968 resultados para sensible heat loss


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Essery, RLH & P, Etchevers, (2004). Parameter sensitivity in simulations of snowmelt. Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, doi:10. 1029/2004JD005036.


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Concentrating solar power is an important way of providing renewable energy. Model simulation approaches play a fundamental role in the development of this technology and, for this, an accurately validation of the models is crucial. This work presents the validation of the heat loss model of the absorber tube of a parabolic trough plant by comparing the model heat loss estimates with real measurements in a specialized testing laboratory. The study focuses on the implementation in the model of a physical-meaningful and widely valid formulation of the absorber total emissivity depending on the surface’s temperature. For this purpose, the spectral emissivity of several absorber’s samples are measured and, with these data, the absorber total emissivity curve is obtained according to Planck function. This physical-meaningful formulation is used as input parameter in the heat loss model and a successful validation of the model is performed. Since measuring the spectral emissivity of the absorber surface may be complex and it is sample-destructive, a new methodology for the absorber’s emissivity characterization is proposed. This methodology provides an estimation of the absorber total emissivity, retaining its physical meaning and widely valid formulation according to Planck function with no need for direct spectral measurements. This proposed method is also successfully validated and the results are shown in the present paper.


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In this paper, the continuous casting process for steel slab production is modelled using a mult-physics approach. For this purpose, a Finite Volume (FV) numerical model was constructed in 3D, with the following characteristics: Time dependent, turbulent fluid flow and heat transfer in the molten steel and flux regions, solidification of the skin layer, under prescribed heat loss boundary conditions, particle tracking simulation of argon bubbles injected with the metal into the mould, full coupling between bubbles and liquid through buoyancy and interfacial forces using a novel gas accumulation technique, and a full transient simulation of flux-metal interface behaviour under the influence of gravity and fluid inertial forces and bubble plume buoyancy. The unstructure mesh FV code PHYSICA developed at Greenwich was used for carry out the simulations with physical process data and properties supplied by IRSID SA.


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Cold crucible furnace is widely used for melting reactive metals for high quality castings. Although the water cooled copper crucible avoids contamination, it produces a low superheat of the melt. Experimental and theoretical investigations of the process showed that the increase of the supplied power to the furnace leads to a saturation in the temperature rise of the melt, and no significant increase of the melt superheat can be obtained. The computer model of theprocess has been developed to simulate the time dependent turbulent flow, heat transfer with phase change, and AC and DC magnetohydrodynamics in a time varying liquid metal envelope. The model predicts that the supermimposition of a strong DC field on top of the normal AC field reduces the level of turbulience and stirring in the liquid metal, thereby reducing the heat loss through the base of the crucible and increasing the superheat. The direct measurements of the temperature in the commercial size cold crucbile has confirmed the computer redictions and showed that the addition of a DC field increased the superheat in molten TiAl from ~45C (AC field only) to ~81C (DC+AC fields). The present paper reports further predictions of the effect of a dDC field on top of the AC field and compares these with experimental data.


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TiAl castings are prone to various defects including bubbles entrained during the turbulent filling of moulds. The present research has exploited the principles of the Durville tilt casting technique to develop a novel process in which the Induction Skull Melting (ISM) of TiAl alloys in a vacuum chamber has been combined with controlled tilt pouring to achieve the tranquil transfer of the metal into a hot ceramic shell mould. Practical casting equipment has been developed to evaluate the feasibility of this process in parallel with the development of novel software to simulate and optimize it. The PHYSICA CFD code was used to simulate the filling, heat transfer and solidification during tilt pouring using a number of free surface modelling techniques, including the novel Counter Diffusion Method (CDM). In view of the limited superheat, particular attention was paid to the mould design to minimize heat loss and gas entrainment caused by interaction between the counter-flowing metal and gas streams. The model has been validated against real-time X-ray movies of the tilt casting of aluminium and against TiAl blade castings. Modelling has contributed to designing a mould to promote progressive filling of the casting and has led to the use of a parabolic tilting cycle to balance the competing requirements for rapid filling to minimize the loss of superheat and slow filling minimize the turbulence-induced defects.


