954 resultados para rigenerazione , riqualificazione, comfort, efficienza , sostenibilità, edilizia


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Natural ventilation is a sustainable solution to maintaining healthy and comfortable environmental conditions in buildings. However, the effective design, construction and operation of naturally ventilated buildings require a good understanding of complex airflow patterns caused by the buoyancy and wind effects.The work presented in this article employed a 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis in order to investigate environmental conditions and thermal comfort of the occupants of a highly-glazed naturally ventilated meeting room. This analysis was facilitated by the real-time field measurements performed in an operating building, and previously developed formal calibration methodology for reliable CFD models of indoor environments. Since, creating an accurate CFD model of an occupied space in a real-life scenario requires a high level of CFD expertise, trusted experimental data and an ability to interpret model input parameters; the calibration methodology guided towards a robust and reliable CFD model of the indoor environment. This calibrated CFD model was then used to investigate indoor environmental conditions and to evaluate thermal comfort indices for the occupants of the room. Thermal comfort expresses occupants' satisfaction with thermal environment in buildings by defining the range of indoor thermal environmental conditions acceptable to a majority of occupants. In this study, the thermal comfort analysis, supported by both field measurements and CFD simulation results, confirmed a satisfactory and optimal room operation in terms of thermal environment for the investigated real-life scenario. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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BACKGROUND: Anemia is considered a negative prognostic risk factor for survival in patients with myelofibrosis. Most patients with myelofibrosis are anemic, and 35-54 % present with anemia at diagnosis. Ruxolitinib, a potent inhibitor of Janus kinase (JAK) 1 and JAK2, was associated with an overall survival benefit and improvements in splenomegaly and patient-reported outcomes in patients with myelofibrosis in the two phase 3 COMFORT studies. Consistent with the ruxolitinib mechanism of action, anemia was a frequently reported adverse event. In clinical practice, anemia is sometimes managed with erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs). This post hoc analysis evaluated the safety and efficacy of concomitant ruxolitinib and ESA administration in patients enrolled in COMFORT-II, an open-label, phase 3 study comparing the efficacy and safety of ruxolitinib with best available therapy for treatment of myelofibrosis. Patients were randomized (2:1) to receive ruxolitinib 15 or 20 mg twice daily or best available therapy. Spleen volume was assessed by magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography scan.

RESULTS: Thirteen of 146 ruxolitinib-treated patients had concomitant ESA administration (+ESA). The median exposure to ruxolitinib was 114 weeks in the +ESA group and 111 weeks in the overall ruxolitinib arm; the median ruxolitinib dose intensity was 33 mg/day for each group. Six weeks before the first ESA administration, 10 of the 13 patients had grade 3/4 hemoglobin abnormalities. These had improved to grade 2 in 7 of the 13 patients by 6 weeks after the first ESA administration. The rate of packed red blood cell transfusions per month within 12 weeks before and after first ESA administration remained the same in 1 patient, decreased in 2 patients, and increased in 3 patients; 7 patients remained transfusion independent. Reductions in splenomegaly were observed in 69 % of evaluable patients (9/13) following first ESA administration.

CONCLUSIONS: Concomitant use of an ESA with ruxolitinib was well tolerated and did not affect the efficacy of ruxolitinib. Further investigations evaluating the effects of ESAs to alleviate anemia in ruxolitinib-treated patients are warranted (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier, NCT00934544; July 6, 2009).


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– Concern of the deterioration of indoor environmental quality as a result of energy efficient building design strategies is growing. Apprehensions of the effect of airtight, super insulated envelopes, the reduction of infiltration, and the reliance on mechanical systems to provide adequate ventilation (air supply) is promoting emerging new research in this field. The purpose of this paper is to present the results of an indoor air quality (IAQ) and thermal comfort investigation in UK energy efficient homes, through a case study investigation.

– The case study dwellings consisted of a row of six new-build homes which utilize mechanical ventilation with heat recovery (MVHR) systems, are built to an average airtightness of 2m3/m2/hr at 50 Pascal’s, and constructed without a central heating system. Physical IAQ measurements and occupant interviews were conducted during the summer and winter months over a 24-hour period, to gain information on occupant activities, perception of the interior environment, building-related health and building use.

– The results suggest inadequate IAQ and perceived thermal comfort, insufficient use of purge ventilation, presence of fungal growth, significant variances in heating patterns, occurrence of sick building syndrome symptoms and issues with the MVHR system.

Practical implications
– The findings will provide relevant data on the applicability of airtight, mechanically ventilated homes in a UK climate, with particular reference to IAQ.

– IAQ data of this nature is essentially lacking, particularly in the UK context. The findings will aid the development of effective sustainable design strategies that are appropriate to localized climatic conditions and sensitive to the health of building occupants.


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This study follows on from a research project that developed guidelines for the Universal Design (UD) of Dementia Friendly Dwellings for People with Dementia, their Families and Carers. Research findings point to the need for thermal environments that support people with dementia and do not provoke stress, agitation or anxiety. Using semi-structured interviews and qualitative analysis of people with dementia this paper aims to provide insight into the questions of appropriate thermal environments. The qualitative analysis is supported by example simulated indoor environment studies that investigate comfort in common thermal environment provision scenarios in the homes of people with dementia. This paper focuses on the thermal environment, its impact on people with dementia, its therapeutic value, and its role in encouraging engagement in every day activity.
Findings from the interviews emphasize that control over their own internal environment is a priority for people with dementia. A strong preference for naturally or passively conditioned environments over mechanical conditioning is evident. Preferences are expressed for naturally ventilated environments enabling occupant instigated air movement. Repeated emphasis is placed on familiar elements including the fire and hot water bottle. Little desire is expressed for information feedback or technological displays.


