940 resultados para salivary cortisol


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Background: Migraine is a distressing disorder that is often triggered by stress and poor sleep. Only one randomized controlled trial (RCT) has assessed the effects of massage therapy on migraine experiences, which yielded some promising findings. Purpose: An RCT was designed to replicate and extend the earlier findings using a larger sample, additional stress-related indicators, and assessments past the final session to identify longer-term effects of massage therapy on stress and migraine, experiences. Methods: Migraine sufferers (N = 47) who were randomly assigned to massage or control conditions completed daily assessments of migraine experiences and sleep patterns for 13 weeks. Massage participants attended weekly massage sessions during Weeks 5 to 10. State anxiety, heart rates, and salivary cortisol were assessed before and after the sessions. Perceived stress and coping efficacy were assessed at Weeks 4, 10, and 13. Results: Compared to control participants, massage participants exhibited greater improvements in migraine frequency and sleep quality during the intervention weeks and the 3 follow-up weeks. Trends for beneficial effects of massage therapy on perceived stress and coping efficacy were observed. During sessions, massage induced decreases in state anxiety, heart rate, and cortisol. Conclusions: The findings provide preliminary support for the utility of massage therapy as a nonpharmacologic treatment for individuals suffering from migraines.


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Kynurenine (KYN) is the first stable metabolite of the kynurenine pathway, which accounts for over 95% of tryptophan metabolism. Two previous studies by this research group reported elevated plasma KYN in Tourette syndrome (TS) patients when compared with age and sex matched controls and another study showed that KYN potentiated 5-HT2A-mediated head-shakes (HS) in rodents. These movements have been suggested to model tics in TS. This raised the questions how KYN acts in eliciting this response and whether it is an action of its own or of a further metabolite along the kynurenine pathway. In the liver, where most of the kynurenine pathway metabolism takes place under physiological conditions, the first and the rate limiting enzyme is tryptophan-dioxygenase (TDO) which can be induced by cortisol. In extrahepatic tissues the same step of the pathway is catalyzed by indoleamine-dioxygenase (IDO), which is induced by cytokines, predominantly interferon-y (INF-y). Plasma neopterin, which shows parallel increase with KYN following immune stimulation, was also found elevated in one of these studies positively correlating with KYN. In the present work animal studies suggested that KYN potentiates and quinolinic acid (QUINA) dose dependently inhibits the 5-HT2A-mediated HS response in mice. The potentiating effect seen with KYN was suggested to be an effect of KYN itself. Radioligand binding and phosphoinositide (PI) hydrolysis studies were done to explore the mechanisms by which kynurenine pathway metabolites could alter a 5-HT2A-receptor mediated response. None of the kynurenine pathway metabolites tested showed direct binding to 5-HT2A-receptors. PI hydrolysis studies with KYN and QUINA showed that KYN did not have any effect while QUINA inhibited 5-HT2A-mediated PI hydrolysis. Plasma cortisol determination in TS patients with elevated plasma KYN did not show elevated plasma cortisol levels, suggesting that the increase of plasma KYN in these TS patients is unlikely to be due to an increased TDO activity induced by increased cortisol. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is commonly associated with TS. Salivary cortisol detected in a group of children primarily affected with ADHD showed significantly lower salivary cortisol levels when compared with age and sex matched controls. Plasma tryptophan, KYN, neopterin, INF-y and KYN/tryptophan ratio and night-time urinary 6-sulphatoxymelatonin (aMT6s) excretion measured in a group of TS patients did not show any difference in their levels when compared with age and sex matched controls, but TS patients failed to show the expected positive correlation seen between plasma INF-y, neopterin and KYN and the negative correlation seen between plasma KYN and night-time urinary aMT6s excretion seen in healthy controls. The relevance of the kynurenine pathway, melatonin secretion and cortisol to Tourette Syndrome and associated conditions and the mechanism by which KYN and QUINA alter the 5-HT2A-receptor mediated HS response are discussed.