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In the troposphere, methanol (CH3OH) is present ubiquitously and second in abundance among organic gases after methane. In the surface ocean, methanol represents a supply of energy and carbon for marine microbes. Here we report direct measurements of air-sea methanol transfer along a similar to 10,000-km north-south transect of the Atlantic. The flux of methanol was consistently from the atmosphere to the ocean. Constrained by the aerodynamic limit and measured rate of air-sea sensible heat exchange, methanol transfer resembles a one-way depositional process, which suggests dissolved methanol concentrations near the water surface that are lower than what were measured at similar to 5 m depth, for reasons currently unknown. We estimate the global oceanic uptake of methanol and examine the lifetimes of this compound in the lower atmosphere and upper ocean with respect to gas exchange. We also constrain the molecular diffusional resistance above the ocean surface-an important term for improving air-sea gas exchange models.


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Shipboard measurements of eddy covariance dimethylsulfide (DMS) air–sea fluxes and seawater concentration were carried out in the North Atlantic bloom region in June/July 2011. Gas transfer coefficients (k660) show a linear dependence on mean horizontal wind speed at wind speeds up to 11 m s−1. At higher wind speeds the relationship between k660 and wind speed weakens. At high winds, measured DMS fluxes were lower than predicted based on the linear relationship between wind speed and interfacial stress extrapolated from low to intermediate wind speeds. In contrast, the transfer coefficient for sensible heat did not exhibit this effect. The apparent suppression of air–sea gas flux at higher wind speeds appears to be related to sea state, as determined from shipboard wave measurements. These observations are consistent with the idea that long waves suppress near-surface water-side turbulence, and decrease interfacial gas transfer. This effect may be more easily observed for DMS than for less soluble gases, such as CO2, because the air–sea exchange of DMS is controlled by interfacial rather than bubble-mediated gas transfer under high wind speed conditions.


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We present air-sea fluxes of oxygenated volatile organics compounds (OVOCs) quantified by eddy covariance (EC) during the Atlantic Meridional Transect cruise in 2012. Measurements of acetone, acetaldehyde, and methanol in air as well as in water were made in several different oceanic provinces and over a wide range of wind speeds (1-18 m s(-1)). The ocean appears to be a net sink for acetone in the higher latitudes of the North Atlantic but a source in the subtropics. In the South Atlantic, seawater acetone was near saturation relative to the atmosphere, resulting in essentially zero net flux. For acetaldehyde, the two-layer model predicts a small oceanic emission, which was not well resolved by the EC method. Chemical enhancement of air-sea acetaldehyde exchange due to aqueous hydration appears to be minor. The deposition velocity of methanol correlates linearly with the transfer velocity of sensible heat, confirming predominant airside control. We examine the relationships between the OVOC concentrations in air as well as in water, and quantify the gross emission and deposition fluxes of these gases.


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The air-sea fluxes of methanol and acetone were measured concurrently using a proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometer (PTR-MS) with the eddy covariance (EC) technique during the High Wind Gas Exchange Study (HiWinGS) in 2013. The seawater concentrations of these compounds were also measured twice daily with the same PTR-MS coupled to a membrane inlet. Dissolved concentrations near the surface ranged from 7 to 28 nM for methanol and from 3 to 9 nM for acetone. Both gases were consistently transported from the atmosphere to the ocean as a result of their low sea surface saturations. The largest influxes were observed in regions of high atmospheric concentrations and strong winds (up to 25 m s(-1)). Comparison of the total air-sea transfer velocity of these two gases (K-a), along with the in situ sensible heat transfer rate, allows us to constrain the individual gas transfer velocity in the air phase (k(a)) and water phase (k(w)). Among existing parameterizations, the scaling of k(a) from the COARE model is the most consistent with our observations. The k(w) we estimated is comparable to the tangential (shear driven) transfer velocity previously determined from measurements of dimethyl sulfide. Lastly, we estimate the wet deposition of methanol and acetone in our study region and evaluate the lifetimes of these compounds in the surface ocean and lower atmosphere with respect to total (dry plus wet) atmospheric deposition.


