965 resultados para sediment retention in reservoirs


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Accumulation rates of Mg, Al, Si, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, opal, and calcium carbonate have been calculated from their concentrations in samples from equatorial Deep Sea Drilling Project sites. Maps of element accumulation rates and of Q-mode factors derived from raw data indicate that the flux of trace metals to equatorial Pacific sediments has varied markedly through time and space in response to changes in the relative and absolute influence of several depositional influences: biogenic, detrital, authigenic, and hydrothermal sedimentation. Biologically derived material dominates the sediment of the equatorial Pacific. The distributions of Cu and Zn are most influenced by surface-water biological activity, but Ni, Al, Fe, and Mn are also incorporated into biological material. All of these elements have equatorial accumulation maxima similar to those of opal and calcium carbonate at times during the past 50 m.y. Detritus distributed by trade winds and equatorial surface circulation contributes Al, non-biogenic Si, Fe, and Mg to the region. Detrital sediment is most important in areas with a small supply of biogenic debris and low bulk-accumulation rates. Al accumulation generally increases toward the north and east, indicating its continental source and distribution by the northeast trade winds. Maxima in biological productivity during middle Eocene and latest Miocene to early Pliocene time and concomitant well-developed surface circulation contributed toward temporal maxima in the accumulation rates of Cu, Zn, Ni, and Al in sediments of those ages. Authigenic material is also important only where bulk-sediment accumulation rates are low. Ni, Cu, Zn, and sometimes Mn are associated with this sediment. Fe is almost entirely of hydrothermal origin. Mn is primarily hydrothermal, but some is probably scavenged from sea water by amorphous iron hydroxide floes along with other elements concentrated in hydrothermal sediments, Ni, Cu, and Zn. During the past 50 m.y. all of these elements accumulated over the East Pacific Rise at rates nearly an order of magnitude higher than those at non-rise-crest sites. In addition, factor analysis indicates that some of this material is carried substantial distances to the west of the rise crest. Accumulation rates of Fe in basal metalliferous sediments indicate that the hydrothermal activity that supplied amorphous Fe oxides to the East Pacific Rise areas was most intense during middle Eocene and late Miocene to early Pliocene time.


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We present new high-resolution N isotope records from the Gulf of Tehuantepec and the Nicaragua Basin spanning the last 50-70 ka. The Tehuantepec site is situated within the core of the north subtropical denitrification zone while the Nicaragua site is at the southern boundary. The d15N record from Nicaragua shows an 'Antarctic' timing similar to denitrification changes observed off Peru-Chile but is radically different from the northern records. We attribute this to the leakage of isotopically heavy nitrate from the South Pacific oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) into the Nicaragua Basin. The Nicaragua record leads the other eastern tropical North Pacific (ETNP) records by about 1000 years because denitrification peaks in the eastern tropical South Pacific (ETSP) before denitrification starts to increase in the Northern Hemisphere OMZ, i.e., during warming episodes in Antarctica. We find that the influence of the heavy nitrate leakage from the ETSP is still noticeable, although attenuated, in the Gulf of Tehuantepec record, particularly at the end of the Heinrich events, and tends to alter the recording of millennial timescale denitrification changes in the ETNP. This implies (1) that sedimentary d15N records from the southern parts of the ETNP cannot be used straightforwardly as a proxy for local denitrification and (2) that denitrification history in the ETNP, like in the Arabian Sea, is synchronous with Greenland temperature changes. These observations reinforce the conclusion that on millennial timescales during the last ice age, denitrification in the ETNP is strongly influenced by climatic variations that originated in the high-latitude North Atlantic region, while commensurate changes in Southern Ocean hydrography more directly, and slightly earlier, affected oxygen concentrations in the ETSP. Furthermore, the d15N records imply ongoing physical communication across the equator in the shallow subsurface continuously over the last 50-70 ka.


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We report down-core sedimentary Nd isotope (epsilon Nd) records from two South Atlantic sediment cores, MD02-2594 and GeoB3603-2, located on the western South African continental margin. The core sites are positioned downstream of the present-day flow path of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) and close to the Southern Ocean, which makes them suitable for reconstructing past variability in NADW circulation over the last glacial cycle. The Fe-Mn leachates epsilon Nd records show a coherent decreasing trend from glacial radiogenic values towards less radiogenic values during the Holocene. This trend is confirmed by epsilon Nd in fish debris and mixed planktonic foraminifera, albeit with an offset during the Holocene to lower values relative to the leachates, matching the present-day composition of NADW in the Cape Basin. We interpret the epsilon Nd changes as reflecting the glacial shoaling of Southern Ocean waters to shallower depths combined with the admixing of southward flowing Northern Component Water (NCW). A compilation of Atlantic epsilon Nd records reveals increasing radiogenic isotope signatures towards the south and with increasing depth. This signal is most prominent during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and of similar amplitude across the Atlantic basin, suggesting continuous deep water production in the North Atlantic and export to the South Atlantic and the Southern Ocean. The amplitude of the epsilon Nd change from the LGM to Holocene is largest in the southernmost cores, implying a greater sensitivity to the deglacial strengthening of NADW at these sites. This signal impacted most prominently the South Atlantic deep and bottom water layers that were particularly deprived of NCW during the LGM. The epsilon Nd variations correlate with changes in 231Pa/230Th ratios and benthic d13C across the deglacial transition. Together with the contrasting 231Pa/230Th: epsilon Nd pattern of the North and South Atlantic, this indicates a progressive reorganization of the AMOC to full strength during the Holocene.


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Seagrass meadows, one of the world's most important and productive coastal habitats, are threatened by a range of anthropogenic actions. Burial of seagrass plants due to coastal activities is one important anthropogenic pressure leading to the decline of local populations. In our study, we assessed the response of eelgrass Zostera marina to sediment burial from physiological, morphological, and population parameters. In a full factorial field experiment, burial level (5-20cm) and burial duration (4-16 weeks) were manipulated. Negative effects were visible even at the lowest burial level (5 cm) and shortest duration (4 weeks), with increasing effects over time and burial level. Buried seagrasses showed higher shoot mortality, delayed growth and flowering and lower carbohydrate storage. The observed effects will likely have an impact on next year's survival of buried plants. Our results have implications for the management of this important coastal plant.


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Two SST records based on Mg/Ca of G. ruber (pink) from the continental slope off West Africa at 15°N and 12°N shed new light on the thermal bipolar seesaw pattern in the northeastern tropical Atlantic during periods of reduced Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) associated with Heinrich stadials H1 to H6. The two records indicate that the latitudinal position of the bipolar seesaw's zero-anomaly line, between cooling in the North and warming in the South, gradually shifted southward from H6 to H1. A conceptual model is presented that aims to provide a physically consistent mechanism for the southward migration of the seesaw's fulcrum. The conceptual model suggests latitudinal movements of the Intertropical Convergence Zone, driven by a combination of orbital-forced changes in the meridional temperature gradient within the realm of the Hadley cell and the expansion of the Northern Hemisphere cryosphere, as a major factor.