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The early stages of dieting to lose weight have been associated with neuro-psychological impairments. Previous work has not elucidated whether these impairments are a function solely of unsupported or supported dieting. Raised cortico-steroid levels have been implicated as a possible causal mechanism. Healthy, overweight, pre-menopausal women were randomised to one of three conditions in which they dieted either as part of a commercially available weight loss group, dieted without any group support or acted as non-dieting controls for 8 weeks. Testing occurred at baseline and at 1, 4 and 8 weeks post baseline. During each session, participants completed measures of simple reaction time, motor speed, vigilance, immediate verbal recall, visuo-spatial processing and (at Week 1 only) executive function. Cortisol levels were gathered at the beginning and 30 min into each test session, via saliva samples. Also, food intake was self-recorded prior to each session and fasting body weight and percentage body fat were measured at each session. Participants in the unsupported diet condition displayed poorer vigilance performance (p=0.001) and impaired executive planning function (p=0.013) (along with a marginally significant trend for poorer visual recall (p=0.089)) after 1 week of dieting. No such impairments were observed in the other two groups. In addition, the unsupported dieters experienced a significant rise in salivary cortisol levels after 1 week of dieting (p<0.001). Both dieting groups lost roughly the same amount of body mass (p=0.011) over the course of the 8 weeks of dieting, although only the unsupported dieters experienced a significant drop in percentage body fat over the course of dieting (p=0.016). The precise causal nature of the relationship between stress, cortisol, unsupported dieting and cognitive function is, however, uncertain and should be the focus of further research. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Cette thèse de doctorat s’intéresse à mieux comprendre, d’une part, ce qui influence la sécrétion de cortisol salivaire, et d’autre part, ce qui influence l’épuisement professionnel. Plusieurs objectifs en découlent. D’abord, elle vise à mieux cerner la contribution des conditions de l’organisation du travail (utilisation des compétences, autorité décisionnelle, demandes psychologiques, demandes physiques, horaire de travail irrégulier, nombre d’heures travaillées, soutien social des collègues, soutien social des superviseurs, insécurité d’emploi) sur la sécrétion de cortisol salivaire, ainsi que le rôle modérateur de certains traits de personnalité (extraversion, agréabilité, névrosisme, conscience, ouverture d’esprit, estime de soi, centre de contrôle) sur la relation entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail et la sécrétion de cortisol salivaire. Par ailleurs, cette thèse vise à établir la contribution des conditions de l’organisation du travail sur l’épuisement professionnel, ainsi que le rôle modérateur des traits de personnalité sur la relation entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail et l’épuisement professionnel. Finalement, cette thèse vise à vérifier si la sécrétion de cortisol salivaire joue un rôle médiateur sur la relation entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail et l’épuisement professionnel, ainsi qu’à identifier les effets de médiation modérés par les traits de personnalité sur la relation entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail et la sécrétion de cortisol salivaire. Ces objectifs sont inspirés de nombreuses limites observées dans la littérature, principalement l’intégration de déterminants à la fois biologiques, psychologiques et du travail dans la compréhension de l’épuisement professionnel. La thèse propose un modèle conceptuel qui tente de savoir comment ces différents stresseurs entraînent une dérégulation de la sécrétion de cortisol dans la salive des travailleurs. Ensuite, ce modèle conceptuel vise à voir si cette dérégulation s’associe à l’épuisement professionnel. Finalement, ce modèle conceptuel cherche à expliquer comment la personnalité peut influencer la manière dont ces variables sont reliées entre elles, c’est-à-dire de voir si la personnalité joue un rôle modérateur. Ce modèle découle de quatre théories particulières, notamment la perspective biologique de Selye (1936). Les travaux de Selye s’orientent sur l’étude de la réaction physiologique d’un organisme soumis à un stresseur. Dans ces circonstances, l’organisme est en perpétuel effort de maintien de son équilibre (homéostasie) et ne tolère que très peu de modifications à cet équilibre. En cas de modifications excessives, une réponse de stress est activée afin d’assurer l’adaptation en maintenant l’équilibre de base de l’organisme. Ensuite, le modèle conceptuel s’appuie sur le modèle de Lazarus et Folkman (1984) qui postule que la réponse de stress dépend plutôt de l’évaluation que font les individus de la situation stressante, et également sur le modèle de Pearlin (1999) qui postule que les individus exposés aux mêmes stresseurs ne sont pas nécessairement affectés de la même manière. Finalement, le modèle conceptuel de cette thèse s’appuie sur le modèle de Marchand (2004) qui postule que les réactions dépendent du décodage que font les acteurs des contraintes et ressources qui les affectent. Diverses hypothèses émergent de cette conceptualisation théorique. La première est que les conditions de l’organisation du travail contribuent directement aux variations de la sécrétion de cortisol salivaire. La deuxième est que les conditions de l’organisation du travail contribuent directement à l’épuisement professionnel. La troisième est que la sécrétion de cortisol salivaire médiatise la relation entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail et l’épuisement professionnel. La quatrième est que la relation entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail et la sécrétion de cortisol salivaire est modérée par les traits de personnalité. La cinquième est que la relation entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail, la sécrétion de cortisol salivaire et l’épuisement professionnel est modérée par les traits de personnalité. Des modèles de régression multiniveaux et des analyses de cheminement de causalité ont été effectués sur un échantillon de travailleurs canadiens provenant de l’étude SALVEO. Les résultats obtenus sont présentés sous forme de trois articles, soumis pour publication, lesquels constituent les chapitres 4 à 6 de cette thèse. Dans l’ensemble, le modèle intégrateur biopsychosocial proposé dans le cadre de cette thèse de doctorat permet de mieux saisir la complexité de l’épuisement professionnel qui trouve une explication biologique, organisationnelle et individuelle. Ce constat permet d’offrir une compréhension élargie et multiniveaux et assure l’avancement des connaissances sur une problématique préoccupante pour les organisations, la société ainsi que pour les travailleurs. Effectivement, la prise en compte des traits de personnalité et de la sécrétion du cortisol salivaire dans l’étude de l’épuisement professionnel assure une analyse intégrée et plus objective. Cette thèse conclue sur les implications de ces résultats pour la recherche, et sur les retombées qui en découlent pour les milieux de travail.