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A variety of data based on hydrographic measurements, satellite observations, reanalysis databases, and meteorological observations are used to explore the interannual variability and factors governing the deep water formation in the northern Red Sea. Historical and recent hydrographic data consistently indicate that the ventilation of the near-bottom layer in the Red Sea is a robust feature of the thermohaline circulation. Dense water capable to reach the bottom layers of the Red Sea can be regularly produced mostly inside the Gulfs of Aqaba and Suez. Occasionally, during colder than usual winters, deep water formation may also take place over coastal areas in the northernmost end of the open Red Sea just outside the Gulfs of Aqaba and Suez. However, the origin as well as the amount of deep waters exhibit considerable interannual variability depending not only on atmospheric forcing but also on the water circulation over the northern Red Sea. Analysis of several recent winters shows that the strength of the cyclonic gyre prevailing in the northernmost part of the basin can effectively influence the sea surface temperature (SST) and intensify or moderate the winter surface cooling. Upwelling associated with periods of persistent gyre circulation lowers the SST over the northernmost part of the Red Sea and can produce colder than normal winter SST even without extreme heat loss by the sea surface. In addition, the occasional persistence of the cyclonic gyre feeds the surface layers of the northern Red Sea with nutrients, considerably increasing the phytoplankton biomass.


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Small rodents with a large surf ace-area-to-volume ratio and a high thermal conductance are likely to experience conditions where they have to expend large: amounts of energy in order to maintain a constant body temperature at low ambient temperatures. The survival of small rodents is thus dependent on their ability to reduce heat loss and increase heat production at low ambient temperatures. Two such animals are the social subterranean rodents Cryptomys damarensis (the Damaraland mole-rat) and Cryptomys hottentotus natalensis (the Natal mole-rat). This study examined the energy savings associated with huddling as a behavioural thermoregulatory mechanism to conserve energy in both these species. Individual oxygen consumption (VO2) was measured in groups ranging in size from one to 15 huddling animals for both species at ambient temperatures of 14, 18, 22, 26 and 30 degrees C. Savings in energy (VO2) were then compared between the two species. Significant differences in VO2 (p


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Contemporary architecture has tended to increase envelope insulation levels in an unceasing effort to reduce U-values. Traditional masonry architecture in contrast was devoid of insulation, except for the inherent insulative nature of vernacular materials. Also the consistency of the outer membrane of the building skin diminished any impact due to bridging. In contemporary highly insulated walls bridges are numerous due to the necessity to bind inner and outer structural skins through insulation layers. This paper examines thermal bridging in an example of contemporary façade design and compares it with an example of traditional vernacular architecture currently being researched which is characterized by a lack of bridging elements. Focus is given to heavy weight materials of high thermal mass, which appropriately for passive architecture help moderate fluctuations in internal temperature. In an extensive experimental study samples of highly insulated precast concrete sandwich panels and lime rendered masonry walls are tested in a guarded hot-box. The building construction methods are compared for static and dynamic thermal transmittance, via heat flux and surface temperature differential measurements. Focus is given to the differential heat loss due to the thermal bridging in the sandwich panels and its associated impact on overall heat loss relative to traditional masonry construction.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica Perfil Energia, Refrigeração e Climatização


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Com a crescente sensibilização mundial relativa ao aquecimento global, provocado pela alta quantidade de emissão de gases com efeito de estufa, torna-se imperativa a redução de consumos de combustíveis fósseis e consecutivas emissões. Ao nível da construção civil, uma intervenção eficaz na prevenção de perdas de ar aquecido poderá levar a diminuições superiores a 50% na utilização de energia. Este trabalho pretende estudar a importância da eficiência energética nos edifícios, com especial enfoque na sua permeabilidade ao ar. O ensaio de porta ventiladora permite avaliar esta permeabilidade e identificar os locais onde se dão as infiltrações, nomeadamente com auxílio da câmara térmica. O principal objectivo é estudar a aplicação deste ensaio na legislação em desenvolvimento no âmbito da certificação energética, através da comparação dos resultados de quatro habitações distintas. Também ao nível da eficiência energética, será obtida a classe energética, segundo a legislação em vigor à corrente data em Portugal, de uma das habitaçãoes ensaiadas e propostas medidas de melhoria para o desempenho energético desta. Do estudo efectuado é destacado o facto de o valor de renovações horárias do ar interior de uma fracção ser sempre inferior quando obtido unicamente através da legislação em desenvolvimento, em comparação com a obtenção deste através da legislação com auxílio do ensaio da porta ventiladora, o que leva a um grande desincentivo na utilização deste.


