phi, psi) angles. Gross structure prediction methods such as inverse folding procedure and structure determination especially at low resolution can sometimes give rise to models that are incorrect due to assignment of misfolds or mistracing of electron density maps. Such errors are not reflected as strain in internal parameters. HARMONY is a procedure that examines the compatibility between the sequence and the structure of a protein by assigning scores to individual residues and their amino acid exchange patterns after considering their local environments. Local environments are described by the backbone conformation, solvent accessibility and hydrogen bonding patterns. We are now providing HARMONY through a web server such that users can submit their protein structure files and, if required, the alignment of homologous sequences. Scores are mapped on the structure for subsequent examination that is useful to also recognize regions of possible local errors in protein structures. HARMONY server is located at http://caps.ncbs.res.in/harmony/


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A method is presented to model server unreliability in closed queuing networks. Breakdowns and repairs of servers, assumed to be time-dependent, are modeled using virtual customers and virtual servers in the system. The problem is thus converted into a closed queue with all reliable servers and preemptive resume priority centers. Several recent preemptive priority approximations and an approximation of the one proposed are used in the analysis. This method has approximately the same computational requirements as that of mean-value analysis for a network of identical dimensions and is therefore very efficient


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Repeats are two or more contiguous segments of amino acid residues that are believed to have arisen as a result of intragenic duplication, recombination and mutation events. These repeats can be utilized for protein structure prediction and can provide insights into the protein evolution and phylogenetic relationship. Therefore, to aid structural biologists and phylogeneticists in their research, a computing resource (a web server and a database), Repeats in Protein Sequences (RPS), has been created. Using RPS, users can obtain useful information regarding identical, similar and distant repeats (of varying lengths) in protein sequences. In addition, users can check the frequency of occurrence of the repeats in sequence databases such as the Genome Database, PIR and SWISS-PROT and among the protein sequences available in the Protein Data Bank archive. Furthermore, users can view the three-dimensional structure of the repeats using the Java visualization plug-in Jmol. The proposed computing resource can be accessed over the World Wide Web at http://bioserver1.physics.iisc.ernet.in/rps/.


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The Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) is one of the most widely used sequence alignment programs with which similarity searches, for both protein and nucleic acid sequences, can be performed against large databases at high speed. A large number of tools exist for processing BLAST output, but none of them provide three-dimensional structure visualization. This shortcoming has been addressed in the proposed tool BLAST Server for Structural Biologists (BSSB), which maps a BLAST output onto the three-dimensional structure of the subject protein. The three-dimensional structure of the subject protein is represented using a three-color coding scheme (identical: red; similar: yellow; and mismatch: white) based on the pairwise alignment obtained. Thus, the user will be able to visualize a possible three-dimensional structure for the query protein sequence. This information can be used to gain a deeper insight into the sequence-structure correlation. Furthermore, the additional structure-level information enables the user to make coherent and logical decisions regarding the type of input model structure or fragment that can be used for molecular replacement calculations. This tool is freely available to all users at http://bioserver1.physics.iisc.ernet.in/bssb/.


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Just-in-Time (JIT) compilers for Java can be augmented by making use of runtime profile information to produce better quality code and hence achieve higher performance. In a JIT compilation environment, the profile information obtained can be readily exploited in the same run to aid recompilation and optimization of frequently executed (hot) methods. This paper discusses a low overhead path profiling scheme for dynamically profiling AT produced native code. The profile information is used in recompilation during a subsequent invocation of the hot method. During recompilation tree regions along the hot paths are enlarged and instruction scheduling at the superblock level is performed. We have used the open source LaTTe AT compiler framework for our implementation. Our results on a SPARC platform for SPEC JVM98 benchmarks indicate that (i) there is a significant reduction in the number of tree regions along the hot paths, and (ii) profile aided recompilation in LaTTe achieves performance comparable to that of adaptive LaTTe in spite of retranslation and profiling overheads.


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Depth measures the extent of atom/residue burial within a protein. It correlates with properties such as protein stability, hydrogen exchange rate, protein-protein interaction hot spots, post-translational modification sites and sequence variability. Our server, DEPTH, accurately computes depth and solvent-accessible surface area (SASA) values. We show that depth can be used to predict small molecule ligand binding cavities in proteins. Often, some of the residues lining a ligand binding cavity are both deep and solvent exposed. Using the depth-SASA pair values for a residue, its likelihood to form part of a small molecule binding cavity is estimated. The parameters of the method were calibrated over a training set of 900 high-resolution X-ray crystal structures of single-domain proteins bound to small molecules (molecular weight < 1.5 KDa). The prediction accuracy of DEPTH is comparable to that of other geometry-based prediction methods including LIGSITE, SURFNET and Pocket-Finder (all with Matthew's correlation coefficient of similar to 0.4) over a testing set of 225 single and multi-chain protein structures. Users have the option of tuning several parameters to detect cavities of different sizes, for example, geometrically flat binding sites. The input to the server is a protein 3D structure in PDB format. The users have the option of tuning the values of four parameters associated with the computation of residue depth and the prediction of binding cavities. The computed depths, SASA and binding cavity predictions are displayed in 2D plots and mapped onto 3D representations of the protein structure using Jmol. Links are provided to download the outputs. Our server is useful for all structural analysis based on residue depth and SASA, such as guiding site-directed mutagenesis experiments and small molecule docking exercises, in the context of protein functional annotation and drug discovery.