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Cette thèse de doctorat s’intéresse à mieux comprendre, d’une part, ce qui influence la sécrétion de cortisol salivaire, et d’autre part, ce qui influence l’épuisement professionnel. Plusieurs objectifs en découlent. D’abord, elle vise à mieux cerner la contribution des conditions de l’organisation du travail (utilisation des compétences, autorité décisionnelle, demandes psychologiques, demandes physiques, horaire de travail irrégulier, nombre d’heures travaillées, soutien social des collègues, soutien social des superviseurs, insécurité d’emploi) sur la sécrétion de cortisol salivaire, ainsi que le rôle modérateur de certains traits de personnalité (extraversion, agréabilité, névrosisme, conscience, ouverture d’esprit, estime de soi, centre de contrôle) sur la relation entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail et la sécrétion de cortisol salivaire. Par ailleurs, cette thèse vise à établir la contribution des conditions de l’organisation du travail sur l’épuisement professionnel, ainsi que le rôle modérateur des traits de personnalité sur la relation entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail et l’épuisement professionnel. Finalement, cette thèse vise à vérifier si la sécrétion de cortisol salivaire joue un rôle médiateur sur la relation entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail et l’épuisement professionnel, ainsi qu’à identifier les effets de médiation modérés par les traits de personnalité sur la relation entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail et la sécrétion de cortisol salivaire. Ces objectifs sont inspirés de nombreuses limites observées dans la littérature, principalement l’intégration de déterminants à la fois biologiques, psychologiques et du travail dans la compréhension de l’épuisement professionnel. La thèse propose un modèle conceptuel qui tente de savoir comment ces différents stresseurs entraînent une dérégulation de la sécrétion de cortisol dans la salive des travailleurs. Ensuite, ce modèle conceptuel vise à voir si cette dérégulation s’associe à l’épuisement professionnel. Finalement, ce modèle conceptuel cherche à expliquer comment la personnalité peut influencer la manière dont ces variables sont reliées entre elles, c’est-à-dire de voir si la personnalité joue un rôle modérateur. Ce modèle découle de quatre théories particulières, notamment la perspective biologique de Selye (1936). Les travaux de Selye s’orientent sur l’étude de la réaction physiologique d’un organisme soumis à un stresseur. Dans ces circonstances, l’organisme est en perpétuel effort de maintien de son équilibre (homéostasie) et ne tolère que très peu de modifications à cet équilibre. En cas de modifications excessives, une réponse de stress est activée afin d’assurer l’adaptation en maintenant l’équilibre de base de l’organisme. Ensuite, le modèle conceptuel s’appuie sur le modèle de Lazarus et Folkman (1984) qui postule que la réponse de stress dépend plutôt de l’évaluation que font les individus de la situation stressante, et également sur le modèle de Pearlin (1999) qui postule que les individus exposés aux mêmes stresseurs ne sont pas nécessairement affectés de la même manière. Finalement, le modèle conceptuel de cette thèse s’appuie sur le modèle de Marchand (2004) qui postule que les réactions dépendent du décodage que font les acteurs des contraintes et ressources qui les affectent. Diverses hypothèses émergent de cette conceptualisation théorique. La première est que les conditions de l’organisation du travail contribuent directement aux variations de la sécrétion de cortisol salivaire. La deuxième est que les conditions de l’organisation du travail contribuent directement à l’épuisement professionnel. La troisième est que la sécrétion de cortisol salivaire médiatise la relation entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail et l’épuisement professionnel. La quatrième est que la relation entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail et la sécrétion de cortisol salivaire est modérée par les traits de personnalité. La cinquième est que la relation entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail, la sécrétion de cortisol salivaire et l’épuisement professionnel est modérée par les traits de personnalité. Des modèles de régression multiniveaux et des analyses de cheminement de causalité ont été effectués sur un échantillon de travailleurs canadiens provenant de l’étude SALVEO. Les résultats obtenus sont présentés sous forme de trois articles, soumis pour publication, lesquels constituent les chapitres 4 à 6 de cette thèse. Dans l’ensemble, le modèle intégrateur biopsychosocial proposé dans le cadre de cette thèse de doctorat permet de mieux saisir la complexité de l’épuisement professionnel qui trouve une explication biologique, organisationnelle et individuelle. Ce constat permet d’offrir une compréhension élargie et multiniveaux et assure l’avancement des connaissances sur une problématique préoccupante pour les organisations, la société ainsi que pour les travailleurs. Effectivement, la prise en compte des traits de personnalité et de la sécrétion du cortisol salivaire dans l’étude de l’épuisement professionnel assure une analyse intégrée et plus objective. Cette thèse conclue sur les implications de ces résultats pour la recherche, et sur les retombées qui en découlent pour les milieux de travail.