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Em 2006, a IEA (Agência Internacional de Energia), publicou alguns estudos de consumos mundiais de energia. Naquela altura, apontava na fabricação de produtos, um consumo mundial de energia elétrica, de origem fóssil de cerca 86,16 EJ/ano (86,16×018 J) e um consumo de energia nos sistemas de vapor de 32,75 EJ/ano. Evidenciou também nesses estudos que o potencial de poupança de energia nos sistemas de vapor era de 3,27 EJ/ano. Ou seja, quase tanto como a energia consumida nos sistemas de vapor da U.E. Não se encontraram números relativamente a Portugal, mas comparativamente com outros Países publicitados com alguma similaridade, o consumo de energia em vapor rondará 0,2 EJ/ano e por conseguinte um potencial de poupança de cerca 0,02 EJ/ano, ou 5,6 × 106 MWh/ano ou uma potência de 646 MW, mais do que a potência de cinco barragens Crestuma/Lever! Trata-se efetivamente de muita energia; interessa por isso perceber o onde e o porquê deste desperdício. De um modo muito modesto, pretende-se com este trabalho dar algum contributo neste sentido. Procurou-se evidenciar as possibilidades reais de os utilizadores de vapor de água na indústria reduzirem os consumos de energia associados à sua produção. Não estão em causa as diferentes formas de energia para a geração de vapor, sejam de origem fóssil ou renovável; interessou neste trabalho estudar o modo de como é manuseado o vapor na sua função de transporte de energia térmica, e de como este poderá ser melhorado na sua eficiência de cedência de calor, idealmente com menor consumo de energia. Com efeito, de que servirá se se optou por substituir o tipo de queima para uma mais sustentável se a jusante se continuarem a verificarem desperdícios, descarga exagerada nas purgas das caldeiras com perda de calor associada, emissões permanentes de vapor para a atmosfera em tanques de condensado, perdas por válvulas nos vedantes, purgadores avariados abertos, pressão de vapor exageradamente alta atendendo às temperaturas necessárias, “layouts” do sistema de distribuição mal desenhados, inexistência de registos de produção e consumos de vapor, etc. A base de organização deste estudo foi o ciclo de vapor: produção, distribuição, consumo e recuperação de condensado. Pareceu importante incluir também o tratamento de água, atendendo às implicações na transferência de calor das superfícies com incrustações. Na produção de vapor, verifica-se que os maiores problemas de perda de energia têm a ver com a falta de controlo, no excesso de ar e purgas das caldeiras em exagero. Na distribuição de vapor aborda-se o dimensionamento das tubagens, necessidade de purgas a v montante das válvulas de controlo, a redução de pressão com válvulas redutoras tradicionais; será de destacar a experiência americana no uso de micro turbinas para a redução de pressão com produção simultânea de eletricidade. Em Portugal não se conhecem instalações com esta opção. Fabricantes da República Checa e Áustria, têm tido sucesso em algumas dezenas de instalações de redução de pressão em diversos países europeus (UK, Alemanha, R. Checa, França, etc.). Para determinação de consumos de vapor, para projeto ou mesmo para estimativa em máquinas existentes, disponibiliza-se uma série de equações para os casos mais comuns. Dá-se especial relevo ao problema que se verifica numa grande percentagem de permutadores de calor, que é a estagnação de condensado - “stalled conditions”. Tenta-se também evidenciar as vantagens da recuperação de vapor de flash (infelizmente de pouca tradição em Portugal), e a aplicação de termocompressores. Finalmente aborda-se o benchmarking e monitorização, quer dos custos de vapor quer dos consumos específicos dos produtos. Esta abordagem é algo ligeira, por manifesta falta de estudos publicados. Como trabalhos práticos, foram efetuados levantamentos a instalações de vapor em diversos sectores de atividades; 1. ISEP - Laboratório de Química. Porto, 2. Prio Energy - Fábrica de Biocombustíveis. Porto de Aveiro. 3. Inapal Plásticos. Componentes de Automóvel. Leça do Balio, 4. Malhas Sonix. Tinturaria Têxtil. Barcelos, 5. Uma instalação de cartão canelado e uma instalação de alimentos derivados de soja. Também se inclui um estudo comparativo de custos de vapor usado nos hospitais: quando produzido por geradores de vapor com queima de combustível e quando é produzido por pequenos geradores elétricos. Os resultados estão resumidos em tabelas e conclui-se que se o potencial de poupança se aproxima do referido no início deste trabalho.