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This talk addresses the problem of controlling a heating ventilating and air conditioning system with the purpose of achieving a desired thermal comfort level and energy savings. The formulation uses the thermal comfort, assessed using the predicted mean vote (PMV) index, as a restriction and minimises the energy spent to comply with it. This results in the maintenance of thermal comfort and on the minimisation of energy, which in most operating conditions are conflicting goals requiring some sort of optimisation method to find appropriate solutions over time. In this work a discrete model based predictive control methodology is applied to the problem. It consists of three major components: the predictive models, implemented by radial basis function neural networks identifed by means of a multi-objective genetic algorithm [1]; the cost function that will be optimised to minimise energy consumption and provide adequate thermal comfort; and finally the optimisation method, in this case a discrete branch and bound approach. Each component will be described, with a special emphasis on a fast and accurate computation of the PMV indices [2]. Experimental results obtained within different rooms in a building of the University of Algarve will be presented, both in summer [3] and winter [4] conditions, demonstrating the feasibility and performance of the approach. Energy savings resulting from the application of the method are estimated to be greater than 50%.


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This paper is based on the authors’ experiences as e-learners on a MEd in Collaborative Networked Learning during 2000-2002. Although this course was delivered completely online, a strong sense of community developed early and continued as a key theme throughout the two years of the course. Our paper examines how this sense of community was facilitated and maintained, based on narrative analysis of our learning journals and personal recollections.


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Receipt to the Estate of the late J.A. Woodruff from Dr. John Comfort for medical services, Oct. 5, 1886.


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Cubicle should provide good resting comfort as well as clean udders. Dairy cows in cubicle houses often face a restrictive environment with regard to resting behaviour, whereas cleanliness may still be impaired. This study aimed to determine reliable behavioural measures regarding resting comfort applicable in on-farm welfare assessments. Furthermore, relationships between cubicle design, cow sizes, management factors and udder cleanliness (namely teats and teat tips) were investigated. Altogether 15 resting measures were examined in terms of feasibility, inter-observer reliability (IOR) and consistency of results per farm over time. They were recorded during three farm visits on farms in Germany and Austria with cubicle, deep litter and tie stall systems. Seven measures occurred to infrequently to allow reliable recording within a limited observation time. IOR was generally acceptable to excellent except for 'collisions during lying down', which only showed good IOR after improvement of the definition. Only three measures were acceptably repeatable over time: 'duration of lying down', 'percentage of collisions during lying down' and 'percentage of cows lying partly or completely outside lying area'. These measures were evaluated as suitable animal based welfare measures regarding resting behaviour in the framework of an on-farm welfare assessment protocol. The second part of the thesis comprises a cross-sectional study on resting comfort and cow cleanliness including 23 Holstein Friesian dairy herds with very low within-farm variation in cubicle measures. Height at withers, shoulder width and diagonal body length were measured in 79-100 % of the cows (herd size 30 to115 cows). Based on the 25 % largest animals, compliance with recommendations for cubicle measures was calculated. Cleanliness of different body parts, the udder, teats and teat tips was assessed for each cow in the herd prior to morning milking. No significant correlation was found between udder soiling and teat or teat tip soiling on herd level. The final model of a stepwise regression regarding the percentage of dirty teats per farm explained 58.5 % the variance and contained four factors. Teat dipping after milking which might be associated with an overall clean and accurate management style, deep bedded cubicles, increasing cubicle maintenance times and decreasing compliance concerning total cubicle length predicted lower teat soiling. The final model concerning teat tip soiling explained 46.0 % of the variance and contained three factors. Increasing litter height in the rear part of the cubicle and increased alley soiling which is difficult to explain, predicted for less soiled teat tips, whereas increasing compliance concerning resting length was associated with higher percentages of dirty teat tips. The dependent variable ‘duration of lying down’ was analysed using again stepwise regression. The final model explained 54.8 % of the total variance. Lying down duration was significantly shorter in deep bedded cubicles. Further explanatory though not significant factors in the model were neck-rail height, deep bedding or comfort mattresses versus concrete floor or rubber mats and clearance height of side partitions. In the attempt to create a more comprehensive lying down measure, another analysis was carried out with percentage of ‘impaired lying down’ (i.e. events exceeding 6.3 seconds, with collisions or being interrupted) as dependent variable. The explanatory value of this final model was 41.3 %. An increase in partition length, in compliance concerning cubicle width and the presence of straw within bedding predicted a lower proportion of impaired lying down. The effect of partition length is difficult to interpret, but partition length and height were positively correlated on the study farms, possibly leading to a bigger zone of clear space for pelvis freedom. No associations could be found between impaired lying down and teat or teat tip soiling. Altogether, in agreement with earlier studies it was found that cubicle dimensions in practice are often inadequate with regard to the body dimensions of the cows, leading to high proportions of impaired lying down behaviour, whereas teat cleanliness is still unsatisfactory. Connections between cleanliness and cow comfort are far from simplistic. Especially the relationship between cubicle characteristics and lying down behaviour apparently is very complex, so that it is difficult to identify single influential factors that are valid for all farm situations. However, based on the results of the present study the use of deep bedded cubicles can be recommended as well as improved management with special regard to cubicle and litter maintenance in order to achieve both better resting comfort and teat cleanliness.


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In the competitive aviation market as a result of the emergence of low cost carriers, charter airlines have had to reconsider their approach to service provision. Specifically, the reduction in service and comfort levels offered by the low cost airlines provides charter carriers with an opportunity to differentiate their product based on the quality of the offering. To consider this strategic option we employ an on-line choice experiment to examine consumer choices with respect to the bundle of services on offer when deciding to purchase a flight, With these data we use the Bayesian methods to estimate a mixed logit specification. Our results reveal that in principle passengers are willing to pay a relatively large amount for enhanced service quality. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.