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RATIONALE: Exercise has been shown to attenuate cigarette cravings during temporary smoking abstinence; however, the mechanisms of action are not clearly understood. OBJECTIVES: The objectives of the study were to compare the effects of three exercise intensities on desire to smoke and explore potential neurobiological mediators of desire to smoke. METHODS: Following overnight abstinence, 40 participants (25 males, 18-59 years) completed three 15 min sessions of light-, moderate-, or vigorous-intensity exercise on a cycle ergometer in a randomized crossover design. Ratings of desire to smoke were self-reported pre- and post-exercise and heart rate variability was measured throughout. Saliva and blood were analyzed for cortisol and noradrenaline in a sub-sample. RESULTS: Exercise influenced desire to smoke (F [2, 91] = 7.94, p < 0.01), with reductions greatest immediately after vigorous exercise. There were also significant time x exercise intensity interaction effects for heart rate variability and plasma noradrenaline (F [8, 72] = 2.23, p = 0.03), with a bias in noradrenaline occurring between light and vigorous conditions (adjusted mean difference [SE] = 2850 ng/ml [592], p < 0.01) at 5 min post-exercise. There was no interaction of time x exercise intensity for plasma and salivary cortisol levels. CONCLUSIONS: These findings support the use of vigorous exercise to reduce cigarette cravings, showing potential alterations in a noradrenergic marker.