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In this paper we propose a new method of data handling for web servers. We call this method Network Aware Buffering and Caching (NABC for short). NABC facilitates reduction of data copies in web server's data sending path, by doing three things: (1) Layout the data in main memory in a way that protocol processing can be done without data copies (2) Keep a unified cache of data in kernel and ensure safe access to it by various processes and kernel and (3) Pass only the necessary meta data between processes so that bulk data handling time spent during IPC can be reduced. We realize NABC by implementing a set of system calls and an user library. The end product of the implementation is a set of APIs specifically designed for use by the web servers. We port an in house web server called SWEET, to NABC APIs and evaluate performance using a range of workloads both simulated and real. The results show a very impressive gain of 12% to 21% in throughput for static file serving and 1.6 to 4 times gain in throughput for lightweight dynamic content serving for a server using NABC APIs over the one using UNIX APIs.


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The Java Memory Model (JMM) provides a semantics of Java multithreading for any implementation platform. The JMM is defined in a declarative fashion with an allowed program execution being defined in terms of existence of "commit sequences" (roughly, the order in which actions in the execution are committed). In this work, we develop OpMM, an operational under-approximation of the JMM. The immediate motivation of this work lies in integrating a formal specification of the JMM with software model checkers. We show how our operational memory model description can be integrated into a Java Path Finder (JPF) style model checker for Java programs.


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Residue depth accurately measures burial and parameterizes local protein environment. Depth is the distance of any atom/residue to the closest bulk water. We consider the non-bulk waters to occupy cavities, whose volumes are determined using a Voronoi procedure. Our estimation of cavity sizes is statistically superior to estimates made by CASTp and VOIDOO, and on par with McVol over a data set of 40 cavities. Our calculated cavity volumes correlated best with the experimentally determined destabilization of 34 mutants from five proteins. Some of the cavities identified are capable of binding small molecule ligands. In this study, we have enhanced our depth-based predictions of binding sites by including evolutionary information. We have demonstrated that on a database (LigASite) of similar to 200 proteins, we perform on par with ConCavity and better than MetaPocket 2.0. Our predictions, while less sensitive, are more specific and precise. Finally, we use depth (and other features) to predict pK(a)s of GLU, ASP, LYS and HIS residues. Our results produce an average error of just <1 pH unit over 60 predictions. Our simple empirical method is statistically on par with two and superior to three other methods while inferior to only one. The DEPTH server (http://mspc.bii.a-star.edu.sg/depth/) is an ideal tool for rapid yet accurate structural analyses of protein structures.


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Temperature sensitive (Ts) mutants of proteins provide experimentalists with a powerful and reversible way of conditionally expressing genes. The technique has been widely used in determining the role of gene and gene products in several cellular processes. Traditionally, Ts mutants are generated by random mutagenesis and then selected though laborious large-scale screening. Our web server, TSpred (http://mspc.bii.a-star.edu.sg/TSpred/), now enables users to rationally design Ts mutants for their proteins of interest. TSpred uses hydrophobicity and hydrophobic moment, deduced from primary sequence and residue depth, inferred from 3D structures to predict/identify buried hydrophobic residues. Mutating these residues leads to the creation of Ts mutants. Our method has been experimentally validated in 36 positions in six different proteins. It is an attractive proposition for Ts mutant engineering as it proposes a small number of mutations and with high precision. The accompanying web server is simple and intuitive to use and can handle proteins and protein complexes of different sizes.


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Background: The function of a protein can be deciphered with higher accuracy from its structure than from its amino acid sequence. Due to the huge gap in the available protein sequence and structural space, tools that can generate functionally homogeneous clusters using only the sequence information, hold great importance. For this, traditional alignment-based tools work well in most cases and clustering is performed on the basis of sequence similarity. But, in the case of multi-domain proteins, the alignment quality might be poor due to varied lengths of the proteins, domain shuffling or circular permutations. Multi-domain proteins are ubiquitous in nature, hence alignment-free tools, which overcome the shortcomings of alignment-based protein comparison methods, are required. Further, existing tools classify proteins using only domain-level information and hence miss out on the information encoded in the tethered regions or accessory domains. Our method, on the other hand, takes into account the full-length sequence of a protein, consolidating the complete sequence information to understand a given protein better. Results: Our web-server, CLAP (Classification of Proteins), is one such alignment-free software for automatic classification of protein sequences. It utilizes a pattern-matching algorithm that assigns local matching scores (LMS) to residues that are a part of the matched patterns between two sequences being compared. CLAP works on full-length sequences and does not require prior domain definitions. Pilot studies undertaken previously on protein kinases and immunoglobulins have shown that CLAP yields clusters, which have high functional and domain architectural similarity. Moreover, parsing at a statistically determined cut-off resulted in clusters that corroborated with the sub-family level classification of that particular domain family. Conclusions: CLAP is a useful protein-clustering tool, independent of domain assignment, domain order, sequence length and domain diversity. Our method can be used for any set of protein sequences, yielding functionally relevant clusters with high domain architectural homogeneity. The CLAP web server is freely available for academic use at http://nslab.mbu.iisc.ernet.in/clap/.


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Programming environments for smartphones expose a concurrency model that combines multi-threading and asynchronous event-based dispatch. While this enables the development of efficient and feature-rich applications, unforeseen thread interleavings coupled with non-deterministic reorderings of asynchronous tasks can lead to subtle concurrency errors in the applications. In this paper, we formalize the concurrency semantics of the Android programming model. We further define the happens-before relation for Android applications, and develop a dynamic race detection technique based on this relation. Our relation generalizes the so far independently studied happens-before relations for multi-threaded programs and single-threaded event-driven programs. Additionally, our race detection technique uses a model of the Android runtime environment to reduce false positives. We have implemented a tool called DROIDRACER. It generates execution traces by systematically testing Android applications and detects data races by computing the happens-before relation on the traces. We analyzed 1 5 Android applications including popular applications such as Facebook, Twitter and K-9 Mail. Our results indicate that data races are prevalent in Android applications, and that DROIDRACER is an effective tool to identify data races.