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Background: Preclinical studies have identified certain probiotics as psychobiotics a live microorganisms with a potential mental health benefit. Lactobacillus rhamnosus (JB-1) has been shown to reduce stress-related behaviour, corticosterone release and alter central expression of GABA receptors in an anxious mouse strain. However, it is unclear if this single putative psychobiotic strain has psychotropic activity in humans. Consequently, we aimed to examine if these promising preclinical findings could be translated to healthy human volunteers. Objectives: To determine the impact of L. rhamnosus on stress-related behaviours, physiology, inflammatory response, cognitive performance and brain activity patterns in healthy male participants. An 8 week, randomized, placebo-controlled, cross-over design was employed. Twenty-nine healthy male volunteers participated. Participants completed self-report stress measures, cognitive assessments and resting electroencephalography (EEG). Plasma IL10, IL1β, IL6, IL8 and TNFα levels and whole blood Toll-like 4 (TLR-4) agonist-induced cytokine release were determined by multiplex ELISA. Salivary cortisol was determined by ELISA and subjective stress measures were assessed before, during and after a socially evaluated cold pressor test (SECPT). Results: There was no overall effect of probiotic treatment on measures of mood, anxiety, stress or sleep quality and no significant effect of probiotic over placebo on subjective stress measures, or the HPA response to the SECPT. Visuospatial memory performance, attention switching, rapid visual information processing, emotion recognition and associated EEG measures did not show improvement over placebo. No significant anti-inflammatory effects were seen as assessed by basal and stimulated cytokine levels. Conclusions: L. rhamnosus was not superior to placebo in modifying stress-related measures, HPA response, inflammation or cognitive performance in healthy male participants. These findings highlight the challenges associated with moving promising preclinical studies, conducted in an anxious mouse strain, to healthy human participants. Future interventional studies investigating the effect of this psychobiotic in populations with stress-related disorders are required.


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We aimed to analyse the effect of experience level in the psychophysiological response and specific fine motor skills of novel and expert parachute warfighters during a tactical combat parachute jump. We analysed blood oxygen saturation, heart rate, salivary cortisol, blood glucose, lactate and creatinkinase, leg strength, isometric hand-grip strength, cortical arousal, specific fine motor skills and cognitive anxiety, somatic anxiety and self-confident before and after a tactical combat parachute jump in 40 warfighters divided in two group, novel (n = 17) and expert group (n = 23). Novels presented a higher heart rate, lactate, cognitive anxiety, somatic anxiety and a lower self-confident than experts during the jump. We concluded that experience level has a direct effect on the psychophysiological response since novel paratroopers presented a higher psychophysiological response than compared to the expert ones, however this result neither affected the specific fine motor skills nor the muscle structure after a tactical combat parachute jump.


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Many studies investigating the relationship between hormones and competition have focused on athletic competition. The athletic setting enables r researchers to investigate the hormone-behaviour relationship in a relatively controlled environment. However, research to date has been based on observations made from single status contests and/or weekend tournaments and as such, does not provide a clear picture of an individual's average hormonal responses to both victory and defeat. In appreciation of this limitation, the current study tracked elite hockey players throughout a hockey season, measuring pre- and post-game salivary testosterone and Cortisol as well as psychological measures. I was interested in determining whether status outcome (win vs. loss) would influence an individual's testosterone and Cortisol responses to competition. Furthermore, I was also interested in assessing whether testosterone and Cortisol responses were specific to the competitive environment or whether similar hormonal responses would occur during non-competitive practice sessions. Last, I was interested in whether there were any differences in pre-game hormonal and psychological states depending on where the status contest was held: home versus away. The results indicated that game outcome moderated the testosterone responses to competition. That is, testosterone increased significantly more after a victory compared to a defeat. Furthermore, a loss of status produced significantly hreports, the players did not show an anticipatory rise in either Cortisol or testosterone prior to competition. In addition to the effects of status outcome on hormonal levels, it was also found that these hormonal responses were specific to competition. The athletes in the current study did not demonstrate any hormonal responses to the practice sessions. Last, there were significant differences in pre-game testosterone as well as in selfconfidence, cognitive, and somatic anxiety levels depending on the location at which the status contest took place. Pre-game testosterone and self-confidence levels were significantly higher prior to games played in the home venue. In contrast, pre-game somatic and cognitive anxiety levels were significantly higher prior to games played in the away venue. The current findings add to the developing literature on the relationship between hormones and competition. This was the first study to detect a moderating effect of status outcome on testosterone responses in a team sport. Furthermore, this was also the first study in humans to demonstrate that post-contest Cortisol levels were significantly higher after a loss of status. Last, the current study also adds to the sport psychology literature by demonstrating that pre-game psychological variables differ depending on where the status contest is being held: higher self-confidence at home and higher somatic and cognitive anxiety away. Taken together, the results from the current thesis may have important practical relevance to coaches, trainers and sport psychologists who are always trying to find ways to maximize performance. post-game Cortisol levels than did an increase in status. In contrast to previous


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Shiftwork-induced sleep deprivation and circadian disruption probably leads to an increase in the production of cytokines and dysregulation of innate immune system, respectively. This project aims evaluating changes in salivary IL-1 beta, cortisol, and melatonin in night workers. Method. Two day and three night healthy workers participated in this study. Sleep was evaluated by actimetry and activity protocols. Saliva was collected at waking and bedtime the last workday and the following two days-off and was analyzed by ELISA. Results. Neither sleep duration nor efficiency showed any association with salivary IL-1beta. IL-1beta levels were higher at waking than at bedtime during working days for all workers, but only one day and one night-worker maintained this pattern and hormone rhythms during days off. For this night worker, melatonin levels were shifted to daytime. A second one presented clear alterations in IL-1beta and hormone rhythms on days-off. Conclusions. Our preliminary results suggest that night work can disturb the variation pattern of salivary IL-1beta. No association of this variation with sleep was observed. It seems that disruption in hormone rhythms interfere with salivary IL-1beta production. IL-1beta production pattern seems to be maintained when rhythms are present, in spite of a shift in melatonin secretion.


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Background: Xanthine oxidase (XO) is a complex molybdeno-flavoprotein occurring with high activity in the milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) in all mammalian milk and is involved in the final stage of degradation of purine nucleotides. It catalyzes the sequential oxidation of hypoxanthine to xanthine and uric acid, accompanied by production of hydrogen peroxide and superoxide anion. Human saliva has been extensively described for its composition of proteins, electrolytes, cortisol, melatonin and some metabolites such as amino acids, but little is known about nucleotide metabolites. Method: Saliva was collected with swabs from babies; at full-term 1-4 days, 6-weeks, 6-months and 12-months. Unstimulated fasting (morning) saliva samples were collected directly from 77 adults. Breast milk was collected from 24 new mothers. Saliva was extracted from swabs and ultra-filtered. Nucleotide metabolites were analyzed by RP-HPLC with UV-photodiode array and ESI-MS/MS. XO activity was measured as peroxide production from hypoxanthine. Bacterial inhibition over time was assessed using CFU/mL or OD. Results: Median concentrations (μmol/L) of salivary nucleobases and nucleosides for neonates/6-weeks/6-months/12-months/adult respectively were: uracil 5.3/0.8/1.4/0.7/0.8, hypoxanthine 27/7.0/1.1/0.8/2.0, xanthine 19/7.0/2.0/2.0/2.0, adenosine 12/7.0/0.9/0.8/0.1, inosine 11/5.0/0.3/0.4/0.2, guanosine 7.0/6.0/0.5/0.4/0.1, uridine 12/0.8/0.3/0.9/0.4. Deoxynucleosides and dihydropyrimidines concentrations were essentially negligible. XO activity (Vmax:mean ± SD) in breast milk was 8.9 ± 6.2 μmol/min/L and endogenous peroxide was 27 ± 12 μmol/L; mixing breast milk with neonate saliva generated ~40 μmol/L peroxide,which inhibited Staphylococcus aureus. Conclusions: Salivary metabolites, particularly xanthine/hypoxanthine, are high in neonates, transitioning to low adult levels between 6-weeks to 6-months (p < 0.001). Peroxide occurs in breast milk and is boosted during suckling as an antibacterial system.


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In the present study, we assessed the effects of exercise intensity on salivary immunoglobulin A (s-IgA) and salivary lysozyme (s-Lys) and examined how these responses were associated with salivary markers of adrenal activation. Using a randomized design, 10 healthy active men participated in three experimental cycling trials: 50% maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), 75%VO2max, and an incremental test to exhaustion. The durations of the trials were the same as for a preliminary incremental test to exhaustion (22.3 min, sx = 0.8). Timed, unstimulated saliva samples were collected before exercise, immediately after exercise, and 1 h after exercise. In the incremental exhaustion trial, the secretion rates of both s-IgA and s-Lys were increased. An increase in s-Lys secretion rate was also observed at 75%VO2max. No significant changes in saliva flow rate were observed in any trial. Cycling at 75%VOmax and to exhaustion increased the secretion of alpha-amylase and chromogranin A immediately after exercise; higher cortisol values at 75%VO2max and in the incremental exhaustion trial compared with 50%VO2max were observed 1 h immediately after exercise only. These findings suggest that short-duration, high-intensity exercise increases the secretion rate of s-IgA and s-Lys despite no change in the saliva flow rate. These effects appear to be associated with changes in sympathetic activity and not the hypothalamic - pituitary - adrenal axis.


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Background: We have previously reported higher and more variable salivary morning cortisol in 13-year-old adolescents whose mothers were depressed in the postnatal period, compared with control group adolescents whose mothers did not develop postnatal depression (PND). This observation suggested a biological mechanism by which intrafamilial risk for depressive disorder may be transmitted. In the current article, we examined whether the cortisol disturbances observed at 13 years could predict depressive symptornatology in adolescents at 16 years of age. Methods: We measured self-reported depressive symptoms in 16-year-old adolescents who had (n = 48) or had not (n = 39) been exposed to postnatal maternal depression and examined their prediction by morning and evening cortisol indices obtained via 10 days of salivary collections at 13 years. Results: Elevated morning cortisol secretion at 13 years, and particularly the maximum level recorded over 10 days of collection, predicted elevated depressive symptoms at 16 years over and above 13-year depressive symptom levels and other possible confounding factors. Morning cortisol secretion mediated an association between maternal PND and symptornatology in 16-year-old offspring. Conclusions: Alterations in steroid secretion observed in association with maternal PND may provide a mechanism by which risk for depression is transmitted from mother to offspring.


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Stress response can be considered a consequence of psychological or physiological threats to the human organism. Elevated cortisol secretion represents a biological indicator of subjective stress. The extent of subjectively experienced stress depends on individual coping strategies or self-regulation skills. Because of their experience with competitive pressure, athletes might show less pronounced biological stress responses during stressful events compared to non-athletes. In the present study, the short version of the Berlin Intelligence Structure Test, a paper-pencil intelligence test, was used as an experimental stressor. Cortisol responses of 26 female Swiss elite athletes and 26 female non-athlete controls were compared. Salivary free cortisol responses were measured 15 minutes prior to, as well as immediately before and after psychometric testing. In both groups, a significant effect of time was found: High cortisol levels prior to testing decreased significantly during the testing session. Furthermore, athletes exhibited reliably lower cortisol levels than non-athlete controls. No significant interaction effects could be observed. The overall pattern of results supports the idea that elite athletes show a less pronounced cortisol-related stress response due to more efficient coping strategies.


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BACKGROUND The presence of social support has been associated with decreased stress responsiveness. Recent animal studies suggest that the neuropeptide oxytocin is implicated both in prosocial behavior and in the central nervous control of neuroendocrine responses to stress. This study was designed to determine the effects of social support and oxytocin on cortisol, mood, and anxiety responses to psychosocial stress in humans. METHODS In a placebo-controlled, double-blind study, 37 healthy men were exposed to the Trier Social Stress Test. All participants were randomly assigned to receive intranasal oxytocin (24 IU) or placebo 50 min before stress, and either social support from their best friend during the preparation period or no social support. RESULTS Salivary free cortisol levels were suppressed by social support in response to stress. Comparisons of pre- and poststress anxiety levels revealed an anxiolytic effect of oxytocin. More importantly, the combination of oxytocin and social support exhibited the lowest cortisol concentrations as well as increased calmness and decreased anxiety during stress. CONCLUSIONS Oxytocin seems to enhance the buffering effect of social support on stress responsiveness. These results concur with data from animal research suggesting an important role of oxytocin as an underlying biological mechanism for stress-protective effects of positive social interactions.